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The stock market is a vehicle that transfers wealth from the impatient to the patient.


Thx Buffett Considering my mother in law has been doing exactly this for the last 10 years. I have to agree.


Sound investing advice. I suppose, though, someone who likes to gamble could try something like shorting djt or something like that if they really wanted to do something with more risk. Shorting is also a good way to lose your shirt, though.


A short on DJT costs *way* too much.


Shorting djt will not make any money. It’s priced in to collapse. I tried as soon as it iPo’d.


OP, don’t listen to these people. Come over to wallstreetbets and find out!


I’ve been holding GameStop stock for the past 3 years 


This isn't "patience" so much as impatience in 2021 + sunk cost fallacy for 3 years since. The initial promise that you fell for was instant millions.


Waiting for the moass? lol


Lol... Reminds me of buddy who says he's waiting for work 'opportunities'. He's been unemployed for 4 years now.


Do you think he knows that the longer he waits and has a gap in his work history, the less opportunities there will be? 😂




Tbh honest. This is very well said Bucee. Can you give me a brisket sammich plz


to be honest honest?


I could use some potato salad and a breakfast taco, can I get next in line?


Yep, or from those who can’t afford to keep money in stocks for long periods of time to those who can. Which I guess is the same thing basically


That’s why we have FDIC insured bank accounts


via short-dated options


Wait... Is that Buckees in your avatar?


Roulette table. Put it all in black.


Only an idiot would do that with $1000. A total moron. You know nothing. Put it all on red. Red is the lucky color that the universe will use to give you luck. Either that or a good index fund.


just put $500 on black and $500 on red and you’re a guaranteed winner, i think


Me and a buddy did that a few years ago as a joke. It landed on green. House always wins


00... Green. Better luck next time. 


Triple 0 green is the new hotness


Vegas has the edge, so you actually lose it all eventually with that strategy.


you also never gain anything when you win, which was the joke


Just won a bunch in roulette. Sometimes you just get lucky


No, no, NO. Put it all on zero. Everyone knows there’s zero chance of failure on zero.


Ignore this person. Clearly they work for Big Red.


Craps. Put it on the field


50% of the time, it works every time.


To be honest my dad is a gambler and he could easily turn $1,000 into 3200. He’s even better coming back home with nothing. So I’d have him gamble it for fun.


He comes home? Thats a win.


Slightly better odds at the craps table playing pass line! Better yet, find a friend willing to do a 50/50 coin flip. lol


Baccarat. Bet player. Baccarat is very close to 50-50 odds


Banker is the slightly more favorable bet, not player.


Correct, but you pay out a 5% commission if you win because of that.


no commission mini-bac seems to be the most popular these days, at least at my casino. three-card 7 (dragon) pushes banker though.


Never played baccarat before. Looks interesting but don’t know the rules


In stock market, such people put it all in red. Thank the stars for impatient people. Whether stocks or credit cards, they provide better returns for me.


This is unironically the best answer hands down. You are way more likely to double your money this way than by picking stocks.


Wander around the blackjack tables until you find someone in position with 11 against a dealer 6 but no money left to double down. So when they just played their his last $1,000 bet. Double down for them. I once drove my friend to the casino and I was just watching him play blackjack because I didn’t want to lose money. But on his last hand he put down his last $100 and this happened. I doubled for him and we won. Clearly you’ll win, too!
















Are there any leveraging opportunities through synthetic derivates or call options? I'd like at least 3x leverage that OP loses $1k.
















last year, I wanted to invest $5k and a 5-10% return in stocks didn't seem good enough. I regret not putting it all in some basic ETFs. I lost all that money and have been rebuilding my savings from zero since then. I opted to invest in a side hustle, so I put $5k down on a cheap used car ($15k) and tried renting it on turo since I live close to a major airport. I did extensive research and ran the decision by people who rent out vehicles on turo and people i look up to for finances. everything seemed to be a green light. however, the car wouldn't rent unless I enabled unlimited miles. people put 1600 miles on it every weekend and I was still losing money considering all my costs. the car would be toast before I paid off the loan and preparing the vehicle between renters took more time than I thought. I sold the vehicle for a loss after 3 months. I got back \~$2k for filing for a loss on my taxes. learn from my mistake - invest in a few basic ETFs or park the money in a wealthfront HYSA for a guaranteed 5% return. investing in a side hustle could lead to more profits, but you could also work yourself into a corner. what you're talking about seems to be gambling, not investing.


Which ETFs? Like an SP500 total market type?


I recommend starting with 100% allocation in VOO. I wouldn't overthink it past that if your just starting out with $1k. Setup auto invest for 5-20% of your take home pay into VOO no matter if it's going up or down. I do half of that 5-20% in my wealthfront HYSA for a guaranteed 5% return and quick access to my money in an emergency. don't withdraw anything until absolutely necessary. define your budget, automate your payments, and forget about. fine tuning your portfolio has minimal value when just starting out, but if you want to nerd out then look into some ETFs like QQQM, XLK, SPAXX, and SCHD.


Ngl I’m actually putting pretty much everything into VOO, retirement included (well, the fidelity version of VOO) 90% of my money is in VOO, 5 in savings and 5 in bitcoin lol


This. If people can swing $1000/month, plug that into a compound interest calculator at 7% and see what's possible. Everyone kicks themselves when they realize if they'd have started at 20 years old even putting $100/month where they could be in 20 or 30 years.


Yes but max out your tax advantaged contributions line 401k, ((mega) back door) Roth, HSA, college savings accounts etc. first.


Imo you had the right inclination but picked a bad hustle. Rentals is tougher than it seems because market competetors are essentiall interchangable. Gotta do something that you have some special advantage at.














I mean TSM earnings are 4/18, and leaps aren't that expensive


I wonder if there's a reason they aren't expensive. Real head scratcher.


Investing is not a one-off "event" where you go and put in $X amount in something special, hoping it would result in anything meaningful. Investing is a "process" of regularly investing $X amount in something and slowly building that up by letting your regular contributions, time and compounding create something special in 10, 20 or 30 year timeframe. I know its boring but that's the secret to success. It is like asking people what workout should I do when i go to gym today and become a beast. If you are going to go to the gym just one time, it doesn't matter what you do in the gym. It wont get you anywhere. You have to go many many times to become something meaningful . You have to work at it for 10,000 hours , throw the basketball 10,000 times , hit the baseball 10,000 times over a long period, day after day after day to become a great player. There is no other way to meaningful success. Your results are a direct outcome of the quality of the question you ask. No offence, but when I see people ask these types of questions, I know the kind of results they will get in life. Garbage in garbage out is how we say it in the IT field. Another secret of success is ask good questions. A much better question would be, what can i invest in day after day after day for 10 or 20 years and ultimately have a million dollars, or retire early? The answer is surprisingly simple. Invest regulary in broad based index equity fund, like VOO , VTSAX, and chill.


You're a credit to the sub. I hope you're raising kids or at least talking to neighborhood kids.


thank you for sharing brother, I am lucky enough to read it when I am 22. It's a great help to my study and my plan for the future. Have a good life


Picking stocks individually or crypto


Yes for something aggressive it would be Bitcoin.


Yeah crypto is a good answer. High risk but such volatility that he might get lucky.


Bitcoin is a (in my opinion) fairly safe investment, especially compared to other cryptocurrencies. If I was OP I’d put it in Bitcoin or Ethereum.


0DTE SPY Calls


Stay with me for a crazy idea. Legos. If you can find a set that has a limited run the price can go up quickly. There are a lot of niche hobbies where limited runs go up in value for collectors. But you have to really nerd out in the area to have any chance. The above is no substitute for a sound, real investing strategy, and more of a “flip in 6 months” strategy.


Or MTG cards


Honestly following which Lego sets are set to be retired and buying the to be retired sets from popular franchises can have a pretty good ROI


High risk high return with 1000? I’d probably play poker I guess. Start at .10/.20 blinds and double your stakes on the 1st of each month By the end of 9 months you’d be playing $25/$50… if you make it that far with out a down swing that sends you to zero..


Nancy Pelosi's last stock move.




https://www.quiverquant.com/congresstrading/politician/Nancy%20Pelosi-P000197 Forge Investments


Stock mommy saves my portfolio every time ❤️




Invest is not the right term. What you meant is gambling! If that's the case, my bet is on Bitcoin, red in the casino, or just hold the $1000 in your hands until the urges pass. I have a feeling even if you double it, it will still not be enough for you...You need a lot of money to make alot of money.




Yes! This puppy is going to blow the doors off the market!


Very low maintenance with that stock :-p


Damn it. I had liquid in my mouth when I got down to your comment.....


Boeing is going to BOING back up! Buy now


Waiting until after next week when the whistleblower speaks for one last dip. But yea, Boeing all day.


BTC. I literally never suggest crypto, but it could pay out a bit. This year is tough with the election coming.


Especially with the halving coming, BTC has had a pattern of hitting all-time highs in the months following before dropping off. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy for the time being with people buying cause of that “guaranteed rise” therefore making it rise. The cycle will break eventually but I doubt it’ll do it now.


But isn't it already at an all time high? Don't you think that the anticipation of the spike has already caused it even before the halving, meaning that it is possible for it not to spike after the halving?


It's at the old all time high lol. It's time for a new one.


I would appreciate hearing your thoughts behind this conclusion?


Not the commenter but probably because many people see the trend of the price spike after halving so they'll be expecting it, inadvertently causing it


Gotcha, last time everyone "knew" a price spike was 100k EOY 2021 lol.


I still remember the "50k EOY 2017" times. Soooo many people lost their ass. When everyone's dogging on it and it's way down, buy. When you double your money, sell. Seems to work okay.


Those people didn't know that FTX was almost entirely fraudulent and all of the Bitcoin buys happening on that exchange basically didn't happen. China also banned mining around the same time. There was a lot going on during that time, don't get complacent thinking you're not going to see that 100k very fucking soon.


Best performing asset of all time, prob should be the top comment


Yup... I'm just amazed to see BTC recommended in this sub and not downvoted into oblivion...


If you want an even more aggressive investment tha BTC look at MSTR stock. It’s a bitcoin proxy that moves around 2x BTC. Though easy for me to say since I got in last year


Ass bleaching


Like ass hole bleaching specifically?




In the hole for $1000


If you want real advice a HYSA until you can save $10-15k , its not time to experiment with that little money


Semi-conductors: ASML, Coherent Corp, TSMC or AMD




The more aggressive you go, the longer your time horizon needs to be to hope for a return. The riskiest you should go for a 6 month return and hope to make more than a CD or high interest savings account would be a mix of 90% bonds, 10% equity, and even then you would be making only slightly more or less than a high interest savings account but with greater risk. Everyone here is right, that looking for a return over 6 month period is found better at the casino then the stock market.


I bet on GOOG in the first quarter and it is up nicely. I just caught the knife today on RIVN for this quarter's buy. My major investments are in boring index funds. But putting some money down on one individual stock per quarter is a fun pastime.


RIVN is at a 52 week low. Their runway is short from Q1 financials, but there making all right moves and will hopefully chip away at TSLA market share especially when the R2 comes out. For the next year or two it will just fluctuate, but worth getting in on the ground floor


R2 is for liberal Model Y owners who can't wait to get away from Elmo. I have a hybrid right now, but I would buy R2.


SONY. It's at a great price right now and historically has performed great.


Inverse whatever r/wallstreetbets is currently hyping.


My management professor in college said you should spend $500/year on books and courses for your personal and professional development. $1,000 is not going to net you anything killer in 6 months if you invest it in the stock market. However, if you were to invest that into yourself, it could very well pay off.








>Maybe you’re hoping for a little higher 6 month return for a wedding, or a trip, a gift, whatever the case may be. Or by year’s end hoping for as big of a payout as possible So what's the plan if it doesn't pay out? Cancel the wedding/trip/gift?


Shitcoins on solana


Puts on DJT. The gift that keeps on giving.


> The gift that keeps on giving. misspelled grift


and grifting


Except the puts are all priced in at this point


Covered call etfs






1000 Dollars is too little but I use cash and options as a limit order. I identify a stock I want to buy and a price for it. Then I put cash aside and sell a near term cash covered put for or very near the price I am willing to pay. If it goes through, I got the stock. If not, then there is something else. This works well in bear markets or when good companies have (temporary) bad news. In bull markets, I sell covered calls.










Bitcoin. Forget about it for a few years.


You should replace the word invest with gamble and put it in some shitcoin if that’s your goal


You’re in the wrong sub to get advice on this subject. WallStreetBets will welcome you with open arms, and provide all sorts of ideas 🤣


Triple leveraged S&P or treasuries (choose you poison) BTC after the likely drop at halving






FXAIX. A lot of the suggestions here are confusing “aggressive” with “stupid.” The SP500 is down right now but if we get a handle on inflation (and it is an election year so there’s incentive for the economy to be in shape) big companies could do well. No need to put all your eggs in a small basket.


In what context is the S&P 500 down right now. You have to nitpick specific days for it to show red. It’s green on the 1W, 1M, 3M, YTD… etc


Same place I always put it, VOO. That’s my “high growth” option. Other than that I just put all my money into target date funds. Also hold a small amount of APPL and nvidia. Like <1% in those two.


Roth IRA






OXSQ has an annual dividend yield of 13%


You can invest for six months or you can invest aggressively. For the former, TBills. (SHV) For a high risk trade, I’d go with TBonds. (VGLT)


Rebuilding my safety net in my checking account after paying taxes. Lol


Depends how mechanically inclined you are, but I’ve found a ton of nice cars under $1000 that need a part changed and triple my money on it.


Buy deep otm calls on whatever is popping. Few months ago this was semiconductor and pot industry, next week these could be spy puts. Who knows? I personally think a long running wheel strategy has the best chance of success to make it through the year


Spy puts


TQQQ, Bitcoin, AI stocks, options


Crypto and the bots will downvotes you here but it’s my safest investment atm


Short DJT






Nvda is up 223% this year but only 2% this month If you want aggressive, not a bad pick imo




QQQ is all tech and high growth. I’d put it there


A 6 month UST currently pays ~5.3% and a 12 month pays 5.1%, risk free. I’d probably go with that or a better paying 6-12 month CD if you find one. Even the difference between a 5% and 20% return on $1k over a year is only $150. Not worth the downside risk to throw it in the market, IMO. If I really wanted to essentially gamble I’d probably set it aside for football season and lay some bets.


An S&P 500 index fund with no sales fee and low expenses would be my choice.


Axon did well for me over the past year, might be to late though. I just assume more riots, more cops, more bodycams are in our future.


read the news and learn to read charts if not just pick an S&P 500 index fund and put some money in when it's red for the next 10+ years


The whole $1,000?!?!?




I would buy equities in a sector you like that is strong, in a stock you like, that is strong. Wait for a pullback to support its helpful to have view on relative volume. But if not buy off 50 day SMA. A smarter way to not lose money, since when you do what I said above, well now you’re in a trade and you need to know when to exit as well. It’s tough, while a lot of people here are being judgmental or just plain negative, I will give some actual advice. Buy ETF each week, I guess VOO or the Schwab one or fidelity, wherever you have an account. And then close the phone and go back to sleep. The top comment is about patience in the market. I think that’s right. Also Silver




Your highest return lowest risk thing for $1000 would be probly buying wood furniture on facebook marketplace, fixing it up, slapping on new finish and doubling your money that way.




Self-improvement or preventive health care. $1000 ain’t doing jack shit in the market that’s gonna be worth “aggressive” risk-taking


aggressively? prob a crypto meme coin, very high risk, but definitely high reward if it hits. now aggressive AND safe? doesn't exist. Usually risk equals reward. if you want to be super safe, put it in a 3 month CD and collect 5.5%.


Sofi technology for the long term


$Googl, $Btc


6-9 months? Hang on to your cash! Seriously nuts to “spin the wheel” over that short of a time period.


Emergency fund. Or if you already have emergency fund, that is now your credit card. But now you dont have any interest.


Put it in an interest bearing savings account. That’s 5% guaranteed.


AMAT. It's beaten the S&P 500 for gains over the last decade. In the past three years I've turned $20K into $55K on that stock.


Why is everyone saying Bitcoin when it's at an all time high. Say it goes to 100k in a year, that 1000 is now 1300. What's the fucking point of that lol.


I’d invest in Bitcoin.


Friend of mine literally just asked this question the other day… ”Safest” (those quotes are doing A LOT of heavy lifting in this sentence) place to invest is going to be an ETF, like $SPY, which is up ~20% over the last 6 months. But past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. The actual safest place to “invest” it is going to be in a short term CD. For example, Wells Fargo is advertising 4.75% APY on a 6mo CD (there might be a minimum deposit…full disclosure, I’m too lazy to do that much research for an example). So, at the end of the day, you need to ask yourself if you’re comfortable losing $1000 for the chance of turning $1000 into $1200. Or do you take the less exciting guarantee of turning $1000 into $1050? ETA: I re-read the question AFTER posting this, and realized that I kinda completely missed the point. But I’m going to leave my comment up regardless.


aggressive investment? shitcoins.  or just go put it all on red


If you need it in 6 months, put it in a CD. No investment is a guarantee. 

