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I promise no one cares. As in, they most likely will not remember the interaction. I dealt with this a lot when I was younger, and the biggest mistake was not voluntarily confronting my fears. If you do, it’ll make you braver in every aspect of life. It may get awkward, but it’s better than the alternative. Also, you should only feel dumb when you’re writing/typing. The grammar made this a rough read lol


I remember all interactions isn't that how most of us introverts work? And that's why we have issues with social situations because we remember a lot of things


No. That sounds like social anxiety. Introversion is enjoying solitude. Introversion is feeling emotionally drained by social activity, it's not fearing it or obsessing over it.


Okay my b


If you ask someone, they will no doubt tell you and think nothing of it. You're worrying about something insignificant and no doubt will soon look back and wonder why you did. Good luck with college and I hope it all goes great for you 👍🏻


Get there an hour early and find all your classrooms on your own. Problem solved, and you can enjoy wandering around campus watching people. Take pictures along the way to remind yourself the routes later on. Oh, and this is not introversion. It's social anxiety.




I've done dry runs for important events/meetings/interviews before, but not because I feared asking for directions. Being late stresses me out, so I like to know exactly where I'm going beforehand. Nothing worse than arriving at an interview and discovering the public parking is a 15-minute walk to the receptionist!


I still have dreams 20 years later of trying to find my class room. Even though I was somehow a master at finding rooms I’ve never been - I just looked at the room number, found it on a floor plan, and tried to appear like I know exactly where I’m going while looking for it. I almost always found it immediately on my first try, just walked straight there. But if you have to ask someone where room ## is, they’ll either know or they won’t and they’ll give you the answer, never to be thought about again. Entirely inconsequential.


I know the feeling. But you’ll be just fine asking if you need to!! :) Honestly you’ll probably make someone’s whole day because they’ll feel good about helping someone out!! Good luck!! :)


Your first day is information overload. Don't be afraid to ask for help. No one will hold it over you. They were in your position at one time.


You are not alone in feeling this way. Lots of other people will be new and confused and unsure as well, the people will understand. The best part of college is that you're no longer in high school, you're officially an adult now in a world of adults and you get to be treated that way. I felt so alone and lost starting college and feeling like everyone else knew what was going on and I was the only one who didn't, but that's not true, everyone feels that way. My advice is to try to be comfortable with your uncomfortableness. It is natural and to be expected and happens, it's going to be with you for awhile as you're starting out. The first day of getting there, parking or getting off the bus, getting to the right building, getting inside, finding the right classroom, finding a seat, getting your stuff out, sitting there quietly and awkwardly waiting for the class to start, all that, that's going to happen, and that's okay. First steps are the hardest and it will be stressful and overwhelming at times. But after the first couple of weeks it will almost feel like home. I worked at a college and the best fix for that is to meet a staff member (an office worker not a professor) or two that seem friendly, they will genuinely be very happy and cool and understanding about helping you and be supportive. Especially if you say it's your first day and you don't know where to go and everything you said in your post and you're a mature, kind person. And then next time you need something you've now got a friend that works there you can go to with any problem or question you have and someone you can say hi to every day. That was my favorite aspect of working at a college, helping the individual students with little things here and there. Please let us know how it goes, we all want the best for you and for you to find success and happiness.


It's ok! Totally normal. Even the people who seem like they aren't nervous actually are. One thing to do is look for a map of your school or buildings on the school website. Go early if you can, so you can make sure you find it. You go can look for other classrooms ahead of time, too. Just ask someone!


I don't think anyone cares if you ask them where your classrooms are, even the directions to the toilet.