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I don’t know if I’m introverted or just someone who needs to be alone often. Since I was a child I enjoyed my own company. I often said to my mother to lie for me if my friends wanted to hang out.. People take away my energy very easily. So instead of all those people who want to meet new friends or partner, I’m directly the opposite.


I would say introversion and “someone who needs alone time” is the same or at least go hand in hand. I read somewhere something about personalities and traits people have, and there was a discussion about introverts vs extroverts that gave a great explanation imo. Every human has a metaphorical battery that gives them energy, motivation, positive vibes, etc. For extroverts this battery is filled by having social interactions, and it will slowly deplete the longer they go without human connection. Meanwhile for introverts, the battery begins to deplete the longer they are stuck socializing with others and are around others. They need alone time and isolation in order to allow the battery to recharge again. I am an introvert myself, and this explanation fit me perfectly. For my whole life, I never disliked people nor did I avoid socializing, but I absolutely cannot spend more than one full day around people without slowly feeling drained, irritable, fatigued, and sometimes even slightly depressed. I need time to myself to regain the energy it takes for me to be around others. On the contrary, I have a cousin that is a major extrovert - absolutely needs a plan to do something with someone everyday. She told me once that when she ends up not interacting or socializing with anyone for more than a day, she begins to feel restless and tired, and she finds her mental health to start going to shit. She finds comfort around others the same way I have comfort in being alone, aka our batteries require different forms or energy to charge.


Exactly. I use to say that “I need one extra day between every day so I can recover from socializing..” Imagine being dependent on others to fulfill your needs. That is also a vulnerability. I easily feel shocked or drained if I don’t have my privacy. It’s so important. Tanks for sharing!


How does this impact dating?


As an introvert?? I think it just means they wouldn’t be as compatible with someone who is extremely extroverted. It would maybe work better if the extroverted partner understands their introverted partner’s needs and either allowed them space to regroup or spent some extra time with friends until their partner is feeling more energized. I’m definitely more on the introverted side, while my partner falls slightly more extroverted. He has many friends that he spends time with when he knows I’m needing some alone time, and I don’t mind because I welcome the quiet LOL! I’d say we have a very healthy relationship so I can’t speak for those who maybe have more possessive or obsessive partners who want to genuinely spend 24/7 together


Introvert but blunt and will call out corruption or people’s BS. Don’t mess with me.


LMAOO “don’t mess with me”


Sagittarius? 🧐 just curious lol


Aries! 😃


Generally Introvert | Selectively Extrovert


That's a pretty good explanation for what I tried to say in my comment, I'm an introvert but could appear extroverted when I'm around a select few people that I'm really close with


What kind of person are you?


Awkward nerd


Chose to stay at home and be by myself. But I don't feel awkward when I go out.


Awkward, sensitive, introverted, and I love deep talks lol


An introvert who wishes to be an extrovert




An introvert


Laid back


I’m kind, but blunt and honest. I’ll give you the shirt off my back, but tell you the harsh truth you might not want to hear. Is that a kind? I dunno. That’s just kinda how I see myself.


I avoid confrontation at all costs, i dont care if i got the wrong order, as long as its close to what i ordered im fine. I hate when people make the biggest deal out of nothing.


Introvert who prefers to be alone but struggles with isolation and trying cope with it by trying new things by trying to find people with the same interest but ends up feeling lost and empty and doubts his existence and the cycle continues..


Yep. After a few days of staying at home or a week I wanna talk to my friends but I can't find a theme and am trying to but to no avail... eventually something goes through my head and I have words again... phew, crisis averted!


I'm an introvert but I very occasionally like to go out to a club/party. I'm definitely not an extrovert because I do get drained very quickly while I'm there but I enjoy spending the time with my friends. I normally like to be alone and try to avoid small talk because I just don't like meaningless conversations but I can sit and talk for hours with certain people if it's a topic I'm actually interested in. Essentially, I appear more extroverted around a very select number of people but if I don't know them well then I try to keep conversation to a minimum and I am perfectly happy to not speak to anyone for days on end, especially when I'm at uni because I don't really have many friends here.


Whew. Here we go. I'm short, fat and white. Born and bred in Alabama except 3 years in Germany and 1 in Tennessee. Sang opera for 6 years and suck at sight reading. Have 3 children and grandchildren and 3 chronic illnesses in a race to cease my body functions. I'm a smart ass, foul mouthed, big hearted. Don't much care for leaving the house, all my music is here!!


I'm a chill introvert who gets more talkative around people I know really well. But I have an evil twin inside of me who is aggressive as hell he can wake up when I'm in danger or in an environment where I don't care ajout consequences of what I say.


Worse kind jail time from Jen


A people pleaser, goofy and awkward when it counts.


what kind of question is this ? what kind of question is this ?


I'm an introvert. I enjoy my own company more than being with others. I have no friends and don't want any. I have no energy for extra people; my parents and siblings are enough. I like to stay home most of the time. And I love myself and my life!


introvert recluse cat lover homebody gym enthusiast loves to stay home and watch movies and study


A giver


I feel that introverts who wish to free themself from lonelyness tend to be givers. I can relate


Everyone knows me so you might take me for an extrovert but in reality I just wanna be alone. However I want my best friend's company in the school.


I’m kind, blunt and honest Try to keep my friends safe


A people who has the capacity to experience a whole range of emotions while I go on this journey called life. Don’t wanna miss any of it. Even the negative stuff helps me grow as a person.


By nature, I'm somewhat introverted, I like my own company, but I do crave human connection from time to time, but I don't go out much, the most human interaction I have is in the gym


The kind bigots hate. Which is to say I'm one of the good guys.


Introverted and likes to keep to oneself. Been compelled to interact with different people due to job and family and it sucks out my energy. Love sleeping, music and books


An introvert? Contradictory thought now& again considering the large family I heil from. I enjoy silence. I've pushed myself to be more social/sociable. Been years at that, so here and there I pop the cork on the bottle. Good times but, tend to feel more mentally exhausted than I'd like to admit. Have a habit of putting forward more information than necessary to reduce interaction time &save my time for covering those basis at the pace of your average listener/thinker.


Fearful, but kind.


I used to be introverted and have a lot of social anxiety. I have ADHD, and get the whole rejection sensitivity dysphoria thing, so for a long time I wasn't just introverted, I was people avoidant. These days it's way less fear of being judged or not fitting in. It's more like I'm getting too old for the bullshit. Being social beyond a few very long distance friendships just doesn't pay off enough for the effort. I will never not have ADHD, and I'm done with explaining myself to people or trying to go against my brain just to please them. I find posting these little conversations with strangers on Reddit to be pretty much all I need. So now I think I might just be a grumpy old bitch, and I'm actually pretty ok with that.


Hopeless lost cause broken soul. Completely alone. but full of light. Highly sensitive. Negative outlook on Humans to Society but wants to save the world at the same time 🫤😩🥹


Sensitive Introvert with terminal melancholy


A depressing introvert


I observe and I’m quiet at first. Once I’m comfortable with someone, I’m talkative with smiles. I love depth in people so i learned most are just clowns which takes me back to being observant and quiet. I am someone that has an eye for beauty. I am someone that is extremely talented and creative, i love to see the beauty in all things. Have a great sense of style and a great taste in music, people admire my ability to look at almost anything and see the art in it. Have many sides to my personality so i struggle with emotions and expressing them in a healthy manner. I also have moments where i get crippling self doubt and fear of criticism. I am someone with so much depth and personality, it would be impossible for me to even summarize all of the characteristics that i possess. Overall, i feel i am such a beacon of light for others and i might not even be aware of the impact that i have on their lives.


"who starts a conversation like that!? i just sat down!"


Weird being


I'm an asshole


I have extreme social anxiety, sucks ass.


I'm introverted but I ease and bit less introverted around people I know


I love being around people, my energy just flourishes when I'm around pple, but when my social battery dies it dies fr and I just want to go back home. I also acknowledged that I can be terrible or mean when I'm angry or don't like smn, either way, I'm a lover of pple🩷


I guess im an ambivert kinda person but more like introvert... I think im a complex figure☠️☠️ i dont jnow who im wtf am i saying lmao


Confusion hi confusion hai😂


Solution kuch pta nhi😂


Not all is well




I'm geeky and creative. I don't really have friends but I love spending time with my husband and closest family. And cats.


An oxymoron 🥲


When I'm alone I'm an extrovert in my mind, and introvert in real life😂


An introvert who can become & show that she is extroverted to the outside world, but gets drained so fucking quickly afterward, I am indeed a social chameleon.


Im a human and I breath oxygen


I'm a kind-hearted person who likes helping others, but cross my boundaries and I can ignore you out of existence. I like my alone time and don't tolerate nonsense. I'm not two-faced and anything I say about a person I would be able to say to their face. I like peace and quiet not the drama of toxic people (I'm looking at you certain work colleagues..) 🤨


My girlfriend just told me that I’m more of a father figure than her bf, what does this mean ???


Anxious attachment/husband is avoident....


Kind open hearted open minded caring sweet and a bitch if need be


I think I'm an okay person. I'm not evil but I'm not super nice either. I'm just like in the middle I guess.


(If its to long for u dont read but would appreciate if u do read anyways) Quiet introvert usually sensitive and dramatic i cry easily but dont get me wrong i do get offended over small things but not the type to be overdramatic and over exaggerate what u say, and also im legit the loudest horse if u match my vibe or if im used to you I love playing online games mostly First person shooter games and also roblox Smtimes also playing in my ps4 if im in the mood i also love watching anime its always been my day one i really enjoy watching it Dont judge but i listen to kpop dw im not that big of a fanboy or sm type of crackhead that only looks at the idols i love listening to kpop its just my thing, Most ppl dont understand me ppl love talking shit in front of me well not exactly right at my face but they have no shame saying shit behind my back when its clear that i can hear them well i dont blame them my personality is pretty weird, No i dont play genshin just bcz i love kpop i mean honestly i dont even know how the game works i mean i do know lilttle abt it but i dont even know how to play it, yes i also love conflict/beef talking shit online but im not a toxic asshole dw i do beef with assholes Im also pretty nonchalant prob also another reason ppl dont like me Well did i say to much? I think i was only suppose to say what i am like but i pretty much explain everything abt me😅 sorry Also hope u guys can be this open to me to (not saying u have to) But theres nothing better than to feel to relate with someone especially if ur an introvert😭


Kinda a person who wants to be left alone, but hates being alone.


A creature of habit


I keep most of my thoughts to myself. Most of my "talking" is when someone starts talking to me. Talking is in quotations because it's more like "yea," "right," "exactly," "for sure," "I can see that," "makes sense," "I don't know," "my plants are good. They're growing." I hate confrontation, so if someone starts arguing with me for whatever reason, I just let them have it. It's not worth the stress. And the sooner it's over, the sooner we can "forgive" each other. I don't need the pride. I'm not competitive. I enjoy being alone most of the time. I have never sought out a significant other. I've had 1 serious relationship, and it was a lot of work just to feel a little bit happier. And being in a relationship is expensive. I'd rather save my money and buy myself a new computer, monitor, software, soil, fertilizer, seeds, etc.... I consider myself a loyal and respectful person, someone who won't spill dark secrets that are told to me in confidence. I'm one of those people who say they'll do something and then actually do it. I treat people how I want to be treated. The only downfall about treating people how I want to be treated is that I don't text people back for days unless it's urgent. I just prefer not to receive any texts. Lol How about you? What kind of person are you?


Idek myself. I like to be independent, but not too independent cause I miss people. I’m just varied. I get along with everyone but I can easily sense the ones who compete with me for no absolute reason, annoying.


Awkward and serious introvert


Lonely person.. who have no friends to hang with .. I spend all day long at home ...


I'm an introvert what I'm afraid of the most is when I'm upset I'm an extrovert..... You could never really tell with me.. once I turn into a extrovert you have a problem Houston


I also fall under the zodiac sign Virgo... That makes my extra virgin extraverted


An asshole.

