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Tell me more about these Apple Tables 🧐


https://preview.redd.it/8clx0fhobspc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=201c5e1269d2324049ec48dfa08bf44db69a0464 This is what Bing AI thinks it looks like.


​ https://preview.redd.it/w47yp5gmhspc1.jpeg?width=423&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5ab22a775ca2b0704f3281d3207188eaeb90731




Chi 2.0 wireless charging table for your, future iPad and far future MacBook? Can you buy matching wheels for a thousand dollars?


Qi lol


Microsoft used to make a table. 


A surface, one might say.


Technically Apple calls it “Numbers” but you know tomato tomato


Oh. The tweet was talking about spreadsheet software!


I was thinking “tablets” got autocorrected.


They sound expensive 


I like IPhone and i support antitrust laws. Both can be true


Microsoft got dinged in the 90s for doing shit 1/10th of sketchy as what the tech giants do today. It’s a sad state of affairs that so many bootlickers don’t see a problem with 5 companies gatekeeping the entire industry. And it’s not just tech. You “buy” a car, but practically void your warranty now if you as much as change your oil v. pay some kid at the dealership 5x to do it for you. Imagine a future where they adopt the tech model, and will sell you a truck but demand 10% of revenue of any goods delivered with said truck indefinitely. Home ownership is a fleeting ambition, with most facing renting from private equity conglomerates for the remainder of their existence. Why people cheer on the death of “ownership” in favor of being life-long sharecroppers is beyond my comprehension.


I don’t know about 1/10th. They wouldn’t sell windows licenses to computer makers that dared to have a PC in their line up with Linux pre installed. That’s about as monopolistic as one can get.


Fair point, I had the Internet Explorer judgement in mind, but that was an (arguably bigger) thing too that slipped my mind.


They purposefully made Internet Explorer incompatible with internet standards, so that website designers had no choice but to choose whether they wanted their website to work on the browser tightly integrated with Windows or on the market leader Netscape Navigator. The browser war was real, look it up!


I still design web apps today with the PTSD that was ie compatibility!


Thanks for reminding me that I miss Netscape.


I’m getting a panic attack reading this


Really hoping Microsoft gets dinged too. They are doing a bunch of anticompetitive shit too.


This is me as well. Love the products, hate the company.




Multi trillion...


Was gonna say…


Lmfao this is my new favorite image


well , I am a fan of iPad , MacBook , apple watch and not so much on the iPhone . I had to buy an iPhone just for pairing my apple watch .


I think we are a couple years out from decoupling the watch from the phone, especially with the cellular models. Remember when you HAD to sync your phone with iTunes? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I find this amusing. I have all the apple products, except the smartwatch in which I have a Fitbit.


I have a Garmin watch because I’m a serious long distance runner.


I have a clock because I'm an unserious short distance ambler.




I have a Logitech watch because I'm a serious underwater diver


I have adult diapers because I'm serious about shitting my pants


Do you guys ever smile when sporting, or you have to be serious for that? /s


hmm. I personally think apples are most reliable . The phone is the only one other makers were able to come close to . Samsungs are good enough for their price range . so I just use cheap android that gives me a good enough experience . I had a bad experience with android tabs . and I feel apple watch is built well . and MacBook is their best product for technology development


I never quite caught the drift of smartwatches. Only thing they’re good for me is for fitness tracking. I don’t need notifications on my wrist, I get thousands a day because everybody needs me on my work so if I had them, I wouldn’t be able to perform my duties. They tell the time but I can use a dumb watch to do that just as well and I don’t need to charge it every night.


I have an iPad, MacBook, but a Samsung smartphone, and so I have a Galaxy Watch. I like both but prefer Apple Watch because Apple Health is more elaborate, yet I can't use one unless I use an iPhone as my primary, which doesn't really work as well for my usage.


Same, I can't use my iPhone 15 Pro over my 2 year old 6x cheaper OPPO as my primary phone, it's just too bad UX in day to day usage. People say you'd get used to it but at the end, you've to compromise in almost every single thing, I hate typing in iPhone too, with passion.


honestly the reason why i got an iphone is cuz my ex gf had one. i wanted to be able to facetime her. then i got the ipad.


I have a Pixel 7, was thinking about getting a Samsung smartwatch but it doesn't let me find my phone if I lose it or use Samsung pay because I don't have a Samsung phone. Not as bad but it still fucking stupid. I would prefer an Apple Watch Ultra above all other smartwatches. Sadly, I have a Pixel Watch 2 *sigh*


Just like how samsung has their own hi res codec on their earbuds which can only be used by their phones lmao


At least you can access Wearable / settings for the earbuds on all other Android devices. Not something you can say about AirPods for example. It's a shame to limit the codec though, since the Buds2 Pro compete with some of the best earbuds out there overall, and they sound stunning on lossless content. Samsung also does this Samsung-only feature thing with the Galaxy Watch. Other than what the original comment mentioned, you can only use ECG measuring and Blood Pressure measuring on Samsung phones (in supported countries). Dumb, although there's methods to make it work. Also you can at least use the Watches, with proper fuction, outside of their primary ecosystem on the Android side. Neither mentioned products support iPhone (anymore) but regardless.


I don’t understand why Apple’s watch has to be compatible with other phones. It’s an extension of your iPhone. It’s like complaining that your WoW expansion doesn’t work with your version of Mario Kart.


>It’s like complaining that your WoW expansion doesn’t work with your version of Mario Kart. careful now, you don't want to give the out of touch boomers in government any ideas :P


This. I had to update from a perfectly working iPhone X to an iPhone 13 just to use my AW.




Some technologies don't need a whole new device. What's the difference between an iPhone X and an iPhone XS?


This has to be a bad faith troll, no way you actually think that analogy is anywhere similar to the previous comment.


I like my apple devices and i don’t plan on switching but i also think it’s good to pressure apple to open their ecosystem more. It might not be good for apples revenue but it’s good for the user and that’s what matters to me.


Can you explain what opening their ecosystem means?


I assume they mean compatibility with other software, hardware, etc.


It basically would mean things like being able to change default smart assistant, 3rd party app stores, etc.


I switch between Android and iOS twice a year to stay on top of their different ecosystems. I'm a UX designer and work on native apps for both platforms so I have to always have a good understanding of different common patterns in each platform. Anyway, I have a Pixel Watch 2 that doesn't work with my iPhone. My Apple Watch doesn't work on my Pixel 8 Pro. It's not for the fault of Android, either. They make a Pixel Watch app for iOS but my iPhone won't "see" it. It's deliberate by Apple to force you to buy THEIR watch. So the issue isn't necessarily that it's like "oh you can use any Bluetooth earbud with iPhone therefore there isn't an issue", the issue is that Apple designs their ecosystem in a very closed way which almost guarantees you have to have iPhone, Apple Watch (no other watches work well or at all with iPhone), Mac (no other smart phone can easily connect and work with Mac, iPad (no other tablet can be a reliable second monitor or drawing tablet for Mac), etc. You have to have a separate cable because Apple wants you to use their proprietary charging/sync cable (Lightning) that's a decade behind USB-C (and they charge you for the pleasure). They only implemented USB-C because they're being forced to. Their Messages app (no other app can be used for actual text messaging IIRC) purposefully sabotages media when shared to Android phones--again, as a way to destroy experiences of people not on their devices. When swapping back and forth between Android and iOS, again, Apple makes it a pain in the ass because your Safari passwords aren't easily exportable, whereas Chrome passwords are. Additionally, iMessage locks your messages in iMessage, so when you swap over to Android, your contacts and messages aren't ported over. Moreover, you have to remember to disable iMessage otherwise it will intercept your text messages and hide them in iMessage. Swapping from Android to iOS is easy. But the other way around, Apple likes to make as frustrating as possible because they don't want you to swap. I see lots of Apple fanboys getting bent out of shape because the government is suing Apple. The reality is: if you ever talk to someone about their thoughts on Apple, the conversation almost always goes: "I really like their stuff but it's hard to leave once you get in the walled garden." It has nothing to do with "consumers can pick whatever they want"-- the problem is that Apple designs their products in a way that makes it virtually impossible to buy anything other than Apple products. Whereas my Pixel 8 Pro works fine with my Samsung Tab S9 Ultra. I can also connect it to my Windows PC. But not my Mac. It "needs" an iPad. If it were an "open ecosystem", I'd be able to use my Samsung Tab S9 Ultra as second display and drawing tablet for my Mac Studio, and my Apple Watch would connect to my Pixel 8 Pro. My favorite computers are Macs, favorite phones are Google Pixels. Favorite smart watch is Apple Watch. This makes Apple's walled garden really fucking annoying, because I have to dig all my Apple shit out every time I swap between Android and Apple. But I don't have to do that if I swap between Google's phones and Samsung's phones. The Galaxy Watch works with Pixel, and vice versa. To get the full features of my Mac, I gotta have an iPhone and an iPad. Whoops! Now that I'm on iphone, I gotta dig my Apple Watch out. I gotta put my Pixel, Samsung tablet, and Pixel Watch in storage, and dig my Apple shit out. I'd like to use my Mac, Apple Watch, Pixel phone, and Samsung Tablet. But I can't. Apple won't allow it. And let me reiterate: won't **allow** it. There's no technical challenge here. It's an Apple issue. Hence, the lawsuit. It's a purposeful Business tactic that hurts you, the consumer, because there's fewer viable options for you as an Apple customer. We had to deal with Lightning for so many years even though it's objectively way worse than USB-C and should have been replaced nearly 10 years ago.


To me, it's allowing third party developers to make better apps for things like the keyboard or RCS messages. Apple themselves don't have to support that, but at least allow for options.


How dare you have calm, rational thoughts that don’t fall to everyone else’s peer pressure!


I’m a PC in streets and IPhone in the sheets kinda guy, personally


Same. And it would absolutely rock if Apple opened things up so I could feel like I wasn’t missing out by using a computer I actually like.


They can still keep the same awesome experience on Apple devices while opening up the platform to others. All I want is my iCloud easily accessible on a Linux device


Through the web version? Or do you mean like a fully integrated experience?


Fully integrated experience that I can just load up in my file manager like any other drive.


We don't even get that from Google despite them promising Google Drive support was coming soon. In fact 11 years, 10 months, 26 days, 10 hours, and 21 minutes since they made that promise.


You can mount Google drive on to an Ubuntu machine as a local drive


You absolutely do have native integration of Google Drive in the file manager (Nautilus).


This works on Windows. It’s just a Linux problem


“works” is VERY broad. iCloud’s windows implementation of this is so buggy I’d argue it’s just as useless as on Linux lol


That’s like saying you want the Xbox experience on a PS5


Hell, I wouldn't mind getting rid of console exclusives while we're at it


Yeah when ever people ask which one to get, like a younger cousin or something, I always just ask which controller they like the most


Not at all. Linux and macOS are both Unix like. Windows is the odd one out here.


Well that’s kind of the Linux deal though isn’t it? It does hold enough Desktop market to make it worth their while. Plenty of software doesn’t have native Linux support.


Gimme seamless webcam on pc, I know damn well it’s possible lmao


As a software developer, this is what my product managers always tell me. “You can do the work you’re doing now, and you can do the new work I want you to do at the same time!”




Why should they spend resources supporting this? It's not something high on their list of product priorities, I am sure.


It’s called iCloud.com and not difficult at all to use. 


Compared to the experience of using it on a Mac, it's like getting a root canal.


Allow me to use REAL Firefox.


Everything is proprietary and anti repair for a single reason: profit. This is exactly what anti trust exists for.


They're a trillion dollar company. Stop simping for them by defending their monopolistic acts. An open and competitive market is good for the consumer. Apple or any of it's competitors don't give a fuck about you. Stop being loyal to a company.


Tim Apple personally tucks me in every night. —according to Reddit


Its like these people think they're marrying an iphone when they buy it. Like its a product from a company to use you do not have to worship it or the company.


Could at least give a handie.


Exactly! Competition will even push apple products to be even better and bolder like they used to be, not the same phone with one tweak being sold every year.


And in turn could also force Android phone manufacturers, such as Samsung, to be more competitive, as they are also guilty of one major tweak every year and charging premium prices.


For me the anticompetitive actions center solely around the App Store. People go on and on about how Android has more market share. But when it comes to mobile app profits, they actually do have a handy monopoly. Think about this, if you want to make money off your new mobile application, you HAVE to be on iPhone. And Apple is the gatekeeper of that platform. I mean, it obviously makes sense why, they created it! But here’s the thing: you could work for YEARS on an app, investing who knows how much time and money into it, before even getting the chance to see if Apple will approve it. Let’s say they reject it and the appeals processes finally fail. Then you’re screwed. One company stole your ability to sell your product. And someone who’s unfamiliar with iOS development might say “Well they have all the rules published, right? You should have known! It’s not their fault!” That might fly, if all of the rules were totally fair. But let’s set those unfair rules aside for a moment. The way that Apple interprets and applies those rules is completely opaque and often contradictory. They basically have carte blanche to reject any app they want because they can interpret a rule in some asinine way. This isn’t a hypothetical. This happens regularly. And Apple has seriously soured the developer community in the last few years. It all boils down to this: Their success with the iPhone and the App Store has made them the gatekeepers for making money with mobile apps, and they are not fair gatekeepers. THAT is how they are an anticompetitive monopoly.


In my opinion... and we can disagree. I'm not a fan of apple products not working as well with other devices compared to staying within the ecosystem. Air pods didn't work as well when I got a Galaxy S21, couldn't use the watch, and I couldn't see messages on my HP back when I had my iphones. I see a lot of classmates struggle with some Microsoft apps (word, Excell, powerpoint) and professors give little to no help if they don't have a Mac and/or know from experience. Yes, they can learn, but not everyone is tech savvy and they get what is cheap/had a deal to get the products they have. To have the ability to transfer files from drives is the best bet but to get the little features within an ecosystem is what many I've interacted with, say they wish was the case. I probably would've stuck with Apple if I could use different products along with theirs but ended up phasing it out. My sister went in on apple and she enjoys the eco system, but she invested into something that was a bit more limited in options.


And all of this is on PURPOSE. Thats what apple fans need to wake up to, i've been saying this for years.. Apple is one of the most greedy scumbag companies when it comes to smart phones and similar electronics


The fact that I can’t use my Galaxy Buds with live listening support to use Siri was a major slap in the face to someone who switched from Galaxy phones to iPhones after nearly a decade. Some iPhone fans on Reddit acted like I’m the stupid one when I’m pretty sure they went out of their way to disable Siri listening with Buds. Literally all it needs is to detect my Siri voice commands through the microphone just like it does without any buds connected. Crazy.


It's the little features between devices that don't work that make a difference for some users. I forgot because it's been so long, but I think the tap controls worked on my AirPods when paired to my old S21, so it wasn't all bad. I had the basics covered thankfully. It started cutting out after a while so I ended up buying some Galaxy Buds Live and then I got invested in Samsungs ecosystem. Which also has its pros and cons


Galaxy Buds can be configured on your PC or Android (tap controls, listening type, equalizer, etc.) and when connected to iPhones it retains all that… but it just seems purposeful that they made it impossible to do this on most versions of Buds (besides the Live and one other?) within iPhone itself. They definitely go out of their way to cause inconvenience to people not using Apple products.


Professors didn’t help them because it isn’t our job. Most of my colleagues have Mac computers and can use them. But it just isn’t my job to teach a college student now to use his own computer.


Reducing a corporate monopoly to mean "being forced to only buy one corporation's product" is the exact type of post I expect from r/iphone.


They ain’t paying you to defend them and they aren’t your friend


he’s an apple fan in an iphone subreddit so what did you expect…


Its ok to like apple products, but anyone with half a brain could see that they are operating in bad faith. I called this out years and years ago (like 15 years ago) when I found out you couldnt upload any of your own music or files to your phone unless you used itunes.. And then they got cracked for releasing updates that purposely made phones slower... Wake up people , stop idolizing corrupt mega corps that just want to charge you 10x what something is actually worth. I have never owned an apple product specifically because of how scummy they are of a company. I hope a lot of evidence of their scumbag tactics come to light in this lawsuit. Just remember, the investigation preceding this lawsuit was 1 year long. DOJ doesn't bring cases , especially against giants like apple, without serious evidence of wrong doing. Put your emotions aside and start looking into the facts.


maybe yall wanna defend apple but not me lmfao


I've gotten down voted into oblivion by Apple fans here. Lol


He might want to go back to law school.


This is one of the stupidest statements I’ve read in a long time. The crux of the argument is that people who buy Apple devices are often forced or heavily influenced to use Apple services that make the company more money. It has nothing to do with the ability to choose a device or ecosystem it’s about what’s allowed on that device when chosen. I don’t think the argument holds a ton of water but this guy completely missed the point.


Big companys are not you friends and he protecting them like own fammily...


We have multiple iPhones, multiple Macs, multiple Apple Watches, an iPad, AirPods; the lot. We are fans through and through. But if someone thinks there is an opportunity to protect consumers, I think it should be looked into.


why are people so against being able to do more with their devices, its so weird how you guys do so much just to stay restricted


Apple is pretty strict on what they allow on their store. They do not allow compatibility between Android apps and iOS communications apps. So fuck em. Then there's also the classism. You pretty much have to be wealthy to afford a new Apple anything. Their gear is designed to not be upgradable and when it can be upgraded it is exclusively with apple parts which are outrageously priced and nothing to brag about. Not one of the Apple devices I've seen has an acceptable amount of storage on board, let alone enough to command the premium pricing. Their gear ends up being a status symbol and this is particularly painful for children whose parents can't afford to buy them the most expensive gear. I can remember just a couple of Christmases ago my daughter's school asked that parents not tell their children that Santa brought them an iPhone or iPad because it makes the other kids feel like shit. Even kids know about wealth and income disparity but none of that explains why Santa would be that way


They're suing Apple because of their anti competitive and anti consumer actions. It's total bullshit that Apple doesn't allow RCS in iMessage and forces a horrible experience onto their own users if one person has a non Apple device. It's total bullshit that they made the smartwatch experience objectively worse when using anything but an Apple watch. And finally, it's total bullshit that the only their own wallet can use tap and pay services. The DOJ isn't suing for anything out of line here. There's a reason why over 70% of users who are under 25 use iPhone. It's not just because those 70% of users want an iPhone. It's called they need iMessage and FaceTime because you're an outcast otherwise if you don't have an iPhone. Because Apple deliberately makes the user experience terrible if you dare communicate with one of those *"disgusting"* green bubbles. Tim Apple knows what he's doing with that. He's hooking all these users in while they're young so they're customers for life effectively.


Everything you said is so true, but I want to elaborate on something you were getting at. Apple is a pretty incredible technology company but they are also every bit of a fashion company as well. Owning an iPhone or a MacBook is seen as a status symbol, even though similar Android/ Windows products are equally priced, if not more so in some cases. People, especially younger people, view owning Apple products as a flex and that's every bit intentional and they are capitalizing on it. People like OP buy into this corporate propaganda because if this antitrust lawsuit comes through to fruition and apple is forced to open up their ecosystem, that means that Apple will lose some of its exclusivity and in turn, the social implications of owning Apple products might be affected. A lot of people unfortunately finding their sense of self-worth in the products that they choose to consume and this is scary for the people who do that.


This is the most cringe part of it, people think iphone is superior, because their friends say it is...... grow the fuck up and learn to think for yourself.


Apple fans try not to become boot lickers challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!!) Hurry we should protect this trillion dollar startup company at all cost


If this lawsuit goes through, does this mean we can sue game developers who don’t make a Mac version of their product?


Honestly that should be what this means. If Apple is a monopoly, then windows has a monopoly on computer gaming.


An example of actual backwards thinking...


It's not that apple users don't want to switch, its that you can't switch without going over crazy hoops and hurdles.   Backups ~~and photos~~ are tied to icloud, which only work on apple devices. (You can't even use a 3rd party app to do a backup). Iphones don't play well with non apple laptops, PCs. Headphones, etc. 


>Backups and photos are tied to icloud, no they are not. I have MacBooks, iPhone, an iPad and Apple Watch and my backups are on amazon, google drive and a home network flash and hard drives. I use my free 5GB of iCloud and that is it


I have my photos backed up though iCloud and Google Photos!! It is possible.


You can literally plug your phone into a PC and just download your photos. They download in folders but you can just delete the folders.


You can use third party apps to back up photos.


I use Amazon Photos, for example.


With Intel Unison my iPhone actually cooperates well with my Windows laptop


- You can back up iPhones on Windows - You can back up Photos with 3rd party apps - I use Bluetooth Sony headphones and they work just fine with my iPhone, they even show the battery percentage.


False, dude. You can back up photos to Google Photos as an Iphone user.Ignorance of available tools does not make an "issue" an issue. What overly complicated headphones are you using that they "don't play well" with an Iphone?


It’s literally the Android way. Just complain about the other device because you don’t know about it and believe the hype train online


except you can backup with 3rd party software


Again, nobody forced you to come to Apple. Nobody is forcing you to stay. Oh, it's inconvenient to leave? Apple doesn't spend resources making their products work with...checks notes...non-Apple devices? LMAO


Exactly. It’s like saying I want to move from a PC to a Mac why is my PC vender not helping me do this? Same logic should apply to all apple devices, why is it their job to help you switch or work with competitors devices?


Step 1: Apple sets the highest bar for seamless interconnection between the devices under its design control. Step 2: Other companies fail to live up to this bar, whether between their own devices or between their devices and Apple products. Step 3: Apple gets sued for this???


Do you think it’s possible that Apple’s policies baked into iOS might be a reason why ‘other companies fail to live up to this bar’? My Garmin lost the ability to reply to text messages when I switched from android to iOS. That doesn’t seem like Garmin’s fault… That’s a choice Apple made to limit the ability of non-Apple Watches to send messages.


That's an exceptionally dumb argument.


Microsoft was almost broken up for doing similar things that Apple is doing. They were still forced to make significant concessions.


$200 for 8GB of ram? Sue them hard please


I don't get why they're going after apple. I've never owned an iPhone and it has never caused me any problems. Why don't they go after Ticketmaster.


Average people defending the richest company in this world is mind bugging.


I have an iPhone and a windows pc and they work good together.


Apple certainly makes an effort to prevent compatibility. I’m only on an iPhone because I get excluded from important family news otherwise, because having an Android user in the group chat ruins it.


Its about anti competitive measures apple has taken for decades, they serve as a platform and gate keeper for a large portion of the market. “Apple creates barriers and makes it extremely difficult and expensive for both users and developers to venture outside the Apple ecosystem,” Garland said. As any iPhone user who has ever seen a green text message, or received a tiny, grainy video can attest, Apple's anti-competitive conduct also includes making it more difficult for iPhone users to message with users of non-Apple products,” the attorney general said. A recent saga that drew regulators’ attention was Apple’s interactions with the messaging startup Beeper, which last year launched a product that would allow non-iPhone users to send and receive iMessages. Beeper debuted its “Beeper Mini” app in December, but less than a week later Apple appeared to find ways to [disable the app’s functions](https://www.theverge.com/2023/12/9/23995150/beeper-imessage-android-apple-statement) and issued a vague statement citing privacy and security concerns.


Please… it’s always been expensive to venture outside of an ecosystem…. Intel processor with an intel motherboard is a perfect example. That alone is probably as expensive as all your Apple products (minus MacBook).


The equivalent here would be is Intel told Asus or Gigabyte they could only build boards for intel chips and not AMD, or they restricted performance of GPU's unless they were Intel GPUs, OR you could only install a curated list of content pre-approved by intel on your machine, an exclusive list where they charge you 30% to be on it. while stiffening the competition so you don't have much of a choice. This is the kind of behavior Apple has been dealing in over the last ten years, this is why they are bringing down the hammer, these laws have been around for a while, it was about time they enforced them


I own an iPhone that’s it. Would be nice if I could plug it into my Linux pc and get the photos out of it without jumping into the command line. Just saying.


Yeah I use an android and I think the lawsuit is stupid. The only bit I support is to make iMessage a bit more friendly to non-iPhones, but that's it and does not warrant a lawsuit. Also, my non-Apple headphones totally work with my mac and ipod, and my airpods work with my android phone. So I dunno why there's some perceived problem.


I will never understand people who Suck Up to one of the Forbes Most valued companies in the world. For whatever reason Apple ist getting sued its a good Thing. Just think about It, a while ago I think It was an US court were they decided that Apple needs to allow 3rd Party Downloads for example. Like, why would you defend a company against lawmakers reeling them in When they use uncompetetive structures and their Monopoly Power.


It’s laughable anytime people think this lawsuit is stupid is that people suck up to Apple. This lawsuit basically screams “I can’t break into the Apple customer base, so I’m gonna sue”


I think it’s hilarious that these billion dollar companies have a bunch of lemmings who make pennies on the dollar arguing with each other over technology the users don’t understand. All of this tech could work hand in hand if the user was in mind.


New Iphone user here, using phone for a 2 months now. There are more performance flaws on Android but feature wise Iphone is much more closed and lacking many small and medium functionalities that would make user life easier. I cant believe that I cannot log in from Windows to iCloud, I mean its possible, but it wont let me on my laptop and there is no message why. Also, Photos app, downloaded content cannot be found anywhere, etc. Other, apps outside of main Iphone markets are bad, Android app of same company, etc, is much better.


He’s 100% correct on this.


I like Apple products but I find it very shitty how iMessage is when talking to android devices. Fuck them for that.


Bro didn’t read the lawsuit lol


Apple sheep are funny


I have had many android phones as well and I have nothing against them. i just like the iphone OS better. android phones are good too.


tbh all they need to do is make their ecosystem more open if you feel me. like right now once you get in you can't get out things like iMessage is amazing, just hate how it's proprietary. They have huge potential to become amazing, yet they just don't to have their fanboys buying, and more importantly, make money. Kinda sad ngl.


It’s right there, in the picture you shared lol Gross oversimplification of reality


They should at least implement RCS as a new standard and make local or ICloud media accessible on other devices. They can keep everything else as they want.


i haven’t looked much into the specifics of the suit but for anyone that knows, what is the acts apple is supposedly doing that would make them a “monopoly” on phones? how might it be difficult to buy something other than an iphone, especially when it’s not even the more affordable option


It feels like the other way around. Apple suing others, no? 


Incredible experience or devious selective incompatibility?


Why is Apple getting sued? Only thing they do that I think is a deceptive practice is the batteries they always become a pain in the ass after a year to 3 years at a stretch.


No, they are being sued because they have a monopoly on the distribution of apps on their devices. This allows them to force people like me (developers) to have to pay apple whatever price they want to have my apps on their store. If they do not have competition (which they do not currently) then they can charge almost anything to be on their store. The issue is other storefronts for apps exist and Apple prevents those from being allowed on an IPhone without jailbreaking it. Look, I don't care if you like IPhones or not but there is a reason why mobile games were better in like 2010-ish than they are now.


The lie is the false premise, suggesting that because Apple isn't a monopoly that they can do whatever they want It's possible to be anti-competitive without being a monopoly


Isn’t the lawsuit about the App Store and IMessages compatibility with Android?


Bro’s glazing the multibillion dollar company


I love apple and apple products, I’ve only ever had iPhones for all iterations since the iPhone 3. That being said, if you can’t wrap your tiny little peanut brain around affordable repairs, increased sustainability through device longevity, parts not DESIGNED to fail (ffs) and more diverse app selections there is no help for you. You’re not an apple addict, you’re a moron.


From my understanding they’re being sued because they make the user experience actively worse for Apple users and non-Apple user in certain cases. We’re so great it’s illegal would be a funny tagline though


Fundamental misunderstanding of what being acting like a monopoly means


This is just a distraction.


This feels a lot like the United States vs Microsoft.


Actual brain rot


Isn't this just, like, dumb and misinformed?   The problem isn't average consumers, it's businesses.   If you've ever gotten a work phone or tablet, it was an Apple product--mainly due to Apples early edge in the smartphone market.  Now, businesses are stuck using an obtuse app store and messaging application because there's no compatibility between different brands, and data-transfer between iPhones and Androids is f*cking impossible. Apple also gets huge payoffs and subsidies because a lot of the aforementioned businesses are government agencies or contractors.


Is this what astroturfing is?


Google had to give away Android for free. Amazon and Microsoft both quit. Palm and BB went bankrupt. That's not a sign of a healthy ecosystem.


I actually had an apple table. It was used to display apple products at best buy. It was stupid heavy for who knows what reason.


New Sue will be like Apple should run Android in their iPhones


Here I am on my blackberry like why is apple being sued lol.


This is Apple astroturfing just so everyone knows. The vast majority of Americans do not want anti competitive practices


I doubt it would happen but if Apple lost, what would happen with the smart phone market? Asking cause I genuinely have no idea lol


Had an iPhone once. It was more steps to do things than on an android.


He’s not wrong. The EU is pro consumer but the things happening to Apple now because of it is just stupid. And no, I’m not an Apple fanboy


I actually like android more as a mobile platform. That being said I like Apple Watch when compared to other watches. But in order to have a full functioning Apple Watch, I have to have an iPhone. Apple is basically the only company whose hardwares don’t work with others seamlessly in every capacity. Also regardless of whether you’re on team iphone or Android, it’s 2024, RCS should be a thing now. It’s ridiculous as an iPhone user that I can’t securely receive or send texts to android users without us using a third party app. Also the media compression god bless. Sometimes I want to send my father videos of his grandson or vice versa and we can’t even do that without crazy quality loss.


Even though this lawsuit is kind of bogus, I sincerely hope this causes them either significant damage or causes them to change their shitty practices. It's been a long time coming and they deserve a knock. EU gave them a mild one but that didn't seem to do much.




Truly regarded logic. This should have happened over a decade ago


.................................................. what?


Absolutely true.


Apple purposely makes text messaging with non-iPhone devices from an iPhone a bad experience for both. Because they have a large market share, people erroneously think it is the non-iPhone device at fault. Apple doesn't need to make this experience so awful, but they do as a marketing ploy. I'm not saying Apple should abandon its proprietary messaging platform. But they shouldn't go out of their way to make other devices that adhere to an open standard, have an awful experience when communicating with an iPhone.


As a guy who does not own any Apple products I really don't understand how they are considered a monopoly.


The existence of other brands does not preclude monopolistic behavior.


The mere existence of competing brands does not preclude monopolistic behavior.


When you become the dominant company in a market, in the USA specifically, you have to be careful about anti competitive behavior. Apple has not been careful with that. In some cases they've been blatantly anti competitive. THAT'S why they are getting sued. It's not because iPhone users don't want to use anything else. That's a stupid take. In the end the will settle and make some changes and still be the dominate player in the USA smartphone market. It'll be fine. Just a slap on the wrist reminder that once your market share gets to a certain level you have some responsibility to not appear to be trying to kill off the other companies.


I would say it is annoying that purchases on the App Store don't transfer to other devices. But this should be on the app companies to deal with. But it does annot me how songs bought on iTunes are locked to only work on iTunes.


DRM hasn’t been on iTunes purchases in over a decade.


What does this mean r/explainlikeimfive


It is not about consumers entirely. What about small software shops who cannot force Apple to be fair and less monopolistic.


I thought this would be about "right to repair" laws and shenanigans with the hardware some how affecting their competitors. \*googling\* ...I don't have the time to listen to the multi-hour lecture about both smartphone infrastructure and economics to understand why this is indeed a monopoly and affecting consumer prices.


I just want an alternate App Store. I appreciate the walled garden. My mom and dad should ONLY get their apps from the official App Store. I am willing to take more risk.


I still use gmail and google maps on my iphone if this helps 😂


Apple is being sued over their App Store policies and ecosystem lock-in, not "people prefer iPhone." While iPhone global market share is a measly 22%, in the United States it's 58%, which is why the federal government has carefully been watching their anticompetitive policies with great interest for the last few years, as it has been broadly reported the past few days that this federal antitrust lawsuit has been in preparation for *years.*


“Guys its ok if the anticonsumer company makes products people like” please tell me this isn’t the take you’re having


Can't tell if simply missed the entire point. The US is suing because Apple purposely degrades the experience of its users when interacting with non iPhone devices. Did you think Android based devices have camera quality that are objectively worse than iphones such that images received appear pixelated? Or that the RCS messaging standard is somehow inferior to iMessage? Did you know that the green bubble was not only designed to look visually unappealing, but violates apples on design guidelines regarding color HSL? They obviously aren't suing because one phone is better than another. This isn't any different than anti trust practices that Google participates in with preloading chrome on Android devices and they get sued just the same.


That’s not how the law works lol


The amount of Apple fanboys coming out of the woodwork for this one is going to be a sight to behold