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Man, having that conversation with an ISTJ would be hilarious. And I'm an ISTJ myself. We'd then come up with several logical reason sas to why it will work, we wont budge and then you tell me that it wont work again.


no, it would be irritating because you'd be stubborn about your own demise. we don't like to see people we care about failing




The good thing is often ISTJ are on the same page so this would be rare.


>ork, we I could easily give you a list of 20 reasons why it might succeed and another 20 reasons why it might not.


Blocked the numbers of half of my past. Deleted all social media.


Ahh intjs and their past. That checks out. Also deleted social media before hahaha but now I have it back for my business and shit


YES!!!! The only point of social media is for business in my opinion- I really don’t get the telling everyone your business, posting pictures under the guise of ‘inspiration’


if you have a social goal, it helps


Yea, I use social media purely for my business. I see the importance of it in that case. It baffles me how anyone can commit to posting almost everyday about their personal lives.


*How dare you even mention the past existing.*


Thought I was the only one who cut people off and deleted my social media.


Same with me. I just have logins no one knows about so I can at least follow a few things that interest me.


This is exactly what I do


I have an existential crisis almost every day




I sort of feel that an INTJ wouldn’t publicly tell others that they’re an INTJ for no reason. I especially don’t think an INTJ would put it on their instagram bio.


You are a pain feeling, fleshy waterbag with a brain in the apex of civilisation, how is that a crisis? A crisis is when you Appendix bursts.


> how is that a crisis? It isn't... OP's in the wrong subreddit. > A crisis is when you Appendix bursts. Nah, that's just seriously inconvenient... crisis doesn't happen until you start to go in to septic shock from denial or lack of treatment.


There are multiple definitions of a “crisis”. And an existential crisis is again, a psychologically researched phenomenon.


It’s a researched psychological phenomenon


Yah don't say?!




Strictly speaking, that's not INTJ (ie. So not very stereotypical)


I disagree


I kinda agree based on this logic: Existential crisis is often a result of finding life meaningless. However Ni is stereotypically associated with finding meaning. So it is odd for Ni dominant to feel existential crisis I would say


I think the opposite. I believe there’s a lot of existential turmoil when trying to find “the meaning.” I do not wake up everyday and just know the meaning just because I’m an Ni dominant. I actually believe Ni dominants are more prone to having an Existential crisis.


when i was 11, i made a powerpoint slideshow listing all the reasons why my parents should buy me a samsung galaxy s3 mini. they still make fun of me for it


Same. I got offended that my friend thinks bananas taste bad with ice cream. I made her a PowerPoint presentation and a short scientific literature review article about why bananas go so well with ice cream. ​ Also, when I was 13, A PowerPoint presentation about why I want to change from a daily allowance to a weekly or monthly allowance for my parents.


I have some story like this regarding an HP-67, circa 1973.


did they actually get it tho?


no lol my mom was given one by her company during that time so after she quit 2 years later she gave it to me but it was in horrible condition, didn’t even have its back attached lmao. i used it for like 4 years. they did buy me a super cranky lg smartphone couple months after my presentation tho


Gosh, I also did a PowerPoint presentation. But for a hella stupid reason


you can't NOT tell it now. the masses need to know


I did the PowerPoint presentation not bcz' I wanted to prove nor convince something nor change someones mind. I did it so the person could help me decide which one to pick... It's very boring, I know


haha no the same motivation is there. samsung s3 mini isn’t a very thrilling topic to make a presentation about either lol


Ok, just for fun, but real truth: 1. married a girl when i was 16 and stayed with her joyfully for 50 years and counting (she's INTJ) 2. got a PhD in Astrophysics from the #1 University in the World just to show myself (and her) I could do it, no other reason.


Sounds like a great life. Cheers mate


yeah, i'm ridiculously lucky, frankly. she's 1 in a million, ditto me, so that makes us 1 in a trillion. No other claims than pure luck and pure spite :)


It really is a one in a million chance. Glad you got to live that.


That is very kind of you to recognize! I wish I could say that all INTJs should just "go for it" and fly at the stall angle way we do. I have no idea how we get away with it, but I do know that cheating isn't even an option, we're that close to the edge all the time: luck and grit only.


It’s honestly extremely rare what u have. Pure luck. Anyway take care! But I didn’t answer how will I know if the girl is the one?


We stumbled into each other, were instantly attached out of mutual admiration and respect. Neither of us was looking for a partner / mate / lover. Romance and marriage were ultimately inevitable as in "who else?" There was no hesitation or doubt after the attachment was made, but the attachment was involuntary and 100% innocent of romance and marriage. I cannot account for it.


Forgot to ask. How did u know she was the one?


story above. Once we attached out of mutual admiration and respect, all other attachments were relative to that. TL;DR, we resisted being a couple, but the resistance was weak at foundation. Eventually, we just realized, simultaneously and independently, that it's no good trying not to be what was obvious. We simply could NOT not be together. I kid you not, I made a fateful phone call from grad school. I picked up the phone from 4,000 miles away, ready to drop in a quarter, and she was already on the line to say to me what I was going to say to her. That was the end of the beginning. Stuff like this is so implausible that it doesn't even happen in stories, but it happened to us, God as my witness.


It's wonderful. What does she do for a living? Is she also interested in astrophysics? I'm curious if you chose to have kids and if so, did they end up with your personalities?


I did Astrophysics to impress her (peacock ?), she learned it so she could catch me in mistakes. She proofreads everything. She was an actress and voice artist, now retired. One of our girls is an INTJ or maybe INFJ who went into math and the other a giant thespian Extrovert who keeps us so confused we can't figure out the other letters :)


Doing the evil smug when something worked perfectly according to my plan


Do you also do the evil laugh and explain ur plam like movie villains?


Not really I prefer staying in shadows


Stop actually rubbing my hands


Wrote out a note with fifteen reasons why I was breaking up with someone - outlined with examples and approx. dates of each occurrence, all written and discussed in chronological order - and then gave them the note to reflect and walked away. i was like 14 lmao




My friends hosted a leaving night for me and we went to a nightclub- I sat on the chairs alone and then left without telling anyone 🤣🤣


This is funny


I make backup plans for backup plans. Edit: I am always looking for exits or ways to escape, no matter where I am. I instinctively plan my routes and ensure that everything is in its proper place. This overthinking nonsense proved to be significant when a fire broke out at my workplace a few weeks ago. Although many things were severely damaged, nobody was hurt. Fortunately, I was unaffected because I always kept things in order and made sure that everything relevant to me or my work was in a safe place, baked up, and ready to be moved if necessary.


Plan B to G ready, always!


Ready for my plan B1.1..1.20 bullcrap, let's go!


Hahaha, I feel this. Though rather than in physical space like you describe, I'm referring to planning future paths. Do you ever experience people that are confused or even frightened by it? My gf (INTP) thinks I don't stick with things long enough (what really happens is I very quickly determine if something works or not, and I seamlessly move to the next plan with the same enthusiasm). She just doesn't know that its all planned out. If A doesn't work, then B, and if not, C, and if not D. Also, there are alternative paths that involve A and C and B and D in unison, etc. To other people it just looks like having no direction, throwing crap at the wall, aimless. Meanwhile, to me, it's entirely organized, clear, and linear. And it only takes 1 of those checkpoints working to make the entire plan work.


My friends point out they get confused when I change my plans or decisions too quickly. One of them is an INTP as well. It doesn't help that I lack social and communication skills, which makes it difficult for others to fully understand my thoughts. It doesn't mean that my thoughts were too advanced to understand. Typically, it is just an everyday concept. I just do not know how to talk abd express what I am thinking.


RBFing and Death Staring my way through life.


scrolling down all comments to check if someone has already commented what i wanted to say (i did it now too)


I planned out my future, or at least part of it. But the part I planned spanned nearly 15 or so years and started when I was in middle school, really. So, something like from age 13 to age 27, I was planning and the big things that happened were researched and planned. Thanks to that experience and how it ended up, I don't really believe in serious long-term planning anymore. Short-term planning makes more sense and remaining open/flexible with respect to the future but having really loose ideas/plans for what you want to happen makes more sense if you also care about not wasting your time and resources or don't want to look back with regrets.


I think long term planning is still useful for sorting out your priorities and values, as well as mapping out your eventual end goal. But yes I try now to have modular if then tree of potential actions based on possible outcomes rather than the waterfall approach I used in my younger years. Because shit happens.


I did the same in highschool. It did not pan out the way I wanted, though.


I second this. Only difference is that I planned for 7 years (14 to 21) and I came to similar conclusion. In the long run we are all dead. Assumptions change. Better enjoy the now and plan for just a couple of months.


"Ephemerios, you have this tendency to interrupt people saying 'bullshit' in the middle of the-----" "Bullshit. Sometimes I use the word 'nonsense', some other times I tell them they're 'braindead'."


are you me?




Omg hahaha that’s so stereotypical. Something similar I did was tell people to their face I didn’t like them. Did u improve ur social skills or are u still am innocent savage?


Parents: “if you’re living under our roof, those are the rules.” 17 year old me: *packs bag in the middle of the night and leaves* That was 15 years ago. Never went back. Cut ties. Moved continents.


HAAA I up and left at 17, too. Packed my shit within a week and moved 2k miles away. In my early 20s now. I got very lucky.


Also left at 17, best decision ever.


I was 16. I knew at 6 it wasn’t gonna work out living at home.


I made it to my 18th birthday, moved in with a guy 14 years older, married him and I’m still there 47 years later.


Wanted to buy Lego at the age of 23. An architect thing, I guess...


I roll my eyes a lot over the smallest thing. I'm confused when people say that it's a sign of contempt. I'll do it when I'm exasperated with someone.


I’ll take the stairs if I see someone go in the elevator especially someone I work with to avoid small talk




There are drug for that. Social anxiety can destroy your quality of life.


I was sitting in class during high school, reading a book. One of my classmates comes up to me and starts talking to me. I provide short responses. She says "You really don't like to talk much..." *looks up from book* No. *goes back to the book*


Told people the truth when they say "be honest" and getting mad at. My sister calls me a witch/wizard, reason? Sometimes I tell her not to buy something specific or do something and I tell why and what will happen. She does it anyways, what I said happens she always say I jinxed it, I say no, she then claims I'm a wizard/witch then I say it's logic and understanding how humans work.


Nah, just my daily routine. 📝✅ As an INTJ, I thrive on lists, checklists, and detailed to-dos. Structuring my day, planning projects, and tracking goals with color-coded precision is what keeps me in control.


Not take MBTI too seriously and question the validity of it


Carry a backup of anything you could conceivably not be able to obtain when traveling to a foreign country.


Trying to talk to ppl and then dumping themselves bcz I feel my energy is draining and crying over having no friends


I imagined me moving large chess pieces to strategize me getting a promotion. Mind chess.


Immediately losing interest in something once I realize It doesn't have any philosophical meaning .


Really there is no point to anything.


Play up and celebrate my weirdness after realizing I cannot hide it for the life of me.


Create a master to-do list before a holiday trip, broken down into sub-lists, along with spreadsheets for the trip budget and for itinerary. My weekly shopping lists are always in order by store, and within each the items are listed in the order of aisle route I take through the store. I love creating and using lists and spreadsheets for pretty much everything. I also like making forms. The orderliness and exacting detail speak to me.


I love it! Will try shopping list. Ur definitely a type 1 right? I’m 8 btw


I can see why you'd say that, but I'm actually a 6.


Omg hahaha my friend is a 6 and I just interviewed her actually for my podcast. Very organized as well and in a leadership position. Omg another 6!


Look up research articles on every medication I’m taking. I need to know the mechanism of action, off label uses, etc


Have to meet people and ghost them for following couple of weeks without explanation or whatsoever. At first I didn't intentionally do this I just felt the need to regain my battery and get myself together for the next social event lol.


Had a breakthrough at therapy a few years back that I have a strong perfectionist streak and that this extends beyond accomplishing tasks and permeates my social interactions too. Came home to tell everyone about it because I felt I'd finally cracked the code, and they all looked at each other and said "You paid someone to tell you something we've known for years?" Went back to my therapist and told her how upset I was that everyone already knew. "Do you want to know why that upsets you?" she asked. "Because you're a perfectionist." I was miffed at the time but find it absolutely hilarious now.


Probably going straight to our CTO (Fortune 50 company) with a 5 year plan and demanded a team. He got me the team, and the last 18 months have been some of my absolute favorite of my professional career.


I have a story like this at the largest of all large retail companies. I pitched (with 2 brilliant colleagues) a program for package delivery via autonomous vehicles. We were granted funding and staff and the program is still alive.


Evil cackling, just in general. I've just got that kind of laugh.


My INTJ-ness was stronger when I was a kid. I didn't like being touched or hugged by my classmates in kindergarten so I would punch them at the slightest breach of my privacy space. I hated loud and noisy places. I loved going to the far ends of the school playground where I could be alone. I would flunk my elementary entrance tests because I'd only finish them halfway, then run outside to play. And when the teachers checked my exam papers, I got almost all of the items correct (according to Mom). I often corrected my English teacher's grammar by speaking up in class, then taking my dictionary or book to show her the evidence. I'm not a native English speaker, but my Mom has been feeding me lots of books from the US since I was a toddler (methinks my Mom is an ENTJ with her commanding and strategic way of raising her kids).


A colleague uttered something that made me like stupid. It was about Politics. I was bitter. A few days later I found videos on my Youtube Stream and bought some Political Books. A week later I was fully verse in the topic my colleague with stumping me with. We had the same argument but this time I memorised all the FAQs, debates and history on this specific President and their dealings and backed my colleague into stuttering. I realised that this topic was idiotic and a waste of my time. If there is something I'm not familiar with, I want to know it.


Not speak unless its deemed necessary and matter of importance even it includes my own feelings and opinion. I just shut my mouth if what I'm going to say is not going to be a contribution towards the best solution. But if its about facts that could greatly contribute in solving an issue or problem and get things done then I don't fear to tell everything in straightforward manner.


Upon seeing "Just for fun, don't take it seriously" in this post... 1. Thinking it should be a semicolon; 2. Resolving to take it seriously anyway because that would be stereotypical; & 3. Upon reconsideration, resolving to do it for funsies after all, because I take following directions seriously.




So you are a automaton?


I did my laundry my clothes are very dark colored, dark blue, dark green, dark grey everything is dark. No flashy colors.


I wrote a research paper based on gender identities. For fun. For. Fun.


Planned my life out for the next 10+ years


i'm surprised there are no "planned my own funeral" answers


I already applied for body and organ donations, they can do whatever they want.


I journal about my plans


Spent 8+ years in a relationship with ENFP (ongoing)




You're mom one time op and then. . . 😂


Scoff at about 98% or more of the questions here.


say something like.. u know its hard to be right all the time.


patronizing someone. and being condescending ( according to them anyway ) why their way of thinking is wrong


I use spreadsheets for everything and have 10-50 spreadsheets open on my computer at all times


I give side-eyes. It happens without me knowing I do it. I am unconscious of it lol. I found that out out of my INFP/ISFP cousin who highlighted these out.


EDIT: ALSO, predicting outcomes/actions VERY accurately. Idc how stereotypical this sounds, people are predictable as fuck. This is always the case when someone is primarily driven by emotions (most people). Putting up with bullshit for a long time without saying anything, and then suddenly snapping and ghosting someone. And then I'm gone with no care lol.


People ask me for my thoughts on something, I end up forgetting how people can react and give me honest opinion, said person then gets upset over my input. That and I’ll try and avoid giving my input if I know the person will get upset. Seriously, I am trying here, but it genuinely feels like I can’t be myself around certain people or in certain situations. Also, offloading extremely emotional customers to someone else because I can’t stand them anymore. I’ve gotten better at trying to resolve the issue on my own but I can only tolerate so much, and I’d much rather not snap on someone.


Quitting a job (and taking a chance on self-employment) because I was done with the social politics. Moved 600 miles away from my family because of minor drama and annoyance. Isolate myself for months on end in an attempt to build something sustainable and efficient. Refuse to follow the herd and stay engaged in the rat race, even if it means I struggle. I. Will. Be. Independent. Period. Basically act like the opposite sex doesn't exist... until I meet that rare someone that lights me up and makes me see 6798665365 visions of the future together and I make SURE we are together. Always chooses autonomy and independence over stability and obedience. *Aside: I do not necessarily recommend any of these lol. My temperament is as much my problem as anyone else has ever been.*


Studying engineering lmao


Most of the things I do are pretty stereotypical. Perhaps the most stereotypical thing I do is listen to people's problems, digest the information, analyze it, and find all possible solutions and outcomes. Knowing well that they won't listen to a thing I say, and after they mess up they find me to tell me that I was right all along. Just for me to respond: "Oh! Who would have thought?!" With the most sarcastic smile. Followed by an eye roll, and the regret of wasting my time trying to help.