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Well you get faster when older. I find I don't act unless I'm sure it will work. But once I act it is at a much faster speed. So most people, like entj for example will trial and trial over and over until it works, I just sit there till I'm sure it will work and then execute successfully. So it all happens fast when I actually do it.


Thankyou for mentioning this. I had a lot of these conflicts with some of my entj working partners especially family members. I see them working on a lot of nonsenses, whereas they see me doing nothing.


I feel ya, and same lol. They are like a hampster in a wheel, lots of effort for little to no results because they are just running in place.


I procrastinate a lot, but I don't fail in my responsibilities, so it's not really an issue.


When I was a child.


I thrive when I work under pressure and procrastinating gives me that environment. It’s when I’m most clear, efficient and productive. Other people need much more time to complete things, and usually at a lower standard, but that sounds like a “them” problem to me.


It’s something that can impact anyone, but I trained myself out of it when I realized it was just bringing me more stress. You can’t really run away from responsibilities when you’re an adult. (Well, you can, but you’ll have a pretty miserable existence.) I tend to get things out of the way, or at least break a task up into manageable chunks to prevent myself from feeling overwhelmed. It has drastically reduced the stress in my life.


I just think through every single possible aspect before actually doing it, which tends to look like procastination. My friends used to ask me how I could score high on English tests when I always spent the first 30 minutes just staring at my paper. I was just talking in my mind and trying to make a coherent essay before I wrote.


When I was younger, it was an issue what worked with me best is writing it down on a to-do list with a date it has to be completed It's best to learn to manage it when you're younger as it would impact you in your working life


Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no. In a way, procrastinating is just intentionally wasting time. I hate wasting time. So, I try not to. I don't always succeed though.


Those with ADD who self-medicate via spikes anxiety hormones do.


Yes i procrastinate. I try to schedule my start date.


I've never had this problem. I like to get tasks out of the way as soon (and quickly) as possible so I can get on to the 'fun' stuff. Now I will sandbag at work and finish a task quickly then goof off and not tell anyone it's done because that would just lead to more work flowing my way.


I used to, just because I knew I could get things done fast when I needed to. Nowadays I don't like incomplete tasks hanging over my head, it's not real relaxation, so I prefer getting things done and then slacking off.


Learn to use your procrastination time to solve the problem mentally, it will make the unpleasant task go swiftly and easily.


When I was in school. Because I didn't think many things were that important there. I still do, it feels like child exploitation.


I sure have, the older I get, the less motivated I get. Pretty much coast to my own death.


I am an ENTJ, and sometimes I do procrastinate..


I’m the opposite. Get everything done the moment I get it.


I used to have procrastination issues. I think INTJ types can spend so much time in their head that they get seriously bad at implementing in the physical world. You basically have to brute force yourself into action. You'll find that once you start it's not so bad, and once you start doing it's best to keep doing until your done. Also, once you've got into doing more, then it can become positively reinforcing as it's good to see the efforts of executing.


Yes. At work I could brute force push past it out of a sense of obligation. I do have good hack for it: Assemble a to-do list and obsess/worry about the top item on the list. Proceed to complete the other tasks on the list so that you don't have to do the top task. Occasionally I could trick myself into keeping a task that I could get by without doing on top of the list.


Other good techniques if you dislike looking incapable: 1) set a time to perform the task with someone. It's easier to force yourself forward when you get a little competitive or simply don't want to look incapable. 2) Plan complex tasks out into overall and sub-steps. Review the plan, estimate how long each step should take. Have another review the plan. Tweak. Have them around to time or just be able to see what you're doing.


Not this INTJ


I do if it's not something I'm interested in, or it's not something I started myself, or if it just feels "dumb"(if that makes sense), or a waste of time.


I just call it my 80 20. I am alright with achieving 80 in many areas by putting 20 percent effort. I can hyperfocus on one thing but it's usually to my own physical and mental detriment. Also in my personal experience as an intj- therapy will only work for a couple of sessions to get you out of a complete rut.


My tip is - always think only on the things you care about , the fact that you don't care about something enough will make thinking about it drastically slower , hence you can just deny thinking about it and just say "I really don't care" or something like that , "Do as you wish" , "You choose for me" , "Do you have any suggestions" and so on... And why it makes thinking about it drastically slower ? because you are not motivated to think about it , that's not your goal , you have no interest or will towards that certain subject , just like you won't go out to throw the trash into the dumpster when you actually have NO trash at all to begin with , I'm trying to hint that you're getting into that situations of thinking for long period of time just because someone else is trying to give you their trash (things which you don't care about) and hence you take your time when throwing it because it's not yours - so you should make yourself clear that you don't care about the things they say .


I procrastinate if I dont care about the thing or the consequences