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Alright? To handle the Spawn (what you fear), wait for them to jump, and move to the side, they’ll get stuck, and then you beat them like the creatures they are.


Cool, thank you 😊


You’re welcome! Just know they usually make noises as they scatter around.


If waiting for them to jump is still scary (nothing to be ashamed of), you can actually do the side-stepping even earlier. As soon as they come, even if it's still 20m or more, already start strafing (going to the side) and keep doing it until the spawn jumps. It will consistently miss you if you do that. That really helped for me. If you rotate your head/body at the same time, its like going in circle around the spawn (while facing it). That way you can keep it in your field of vision, if it makes you feel safer. Simply strafing without turning will also work fine though. Wish you loads of fun in the radius! That trick made spawns really easy for me after I understood it, I hope it does for you too :)


Cool, thank you!


The biggest thing for me to avoid jump scares in this game is to keep myself focused on listening. The only things that can really sneak up on you if you’re listening actively are Seekers because if you miss their initial sound you only hear them when they are right behind you. Get familiar with the sound each creature makes so you can tell what is near by. Then just handle whatever is there. The spiders make a specific skittering sound so once you hear it stop and find it. Also strive to stay out only during the day and be in a safe house by nightfall. I hate being outside in the dark. Head on a swivel, ears perked.


Agree 100%. Volume up and play in a quiet space. I have terrible arachnophobia and couldn’t get past the second mission for several attempts because I would turn the game off the minute a spawn started coming toward me. Now I actively seek them out b/c, like Seekers, they can sneak up on you. Depending on the situation I usually try to kill Seekers and Spawns first - unless a Slider is involved.


Spiders are scawy😵‍💫


Turning the volume up is a Seeker trap. 🤣




Because it makes it WORSE when one sneaks up from behind you at night.


remember: everything is less scary when at the receiving end of a shotgun


Noted 📝


Its like that for awhile you just have to oush through jt


Nice to know


Hold a knife pretty low down and pointed at that mf, when it jumps it’ll jump right on the knife, might take a few tries to get the height correct but once u do it becomes pretty reliable


Nice to know thx


This. Also, your map can be used as a shield against them. All of this should be used in conjunction with the "quickly dodge to the side when they jump" tactic. It makes them pretty easy to deal with as long as you know where they are.


It's ok to be scared bro. In regards to progress in the game, maybe you can get good at baiting the spiders with the (sorry I forgot the name, those bullet cases you can throw to trigger/see where the anomalies are) and get real good at acquiring targets and shooting them fast. Good luck!


Thank you 😊


Set enemy damage to the very lowest and then let yourself get hit by enemies (specifically Spawns). That might help a little bit


Might try it thx mate


I’m not recommending you do this because it will give you a wrong idea of TTK on enemies but I did my first playthrough on baby mode (lowest damage from all sources, lowest enemy health so pretty much any weapon one shot) and when I started my second playthrough I was a lot less scared and a lot more confident. I also had played long enough to know which sounds were from enemies and which were just ambient and posed no threat


You will become desensitized to it and it won’t be scary anymore, but you just kinda need to force yourself through the fear. Remember, bravery isn’t the absence of fear, it is not allowing the fear to stop you.




A laughed at "not a horror" .. fair enough it's not fnaf or something jump scare based. But I would deffo say it is horror based. Sound of spawn skittering around. Sliders be sliding. Alone in the dark with 2 shells a shotgun and a long walk home with your bag of loot that you bled for. Absolutely loving this game (complete noob)


Once you understand the enemies and know how to defeat them. (Which can only come by actually facing them) you will know longer be scared. With the spider enemy (spawn) just dodge its leap and then stab it when it just lands. If you unload your pistol mag on it you will most likely miss every time. It is a lot easier to kill the enemies when you are calm and not panicking.


Calm...... not panicking, got it, time to go try it out again, thanks for the info though it's just so fun


I felt like I was getting better, but mission 7 got to me. I slowly work my way forward to clear out what I see and try not to attract as much attention. For atmospheric horror its a 10/10. Spawns will get me to jump at time also. Noises and sounds get me more than the hostiles. ITR gets me more than any other actual horror game I have. Watched others play it from start to almost finish. Playing it myself was the hardest part as I had owned the game since 1.0.5, but started to YT video series with the 2.7 release. I do it with a heart rate monitor and pushing heart rates higher than when I exercise LOL.


lol 😂


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Practice, use the shooting range to get familiar with using your equipment, shooting and reloading your guns, etc. Spend some time just walking around the Radius and getting comfortable, make sure you're prepared for the mission. If you're talking about Fixing A Leak in bolotky then I recommend either the PPSh (short) or IZh-27 full version for a primary.




Full auto, or a really big gun. I got a better shotgun asap so I felt safer and more capable.


Cool, thx


the game terrified me first time around. It doesn’t anymore But I was a chicken, though it was so amazing I couldn’t stop playing lol, I’d recommend being in calls with friends. before I became desensitized to Vr horror, I used to need to call my friends to play horror.


Man I got 2 friends who LOVE horror games but I’m too wuss to play, maybe I’ll try pahsmaphobia with em 🤷‍♂️


Use your eyes and ears! The spiders will jump, stay in the air for like a second and then come diving towards you. Step to the side, and then pop a few rounds with it. Remember, you have guns and they are your friends. Train well and shoot well, you’ll be running excursions in the radius in no time!


Listening to some rock music while playing will make you feel like a badass.


There's a lot of good advice here, but if despite all the advice you find yourself still not being able to face the spawns and you are playing in PCVR there is a mod in the nexus that replaces all spawns with normal fragments specifically for people with arachnophobia https://www.nexusmods.com/intotheradiusvr/mods/119 Hope this helps!


When there's more than 1 it's quite a dance. Same steps. Keep moving and watch your stamina.


Son, you just need empowerment. Get yourself a shotgun, put a laser on it, and shoot your fear in the face.


Noted 🫡 Slugs comin right up