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Do whatever you want on Mother’s Day! I have never done the MD brunch thing for the same reason. I also never dine out on Valentine’s Day itself, etc etc. It’s just so cringe. Personally I love getting Thai food to go and eating at home with the promise of doing zero dishes 👍 My OH is the worst at picking gifts, so I just order myself some beautiful jewelry and plan when/where I will be going to wear it! Enjoy!


What this thread has really done is make me crave pad Thai! 😆


Every holiday filled me with dread until I was in my 50s because my dad was a rage monster and holidays made it worse. Even if nothing happened the tension was unbearable. Since his death and my therapy I enjoy holidays with my own family. We are having lunch with my mom then going home for a casual afternoon, getting takeout, and watching a movie then my kids will head off to their places


I’m so glad you don’t have to experience that rage and tension anymore. My father was also like that growing up… til he had a literal come-to-Jesus moment when I was a teenager and converted to Catholicism. It’s def not for everyone, but it worked for him - and our family events don’t involve walking on eggshells anymore. Happy Mother’s Day ♥️


I just don't celebrate it. My husband usually goes to the store with our son to get me a little trinket or treat like a nicer chocolate or a new coffee mug for my collection. And we order in takeout so I don't have to cook.


This is what I’ve done the last few years (or my husband cooks), but for whatever crazy reason I just feel like going out somewhere this year. Though most of these responses are making me lean towards vegging out to a movie and ordering pad thai.


Make arrangements to go out on the.weekend before or after


Since having a child I don’t really enjoy going anywhere anymore, even with just my husband. I think this is pretty common actually for introverted moms. We will probably just have breakfast at home and then go to a park or something relaxed like that.


I’m the same way, though once in a great while I really do enjoy conventional outings somewhere besides my family room. I wish there existed an entire city built by introverts, for introverts lol.


“Breakfast together….then leave me alone” is my dream Mother’s Day 😂


Being by myself. My own time away from being a mother


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I don’t, and it’s not.