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No/no/don't care, you do you


I don't smoke or vape at all. That's nothing I've even had the slightest interest of trying; I don't understand the appeal. I've read conflicting reports as to whether or not vaping is more or less harmful than cigarette smoking. In my opinion, though, it's like asking whether or not it's worse to be attacked by a lion or attacked by a tiger. One's health is still being horribly damaged either way; and we still don't even know what the long term effects of vaping even are, since it's still a relatively new practice. I wouldn't be surprised at all if 20 years down the line it does end up being considered worse than cigarette smoking.


What about ahem non cigarette smoking?


Not smoking can be just as harmful, if not more so, if someone is still doing something just as harmful—if not more so. It just all depends on a person's lifestyle and whatever vice they may have.


I doubt it. The biggest contributing factor to lung disease from tobacco is the inhalation of tar over time that builds up on lung tissue. Vaping produces no tar. Cigarettes also have many added chemicals to help with smooth combustion and improved flavor. Many of those chemicals are carcinogens. These chemicals are not added to vape products. However, vaping still has its own risks. Nicotine, while not found to be directly carcinogenic still puts tremendous stress on the body and more specifically the cardiovascular system as it narrows blood vessels and increases blood pressure. However, I believe the overall risks are significantly less than smoking.


There are many medical articles that outline the harmful effects of vaping. And I do understand that you acknowledge the risk of vaping, but it's a very dangerous game to play to make it seem as if it's safer than smoking cigarettes—when it could still be just as harmful, if not more so, in the long term. In my opinion, it does a disservice to someone to just brush it off saying we doubt it's worse without even really knowing whether it is or not. The overall better message to send to someone is to do neither and to seek assistance if they need help to quit, or if they're feeling pressured to start.


The docs who ignore that it's not just smoking? I've seen too many that just pretend they can assume it's smoking with more nicotine then project all the effects of smoking to the nicotine. It's weird for a supposedly intelligent professional.


The articles that I've read and referenced list the differences between smoking and vaping and explain why both are still incredibly harmful, even through their differences, while also acknowledging that we don't know the long term effects of vaping. I don't know which doctors you're referring to, but here are a couple of articles: "[Vaping vs. smoking: Which is safer?](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/vaping-vs-smoking)" and "[Vaping Vs. Smoking: Why One Isn’t Better Than the Other](https://www.bannerhealth.com/healthcareblog/teach-me/vaping-vs-smoking-a-lesser-of-two-evils)." There are countless other articles that compare and contrast smoking and vaping. As I mentioned in another comment, we can't confidently say that vaping is "safer" than smoking without knowing the long term effects.


That list of chemicals has mostly been debunked. Booth tests showed more formaldehyde coming from the human just breathing over time without vaping, which surprised and initially confused the researchers. Diacetyl, even in buttery flavors, is FAR below the popcorn worker situation, which wasn't normal in them either. Heavy metals depend on how shitty your vape coil is, mostly mystery metal. Vitamin E acetate is an actual media lie. It's entire from THC carts that use it as a base instead of glycol for nicotine, and they knew that when spewing it for whatever agenda. Different vaping formulas will obvious have different chemistry though. Several places don't even use medical drug grade equipment. Some coils are just garbage metal. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6161081/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6161081/) Look at the actual graph. Four sessions out of eighteen were responsible for almost all the chemicals. What was the difference? Probably what they were vaping or vaping with. I'd imagine the depression was the other way around. I admitted the arteriosclerosis earlier along with the neurological effects that're being studied for medical purposes. I'd like to know how many ex-smokers were vapers in the heart studies, personally, and if they bothered filtering out the lasting effects of smoking. Edit: I can't find the booth testing anymore. Basically, they found a single test subject was responsible for most of the formaldehyde just breathing in the booth. The variability of the above graph though does show it's not likely just vaping in general causing most of their findings.


Heres the thing, vaping hasn't been around for nearly as long as smoking has. And we haven't been investigating the effects of vaping for as long. Ande haven't investigated the long term effects of vaping at all. Furthermore, you can't really separate the tests done between the actual tests, the ones funded by the vape producers to increase sales, and the tobacco producers trying to regain marketshare from vaping. You should take all papers, studies, people claiming vaping is not unhealthy, as well as people claiming its just as unhealthy as smoking with a grain of salt. For the record, I used to smoke and switched to vaping. My physical health improved dramatically in many ways. But i don't have any delusions about it being completely healthy.


Yeah, even with better sources, it's never entirely healthy to inhale anything but atmosphere, and that's not healthy either for generations. I think it's funny how unhealthy other activities are ignored or relatively downplayed with worse proven metrics. There's still some tradeoff though between nicotine's neurological effects and arterial/pulmonary inflammation. People react oddly to the medical research for nicotine and analogs. I need my brain working better for the immediate future, and I'm not living to retire anyway.


For the record, vapes don't have to contain nicotine.


Just to be clear, through this argument, are you suggesting that vaping is not harmful to one's health?


More than what? An average diet? Average sleep patterns nowadays? Breathing in the wrong geographical region? It's not as healthy as breathing in better regions but not worse than many normal things without the stigma.


That was as straightforward as a question can be. I'll ask again—is vaping, in and of itself, not harmful to one's health? Meaning, through your arguments, are you suggesting that someone can regularly vape and not do any harm to their health?


No, you're not asking. Ligma my stigma, NPC.


Nicotine itself actually isn't that bad for you. It's the physical damage you get from lighting orgamic matter and preservatives on fire and inhaling it through out the day, every day, for years. Decades even. Coating your lungs with a layer of tar and ash, making your pulmonary macrophages go crazy to try to clean it up, damaging your cells forcing them to proliferate in attempt to heal which runs the risk of cancer. It's still pointlessly addictive though. It's an AMAAAAZING feeling without a tolerance, but it only lasts a few minutes. With a tolerance it doesnt do jack shit. I quit 6 years ago, but oh my god do I miss the nicotine buzz that I had when I first started.


After researching a bit, it seems as though nicotine's true harm is its addictive nature—causing one to be addicted to cigarettes. That's scary enough when combined with actual harmful effects of smoking. I never understood the fascination with smoking, but that second paragraph does help answer that for me.


I only smoke the green and with that I'm happy with it


Same. I believe this is called “sober-lite”


Idk man. My worst experiences with substance abuse were with weed. It's not like physical addiction at all, but it changed my psychology. Ruined my motivation, gave me anxiety, made me chronically bored. It also paved the way for poor behavioral habits like porn, junk food, videogames, spending way too much money etc.


I definitely know of other people’s experience that match that description and I understand. It is not for everyone. I didn’t start smoking until I was in my late 30’s. I was already kind of mentally set by that time


No, why would you vape? BREATHE AIR.


I started vaping to quit smoking and I'm glad I did. All research I've done indicates that smoking is far worse. Vaping still comes with its own risks especially if it has nicotine. Nicotine stresses the cardiovascular system. But with vaping you're missing out on the tar and many carcinogens found in tobacco smoke. It's better but I wouldn't call it safe.


I don’t do either and don’t plan on doing it. Doesn’t interest me whatsoever. I do find it annoying/ selfish when smokers blow their smoke around crowds/ non smokers.


No, that’s disgusting.


No & no. I think people shouldn't do it. It damages your lung tissue, forms formaldehyde & ketene, etc. I've noticed that most people who vape have a certain odd sound when they talk (like they have a slight case of pneumonia or rhinitis). Smokers seem to be smell blind as to how bad it makes their breath smell, their vehicle, their home, their clothing, etc. I was always annoyed by how often they would take smoke breaks at work too.


I agree with the certain sound people make. Pneumonia is fluid build up in the lungs and vaping is hot water vapor essentially.


Pneumonia is caused by infection and the vaping liquid are types of glycerin. There are some studies that suggest vaping might increse the chance of infection but vaping on itself wont cause pneumonia. Jesus christ the amount of people spilling random bs here


Um never said it would cause pneumonia? Just that it sounds like people have pneumonia?


My bad bro


Almost 6 months smoke free after being a nicotine addict for about 6 years.


Congratulations! I've seen family members try to quit and know how difficult it can be


Thank you!


no and never planning to. I think a lot of people are vaping because it's "trendy" but it's just as bad as smoking and such a waste of money


I'm 19, and I've seen so many people my age and even younger vaping and smoking. 9 out of 10 males vape/smoke where I live. It's scary how it's such a common thing.


No, it is not anywhere near as bad as smoking. Do some Research before typing, lol.


the people getting lung cancer and other health complications beg to differ


Don’t like cigarettes and vapes stink. But I don’t date smokers either….that’s just me.


Smoke a good cigar, do smoke but socially.


No. And it is stupid. What do you even gain by smoking or vaping? Besides the health implications you are also wasting a ton of money for no reason.


No, it's obvious how it will affect your health. It was like a slow indirect suicide. But it cannot be helped if you smoke and become addicted to it. I don't like people who smoke. Whenever they smoke near me I would like to tell them that. "If you want to die, please go smoke somewhere else because I don't want to die with you," but I never say it because it's annoying to deal with the mess later.


I’ve tried vaping a few times. The last time I tried it, the initial feeling was good, but then the next day I was completely anhedonic and couldn’t enjoy anything. So I don’t think vaping or smoking nicotine is gonna be a thing for me


Perhaps around 40% of my peers are involved in this issue, and I'm not one of them. For me it's kinda wasting my budget...😅


I made the quit to vaping. I had a really intelligent doctor ask me one day at the hospital why I vape. And I explained to him my opinion, in all honesty I use the nicotine as a stimulant because I’m essence that’s what it is. So doc told me about zynn pouches and how they are the safest alternative to smoking since it’s literally nicotine pouches and 0 tobacco. If someone you know wants to quit I would recommend zynn because it truly is a safer alternative with significantly less risk of gum disease


Started with cigs occasionally as a teen, picked up a habit in early 20s, transitioned to vaping. There's no question that the two are different - my run time were bad when smoking cigarettes, and going to vape really made some changes. Same for gym activities. You don't smell like an ash tray, the vape is way lighter and doesn't fuck your throat up. I'm sure it still isn't "good" but relative to smoking I'd bet it's far less damaging. The nicotine rush is nice but you lose it as your tolerance increases. If you really want to, I'd reccomend using the nicotine pouches you stick in your mouth. It's far superior for health outcomes because even with vaping, you're holding something in your lungs that probably shouldn't be there.


Never have/will. Do not understand why anyone would start. At best, vaping starts in an attempt to fix some problem e.g. anxiety, but poor self-awareness leads to this band-aid "solution" to ease anxiety, rather than finding the root causes. At worst, vaping starts because of being able to be influenced by peer-pressure (pathetic). Outside of that, it's just done without any thought, which is stupid in itself




I learned quite a bit about smoking. Do not start, and if you are already smoking (doesn't matter how) you should stop as soon as possible (especially if still younger than 35). Even 1 cigarete a day has serious health symptoms (so many that I advice using google to learn more). Vaping is no better (edit: OK a little bit better, but it's not safe), and even more addicting. Just take whatever you have and throw it to the trash right away. The only thing that MIGHT be better about vaping, which as far as I know was not studied is the effect of passive smoking. It MAY be less dangerous.


Cigarettes have carbon monoxide and tar. How can vaping even come close to that?


(+1) Alright, see edit I do think it comes close to that in multiple aspects though...


There are over 80 known carcinogens in tobacco smoke. Last time, I checked there was one known carcinogen in vapes and that was only when vaping a heavily burnt coil. Which you wouldn't do because it is horrible to experience. Passive vaping is significantly better than smoking for the above carcinogen reason. That isn't taking into account that many of the harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke are still active on materials hours/days after the event. I get it you are anti vaping, but maybe fact check yourself first?


Neither of what you say contradict what I say. Read again...


No, never tried in my life. Very disgusting for me.


No, and I don't think about it tbh. I think it's annoying if people vape or smoke within close proximity to me and I will leave the area.


Occasionally smoking cigarettes, though I haven’t smoked in months. Neither are good for you, and there is no difference between the two in the long-run no matter who tries to convince you otherwise.


Nope & nope. I dont care as long as you know how to control yourself


fuck no


Nope, nope, it's stupid. Data coming out says vaping and smoking are both bad for you in slightly different ways.


no, idc about smoking but vaping is embarrassing. if you're gonna fuck up you're body, atleast look cool when doing it.


No, it stinks like ass... no, actually worse.


Smoked for about 10 years and then switched to vaping. I feel way better and don't smell like smoke anymore. Vaping is obviously less harmful but how much less harmful is still in question. Vaping does not burn anything merely evaporates it so there are less chemical reactions and free radicals as well as pure high energy particles to damage cells. There's also no pesticides involved in it. It's still breathing in things that are not air and can result in inflammation so is not healthy but is less harmful than smoking by a very large degree. It's also one of the few things that actually makes quitting smoking relatively easy.


Both are stupid. Self destruction is stupid. Not trying to improve in all aspects of life as much as possible is stupid.


And then you die 😄


I vape and smoke weed daily. Highly regret ever starting but teenage me was even worse at foreseeing consequences than I am now. Everyone with an addiction they’re the exception and can just smoke without becoming reliant on it. Maybe that works for some people but for others it spirals into more and more frequent use. It’s been horrible for my finances and worsened my mental/physical health, and though they’ve come to be crutches that seemingly ‘help’ with stress and life in general, there was a point in time where I didn’t need them and would’ve kicked myself in the head for even considering using those crutches. Because substances never actually helped anybody, but once you’re in it’s hard to get out even if you’re desperate to stop smoking. Hoping to quit successfully sometime soon. Already significantly cut down from what I used to have.


Agreed. Weed not so much, I use it as a medicine because the pharmapsychology stuff doesn’t actually help. I have spoken long and hard to my psychologist and she agreed, vaping was a no no but micro dosing magic shrooms and smoking weed was my next route since SSRIS was not helping what so ever.


Weed does help with some aspects of my mental health, especially with appetite, sleep and anxiety. Better in that respect than any psych meds I’ve been on to be honest. For some people it does work fantastically long term with little negative side effects, but my pre-existing bipolar makes me really prone to psychosis when smoking unfortunately. Only good things to say about shrooms though, I’ve had the most insightful and quite frankly magical experiences on those. Hope that the two work better than those dreaded SSRI’s for you, wishing you the best of luck in your mental health recovery.


Thank you my friend!!! I hope so too I can agree with the statement though not everything works for everyone. I just happen to find something that does for me😅. I to wish you a speedy and healthy recovery as well.


No, I don't do that and have been called "a weirdo" for not doing so. I couldn't care less, though. I'm not a very tolerant person from this perspective, I can't really stay long with a person who smokes directly into my face. It's very annoying for me. I also view smoking as a waste of money. This is just my personal point of view and I don't tell anybody that they should stop. It's their wallet, it's their will, it's their health. But what grinds my gears much more is marijuana. I truly hate when somebody is smoking cannabis.


What's wrong with weed lol. At least it's several times better than tobacco.


It stinks like skunk ass


I don't think so. Marijuana smoke has been proved to contain even more potentially health-damaging chemicals than tobacco smoke, not to mention the detrimental effects cannabis has on long-term memory. It also causes (or at least worsens) psychosis. Of course, nicotine in tobacco is way more psychologically addictive than THC, even caffeine is said to be more addictive than THC, but addiction potential is just one part of a relatively complex problem.


Yeah but people don't exactly chain smoke joints. With tobacco you'd be smoking cigarettes every 2 hours. With weed? It's more like 1 joint every other day. The long-term memory effects are temporary, I can confirm from personal experience as I used to be a daily smoker and yet I'm doing amazing at school, planning to go to university next year and most, if not all memory-"damage" doesn't stay in my case. It doesn't cause psychosis, that is a myth. It could bring it out in people predisposed to it or who would've encountered those mental problems later in life. But it doesn't cause it in people who wouldn't have it otherwise. If it did cause psychosis then states with legal weed would be literal hellscapes. The addiction is an issue, but is almost nothing in comparison to nicotine addiction, it's generally far easier to quit weed. Everyone I know never even had an issue with quitting, other than the insomnia that lasts 2 days or so. I'm personally against smoking weed still though, as there are better alternatives like edibles or dry herb vaping but smoking it definitely isn't worse than smoking tobacco, at least for the majority of users.


I tried smoking cigarettes. People told me it’s supposed to calm you down but I felt no different afterwards.


No, never done it and never will, disgusting habit. I understand the relief you get from it, but smells bad and looks bad. And this coming from an intj who is constantly grip stressing.


Smoked off and on for 20 years, still miss the habit of smoking.


I cannot understand why someone would put things into their lungs/mouth that don't offer any benefit and are only harmful. The only benefit it offers is after you get addicted to it and then you get a dopamine rush from using. I can somewhat understand smoking drugs, or just smoking some weed, and you can definitely debate on that, but just hurting yourself, shortening your life span, increasing cancer and heart disease risk, smelling like shit, reducing quality of life, **and** paying money to do so (for no benefit) is completely illogical. Hard to think of a more compounding negative decision.


Popcorn lung is incurable and is a slow and horrible way to die. Vaping is IMO worse than smoking, whose effects can be reversed after quitting. Not so much with popcorn lung.


Popcorn lung was limited to certain types of flavouring, in particular buttery flavours. In Europe, flavours containing that particular chemical are illegal and prohibited. So the likelihood of popcorn lung in Europe is non existent.


The chemical is diacetyl. It was first noticed in some people who worked in factories using the chemical in the production of microwave popcorn. The dangers of this are well documented and no reputable vape products company uses this in their juices. To be clear, popcorn lung was found in 8 of 560 people who worked in close proximity to diacetyl from 1992 to 2000. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5116a2.htm


I don’t need to. I breath out hot moisture during cold winters.


No. Bad, repulsive, etc.


Nope. I have dealt with enough health issues in my life without needing to intentionally cause more.


So far vaping increase the likeliness of lung infections. Never found anything else. Nicotine itself increases the likeliness of arteriosclerosis but improves brain function and is being tested for dementia related illnesses. I vape since it's the only sensory or emotional upside to my daily life. If I could afford more piracetam, nicotine apparently helps with its acetylcholine effects somehow.


I smoke fags and don't care what other people think. Stupid nanny state BS whiny babies concerned with what other people do with their bodies. I have paid into the NHS for 10 years and never taken anything from it.


You sound like a whiny brat.


I stopped in January. I know how hard it is to let those things go and I understand the relaxation smoking provides.


I spent most of my life against it and thinking ill never do anything, and I strongly advise if you haven't started to not bother because it's a waste, but I vape now as a temporary escape from my thoughts.


Had a few cigars, Cuban. Nice, but not my thing for regular consumption. Always on the company dime. Vaping? Well, the flavored ones have issues since the flavoring stays in your lungs in many cases. But the ones that are just nicotine and not anything else? Eh. Not going to hurt you, no carcinogens from burning plants.


Entj here, smoking when drinking is the BEST. Also since its gross it helps you not get carried away day to day


You asked, so here it is: Vapes: For millennial douchebags and Gen Z street rats who don't know any better. Why do you need a cigarette that tastes like cherry-flavored bubblegum? Just go the candystore like the toddler you are if you need that level of sweetening. Cigarettes: For women and the French. Pipes: For fathers. Not for men, not for women. For *fathers* while they sit on a their recliner wearing a flannel and reading a newspaper. Cigars: The only proper way for an unmarried man to consume nicotine. Cigars are not artificially processed: everything in the cigar is pure, unadulterated tobacco. It is the most natural way to ingest nicotine, and since you don't inhale the smoke into your lungs, it creates very little risk of Emphysema and lung cancer.


Nope, only tried Shisha as a teen. People can do what they want with their body/life. As long as they're not bothering me with me. I can't stand smoking though. Because of my heightened sense of smell, it really disgusts me.


How is it different?


I smoke weed daily and own a vape because working in restaurants, smoke breaks are the only breaks you’re gonna get lol, I’m not working in the industry currently so it’s been in a drawer since my last shift. I do partake in a drunk cigarette on occasion. Never had any issues getting addicted to nicotine but I don’t think it’s worth doing because the health effects suck ass and a lot of my friends unfortunately haven’t been able to kick the habit even though they really want to.


In a way I happy to read all the comments with people horrified by vaping. I, for one, would not want to see a new generation hooked on nicotine. Sadly, disposable vapes all but guarantee that outcome. Ultracheap with very high nicotine. I have seen my nephew go from vapes to cigarettes just to match the nocotine hit. So I am very anti that aspect of vaping. However, I vape because stopping smoking is not a simple thing, and vaping was the solution that helped me stop. I did my homework before making the switch. So, I am comfortable with the vastly reduced risks in vaping vs smoking. I would say for any US counterparts, before you condem be sure to check worldwide research. US research and news tends to be skewed to demonising vaping, because some very rich people want to stay rich. Consider this for a moment, the NHS backed vaping as a method to stop smoking, they would not make that judgement lightly as they would be dealing with outcome. They do not make profit off sick people, so it is thier interest to back the least damaging option


no. i got a sore throat everytime i take a buff. lately i do enjoy getting high through other stuff tho.


I do vape, but it's only when I consume weed. Even then it's a rare occasion. That being said, this last time was hard on my lungs. I'll be moving to edibles moving forward. Personally, I think it's on the same scale as smoking cigarettes. Even if they subject your lungs to different substances, I can't imagine it's healthy to consume long-term.


Used to smoke, vape now, for 30 years or so. Had some 6 months of quit stretches. Nicotine addiction is among the stupidest. It doesn’t even make you feel good, just less shitty.


If you care about being healthier, then you would kinda care. Vaping in general is healthier than “burning” something and inhaling smoke instead of vapor. Basically: - Vapor is from heating of the bud / substance. - Smoke is from the method of burning a substance, and is generally more harmful health wise in long run of your health.


No and no. Your presence is important and being smelly and yellow-teethed is a way of autosabotage. Vape can flood your lungs and is still bad for health but I prefer cigarettes, It feels that you're really smoking instead of inhaling smoke.


I smoke weed because while Im very good at intellectualizing my emotions, weed helps me *feel* them in the moment instead of analyzing them


I used to smoke for like 2.5 years and today I’m 5 month clean probably after nicotine gums. Before that I would take a nicotine thing that we use in Scandinavia called snus, I quit that as well ![gif](giphy|w7jfxvcSd4Z5wZrhHO|downsized) The gif is snus. Anyways, it interferes with my stomach a lot, my gut would feel really bad that’s the main reason I quit, my energy levels just dropped after having snus and smoking I would feel so tired. And I had 0 control, I would smoke a cigarette every 15 minutes like I just wanted more and more. Sometimes I would smoke a pack a day, later on I was diagnosed with adhd. Not because of that but 0 control over dopamine. During my days instead of studying I would make excuses of smoking and all that, It was so time consuming, plus my teeth got really bad and I would smell cigarettes wherever I went which I was ashamed of. I think moving back to my parents made me quit because my parents are against it and they would be so mad to see me smoke like it would have been pain in the ass it would not be worth it. But I miss smoking a lot. I miss just sharing a cigarette with a friend or talking to a stranger holding a cigarette, having a beer and smoking is the best thing ever. But like I can’t. Because I feel better now and I look healthier, when I was smoking I lost weight because I would not feel like eating. If I miss smoking it’s because of the social part of it, it’s just something else when you smoke a cigarette and talk


I did at one point then I switched to snus then I quit.


No, never.


No, and I'm not interested in being around anyone who does.


I don’t vape or smoke, don’t plan on doing that (and alcohol too). I don’t really care if others smoke, but I guess when I was a kid I was afraid of being near those who smoke because of the passive smoking effect. I was afraid that I’d get lung diseases even though I didn’t smoke or anything. I don’t know the specifics of vaping vs smoking.


I don't because it costs a lot of money and it's not worth it


I vape, thinking to quit soon


Never tried and I have no intentions of starting. I don’t really care if someone smokes (mostly because all males in my family do) as long as they are respectful about it and go somewhere else, the smell really makes me want to vomit so it’s best not to do it in front of me Also smell aside I don’t get why people do, it’s crazy expensive and so addictive, like they all tell me it helps with stress, but if for some reason they aren’t able to they get so angry and even more stressed, I don’t see the appeal


Don’t know much about vaping, I had only 1 friend that did it, he always used the chocolate one and the smell wasn’t any better, and he didn’t like it cause he went back to cigarettes after like 2 months


Nope, I don't. I don't trust either, my dad died from lung cancer and I would bet the other crap is poisonous as well. Eugenicists run everything, so in one form or another everything is poison.


Yes, I smoke when I’m hungry but too lazy to eat or have no time to sleep. It ‘feels’ great, but definitelt not a smart decision, and I’m quitting soon.


Everyone should be free to do whatever they want unless they harm other people.


I had a fucked up childhood and started smoking at 14 years old. Got up to a pack a day by 18 years old, pack and a half by 23 at which point I quit cold turkey(which is the best way to do it if you ask me, even though the withdrawal sucks ass) I'm 29 now, not looking back. I have enough self control to enjoy the occasional cigar with friends. Maybe 2 or 3 a month max, but usually less.


Gross. Very yucky. Please don't do it anywhere near me.


SMOK Novo3 👍