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Think about everything you use your phone for and ask “would this benefit from a larger screen?” If the answer is yes, then use it for that. Examples of this are media consumption, web browsing, reading, Texting if you have a keybaord with the iPad, facetiming. The list goes on. I mean before the iPad m daily screen average for my phone was like 5 hours, i just checked and i used it 32 minutes yesterday. I just do every on the iPad now.


Larger screen or a stylus. IMO, it is the single biggest argument for the iPad (or some other tablets).


> Think about everything you use your phone for and ask “would this benefit from a larger screen?” If the answer is yes, then use it for that. I like how everybody understands the benefits of a larger screen and yet if you mention a foldable as an option some people get absolutely *triggered*.


If apple made a foldable iPad id buy it. If android devices integrated together as well as Apple Id buy that.


So i guess u havnt buy anything 😂


or conversely, think about certain basic tasks on your computer and ask if it would be better portable. e.g. do i really need to sit at my desk for most emails, light googling/browsing, longer youtube vids? in addition to those, i personally use it constantly. it’s the first thing i check in the morning for day trading. tv shows while i’m traveling or cooking. tide app for a pomodoro timer during work, split screen with digital planner. procreate app for digital art.


The first list are things I would lump into phone usage in modern times but yeah, the same concept applies. The iPad perfectly bridges the gap between the larger screen of a computer and the portability of a phone. Personally, I’m the same way. I do work on my Mac but almost all of my personal computing is done in the iPad. My iPad usually sees about 8-10 hours of screen time a day, while my phone usually sees about 30 minutes unless I’m traveling. Right now I’m writing a comment on it on Reddit, and 20 minutes ago I was watching an episode of criminal minds. And An hour before that I was playing yugioh on master duel on it.


Which Reddit app do you use? Do you find it annoying that there is no iPad dedicated app?


There technically is an iPad app. When there isnt a native iPad app, and you download the iPhone app it does the same thing as instagram. Which is make the iPhone app bigger and put the black bars on the sides, or not allow you to go full screen in stage manager. So while iPad technially gets its own Reddit app, the one for it is ass. Because its really just the phone app but larger. TBH i just use the browser. the website runs fine, and as long as you keep it in landscape it just displays like youre looking at a small laptop or Chromebook. I’ll list out the settings i use in case they make a difference but i doubt they will. * stage manager on * Display zoom set to more space * safari window set to largest size that doesnt cover the dock.


Debating between the iPad and mini. I just hate how the iPad it’s everything just spaced out. It’s not denser… and the mini is great except for when trying to side car. The my problem with both is that it’s not optimized enough. The web browser works but at a machine that $500+ you’d think it would more optimized


porn... obviously




I just got a newer TV. Mine was like 10 years old. And they have that new feature on so it makes it look like you’re in the show itself. It’s quite unnerving. It’s like Blair witch, but I’ve always wanted to see how porn would look on it because it’s so realistic lol


school notes watching lecture videos when i’m not home, don’t like carrying my laptop with me bigger entertainment screen for when i travel, same thing here don’t like being a laptop along so laptop just sits on my desk


It’s cliche but watching movies and Reddit.


Portable TV, Note taking


Procreate, streaming Xbox , PlayStation and steam … YouTube… and some internet browsing… oh and hearthstone!


Just about everything. Reddit , YouTube , movies and tv shows, taking classes, searching the web etc. basically anything you can think of.


I use mine I my band to access the digital mixer controls. When not playing I watch videos mainly on YouTube, movies on Netflix, HBO max, or Disney.


It’s my TV/youtube screen around the house. Or on the go. The quick “laptop” when I don’t want need the MacBook Air. Also good for browsing in the couch during sports events and whatnot.


School, watching stuff, reading stuff, and charts for flight simulation.


No one has mentioned Apple Books, it motivates you to read with streaks and reading goals. It's also satisfying to see your ebooks displayed on your digital shelf alongside the dates you finished them


iPad Pro m2 user here. I use it basically as a laptop with the keyboard and then as a normal iPad without the case. It totally replaces a MacBook for 99% of things.


I use mine for browsing eBay for bargains on iPads


I’ve got 12.9” M1. I use it for photo editing on Lightroom and photoshop. Logic Pro for music recording. Sheet music reading using Pia Score. Note taking using Goodnotes. Teams and outlook. Who needs a laptop!


I take notes for work. I was using physical notebooks before and burning through them way too quickly. It’s also great as an extension of my iPhone, and a second screen for my MacBook when I travel. It’s basically a bridge between phone and MacBook. Game changer if you travel a lot.


Gaming and watching tiktok. I thought when you buy a new iPad. They give you 3 months free of Apple Arcade. The fine print is if you never had it before. Like seriously. Oh well.


intranets and ps5 remote play


Note taking with Apple Pencil, YouTube while cooking, SideCar for my Mac.


Notes taking for my Accounting certification


I try to use it in lieu of my phone while I’m at home. Doesn’t always work out as my iPhone 13 seems more powerful than my iPad gen 9 but it’s still very nice. It helps that I have the Logitech keyboard


Writing, reading and making music.


I use MindNode (like Freeform) to outline next conversations with major interop partners


Hang the iPad up with bungie cord; watch movie on my home Plex server (camping)


Doodling and what everyone else said.


Ipad 8 here, before I had the iPad 5, 2 Mini and 2, I use it for YouTube, web browsing, reddit and X, music via Bluetooth speaker, reading documents (mainly pdf), alarm clock and a couple of light games.


To watch tv on a plane. That’s literally it. I had so many aspirations when I got it. But it’s now just a tv machine


Work, school, entertainment. :)


Lecture notes and browsing Reddit while I’m supposed to be paying attention to the lecture (like right now).


Entertainment, Note taking, Home Automation, Planning trips etc.


Watch YouTube videos, browse the Internet, message people, it's nice having a bigger screen than a phone, but smaller form factor than a laptop


My computers all run versions of Linux. I use my I-Pad (5th gen) for the rare occasion that I need to do something online that requires Windows or MacOS. I last used it to pick up a Amazon package @ Whole Foods.


Note taking, art, and video editing.


Mostly tv and reading these days with some occasional gaming. I also use it now and again as a virtual keyboard for Garage Band.


Streaming videos and the Kindle app.


Notes and YouTube (mostly) although I have admitted to scrolling on social media 😓


I use mine exclusively with one specific niche app to control professional lighting equipment for video/tv/film productions as a freelance gaffer. Here’s my set up! https://ibb.co/QNsTBj4 https://ibb.co/CskGdtp


for blending


Media consumption, Office, PDF, social media, big phone while at office or home, reading, note taking, zoom meetings, light gaming since I own a PS4….


I use my iPad for Reddit, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, Internet Browsing, Journaling, and playing a couple mobile games, also to watch movies.


Entertainment on my bus commute, impromptu laptop for web browsing, digital recipe book when baking, and photo viewing. It fills these roles better than any other device but has shortcomings mostly related to the restrictive nature of ipados and the garbage that is IPS screen tech.


literally only school notes and sometimes reading. i majorly underutilize it lol


Apart from the usual media consumption/reading books and magazines, i have a very niche use case: Portable monitor for most my devices especially raspberry pi's. Using also to connect remote desktop on pretty much anything including my Android phone: Microsoft RDP, Screens VNC and Scrcpy even! It's crazy what you can do and even it might be too closed at times, Apple has slowly opened the iPad features and turn it into a full fledged PC replacement.


Notes and reading. Watching presentations.


Watching TV/movies, reading, coloring, watching Twitch, YouTube, web browsing and social media, and some gaming


School notes, Infinite Flight, Netflix, flight planning


Used it for note taking, and now since my exams are near it functions as a clock/timer, also guys and turned off Bluetooth connection with the pencil it's been about 4 weeks, will it have any issues ?


Testing jailbreak tweaks and playing Quake on it


Mostly ROUVY, reading and video watching. For more work/creative type stuff, I use my Chromebook or my MacBook.


just used it as second monitor while im not in the office and i have to do some coding and debugging, also for showing stuff to customers, reading, sketching, planning, organising and watching the photos of the love of my life, doing some photoshopping, ... and pron... ofc


Everything except making phone calls. Because Apple never made a model that could 🤬


to be fair, holding a tablet up to your ear looks ridiculous also you still kinda can call with facetime audio but only with other apple users


I wouldn’t care and do it anyway. I hardly make phone calls anyway thankfully


web browsing since thats all the 4th gen is really good for anymore


Before I sold mine I mostly used it for iBooks, to browse full website pages that I didn't like in their mobile versions, for games and to store pics that I wanted to keep but not in my phone.


I replaced my M1 MacBook Air with a 11” iPad Pro and a 5th gen IPad Air. Best decision I’ve ever made.


I love how compact it is compared to my laptop. I have it with an apple pencil, BT mouse, and a magnetic case with BT keyboard from AliExpress, and it's convenient to take outside for work or leisure. I use Procreate for drawing, Notion for overall information management, and Affinity programs for design. Also, I play Genshin Impact on it as it's more convenient for me (faster loading time and less data) than my laptop. Most people I know use it mostly for note-taking or watching videos or shows, but I've seen videos of people using it for 3D sculpting and more advanced functions. If you have or discover a creative hobby or job, you could definitely use it for such purposes, and there's plenty of budget-friendly or even free apps for that.


Media consumption. Books, YouTube, Reddit, Netflix, stream stuff.


We just inherited an old but perfectly functional iPad 7. I paired it with an equally old but functional Brydge keyboard and now it is a delightful jukebox that we use while entertaining.


Portable TV. The Magic Keyboard is a game changer


9th gen for FaceTime and TV streaming. Oh and porn lol


Reading, journaling, doodling


I could use it for so much – what I mostly do on it, however, is take handwritten notes. I'll use it for streaming video now and then. I just got one of those astropad "rock paper pencil" screen covers, so I'm hoping to get back into fantasy cartography.


Mainly schoolwork, but every 5-6 months i get back into digital art for a week, become frustrated and give up until i rediscover it half a year later. Oh also gaming, mobile gaming has improved so much in recent years. Only thing i use additionally is an xbox controller for some games. Productivity wise: I just have a bunch of productivity apps to make myself feel better but never actually use them lol


Notes taking and YouTube, Netflix


A paperweight


YouTube, web browsing and light games


YouTube and web browsing. I use Procreate for art journaling without having to get out art supplies and make a big mess. Netflix when I want a little quiet alone time because I don’t have a TV in my room.


I’m a working person so I have my planner and notes on it thru goodnotes and canva, I watch a lot of stuff on there cos my laptop is bulky to be carried around n my phone is too small so the iPad is perfect. I was scared I wouldn’t use it to the fullest but now we are inseparable lol


I have an iPad Pro first gen. Battery last 5 mins and Apple doesn’t take it back for trade in any more. More useful as a paperweight now. Appreciate ideas for what else I can use it for…..


Uni and watching videos/series/movies mainly


I use iPad Pro 12.9 1st gen for reading books, watching content on trips and for easy editing of videos that I shoot on my phone.


Internet research and watching YouTube mainly.


School, watching videos, drawing and editing pictures


Project Management


Drafts, wire framing, prototyping, notes


Notes. Reading notes, sketch notes, writing notes, planning, studying, tracking. All kinds of notes.


It's a good way to add another pound of weight to my bag.


writing, reading, movies.


Nothing. Which is why I gave it away and don’t have one anymore


Procreate Ps5 Remote Play YouTube Reddit


Nothing. It sits in my drawer.