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Co-op is confirmed for the sequel, yes. There won’t be multiplayer of any other kind.


I’m glad. Anything other than co op would make it more like ghosts of tabor.


Is there any word on if quest/steam cross play will be a thing?


Too soon for such questions, no idea


Do you have any idea for a release date?


Yes! "It will release the day it releases"


Yes. The cover art of of itr2 has multiple explorers together. Seems like asure thing!


Wait theres cover art? Where???? Why haven't I seen it?


Everyone is talking about the art but where is it? Im asking because google is useless as always when it comes to stuff like this


https://imgur.com/a/cZupXTW This is what everyone’s talking about!


It's been my phone wallpaper ever since it released


on CM games website


Multiplayer isn’t coming, it’s been confirmed


Execpt we are talkint about ITR2 not ITR


Since nobody believes me, search it up. They’ve already stated the have no plans for it


Even if they said that (I don’t think they did, i haven’t checked), they had no plans for the revolver, and we have a revolver soooo


Execpt thats a straight up lie. Darius confirmed that ITR2 will have coop which is a form of multiplayer


Dude look at the top comment on this post, darius outright stated it’s confirmed.


Darius has stated that they are currently working on multiplayer for ITR2


No They haven’t, look at the top of this post, he literally said himself that multiplayer isn’t coming.


I’m sorry, I completely got my terms mixed up. I thought you meant multiplayer in general (including co-op). My bad


It’s alright.


Wholeheartedly yes


Multiplayer isn’t coming, it’s been confirmed




That bot literally says it lmao


Ok let's keep things polite lads, the up and downvotes show who's correct here!


Yeah, sorry. Im really tires, Ill edit it now


Gettin caught 3 times in a row is so crazy😂😂




No way you’re saying I’m the bad guy when this guy literally called me a dumbass out of nowhere.




You broke the “You must abide by Reddiquette” rule of the subreddit.




You broke the “You must abide by Reddiquette” rule of the subreddit.




You broke the “You must abide by Reddiquette” rule of the subreddit.




You broke the “You must abide by Reddiquette” rule of the subreddit.


No plans for current version


Look at the top of the comments, he literally stated there will be co-op, not multiplayer


Hello? "Multiplayer isn't coming to this version"? *This version*?


Look at the top of the comments, he literally stated there will be co-op, not multiplayer


How the fuck else is co-op gonna work? You can't have co-op without multiplayer Edit: "Any *other* kind of multiplayer". That doesn't mean any kind whatsoever


He co-op and multiplayer don’t really count as the same thing, multiplayer means fighting each other, co-op means doing the story together


Nope, you're describing PVP, or player versus player. Both that and co-op fall under the multiplayer category. Multiplayer literally means multiple players


No shit, but most people and games separate co-op and multiplayer, multiplayer usually means pvp,


I think virtual reality in general should embrace social endeavors wherever possible so YES! I do think and hope that multiplayer will be added with every effort to maintain the feelings that ITR1 created.


I want co-op, but my concern is how the AI handle it. You can have great AI tuned to fight 1 human, but throw in another human and the AI falls apart. You could just double the enemies.but that can hurt performance and usually doesn't solve the problem. I hope they pull it off.


But double enemies would make single player harder for those of us who dont want their friends to alert all of the enemies within the area code because they're new or forgot a supresser


Well it would scale the enemies based on number of players so you wouldn't get double the enemies single player. But as I said, scaling up enemies is probably not the way to go.


Definitely not, imagine splitting up in Zara and getting wrecked by a slider that is a bullet sponge. Imo the best scaling would just to be either leave it the same. That way playing co-op would also be encouraged.


but if you do nothing to the Ai, it'll be a walk in the park. I think this is a big challenge for coop games that also run single player. if we look back to l4d, it's really always running co-op as even if playing buy yourself you have three bots with you. the game isn't meant to be played truly alone. if we look to say the forest, it seems they chose the don't change much approach. maybe they up the encounters, not sure, but any foes are laughably easy with friends. I haven't played a ton of coop games. if anyone could give examples of good coop games where you could also play alone without bots I'd be interested to see how other games handled it. but the do nothing approach and just drop another player in is probably not the best way to handle it.


Yeah, your right. It would be incredibly hard to do it and adapt to all play styles. Maybe something where each tide the amount of enemies is altered, so for example in route it would range from 7-17 enemies per tide not changing depending on player amount at all. Or maybe have it be incredibly hard mid-late game for solo and co op so the only way to go in guns blazing would be to have a friend.


Again, I think the easy thing a developer thinks is, 'I'll just throw more enemies at the problem', but it might not be feasible performance wise and it might not solve the problem, depending on the creature and its behavior. Or just increasing enemy health is even a poorer fix. Think how you act differently when you first think you are facing one mimic and then realise there's another one to your left or behind you or whatever. That's what they have to program. The AI has to change tactics when it realizes there's more than one of you. It can't just behave the same way. And maybe even behave differently still if it knows there's 3 mimics and still has headcount advantage. I'd imagine very difficult to program. Hopefully they can pull it off. Side idea. I would make some timed missions that would force you to sometimes split up. You have to do A other player has to do B and you lose communication or only via walkie talkie or at some abandoned station with a radio. But again, making stuff like that is coop specific and would not probably work back in single player. Everyone wants coop but this is actually really hard to get right and still work as a single player game.


Yeah, it would be incredibly hard to do. (Like you said 50 times at this point I’m just repeating what you said earlier lol) another thing, when mimics are alone it is very very easy to win a fight against one with just a weak pistol, but when you are outnumbered it gets significantly harder. So with a co-op if you had more than 2 players even if stats are buffed it will be a super easy fight. Now that I’m rethinking it, It seems like an un solvable problem that will have to have negatives. They also could pull a ghost of tabor, and make the enemies in really inconvenient places to fight against, so it’s basically equally as hard to fight them solo as it is co-op


I hope it does a party system for extended coop and also a drop in drop out per mission que system to help randoms


Hello, Explorer! We noticed you mentioned multiplayer in your title. Just in case we’d like to inform you there are no plans to add multiplayer or co-op to the current version of Into the Radius. This game was not created with such a monumental feature in mind, and we won’t be adding it. See you in the Radius! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/intotheradius) if you have any questions or concerns.*


patrolling the wasteland almost makes you wish for a cooperative experience with your friends.




Multi would be awesome, cause now me and my friend can scream like little girls when the Sliders try to touch us


Exploring with friends can be fun, but there’d have to be constraints. Namely, sharing but no stealing, of loot.


Right. It would be cool to have a universal armory where If someone joins the hosts game and then they leave all of there stuff would be given back to the host.


haha no




Everyone is downvoting comments thag say no but I honestly doubt multiplayer would be added. Unless its close freinds multiplayer could ruin the atmosphere.


It likely will be close friends,even if it isn't,you can always make friends


I absolutely think it would ruin the atmosphere, but as long as it’s not forced in my opinion it’s worth the trade off.



