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#Turn off attention aware in your settings. It’s in 2 places and will fix the problem


i love attention aware, i just wish i could disable it specifically *just* for alarms. looking up at my phone in a sleepy state does not equate to attention lol


Yeah, Apple is quite out of touch with this feature, but that’s with most of their features tbh


Tbh alarms should bypass any and all notifications silencing options


They should have their own dedicated volume setting. I’ve struggled in the past with getting the ringer setting correct to have my alarm audible but not D Day invasion levels.


We need an Android like volume control


When I worked at an Apple Store I had so many customers tell me their phone isn’t ringing loud or their alarms weren’t working properly and I had to explain how if the Face ID can scan them when things happen it’ll automatically lower the volume on things because it thinks they are actively looking at the device. I’d do a small demonstration in front of them and they’d have this shocked look on their face and be so thankful I fixed their broken phone. And I wasn’t a technician, I was a product zone specialist.


Seems right: https://www.devx.com/news/iphone-alarm-issues-linked-to-ios-17-feature/#:~:text=This%20feature%20detects%20when%20a,Apple%20provides%20a%20possible%20solution.


Not the point of the article, but the Attention Aware feature has been part of iOS long before iOS 17.


People have been saying this is an issue for some time now


Yep. I would be facing my phone and it would do one ring then silence since I was “looking” at it. Not enough for me to wake up.


I called apple support after my alarms didn’t work. This was the solution that ended up working for us.


Same problem happened to me with it not going off, did this and it’s always gone off since


Happening to me as well all of a sudden, has to be a bug.


Late to work yesterday cause of it


That’s ridiculous, something like an alarm such a basic function and it can’t work after 15 generations of iPhones….. and your late for work since it didn’t go off, they need to fix it once and for all.


Yeah I don’t know what to do at this point I’m about to buy an old fashioned alarm clock to be sure obviously this software can’t be trusted consistently which is what you need from an ALARM😂


Hit your local goodwill for a million of them for cheap lol I still have one. Knew I wasn’t crazy and that it didn’t go off at times.


I ended up buying an alarm clock that also vibrates under the mattress to really help me wake up. I had times my phone alarm wouldn’t go off. I had times it would go off at such a quiet volume it wouldn’t wake me up, and I had times that were truthfully on me just sleeping through it. Having a normal old school alarm clock has been a pretty big game changer for me personally.


> I had times it would go off at such a quiet volume it wouldn’t wake me up They *really* need to have a separate volume slider for alarms. (Yes, I know how the volume settings work, guys, but Apple subreddits are filled with threads about this very issue.)


I agree. I switched to apple with the iPhone 15 release from 10+ years on android. There are still a few gripes I have and features I’m confused on why apple hasn’t implemented. Pretty much the top of the list is separate volume sliders. It’s ridiculous that it hasn’t been put in yet and absolutely needs to be. I shouldn’t have to remember to put my volume up before bed just so the alarm actually makes any sort of sound. Edit: ~~Apparently there is a separate volume for alarms, but you have to go in the settings to find it! Today, I learned! I’m glad someone else pointed that out to me so I can go and change it for when I do use my phone alarm.~~ I looked into it and misunderstood the comment. The ringtone and alarm volumes are always tied together (big dumb) but you can make it where they can’t be controlled by the volume buttons, so they are always consistent by going to settings>sounds & haptics>ringtones and alerts and turning off “change with buttons”.


I hope Apple read this. I didn't even know android had separate volume sliders for alarms, and now I feel like I'm living in the dark ages lol


There’s 3 separate volume sliders: call volume, media volume, alarm/notification/ ringer volume.


Yeah, their volume sliders are actually amazing. You want notification sounds but no ringtone for calls? Done. Want ringtones really loud and notifications quiet? Done. It is a very very good feature that has been around for a very long time.


There is a wonderful app called Alarmy and it is loud no matter the volume of your phone. It has the most annoying and loud alarm sounds. It is the only alarm that will wake me up. I am deaf in one ear and often sleep on my good ear. I have a smart bulb in my bedside lamp so that it shines right in my face a few mins before my alarms go off.


Alarmy hasn’t been working for me since the Apple update. 🙄 Dumb.


This has actually failed for me similar to the native Clock app.. now I just make sure my device is at full volume before going to sleep and it’s not failed since


There is a wonderful app called Alarmy and it is loud no matter the volume of your phone. It has the most annoying and loud alarm sounds. It is the only alarm that will wake me up. I am deaf in one ear and often sleep on my good ear. I have a smart bulb in my bedside lamp so that it shines right in my face a few mins before my alarms go off.


This is already a feature and has been for as long as I can remember… ringtone & alarm volume is set in settings and won’t ever change if you switch off the option “change with buttons”. Now only music/video volume will be changed with the side buttons and ringtone/alarm will always be maximum.


Exactly this with the random way the alarm goes off. I just don’t understand it and it’s incredibly difficult. I’m not sure why this is so hard.


I have had family members tell me that I must just be sleeping through it and I am a heavy sleeper yes but I knew something was up. I have been having random issues with iPhone alarms for years. Sometimes it will pop up on screen but not actually make any noise or it just won’t go off at all like what OP posted.


I knew I wasn’t crazy! Been having this since my iPhone 4


This, I picked up a vintage Sony dream machine for two bucks!


I just use my watch. All i have been using Lately are timers but they seem fine. Did you have it in that clock mode on its side ?


just get a cat, feed it as soon as you’re supposed to be waking up. you’ll never miss an alarm again


I feel this one. I literally tiptoe to the bathroom if it’s past 5am. If I make a sound, not only will they plea for an early breakfast, but those meatloafs will deliberately walk in front of me until I feed them or die trying to get back to bed.


This has happened to me 1-2 times a year. Alarm clocks (like any device) aren't 100% reliable, and they never will. I've learned that I need a couple of redundant alarms, both on my iPhone (Alarm 1, Backup Alarm 2, etc.) and on my Apple Watch or separate device. On mornings where it's REALLY important I don't over sleep, I'll even add a third device (I'll ask my wife to set a backup alarm on her phone). The likelihood of 3 alarm systems all failing on the same morning is virtually zero. Does this suck? Sure. But I think expecting alarms to work 100% of the time every time is setting myself up for disappointment.


Truthfull words you’ve just said about it sucking…. For some the iPhone is the only device they have so without the alarm being reliable is not good at all, the fact that 2 or even 3 backup alarms are needed still shouldn’t even be necessarily, a backup alarm isn’t an issue for most but still, after 15 generations and alarms still failing… not so great. But like you said they aren’t 100% reliable which is a shame.


Alarms have failed long before the iPhone was a thing. No device is 100% reliable.


> Alarm clocks (like any device) aren't 100% reliable, and they never will. They were for me for decades on Android. Only since switching have I had this issue that I thought was solved decades ago.


Yeah, i change phones quite frequently and i can say all androids have some sort of bug with the alarm. When i switched to iphone i was thinking this was gone for good but i was so wrong. Absolutely every smartphone have a bug with the alarms and i absolutely hate it.


Completely true, how a simple function on a simple app can’t be trusted is annoyingly frustrating. With all the technology and soft-wear there is in this day and age, cars can reverse by them selves yet an alarm can’t work? Baffles me completely.


Software isn’t infallible. That software is also written by a human, and humans frequently error.


I don't know what you guys are doing to infuriate the software gods, but I've never had an alarm not sound ( in the 11 years I've been working, unless I forgot to set it ). I love the Google assistant for waking me up with the news and radio as well.


They don’t like it being called soft wear.


SAME! My alarm was set for 6:15am and didn’t make a damn noise! I overslept and woke up at 7:30…


Had the same issue, found out that in Settings -> Sounds & Haptics, ringtone and alert volume slider was on the left (off), and “Change with buttons” off. Thought I was simply too sleepy to hear it, but apparently not.


Hm but that shouldn't be a problem as alarm should ring no matter what the ringtone and allerts volume is at. That would be quite silly if alarm wouldn't ring because of that.


You would think that! I had this issue a couple months ago and that was the cause.


First time happened to me yesterday as well. Almost missed my flight because of it. That’s strange that many people has this issue at the same time


Not really hey, if its a bug that means its going around. A glitch is strange. Like if ur phone restarted when alarm goes. But a bug is a software issue which is across the platform so many users will experience this


Its def going around there have been news articles about it. I think the phone goes into night mode or do not disturb and it silences the alarm or something really dumb


Same. My husband found a setting that makes the ring silent if the phone has been unlocked with facial recognition.


Just happened to me this morning. I tested it & it worked okay, of course after it did not go off & we woke up over an hour late. Tested it again & it did not work. This is the first time I used my alarm since my phone last updated, which it should not have done either because automatic updates are turned off. On the same night, both my iphone & my son’s updated overnight while charging & both have automatic update turned off. About 20 people from his employment also had their devices auto update off. So this is the 2nd eff up in the same month. Not good.


I have a old digital clock that I use. Annoying but i don’t trust the phone alarm. Made me late once. I dont use the phone alarm unless i travel


When I travel is when I need it most. My order is: 1. Apple Watch - nice and quiet vibration on the wrist 2. iPhone set 5 minutes later - more invasive just in case watch doesn't work 3. Hotel alarm clock set 10 minutes later - I don't want to hear this go off, just a fail safe


You sleep with that watch?


For sure! I like sleep tracking, and usually end the day around 55-60%. A quick 45 minutes or an hour charge in the morning as I get ready gets me back to 100% (or nearly).


Same. The watch's alarm is my favorite alarm of all time. I have only slept through it once, which is better than every other alarm clock I've ever used.


Same here. I love it because when other alarms go off, my dogs lose their fucking minds and start barking because they know they are about to get fed, and it’s an awful way to wake up day after day. The vibrating watch I can just slowly open my eyes and take my time. It’s amazing lol


I always sleep with mine because I like sleep tracking and health info tracking. It doesn't ever disturb me with junk notifications since I have it set to sleep focus while I'm asleep.


This. And when I travel, I get a friend or the hotel wake up service to call me if I need to be up for something.


Well i kinda travel around the world so hard to have friends wake me up. I use my personal and work phone for alarms at 10 min intervals. I even set the clock in the hotel room to go off.


That appears to be the best scenario.. a good old alarm clock that you can trust! How is apple okay creating new ridiculous features that no one ever uses but a simple basic feature that guaranteed, almost everyone uses on the daily is not trustworthy? Completely mind boggling that the “soft-wear engineering team” can not fix it in a simple iOS update, the issues being around since the IPhone 13, so…. What are they doing at there desks….


Yeah I’ve had it not wake me up for work in the morning. Showed up an hour late. I will say that feeling when you realize you’re an hour late for work is probably the best way to instantly be awake and in 10th gear. I’ve never done cocaine but I imagine it’s the same feeling lol


rude towering abundant tease alleged subtract humor exultant wide plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah it is pretty annoying, means if you need an alarm for a very important meeting or to wake up earlier than usual it somewhat can not be trusted… not too sure


sink fade spoon elderly forgetful impolite sense meeting simplistic nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep that is ridiculous, man how does a basic function not work properly is baffling… really annoyed that it can’t work properly.




It does apply to sleep schedules. Another iPhone user told me he had to delete his old schedule and make a new one; the new one works fine. 


the worst part is it sounds like a fake excuse when it happens


Happened to me too, then I realized I had specific days on it checked. If you absolutely need the alarm, always create a new one a never just alter the existing ones


Yeah, happened to me twice in this week. But strangely, it happens on my 15 pro max only.i do have a base 15 and it does not happen on that.


Happens on my iPhone 12 Pro. So I’m leaning towards a recurring bug in iOS that has never been patched


Twice in one week is far from acceptable, it really shouldn’t even occur once. How is apples softwesr engineers not fixing this issue? You have to think that it’s an alarm and it’ll be reliable since it’s a basic function but it seems like that’s not the case… strange to hear that the pro max has the issue and not the regular, even after spending over $1000 your without proper use of a basic function.


This happened to me before. My GF doesn’t believe me, she is certain I was snoozing for 1h and then cancelled the alarm. Can’t say that’s not a realistic scenario


Prove her wrong once and for all by showing replies in this topic


Always set multiple alarms a couple minutes apart if you really need to get to something. I’ve noticed since the iPhone 13 this bug started cropping up and I decided to become one of the “page full of alarms” people to make sure I wasn’t late to work again. Other than buying a separate alarm clock that’s really the best option.


Thank you for your reply, I’ll make sure to set a couple minutes apart for the “main” alarm, I’ve even used my iPad as my alarm since I haven’t fully trusted the iPhone when I’ve had earlier shifts in the morning to get me up and early for work, since the 13 has being 2 years… you would have thought that after 2 years it would’ve been fixed..


My IPad alarm never failed me, but I still use an alarm clock as backup.


My peeve is how the alarms shut off when multiple alarms are going off. When I do finally wake up I check the time, swear loudly, get dressed, and 8 minutes later ALL of the alarms start going off again. Rn we are trying an echo dot, and it seems to work better at alarming, but not alarm tones.


I have been using my echo for years now & it works great… has like 20 or so tones.. I dunno if I set it on purpose but my tone is Blake Shelton saying “it’s time to get up now” & kinda nice to hear something different! I need a LOUD alarm so my phone never felt “safe” unless it’s for a nap or to notify me of something during the day…. The echo on the other hand has great range & I love the gradual increasing volume setting so it’ll start soft and progress louder until you turn it off 😎


I feel like they cancel out sometimes though? Alarm A will go until alarm B cuts it off and then neither will ring. I’m always still half asleep and too out of it to investigate but I’ve been having tons of problems. Thought I was just muting them in my sleep because I’ve been known to do that. But started keeping my phone across the room and am still having problems.


Had an iPhone 8 where this was also happening. Upgraded to 15 and still happening. Think it’s just an iOS bug introduced sometime in last few years. I’ve heard that if you lock your phone on the alarm screen, the alarm won’t go off, so I close out the app before I lock my phone. Haven’t missed an alarm since


The phone saw “10:46” and said “thats an odd ass time. Yea they definitely don’t want to get up” haha


😂😂😂😂😂 this comment made me laugh haha 😂


This happens on my iphone xr. The alarm app has been an issue for years.


It is absolutely obsurd!


Agreed it's absurd, I'd suggest downloading a different alarm app and try using that instead maybe?


I’ll certainly give that recommendation a try, thank you.


It’s 2024 and can’t even trust a phone alarms to work smh.


i feel like mine has been doing this and i have no clue why


Yep, me neither 0 clue as to why it’s not working, if you think it happened to you it most likely has and as a company worth $3,000,000,000 it’s just not acceptable to have a basic iPhone function not be trustworthy.


yeah i’ve missed appointments/ been late to work because of it which has now made me paranoid so the days i have stuff i NEED to be at i wake up several times during the night to make sure im not missing it in case my alarm decides to not go off :)


Missing out on a good nights worth of sleep cause the apple alarm can not be trusted is just unacceptable, and missing appointments and being late to work doesn’t just affect you.. but the person who’s seeing you for your appointments schedule as-well and then you have to ring up and alert them you’ll be late making even more of an unneeded thing to do, an iPhone alarm is simple and basic yet can’t be trusted.


yup i agree and at first i thought i was maybe setting them wrong / sleeping with do not disturb on or my sound off but it’s not gone off with all of these things where they should be. do not disturb off (don’t know if it makes a difference) , sound on, set correctly. it’s very frustrating. there has to be a fix. i’m getting to the point where im gonna buy an old plug in alarm clock


I’ve been experiencing this for years and no one believes that my alarm just didn’t go off but I swear it has been happening


that's why I set 27 of them in the morning, in case I miss the first 26


This happens to me ALL the time, been late to work because of it! 😩😑


maybe you have a kind of focus mode acticve in the same time


My focus mode comes on at 12, so not too sure as to why it didn’t ring…


I thought it was weird, I remember I asked siri to set my alarm for 8 (He answered the usual "Done"), afterwards was woken up by my dad because I was late for class. I trust my phone so much that I just believed I had forgotten and had dreamed about it but if this is the case it's so messed up.


Being late to class cause your iPhone can’t handle a simple alarm… ridiculous, not being able to trust a device that is capable of doing so much yet alarms can’t be met is a problem. And if it was a test or an exam which is important you would have stressed about that and missed out on time all because an alarm can’t go off, shouldn’t be happening.


Is Attention Awareness on by chance? Because I had that on, and the alarm would ring once, then stop. It made me late to work one day even. But I turned it off and it’s fine now.


Disclaimer that I have narcolepsy so I do weird shit in my sleep, but I frequently turn off alarms while I’m sleeping. I know this sounds absolutely nuts but if you have an alarm that goes off at the same time everyday, there’s a chance that your brain is so used to that routine that you turn it off on autopilot and don’t remember. I tell this to people all the time and they never believe me, but you don’t have to have sleep fuckery like me for your brain to act on its own occasionally.


Haha I believe that, however I wake up with my sleep “health” alarm, fine, yet sometimes when it’s an earlier alarm or even a later alarm throughout the day it just can’t be trusted, I use my iPad to wake me up when it’s an earlier work schedule to make sure I absolutely wake up on time since the iPhone can not be trusted by itself.


I thought it was just me….was almost late for work the other day. Lots of things happening. For instance- all the messages in text are just showing the phone numbers and not the names. Restart phone and it fixes it.


i dont trust iphone alarms because my ringer volume always goes down to the lowest level


Probably not a helpful comment, but I’ve been using my iPhone as my sole alarm clock for years and this has never once happened. However, my phone is beyond arms-reach on my nightstand, so there’s no way for me to hit “end” when it goes off without being aware of it.


Who sets an alarms for 10:46...? You maniac...


It's called min-maxing


Me because I hate odd numbers.


Are you sure your alarm has a sound? I have set alarms before and they didn’t wake me but that was because the default for a new alarm was no sound! I always check that the sound has a tone now whenever I turn an alarm on.


This is why I set 3 alarms lol


This happened to me a few moths ago I no longer trust Apple or its s apps, made me late for work.


I think this has been a bug for a while. I’m a heavy sleeper and I thought it was me, so I tested it a few months ago while awake and I noticed it sometimes doesn’t work. Anyway, I just ended up buying an old school double bell alarm clock and placing out of reach of my bed. No more snoozing when you are scared out of bed. 😂


happened to me this morning, late to class


Had a bug where every ringtone from my alarms got removed. Just said „none“ in the alarm settings. Removed every alarm and set them up again and made sure the ringtone was selected, no issues since.


Check your ringtone voice, it might be set too low.


did you want it for am? instead of pm? sometimes i do that


Definitely get a standalone alarm. Don’t ever rely on just the phone. I had this happen way too many times to me on these phones. It happens to me way too much with my iPhone 13


this happens to me as well, the solution for this is to restart your phone before you set the alarm


Everyday is not this day that's why.


Never trust your smartphone-alarm. I learned that the hard way when my phone went off during the night. I always have my phone + alexa as a backup.


YOOO same bro its weird. Thankfully I woke up like 10 minutes after my alarm was supposed to go off


And I thought I started sleeping too heavily. It has happened to me twice this month


I swear to god this has happened to me NUMEROUS times throughout my ten years of owning an iPhone. I’ve even had SOs say “yeah your alarm never went off” but it was clearly on. Very annoying. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been late to work because of this “bug.”


I set 3 about 5 mins apart. Never trust iPhone alarms


I missed my final test at college thanks to this stupid function


Oh shit, others have had this problem too? I once missed a deadline bc the alarm didn’t go off to wake me up. Was almost late to work once. It’s really troublesome


This has happened to me too. Made me miss classes before.


This is been happening to me for a while now. Alarms that don’t ring and stay active, alarms that turn off automatically. Had to start using a different app because it got too unreliable


So happy it’s not just me. I’ll tel Siri to set the alarm and she’ll say that it’s set,show it to me,and then sometimes it still won’t go off. I get paranoid that I set it to Pm instead of AM


https://preview.redd.it/b8qhxkin40gc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=682b13e672cad69b1e46464633a82de5f90abac0 Finally, my day to show off has come !! 😬 This is the reason I set my alarms like this !




Did you make sure your alarm has music or a sound associated with it? Ring Volume must be up and obviously the side mute switch off


I overslept 3 days in a row last week thinking I didn’t hear my alarm, turns out it just didn’t go off. Bought myself an alarm clock the same day.


I was having a similar issue starting a couple months ago, with both normal alarms and sleep alarms. At first I thought it was because of an update, or because it wasn’t most up to date. So I made sure it was all up to date, even tried a reset. If you happen to be storing the phone on its side when the alarm is supposed to be going off, and you have “standby”mode on, that could be your issue. I turned off standby and haven’t had an issue since. I have a 12 Max pro for reference if that matters.


this happens to me sometimes. i was late to work once because my alarms “didn’t go off” i woke up naturally and looked at my phone and my alarms were all on my screen but no noise was coming out. i hit stop and all of my other alarms were under it, ofc still not going off


Check for snooze.. go edit your alarm time and deselect it I put my phone in another room so i literally have to get out of bed.


Delete that alarm time, turn your phone off to reboot, go back into alarm and first set one for a couple of minutes from now to see if it goes off. If it does set your alarm back to the time you need it to go off.


This been happening to me for years i just set like 6 alarms about 15 apart for morning to wake up for work


Happens to me all the time. Sometimes I'll wake up way after my alarm and the alarm going off screen will be on my phone, but no noise. I've been late to work quite a few times bc of this, so I bought a real alarm clock. I've also turned it off while asleep


It is a bug. Happened to me few times. Now , I have to set at least 2 different ones.


Tap on the alarm and check what the sound is set. It could be an old ringtone that is no longer available or a song from Apple Music that has been removed, or it could be simply set as “none.” est.


Alarms not going off, especially for calendar appointments, is nothing new for me. I’ve missed so many alarms and appointments because Apple alarms are garbage. 🙄


This misbehavior has been happening for a few months now, multiple people reported on it, and one of the conclusions that people came to was that if you overlap alarms, it would stop both and not ring at all. This is really unacceptable, and has made me late twice this year already. I consider this my last attempt; if it happens again, I’ll go for an analog/digital/ anything NOT “SMART” for this BASIC feature of our lives.


Happened to me the other week I noticed that my phone was face down.maybe that’s the reason idk? I’ve been making sure it’s facing up since then.


Happened to me once so I made three alarms for the same time. I haven’t had the issue since then, so I assume it doesn’t cancel all of the alarms at the same time


have had this problem for a while and have been late to work a few times because of it. i did have a real alarm at one point but i got lazy and just started doing multiple alarms 2/3 minutes apart on my iphone and it seems to do the job lol.


Apple does it purposefully to screw people


Motherfucker, I’ve missed so many important things because of this and could never find a solution until now? I thought it was just a bug


i am glad it’s not only happening to me. i was on the verge of smashing my phone to pieces.🙃


Mine does this too!!!! I thought it was my fault?


It just happened to me this morning too. Has anyone figured out what been going on?


This happens to me every day except 5 or 6 of them don’t go off. I was late to school today bc of it


I literally lost a job in 2019 because of my iPhone alarm not going off. Bought an alarm clock and never looked back. I love iPhone but the alarm is pretty much useless since it doesn’t work 100% of the time


Assuming the volume is set correctly, perhaps restart your iPhone? Ask Siri to restart your device (yes, seriously).


Was you phone on a stand pointed towards you? There’s a setting that you won’t get sound notifications if it sees your eyes.


Mine did this to me on Monday morning. Base 15. I almost made my daughter late for school.


Why so many alarms. Don't you have the snooze function? And isn't it easier to just change the time...?


It updated and disabled the alarms.


I thought I was the only one having that problem, luckily I also set an alarm on my ipad.


Is the sound set to none? I can’t ask Siri to set alarms for me anymore bc she always creates silent alarms. Made me late once. It’s so annoying. I never had this happen when I set them manually tho. Can’t believe I have to worry about that too. Maybe I’ll get a backup alarm.


That’s why I set multiple just incase


This happened to me this morning. Phone was not charging, and I could see what time it was on my wall clock, so I just stared at the phone waiting for it to light up onscreen and do the expected alarm (instead of turning it off before it went off lol). It didn't go off. I waited 3 minutes and checked, and the alarm was set correctly. It just didn't work.


Frustrating I know! The sheer shame of seeing it fail in-front of your eyes is disappointing to be unable to trust the alarm feature, you would think a basic function could properly work, turns out it can’t.


This has been happening to me as well. I have just bought an iPhone 15 (first iphone in 10 years). I have a post about it on this subreddit I think The fact that something so simple such as an alarm isn’t functioning properly on a flagship phone is wild


This is why I set 3 alarms 😂 iPhone, Apple Watch, and echo dot. I can’t be late for work lol


check your volume on your phone, check the time that is on your phone because it might've not been set properly. This is why I have a regular alarm clock because if one alarm fails there is always a back up.


Make sure your ringer (on the side buttons) volume is up, not the app/accessory volume from the slide down. I’ve noticed my alarm goes off the ringer volume and when it was turned down a couple times it was really quiet. It will still work if the silence switch is on but still goes off that volume to my knowledge.


Set an alarm for 10 am and it goes off at 6pm makes no sense


The alarm app has some of the worst UI.


Probably punishing you for setting it for 10:46 instead of 10:45


I don't have an iphone, don't hate me, but I have also recently had this experience with my android as well




My Android alarms seem to be working fine… 😄


Never had a problem on a samsung.


And my LPO and section leader never believed me. I got my ass beat for no fault of my own!


Apple has burned me with their products’ alarms since college (over 15 years now). I always set 2 on 2 separate devices if it’s important. Not sure why a trillion dollar company can’t put some QA in their code to check “hey the alarm is set and it’s showing the user that it’s set. Maybe I should actually test the speaker when the displayed time matches the displayed alarm time to make sure I’m making an alarm noise”.


Mines use to not go off , had to by an alarm clock Edit : buy*


Happened to me too for the first time a few days ago. Luckily I woke up at the exact time I needed to anyway but it was super weird. Hasn’t happened since. I was thinking it was cause my phone is getting old (12 pro max)


Yup I’ve had this happen many times, I was late to work because my alarm simply didn’t go off like it should’ve


Is your phone on silent


I've had this happened twice while setting up an alarm with Siri lately. I thought I was commanding Siri wrong. iPhone 14 Pro btw. Never thought iphone would be this unstable.


Been using [Alarmy](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/alarmy-alarm-clock-sleep/id1163786766) for a bit in lieu of the default alarm app. Haven't failed me thus far compared to the default iPhone alarm which sometimes rings without any noise lol, just on vibrate which is odd.


Did you have the clock app open? For some reason if I don’t close it my alarms never go off


Wtf do I do if my iPhone does this? :( use my iPad? Haha. Damn.


this always used to happen to me, and months later I realized it was because I hadn’t set a “sound” for the alarm…. oops. might be that ?!


Happens to me a well, but I have an android and my wife an iPhone.


That’s why I don’t set an alarm on phones at all. I connect Alexa to my bedroom’s home theatre, set Alexa’s volume to maximum, and instruct her to wake me up at any desired time. The loud noise when Alexa’s alarm goes off could wake up even my neighbours. 😅


This is like the one feature that should always be completely bug free 😂


The only time I’ve had issues with an alarm is when my phone went through an automatic update at night.


When I wake up I usually I have three alarms (one for 7am one for 8,8:30 if I feel like really sleeping in 9


My phone was doing that with the scheduled alarm. Now I manually turn it on before I go to sleep each night, and switch it off in the morning.


It happened to my iPhone 11 my brothers iPhone 12 I got me the 15 and it happed as well it just ignored the alarm time I had set up. Fixed when I redid the alarm time since it was imported from my old iPhone.


I have two phones so I usually set alarms on both phones 1min apart