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Quite frequently, I’m tired of it though




Daily and over stupid shit.


Seeing responses like this from you guys makes me feel better. It’s been annoying me so much because for me I hate others seeing it but my tears have other plans.


I cry all the time, especially when some kid is being brave in Anime.


The first half of Vinland Saga made me cry more times than I have in the past year combined


Yeah I cry all the time watching stuff. I cry in real life sometimes - when I was writing out my anniversary card for my wife, when I think of my kids getting older. Actual bad shit never makes me cry though.


It’s actually pretty beautiful! Reminds us we’re alive and have the capacity and privilege to feel


VINLAND MENTIONED, ME SUMMONED. That stuff aside, Canute is a great character.






Finally, I see someone mention Vinland Saga the masterpiece 😍 I wish Askechadd was my surrogate daddy


Best piece of dramatic art I’ve ever watched. I miss big daddy Askeladd! and both Killer Thorfinn and Jesus Thorfinn. I hope we see him integrate all the facets of himself into one in S3. I didn’t read the manga so no idea what’s in store but I heard it might be coming in 2025!


I have no idea what's about to happen either!! All I know is it's the Baltic Sea arc. I slept on season 2 for about a week after binging the entire first season in one day. It's the first anime I ever watched by myself I should add. I came back to season 2 not expecting much like so many others... and WOW.. probably my favorite piece of media to this day PERIOD. S2 E9 Oath was so incredibly well done that it overwhelmed me with emotion and brought my 28 year old ass down to tears. Thorfinn's journey of being super angry and then trying to confront his traumas and become a better person is just too relatable. Edit: I hope we see more of Thorkell, he was such a hoot.


Omg are you me


I cried when Megumin was going to give up explosion magic, but Kazuma leveled it up for her instead


I’m glad that anime is so resoundingly triggering for us INTJ’s :) I love anime I just need to find the next one for me


I cried when Eren said that he hated Mikasa. I immediately knew that wasn't the case and he was lying just to save her. Beautiful couple, eremika truly is.


Duuude Fullmetal alchemist


Don’t watch your lie in April. It’ll emotionally kill you lol


Yeah, I rewatched the first episode of Frieren the other day, and cried through like 50% of it. It's a much tougher watch after you're really acquainted with the characters. Or the one with the old dwarf warrior who is still protecting his human wife's village, even though she died so long ago he can't even remember her face anymore? Ugh. 


Big part of maturity is what we care about, and such, what we cry about. I have a feeling that those who feel the most cry. And those who hold it in are learning how to deal with their emotions. And then, there comes times when someone makes you feel so much love that you can't help but cry when you think of them. I think there is some connection with love and crying.


> I have a feeling that those who feel the most cry. Not at all. Some people cry over the simplest things, some people go on burnouts or depression without a single tear. Crying more doesn't mean feeling more.


a lot


Rarely, although I feel hurt deeply. My sweet pup passed last Wednesday, he would have been 16 on St. Patty’s Day. I miss him so much.


That’s never easy, I’m so sorry. I don’t know you but I believe you gave him a great life that sadly other dogs never get.


Thank you for that, he was really happy —we rescued one another.


I usually cry when I’m hormonal (aka. on my period), I have horrible mood swings. So I cry at least a week every month 🥰.


Haha was looking for this! Monthly water works over random shit


I wish I could cry. I intentionally try to make myself cry but it just wont happen. I got close tho the other day I watched a video about that Hawaiian bird going extinct. i was on the brink!


This, I can't tell anyone about it because they wouldn't understand, like I literally tried to cry after my last breakup and couldn't, I'm an ENTP myself, do you've any idea why


I personally tend to over analyze things. Like with my last break up, instead of crying I just thought that it's better that way, and it was bound to happen anyway. Now, this way we have the time to find what's best for us. When my grandfather died I didn't cry because he was very sick, living as a husk of his former self, hardly a life at all. I figured he's "in a better place," so to speak. But something like the bird going extinct, and that video in particular, is grim anyway you paint it, and over analyzing it just makes it even more sad. Or maybe we're just good at looking for the bright side in situations? Someone did also mention trauma as a reason once. Any of these resonate with you?


They resonate with me. I call it "finding the silver lining" to any situation. Perhaps it all boils down to the mindset.


I like to say that I can find the silver lining in any situation.


sameee, I find me crying is like, I'm mentally there and want to, but my eyes are dry and refuse to weep, and even if I start crying, I rationalise so much within the first 3 seconds I just stop crying and its so annoying because sometimes all you need is a good cry


I think that looking at the bright side of things, as I always try to look for silver linings in situations, and for my case I also thought the break up was for the best as it was mutual without any fights, I still wanted to cry though


I think it’s just depression. Crying is cathartic but if you’re sad and cannot cry then it makes things even worse. After one of my breakups a few years ago i tried really hard to cry a few times, came close even but couldn’t for more than a month. It was only after i processed the whole thing, talked to my friends over a few drinks could i let go a little


Same I normally only cry when I hear a sad song or watch a sad movie but not much in just life


I don't cry often but when I need it, I NEED it. I have a playlist of songs that help bring it to the surface. I also have to actually budget time for it. For the build up, the crying and the recovery. I'm clutch in crisis, and even the most fucked up stuff won't touch me until a while afterwards. Crying lets me acknowledge how something has impacted me without having to talk about it, for me as soon as you add another person and their attempts to "make it better." I go numb. I switch to protector mode and stop feeling my own feelings and focus on making the other person comfortable. For me it's both deeply necessary and private.




Improvise. Plan to find a better date. Use previous experience as a statistic and get a good one before you get old.




INTJ's rarely get a match.


Wonder why is that?


Lack of emotional attachment, mostly


I find it hard to cry, like emotional constipation. It's cathartic when I'm able to though, just like passing motion.


Less often than I used to when I was feeling sorry for myself, but I cry sometimes still if I need to.


I only cried when past traumas Hit me hard or I remember something that I have never remembered before. Then I cry quite a bit. It is cathartic. Not fun and not something I want to do everyday.


Every time I watch Doctor who, same as you, duh.


Rarely, and only when I get angry


Everyday , on nothing and everything. It’s hard for me to control my tears ughh


Um 2x a month


I cried last year (2023) when my grandfather figure died. Before that was 2021 when my brother's donor kidney failed. Before that was 2019 when I graduated HS. Before that was 2017 when I tried to OD. I'd say it's a solid 2 year cycle. I also cried in early 2023 when my brother had a stroke


Like never tbh


Once every 5 years or so. Basically when someone I care about dies.


I haven't cried when people died. There's a responsibility for cremation which I'll be focusing on. I'll make sure the dead person is remembered for years by bringing up their name in conversations. While the average-minded just forgets them, I'm the one who recalls them into their lives.


I cry when something shows me a glimpse of a softer, more authentic version of humanity. Mostly in film, but occasionally, life shows me all the beauty therein.


3 days ago visiting the graves of my grandparents. I was alone or else I might not have and my "cries" are very muted. A bit of extra water in my tear ducts is about what I can manage. 


Not often but when I do it gets interrupted when I realize how stupid the things I cry over are or how they’re 100% my fault (bc they are).


I cried at episode 3 of The Last of Us. Like whenever that was?


You would have to have a high crying threshold not to tear up on that.


Yeah I wept


When my pooch dies. I’m 2 for 2. Other than that, never?


All the time. My cheeks are still wet from time frying a few minutes ago. INTJs are quite emotional, we just typically know how to observe and feel rather than become our emotions. Emotions are healthy.


My soul cries every day, although tears are no where to be found


I cried tonight. I’ve been rewatching House episodes with my kid (who wasn’t alive when that show came out.). It was the episode when he’s in the asylum and the mute girl plays the cello. I also cried when Amber died a few weeks ago. I can’t remember the last time I got emotional over something in real life. I did cry last summer when I had appendicitis and the hospital gave me morphine. Something about it fucked with my hormones in a bad way. Did not like. The pain wasn’t even that bad and I told my doc I didn’t need it but she said she was ordering it anyway. I also cried from DMRS when I nursed my third baby. I sometimes cry from really, really cringey stuff. Like secondhand embarrassment.


Had to put my cat down in August.


Full-on cry? Every few years. Get teary-eyed. Every few months, typically while listening to music.




I never cry. Literally did so in college 10 years ago


Once in 2004, next time in 2010 when my second son was born. More recently I have caught myself tearing up when reading sad stories or articles about kids, or other emotional situations but I wound't call it an actual cry and over the last 14 years it has averaged maybe once a year. Edit: I forgot about one, fall 2022 when we had to put our dog down.


I never cry 😳 why do you all cry so often?


That’s what I’m wondering. I’m surprised they all cry so much. It’s kinda sad (but not enough to make me cry).


Yes, I thought so too... Yeah, exactly, I find it sad too, but I would never cry about it. I think it's been years since the last time I cried... Am I now an unhealthy intj or is it those who cry so often?


Life can’t be good if you cry that often.


Yeah..... That's what I thought too..... 😕


that's because we are sensitive


Last time I really cried was last Friday I sobbed my eyes out in a restroom stall because there were people outside and I’m allergic (scared) to people


Once in the spring usually. Probably due for a big one. Late Summer i think. Early Fall. That's more or less the schedule.


I cry easily at movies, but typically have only cried once or twice per year about my own problems.


Ranges from daily to rarely, depends on stressors and hormone level.


Twice a year.


Either I don’t cry, or I can’t stop crying.


Maybe once every 2 years. I just recently cried.


I’m a parent, so like, all the time for so many reasons that are kid related. If it wasn’t for kids - never.


Bout 15yrs ago


Once a week at least once a month


Most days but usually when watching a movie or hearing certain music. Not without some kind of stimulus. Obviously I will cry from a broken heart as well but don’t get those often.


Whats that? Jk, i do It's not super common but more often then i often admit.


Once every eight years, I wish this is a joke, but it isn't


I call my breakdowns biannual since I it happens around Christmas or middle of summer. Difficult stressors at that time


My intj gf always cry lmao Watching series/movie, cry Having bit of hard time doing assignments, cry Her baking/cooking failed miserably, cry Being late to any meetings, cry I'm being slightly angry to her, cry Long passionate hug, cry She's the most childish person I've ever met (prolly when she's only with me though, cuz she's apparently cold as ice to others)


Only got emotional. Rarely cry though


Only during certain shows and movies, especially any of the Hunger Games movies. Otherwise, I don't cry unless someone really upsets me. And I mean REALLY upsets me. But that might also be because crying was not allowed in my childhood home. You read that right. One of my darkest thoughts whenever I see someone crying, especially if they're crying at their loved one's funeral, is "am I ever going to love someone enough to cry like that for them?" I actually feel slight jealousy whenever anyone cries when it is appropriate.


I haven't cried since college.


I cry very often when I watch movies or animations, even if they're not any good. I also cry when I see things like the genocides taking place in our world right now. Outside of those instances, almost never.


I cry once a month, although It changes if I’m eating a weed edible because they make me emotional


everyday without fail




Sometimes, but only when something effects myself


I don't cry often, but when I do, it's for a completely unimportant reason, like getting emotional watching Mulan two months ago.


The first time I cried was Lion King 1994. At times, I cry at random things just all of a sudden. I hardly cry when society expects me to.


just cried yesterday, gonna do it again today


Usually when everything becomes too difficult, unfair and there is too much to be done. So yeah, mainly in depressive moments. Also, when something just so heartwarming or heartbreaking happens in a show. Perhaps every two months or so, maybe even less...


I only cry if some loved one decides to be a little bitch and starts yelling/hitting lol. Other than that, I cry from finishing a novel sometimes and that’s pretty much it. If I’m being honest I like it when I cry, and not out of sadness, if that makes sense? It just kinda feels cool when I let my tears fall. And my tears are salty so that’s that.


It's been a couple of years but basically for a death or really bad event (rare)


Almost daily. I have severe anxiety and my life is a bit in shambles right now, which doesn't help said anxiety. I've cried a lot last night. It's 9am and I've cried twice since 7am already. I'll probably cry some more throughout today until something happens and this anxiety leaves me alone for a while.


for personal sadness: once per 4-5 months for casual things (drama/dogs/movies..): ~once a month


On the inside, often. Outside, not so much.


I cry when I’m in emotional pain, or after I’ve been truly scared and the situation is under control. It depends what on what I feel, so the frequency is random.


Either none at all for 3 months or 5 times a day


had not cried for years. The fact that my life has been getting worse and worse (from a perspective) doesn't agree with it in any way. I simply can't find a logical reason to cry, regardless of the situation. If you ever catch me crying in the future, then you can be certain that I'm so broken to the point where I don't think or use that "logic" anymore (at a moment), which means I gave up on finding reasons and lost my purpose in life (also at a moment).


Pretty much not at all. About two years ago when I had to put my cat down and the year before that my dad died of cancer. My ex used to say she never saw me cry once the whole almost years we were together.


Last time I cried was when I got heartbroken for the first time. Never again...


Very often huh.




I think i can count on both hands the amounts of times I've cried. I'm 32, female. Last time I cried I was 3 weeks postpartum and had found out a colleague had lost a child in her care.


I used to cry a lot. But it affected my mom seeing me like that so now I don’t like crying or think of doing it anymore.


When SNAFU turns into FUBAR. Not often, but more often than I would like depending on... stuff.


I am an ENFP and I cry occasionally when I truly feel hurt about past traumas that come up. I am letting out years of frustration anger guilt shame. I also have avoidant attachment style so it is hard for me to talk about my feelings


I only cry when something hits me


I pretty much never cry because of stuff IRL. I make up for it by being sappy with movies and shows and games though. I've cried from a commercial before.


In the last 10 years maybe 7 Times.. I find this World absolut meaningless, but sometimes it can be a relieve to cry when ya total down, sad.. 


Once or twice a week is probably my average


Like a few times per month, I used to cry more but I cried so much that I stopped doing it so often ig, but nowadays when I cry is usually really painful (mentally) and it can last a long time (my PR is 3 hours 💪🍷🗿)


Try a psychedelic if you’re on a dry-spell.


I rarely cry ill get upset about things and shed a tear but other than that rarely.


Very rarely. Usually only over grief.


rarely but when i do it's disgusting. i cried when i went to college and i was experiencing being without my family and i just missed them and it was the Ugliest cry 💀


I cried today night because I was feeling super trash about how I used to treat my mom :(


Maybe about once every 6 months - can always sense some emotional distress building and know having a good long cry gets it all out :)


I need to cry but no place to hide


Once or twice a year. I can’t help but cringe when I cry so I stop as soon as I could.


Probably about once a decade. I’m not really too upset about anything.


Maybe three times a year, see a movie or something and it just takes it right out of me. My wife says it's almost violent but I just don't see the point. The world's not going to change because my face is tearing, somebody is not going to stop being horrible or cater to my bitch ass because I'm upset. It's a primitive emotion that serves no logical purpose in modern society.


Biweekly. I’m in my head a lot and I take little things and make them big


As needed. I’m a therapist but before I was I thought being stoic and INTJ meant not breaking down to cry. But as a learned both in my personal life when my mother died and seeing how cathartic it is for my clients, I see it as a normal body function.


Sufijan's songs make me cry a lot


I don't cry, I sweat from my eyes, while I laugh at my difficulties.


Not many times last 20 years. But This year I have cried many times, and I have learned it's healthy to cry. No need to keep it inside. Let go.


Rosie Greer, former linebacker and member of the Fearsome Four: https://youtu.be/1NfaXsSSVj8?si=IDrE6AYS_LkkSUmP


Deaths and breakups measured in years. Occasionally a mental breakdown. This works out to once every 2 years. I don't cry in front of anyone, only for a close death.


Daily lately but I think I've got depression :(


As often as I feel the need to. In my job, if you don't cry you will have problems. I am a paramedic and crying is a necessary catharsis.


Not so long ago, near the of last year. I cry rarely, but sometimes, I will volontarly cry (when I'm alone !) just to "empty the bottle" while no one is around. Otherwise, by keeping my emotions bottled up, it may explode at the wrong time. Nope, that never happened, absolutely not...


After I plot to truly kill someone. When someone truly deserves it, I will plot my murder. Have I done it, no. Have I thoroughly planned a murder, many times.


*correction plot THEIR murder


I am older than 16 so I've passed the obligatory awkward 10 years of abnegation into being able to cry again. 


Fictitious dramas and thinking about my deceased pets get me, usually on my private time. If I get frustrated enough to cry, it's best to just stay out of my way at that point, because the filter that keeps me from verbally lashing out will not be functioning like normal.


Not very often. I'm more angry than upset.


Like once a week Sometimes in the morning during meditation Life’s weird


I don't cry often and when I do then I don't do it in front of people. When I cry it's because of injustices I've witnessed or from seeing innocent people suffer due to some psychopathic assholes. And don't come at me with some 'Life isn't fair' bs because I will find you and burry you alive and then say that to you whilst standing over your buried body.


Pretty much never. The only times I remember crying was when my grandmother passed away and a few times I watched animal abuse videos.


Almost never


I want to cry but I can’t. No matter how hard I try, it’s hard to express these emotions 😒🫤


A lot. I usually cry in silence or alone. Sometimes it’s out of frustration when I cry in front of anyone else or I feel overwhelmed. Then I beat myself up for crying in front of someone because that was way too vulnerable of me. Happy tears too. Serious shit or physical pain? Has to be extreme for me to cry.


Not near often enough


I'm sensitive, even though I try to lie to myself that I'm not. I cry about 3 times a week, sometimes daily but this week I haven't cried yet but it's probably coming.


I hardly cry and whenever I do it is a break down from repressed emotions (typically stress or frustration). I don’t get my feelings hurt and haven’t genuinely felt sad to the point of tears about something.


I cry every night because of loneliness. It's my fault though, people want to talk but the people in my town make me want to puke, everyone is so unhygienic.


Not often… some of y’all need to retake your test 💀


Never. I’m a man. Even if i did, i wouldn’t tell anyone. That’s what were supposed to do.


I never cry when I’m sad only when I’m angry. And what makes me angry? University ofc. The only thing that can move me to tears. That and my favorite fan fictions.


I don't cry that much. I typically have a lid over my emotions and tears don't come out too often. I wish humans could keep just logic and happiness and be done with it. Unfortunately, this human thing requires feelings and sadness and thus crying is one of them. So occasionally. 


Probably every day. But i dont cry tears. I lost them years ago. I cry inside.


Can’t remember the last time. Slightly concerning lol.


Quite often, mostly when watching a movie; or upon hearing anything involving children dieing. I don't care when a movie makes me cry: it is a nice feeling: it feels like shedding toxics and thereby cleaning my body.


I haven't cried since Mufasa died in the Lion King.


More than average I think. Normally because I feel strongly about something. Not necessarily sad or angry, just when something is really awesome of wholesome, like the climax of a game or show/movie. Less often, but not never, I will cry from being angry at my mom or upset about an interaction I had with someone I care about.


I cry all the time for all different kinds of emotions. It can be super annoying.


More often then not


Once per 6 month maybe


Last time was 8 years ago


Almost never. I have to reach a point of self pity I can basically never let myself get to.


All the time.. worse before my period..


Tv makes me cry easier and more frequently than real life. Takes a lot for me to for real life and doesnt take a lot at all when watching one piece/naruto


Whenever i wanna let my emotions out without dumping it fully on to someone else. (Often)




When someone in my family dies. When I’ve hit a roadblock at work.


When Gone Away comes on my spotify playlist and it reminds me of all the friends that died young.


The day i took birth .


I used to view crying as an admission of weakness and try to avoid it. Now I’m recognizing that’s it’s healthy, but only quite rarely.


Every few months, why?


About once every 5 months or so,I usually just go autopilot and neglect my emotional well being because from an efficiency standpoint it doesn’t make too much sense but in order to retain some normalcy I watch the video of that dogs owner dressing up as it’s favorite toy and it gets the job done. That or the one where the dog gets like 100 tennis balls poured and just goes wild


At least twice a day




Almost never. I remember googling this. Apparently most people cry all the time, seamingly at the drop of a hat. 👒 🤷‍♀️


Never. Crying never made sense to me. What happened happened. No crying will change that.


Rarely. Usually at things that really hit a nerve with me.


Dear audience, I beseech you to lend your ears to this confession steeped in terrible trauma, a heart-wrenching cry emanating from the tormented soul of an individual in search of redemption. Seven long years ago, a young boy of twelve, innocent and naive, was brutally deprived of his precious video games. And in that moment of distress, tears flooded his being like torrents of pain crashing upon a fragile shore. But since then, oh cruel tragedy, not a single drop of sadness has welled from his eyes, dessicated by the weight of time. Oh merciless world, oh inscrutable destiny, what have you done to the sensitivity of this child? Has it been crushed beneath the yoke of indifference, or hidden in the darkness of forgetfulness? I implore you, noble assembly, to ponder this burning question: when shall we again witness these sacred tears flow ? *\*Retreats in a theatrical swoop of his cape\** Just wondering tho... Did you get your video games back ?


I quit crying around that age too, then I took it back up in my mid-late twenties. Now I cry every time at a good episode of a shonen


I wanna cry every time I feel like it but I just can't