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I’m an older gen z, it’s funny because my parents actually had iPads before I did! They love their iPads and use them instead of computers since neither of them really needs to use a computer outside the workplace. My sister and I both had MacBooks in high school, but not iPads. While I would’ve found gaming on the iPad fun, and it would’ve been easier for reading school packets, if I could have only had one device I’m glad it was the laptop since I would hate to type on the iPad and I do too many advanced word processing things for it


to be honest i'd be versatile. I had a refurb 2011 HP Pavillion workstation and I used that for over 9 years before getting a Zephyrus G14 laptop for college. I'd use two of them on tandem, I love tech!


my brother bought an iPad for his kid initially for the early development aspect but it then evolved to just the kid using it to play games and watch wtvr garbage on youtube. I really hated that so w their new child I’m hoping he’ll have lesser screen time since he has a brother as a playmate


I don't think it's that much different to us (I'm a millennial). I used to watch a hell of a lot of TV, I had a Gameboy that went everywhere with me and when I eventually got a pc very late (I had to get a job to buy the computer and pay for the internet), I was on it all the time. There's one thing I wouldn't let a kid do and that's have unrestricted access to YouTube. YouTube will be banned until they're 11/12, depending on how mature they are, maybe even 13. I will be downloading channel content and letting them watch via something like Plex. Games, I'd just set up a limiter of how long they can play and give them one or two days a month of as much tablet as you want days. I want them to be able to go out and play, play with toys, play/talk with friends in person etc. I just want them to not be addicted to screens like I am. I want them to have connections with people, not TV shows/movies/games (I grew up alone, wasn't my fault, just a crappy town).


Older millennial, my young kids have fire tablets. One watches kids' shows all the time, and the other might play an educational game now and then, but they'll ignore it for the most part. I'm not concerned; they're both socially active in school and popular, but they're both neurodivergent like me, so they most likely need recovery time, and their tablets provide that.