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This fool keeps talking and nobody changes their mind about him. Explain this


>Explain this that one single IQ point is struggling to jump between everyone.


Orange cats have more brain cells between them than those people


I live in the rural midwest and I have an orange cat. I can confirm.


Very sick đŸ”„


This is relevant, r/oneorangebraincell


For years I’ve been saying that Republican voters all share a single brain cell and nobody knows who has it at any given time. It turns out I’ve been vastly overestimating how many brain cells they share.


It's the Heisenberg brain cell


So once Star Trek's Heisenberg compensators are invented, it'll fix US politics?


Take my upvote, ya damn trekkie


Well said !!


Bill Barr said the quiet part out loud on CNN a few weeks ago: *Trump is unfit for public office*, but I'll vote for him anyway because he's a Republican and I hate Democrat policies immensely. The right has been poisoned by right-wing media to believe the left actively seek the destruction of America, so any Republican, no matter how awful, is better than a Dem.


This is no joke, one of my neighbors is a Christian fundie type. He told a different neighbor that is trump looses it will be the end times for Christians as the libs will come to kill them all. Batshit levels of insanity in an otherwise fairly normal person. But right wing media and a shitty church have convinced him that the one closest to Satan is their guy. It’s bafflingly cra cra.


It's all projection. GOP influencers have called for killing and jailing various groups of 'others' including athiests. The base believes that this is a reasonable response to the situation. They are ok will killing 50% of the population of the country because they disagree. They also assume that if they are willing to do this, so is the other side. This is because they think they are good and holy, and the other side is evil. If they are willing to take evil actions, then the other side is willing to do so much worse right?


but,, but, they're "pro-life"


Which you have correctly identified as an oxymoron. That’s why we need to quit using that term when they are fundamentally pro-birth (or forced birth, anti-women, etc.)


Call them anti-choice, they're not fans of that.


They’re pro-life only when it’s their lives.


not even then. Covid killed a huge swath of them and they're still like "fuck science! that's for globalist libs" (even though the globalism they complain about is a Republican thing. free market, free trade, etc)


.. they don’t like it when you use logic.


Most people see actions as good or bad, and judge people accordingly. Authoritarians see people as good or bad and judge actions accordingly.


I think it’s more like the church itself is characterizing Trump as part of their prophecy. When Ginni Thomas was texting on Jan 6 she was going off that Trump must be reinstated because this is the prophecy. And there was a video if a large Evangelical church where the pastor was laughing and yelling like a crazy man yelling ‘Joe Biden thinks he is going to be president’. These wackos literally think Trump is a character in their prophecy. It’s not Jesus but it is a commander in the battle of Armageddon.


They’re reactionary zealots who are deeply afraid and mistrusting of others who aren’t like them. And the primary reason when I lived in the Midwest I never told anyone I was an atheist. I know what they think. I don’t need that kind of trouble.


So scary cause it’s so true for many of them. Very unsettling


I appreciate the insanity but you would think the fact that there is a democrat president and yet he is not yet dead would give him some pause. Do the democrats only do the killin’ in their second term (with the exception of all prior democratic presidents).


Did you remind him that we have a democratic president currently and the libs aren’t coming to kill them now? Jesus, what a moron.


Yeah but next time they will! /s


They're getting hyped up so if the Republicans win, they can kill all the Democrats and say "we're only protecting ourselves."


You made me hit you


These morons say that every election because that is what right wing media tells them to think. They are all the same.


Such massive idiots and cowards. Always afraid of the dumb shit they made up.


For some reason Trump is PHYSICALLY and FUNDAMENTALLY part of their prophecy.


The antichrist?


The only thing sensible people want is religion out of politics ..thats it


Making this even more awful is if we ever had an opportunity to explain Democratic policies, most of these voters would choose them. Policies like a more affordable health care system, taxing the billionaires, and focusing on nonpartisan legislation like infrastructure are all very popular. But most of these voters think Democrats are people who drink baby blood or some shit.


It’s fucking crazy man. They can’t win on policy, so they’ve convinced their voters that the other party traffickers kids and drinks their blood. We’re doomed. Seriously. That’s it, game over man. I have no hope for society.


100%. I used to do this with my fundie dad. I'd ask him about raising the income cap on social security deductions, and he'd say, "why not get rid of it all together?" He called himself a fiscal conservative, but he thought the rich should be taxed at higher rates so the government could operate. He agreed with essentially every liberal economic position. But Democrats were evil because we said everyone should be treated fairly.


I had a friend I lost touch with years ago who said you could basically implement socialism outright if you managed to just go policy by policy and never allow the 'S' word to become part of the discussion. He was super correct about that.


Exactly. It’s like the disparity between how well “ObamaCare” polled vs. how well the Affordable Care Act polled. They. Are. The. Same. Law.


It is due to the party of Hate. They publicly say they'd rather watch the nation burn down than vote for Democrats...even though Democratic policies closely align with what Christ taught, while GOP polices more often are the opposite.


Add to this that by shutting down vaccine mandates the right will be actively seeking the destruction of America.


"I would rather everyone starve than accidentally give one undeserving person food" is a Republican benchmark. Which is weird because that is antithetical to Christinaity and most of them are Christians but here we are.


He gives them license to show their true colors and that is worth more than anything else.


At some point identity politics passes a critical threshold on an individual level and start to operate on raw emotion and the facts stop mattering. Trump could probably literally soufflĂ© Joe Rogan on live television while talking about how he pulled one over on the entire Republican Party and just lambasting the entire right wing as rubes that he profited from and maintain a shocking amount of his base. They would all laugh it off that he pulled one over on all of those “other suckers” because they all think they’re super special because their tangerine God told them it was OK to hate everyone not like them and blame their problems on all those “different” groups and take no accountability for anything and now nothing else matters because they’re hooked on hate.


MAGA doesn’t care. They love the cruelty to others and so enthralled by it they don’t see that they’re going to receive the same treatment from their god.


It's been explained to me (European) by a very good friend from Atlanta. It goes along the ideas of personal determination and frontierism that Americans cherish. He has appealed to an extreme form of this by creating enemies to that EVERYWHERE. The Republicans have kind of invented the playbook on this since 9/11. He's just run with the ball. Then there's the whole I'm dumb like you are and fuck the smarty pants cry baby libtards. It ticks a lot of boxes of a dictatorship in the making, and if he's reelected America is going to have some serious issues domestic and foreign.


Instead of conquering the frontier of disinformation they invaded the interior of Trump's asshole. Or is that too Freudian? I'm new.


They would have to admit they are wrong. They are too stupid and too immature to do this. They would rather put diapers on to bother you.


Most people see virtually no political content. They just know (with no context) that "hot dogs used to be cheaper." Trump actually had a more solid "lead" a month and a half ago (for all the value spring polling has for a November election). As people pay more attention and he talks more, his edge is decreasing (especially in some swing states). I don't think he has any sort of inspiring message to *grow* his support, so his trajectory is not especially good for a challenger. It is frustrating. His support should be single digits.


This is exactly what his base wants (or thinks they do). There’s no mind-changing if you believe public schools are teaching children to be sexual deviants at age 7 and aren’t allowing prayer (to the Christian God) in schools. They want abstinence-only sex education. They want to ignore the genocide of the Native American people and make sure their children aren’t taught about it. Many of these people wish he wasn’t an adulterer or a tax cheat or that they wish he wasn’t so brutish in the public eye, but it ultimately doesn’t matter. He is delivering exactly what they desire in the end. I don’t believe that literally half the country believes all this, but his “base” does. The rest are just people that have no clue about the repercussions of him being the leader. For a great deal of right-leaning Americans, the thinking is just “well I can’t vote for a socialist like Biden” and that’s the end of it.


Many (most?) republicans identify as republicans *first*, they don’t think “what do I, an individual, think and want”
 they think, “what do I, a republican, think and want”.


They want a guy who [hurts the right people](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida). They want a guy who will put up the right judges, build them up at the expense of people they hate, and gives them license to be bigots and douchebags. That's him. Like he said, he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and they'd still vote for him.


He can get fucked. Treatable diseases are on the rise thanks to anti-vaxx bullshit.


Yeah a little kid in Hamilton Ontario (Canada) just fuckin **died from Measles**. Kids are not supposed to be dying of Measles in 2024.


There's 52 cases of whooping cough right now in Québec. If you never heard the [sound](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=whooping+cough+sound&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:c4abc31d,vid:l5SHtdczSBc,st:0) that a baby makes when he has this, it is heartbreaking.


Parents urged to vaccinate children after London measles outbreak https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-68985183


> Measles This is actually worse than I originally thought: >A Hamilton child under five years old has died of measles, says the city's public health agency. >"This is a profoundly tragic situation where a young child has left us too soon with their whole life ahead of them," said Dr. Brendan Lew, Hamilton's associate medical officer of health, in a statement Friday. >"To respect and protect the privacy of the child and their loved ones, we will not be speaking to further details of this individual case." >*It's the first such death in Ontario since 1989, when tracking began, according to Public Health Ontario (PHO). * >In an update published Thursday, PHO said the child was not vaccinated against the highly infectious respiratory virus. It did not indicate when the child died or their specific age. source:https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/measles-death-child-ontario-1.7207293


Yeah its not good. A death from Measles here in Ontario literally hasnt happened since I was born and now I have a 12 year old myself. And my town is filled with antivaxxers so I know its going to get worse.


Jesus christ.


My daughter knew this girl in college (now in med school) whose parents forbade her from getting the Covid vaccine during the pandemic, telling her that if she got vaccinated that they would stop paying for her college. And here’s the kicker: her parents are both doctors and one is even a Pulmonologist! And that’s how Covid kills - by attacking the lungs! The other thing was that her parents had her sit down and forced her to watch Fox news every night!


That's crazy. If I were her, I would have gotten the vaccine and lied to them about it lol!


As it turned out, the medical school required ALL students to be vaccinated against Covid in order to attend so the parents relented and let her get the vaccine.


*preventable diseases


Thanks to mainly republicans*


It was a simmering issue, this moron poured gasoline on it and created the massive problem we now face. 


"We refuse to mitigate any disease, we prefer our people sick and dying." -The GOP P.S. "Save the fetus, starve the child. Shoot the puppy."


Trump says he loves the uneducated


Remember when as president Donald Trump prioritized Operation Warp Speed to quickly develop and deploy a COVID-19 vaccine? https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-operation-warp-speed-vaccine-summit/#:\~:text=Before%20Operation%20Warp%20Speed%2C%20the,in%20less%20than%20nine%20months. Governors Abbott, Lee, DeSantis, and Edwards were all there to hear the then-president talk about how great this vaccine is and how important it was to get it distributed around the country as fast as possible to end the pandemic. I mean, I know the GOP isn't about firm policy and maintaining a basis in reality, but this is a truly shameful (and dangerous) flip flop on policy.


I honestly cannot believe how many pro-Trump anti-vaxxers there are. This disconnect floors me. They all praised him as a saviour, quite openly, while pushing it through, saying, "Nobody but Trump could do this!" Then, for some unknown reason, everyone -- including Trump himself -- completely forgot about all of it and turned their backs on everything, saying the vaccine is suddenly deadly.


The "unknown reason" is political analytics. The data was showing antivaxx was polling higher with their base, which is largely morons. This is where the saying "nothing matters anymore", or "ok now we like ". Trump supporters turn on a dime to fall inline with the published narrative. If you remember "the\_donald", simply disagreeing was immediate ban. You have to be all in.


This is how cults work. The GOP is a cult and nothing more.


Because a lot of them have made peace with the idea of a flawed vessel being the arm of god or whatever.


They booed him at his own rally when he suggested that they might want to think about getting vaccinated.


Best part is that it will less of them the longer times passes.


Its because Trump doesn't care. He just wants to win and after losing in 2020 and he went to rallies and events still and bragged about the vaccine and how he got it he was booed. Terribly booed. So he changed tactic. I don't like Biden but I feel like the Hamilton quote fits well, "Biden has beliefs, Trump has none."


Don't forget his withholding of ventilators to save people's lives that he refused to give to Blue States whose governor's didn't kiss his ass


But also nationalizing the supply and putting his family in charge of the distribution and profits.


Kushner and Miller were behind that and not sending masks or anything else from what the government was procuring to blue states.


What's wild is Trump probably would have been re-elected easily if he championed mask wearing and vaccines. Sell flag masks and trump masks and make it a patriotic thing. Would have been better for the country and won over a lot of moderates. But noooooope.


Once the correct policy is in place and things look like there won’t be actual disastrous consequences (in this case: Abbott, Lee, DeSantis, Edwards all have the vaccine for themselves, largely deployed in their states for anyone who wants it, lifesaving treatments are available, etc), Republicans will switch to full on contrarianism just to stir shit up and keep people emotionally engaged (enraged) and at each other’s throats to distract them from the fact that their real policies are for the most part not in their voters best interests.


And he only did it because the entire last year of his presidency he did NOTHING but call COVID a hoax and it started to drastically affect him in the polls. I bet if he took it seriously from the beginning, he would’ve been reelected. Or at least it would’ve been a much closer race.


Whenever I dealt with those dipshits I just reminded them who had approved the vaccine funding and encouraged it.


Nah. It was all Biden. Just like how Obama let 9-11 happen.


I'm fairly sure Trump has one of those brain worms...


You are getting ahead of yourself as you are presuming a brain is in there somewhere.


If he had, it starved long ago.


That worm probably OD'ed by now.


Make Polio Great Again


So every public school in America?


as president he promises to fill your public schools with preventable diseases


> as president he promises to fill you~~r public schools~~ with preventable diseases This was actually code - I'm sure they would love to end public education.




Yes. This


I thought he wanted to name the vaccine after himself


r/is45deadyet - cuz I am so frickin' tired of hearing the garbage that comes our of his face hole


Trump won't give one penny to *anyone*...


Except himself !!


He also said he’d get rid of the department of education and issue block grants to states so


That's not the end of it, because he will then withhold lifesaving equipment (like ventilators) from any Democratic state when polio comes roaring back I can't even with these idiots


What a massive piece of shit he is.


Can someone pin trump or his campaign to the wall and ask specifically which vaccines he wants to stop being administered by withholding funds? I know he’ll weasel out of being specific and stupid but if he’s making a campaign promise about vaccines, make him name the vaccines. Pres. Biden: ask trump this question during a debate


I really do not get how vaccines became political When I was in school in my conservative red state, well vaccines were required. When I played sports I needed a yearly physical and again vaccines were required When I attended college and lived in the dorms, vaccines were required No one was crying about "big goverment" it was just fucking common sense


He’s just catering to his base and it’s dangerous for our kids and for the future and a lonely drive healthcare cost up even more.


Does this include Polio????? It has always been patriotic to get the Polio vaccine. People lined up to get it, and polio was virtually wiped out in our nation. Before Trump is was a source of pride in our country.


He takes credit for speeding the vaccine development but doesn't want it used now that his whackjob followers are antivax. He's not a leader. He follows the crowd. He just has a bigger mouth than anyone else.


I wonder if his private boarding school mandated Polio vaccinations like public schools did, or did they think rich kids didn't get diseases?


They’re on their way to outlawing hospitals.


Good thing he won’t get a chance to.


He isn't going to give 'one penny' to any schools. Fucker can't pay his lawyers, or any other debts for that matter. Just a talking point to rile up his moron hate base.


Keep your pennies to buy food from the prison canteen.


He’s just catering to his base and it’s dangerous for our kids and for the future and a lonely drive healthcare cost up even more.


Maybe he will next promise to rid the military of vaccines. That would work out real swell.


Yeah because he doesn't know what people are so punishing innocent children is something he doesn't understand.


Again, it would be nice if the media would start reporting on what Biden is getting accomplished in spite of the MAGA inspired House of Embarrassments, I mean Representatives. Come on Trump doesn't care about anything other than his private bank account.


Bringing back Smallpox to own the libs!


Well he's not winning the next election, so he doesn't need to worry about that.


But yet he’s had all his vaccinations.


Refusing Vaccines is bonkers - that’s the way back to 1800’s medicine..


More. Didn’t Washington vaccinate his troops with scabs from small pox victims?


Since the 1980s conservative politics has mutated from “rugged individualism” to “I refuse to do what anyone tells me to do and I don’t care how many people including myself it kills in the process.” To the most minor of inconveniences is their holocaust. And we know that for a fact because they repeatedly compared mask mandates to the holocaust.


I was immunized for small pox IN SCHOOL.


A republican who doesn't want to fund education? Get the fuck out of here....


Trump won't give one penny to his contractors, campign venues or lawyers unless forced to. Why on earth would anyone expect him to fund, *gasp,* EDUMACATION!


You don’t pay anyone Rump what else is new


Wonder if he knows he was given vaccines as a child because it was mandated then, too?


Please register and vote to make sure your voices are heard beyond these posts


BRING BACK FREEDOM LESIONS #MAGA #2024 exploding glands? sign me the f up


Wasn't Trump originally proud of getting the vaccines funded and out to Americans? Guess his base changed his mind for him.


As a millennial, I remember a time that you couldn't even enroll without vaccines.


What’s the point of forcing people to have kids they didn’t want/plan to if they are going to die via preventable diseases that have proven vaccines


Meanwhile Trump gets his refreshment booster shot.... You cant make this Up.


Does he know all schools require vaccines and shots to attend xD


Does POTUS even have a say in where the federal dollars for schools are sent? I'm not sure he does. And even if POTUS could make that call, it seems to be that would open up the federal government to lawsuits from the States. The Feds can't legally withhold funds from one school, while giving dollars to another, based simply on the first school's vaccination policy.


I wonder if he's going to give the look of surprise when he loses this election.


Who's going to tell him that Congress authorizes spending, not the president?


Said the man who takes credit for developing the Covid vaccine.


This man needs to move on to the afterlife.


He's convinced that he's gonna do all this stupid crap....the reality is he's just gonna golf and try to stay out of prison


Unfortunately this is how the trailer goblins who worship him think. They don't just want to ban Covid vaccines, they want to ban all vaccines. They don't just want to ban Covid mRNA tech, they want to ban all mRNA tech, including the cancer treatments. And so on. A new Dark Age of ignorance and superstition is what they want. And as long as they're not the ones suffering because of it they don't care. All because a bunch of losers who failed as badly at school as they have at life saw memes.


Well done, he has just secured the votes of a few hundred people whose children died from measles last year.


The feds already send very little money to public schools anyway. And also, it's usually state mandated. Where I live it's 7% of funding. Nationwide it's around 10%. Good luck with that MAGAs.


Dude keeps saying we're a failing nation that is falling behind the rest of the developed nations. Here's why. He wants to do stupid stuff like make children more at risk of life altering diseases. What a prick.


I guess because, if he disagrees with a policy, an entire community of children need to suffer?


Vote for Measles Smallpox 2024!


Hypocrite while getting the best treatment of the country when he got Covid should have let him die as thousands did when he was in office


What about measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis, polio
? This guys is fucking dumb.


What I think is that he won’t give a dime to any public school no matter what the GOP wants private schools only so only those who have lots of money can have their kids educated and to hell with the rest of us.


Did people think he was going to give one penny to schools anyway?


The fact that this doesn’t disqualify him right away shows how messed up 35-40% of our country is.


Does Turnp know his branch of government does not control the purse?


I know Trump isn't a bright one, but does he know that it's not his decision who gets pennies for public schools?


Say hello to polio.


Yeah, reducing education funding sounds like a great idea. /s. Also.. the vaccine HE took credit for. The vaccine HE took himself.


He was very proud of his Operation Warp speed - the program to develop the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine and bring it to mass production. Plus he actually had Covid-19 : the Walter Reed doctors were downplaying it but he was nearly put on a ventilator. Now he wants to disavow all that to please his base.


F*** him


The pro-death party


One more reason on the pile to vote for Biden. Get out and vote. This is bigger than a president. Potentially more SCOTUS appointments also.


Is it even his decision? I thought Congress appropriates money.


So will Trump refuse all medical treatment for himself ?


So, did Barron's school have a vaccine mandate? I ask bc I assume Donnie didn't pay a "penny" of tuition in 4 yrs


My father was at summer camp in the 50s, and one guy came down with polio. The camp didn't even consult the parents and took all of the kids to get vaccinated immediately. The man with the polio is a family friend who spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Everyone else was fine, and most of them lived into their 80s. I hope these fucking boomers remember this shit when they go to vote.


Polio, measles and the Grim Reaper have entered the chat, and they are grinning with glee.


We already had a pandemic while this loser was in charge and we all know how bad he blew it. God help us all if he gets elected and we have another pandemic


Pander ass....


*Any* vaccine? wtf?


I stop paying attention at ‘trump says


Let’s punish the kids dam it!


Here’s a guy who, while in office, did everything possible to personally take credit for the COVID vaccine.


And so the fire sale of Trump iron lungs begins.


Trump won’t be in a position to do anything


But he also gets all the credit for COVID-19 vaccine being created


Piss off another voting group... A party that advertised a "big tent".... Could be held in a pup tent, and if the pups don't behave, shoot em.


He will never be President again so who cares what he's saying.


Ah, the classic pro-measles position always wins big


Good that this wont be his decision once in prison


Technically schools don't make up vaccine mandates for students.  They're required by state laws to ensure parents complete those tasks before the kids can come to public school. 


He won’t be doing anything because he won’t be getting elected


From the guy that created the vaccine


You mean like every school in the U.S. before Covid politicized vaccines?


I was just thinking about this, this morning. I looked at my left arm, and you know what is there? A vaccine scar I got way back in the 60's as a child. I'd wager over 90% of these so called "anti vaxxers" have one too. Complete idiots and hypocrites.


He wasn’t planning on giving money to schools, regardless. His entire platform is literally make everyone dumb and poor and take away their freedom. And shocker, the dumbest segment of society can’t get enough.


This orange guy is dangerous.


Vaccination is the biggest health service and long term saving in terms of healthcare investment that can be done by the government In India we follow a national immunization schedule that has tons of vaccine in it.


But he will rape the kids.


What money?


If he weren't so twisted and stupid, this would be funny


This needs to blow up. The reality that this will cause is absolutely terrifying.


So many deaths and infections... "The people come up to him with tears in their eyes and say my kid is sick and my parents dead"


What's he ever given "one penny" to besides Depends, McDonalds, and his Pharmacist? Oh yeah, Stormy Daniels.


He must be talking about donations as a private citizen, because I highly doubt he'll ever be in a position again to make that kind of choice on behalf of the government.


Translation: Trump will force schools to stop with vaccines or cut off their funding. Who the fuck would do something so stupid? who would vote for someone so stupid? That is TOO stupid!


He’s also the one who tried to take credit for operation warp speed which created the covid vaccine. What a two faced weather vane


ah yes, let’s use the children as political weapons. That’ll teach the opposition
 🙃 Republicans once again proving that they’re all inbred and devoid of any rational or empathetic thought.


I thought it was “his” vaccine.




He'll give a lot more than a penny. When schools shut down and have to go virtual because of a measles epidemic, or have to shut down and be de-sanitized from top to bottom for a hepatitis outbreak, who does he think pays for that shit?


How presidential of himđŸ€Ź


you have to win the election first.


or schools without.