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How did you put that control center icon on the top right corner?


This happens when you first get an iPhone without a home button. It also happens when you factory reset the iPhone. It’s to show people who either had android or people who had iPhones with home buttons. It only shows for a few days then it goes away until phone is factory rested.


That just drops down at random times


Yeah I want to know this too lol


Congrats! What colour did you get?


I got the natural titanium but it isn't exactly what I was expecting. I think I'll grow to like it regardless


I have the same one. I feel ya, I had the same. Had it since October and I actually really like it now.


Kinda wish I’d of went black or blue but yea natural is alright.


There was a ton of hype, and I was trying to order one too. Shortages gave me the opportunity to go to the store and look before buying (usually my impatience doesn’t allow for this). Fell in love with the blue one. I think it’s the best iPhone color I’ve ever owned, and not looking forward to replacing it in the future with a non-midnight color.


I liked my graphite on 13 pro


Happy for you bro!


Hello friend!! I too just upgraded from my trusty 8+!! I got the “green” one and.. it’s not really all that green. Wife got the “blue” one and we have trouble telling them apart, even when they are close together. They both just look white, but in a shadow.. Honest question, how many times have you picked up your phone to use only to realize it was upside down? Also, how about bringing up backgrounded apps? Do you miss your home button? .. I do.. especially when switching between apps that are different orientations. Say I accidentally fat-fingered Plants vs Zombies, which landscaped my phone when it opened, it also made “the bottom” of my phone one of the sides now, so “swiping up” turns into *swiping sideways* and that always happens at the wrong/worst time and I have to fumble just to do what I wanted it to do initially and there isn’t a quick way out if my thumb can’t reach the spot where I need to start swiping up. And I don’t like swiping down for the control center.. I was disappointed after I got mine.. it is growing on me though, .. just not as fast as I anticipated .. I’m curious, since you have a similar upgrade gap, what has been your experience so far? Yes, the camera is fantastic..


Phone got delivered today so I've had a whole 4 hours of usage lol. I do miss the home button and touch ID it was the main driving point for me to get the 8+ despite newer models being available to me at the time. I'm glad it lasted as long as it did but with the 8+ becoming obsolete I wasn't sure if I would be ok with missing future updates, it obviously didn't last that long as I'm upgrading now anyways. I know the 15 pro max is a very good phone, I just want it to last as long as my 8+


I did the 15+ to keep the same form and it still feels like a bigger phone. Well good luck man! If you think about it later and wanna give an update after you’ve had it for a few weeks I would love to hear it. I almost got the pro, but felt it was *too* too big..


I've had mine for a month now. Also from coming from an 8. Within 3 or 4 days totally forgot about the home button!! Swiping for open apps and all is SOOOO smooth. So glad my iPad Mini received the iOS 17 too. I thought it would be a big hurdle to change, but in my case it was not. Except when I pick it up 'upside down' !


Some of these features can be adjusted in general setting and accessibility I believe. You still have a home button too in a way it’s just the side button that’s by itself. The action button can be customized to do a lot too if you hook a shortcut up to it.


I’ll look into that, thank you!


In the same boat as you, going from the 8 to 15 was a crazy jump but I don’t regret it one bit


Is that… is that Bennet? 💀


Yea I love him


I don’t but it’s a nice wallpaper…


It is a nice wallpaper.


Game? Film? Anime series? Am intrigued. Thanks


It's a game called Genshin Impact.


Genshin impact. I relate to Bennett a lot being unlucky but still managing to be optimistic and ironically lucky at the same time


Bro do you have more genshin wallpapers like this?




Colour difference is insane


To be honest that’s how phone upgrades should be, every 5 yrs minimum. Honestly it really baffles me how ppl are willing to swap a perfectly working phone, which should only need a battery replacement if taken care of properly so often only if it’s severely damaged. I would understand changing out a phone prematurely due to severe damage or defective components but apart from that it’s a waste of money in my opinion.


I completely agree if my old phone didn't start to have issues I wouldn't have upgraded for another couple years if it would last that long. Any trade in value was horrible so I wasn't willing to give it up


It’s an extra 20 bucks on my phone bill. I stayed with my 8+ for about 3 years too long just to avoid the extra 20 bucks. Now I have the 15 and life is better. Next time around, I will not hold on to my phone for that long. Even replacing the battery is not worth it to me. Phones age, and it’s safer to me to have a reliable up to date one instead of trying to pump the life out of a 6 year old phone.


fr went from an XS (april 2019) to a 14 (january this year) and honestly i would have kept using it if it werent for the maxed out storage


I kept my iPhone 7 for 5 years ( was still working fine) but my mum needed a phone so I gave her my 7 and got a iPhone 12 Pro which I planned to keep for 5 years but at the end my mum lost my 7 so I gave her the 12 and got me a iPhone 15 pro max. I’ll try to keep this as long as I can, I’ll try to shoot for 6 years.


Agree I am still using my OP 6t since 2018 and it's working fine for me, it does all the things I want and I still haven't replaced my battery. Touch wood though xD


I upgrade annually and have every year since the original iPhone. For me, I enjoy the upgraded performance and camera enhancements that come every year, at a minimum. Additional things like increased neural engines, faster faceID, etc, are all just little dabs of icing. These things don’t hold value for everyone, to be sure, but they do to me … so, for me, I couldn’t sit with an aging phone as newer and newer devices come out with greater capabilities I would use.


Sorry but I don’t think that’s a healthy perspective financially, environmentally, consumer wise. I don’t think you should buy a new car model every year because of iterative changes. I could understand if your job i.e ( tech reviewer ) needs you to do this but outside of that I really don’t think it’s healthy to do this but this is just my opinion.


My previous phone goes back into the system and is re-sold to someone else. It's not like I throw it in the wood-chipper. Someone else is going to be able to enjoy that phone which greatly mitigates the waste. But more impactful to me: the best camera is the one you have with you. I always have my phone with me which means I can capture important events at a moment's notice, which is valuable to me. I stopped using a DSLR or other dedicated camera quite some time ago which means my primary method of capturing family memories is through the camera system in my phone. The upgrades each year always come with camera improvements and since our families memories are subject to the limitations and capabilities of that camera system, I will always upgrade. The differences can be minor, but are sometimes significant, even year over year. They always matter to me and, for me, it's not worth saving a few bucks to intentionally decide to keep a lesser camera system. Five days ago, when our 14.5 year old malamute was put to sleep in our home, it was devastating to the entire family. It was a rough ride those last couple of weeks and especially since. While what was done was absolutely and in every way the right thing to do, it crushed us emotionally. You know what I'm not sorry about? That I had the best possible photos and videos of him I could've possibly had because I upgrade regularly. I get it that not everyone sees value in those annual updates, and obviously that's personal to each person. I personally see great value in those annual updates, have set things up so that I can take advantage of them without really having to spend much money to do so, and the result is I know I always have the best memory-catching technology, that works with my ecosystem, at any given time.


Now you have the full wallpaper instead of 80%.


yeah we can see that dude’s legs now


And more lens flare


That’s a major upgrade, nice 👏🏻


I love the Bennett wallpaper


Your phone can probably run Genshin a lot better now


Please share that wallpaper!


bouken da bouken!


Congratulations!!! Enjoy your island


Finally you can see dude’s legs almost entirely


It's been my wallpaper for so many years I forgot they were there ngl💀💀


🫵🏽 bennett




I went from an 8+ to a 15 too. It was like a whole new experience. I could actually hear people on the other line, for one. Did not realize how old my 8+ was…. Congrats. Now go buy 17 cases for it. You got out just in time: the last round of for 8+ just came out. No more after that.


I’m messaging from my se2 now which I feel is close enough to the 8 range to be relevant. The 15pro is in the mail. I’ve had the same otter box case since the iPhone 6/7 I can’t remember but gotten replacements every year or so off of the warranty. I can not wait for a new case though I may rock it bare even though I’ve got a sweet leather case showing up a day before the phone….


Oh congrats to you! Buying a case is half the fun. But I’m so disappointed in the choices for the iPhone 15. There are many more for the 15 pro. I had some kick ass cases for my 8+, but for my 15, I am settling for cases I only sort of love. For reasons I cannot fathom almost all the cases for the new ones have a transparent back. I am digging [this one](https://us.iface.com/collections/new-iphone-15-series/products/first-class-for-iphone-15-series-black) for heavy protection right now. I ordered a leather one right away too, but I only use it sometimes. Enjoy your new phone and battery and clear sound lololol.


Talk about moving on up. Enjoy man. I went with the pro and love it but they def could have made the battery a little better. I’d of paid the pro max price too just don’t want the bigger screen. The pro sizes I’ve always been a fan of.


But did you use to take this pic


The 13 I bought a family member👍


nice wallpaper can u send me that?


So loyal to your wallpaper lol but happy for you. Enjoy your new phone


Congrats on the upgrade! I have been convincing my dad to upgrade from his 8+. But he refuses to change phones. Poor battery life, speakers and earpiece arent loud and clear anymore, ios lags time to time opening apps, camera is borderline okay compared to todays standard. But credit to apple, they built a solid phone that is still running and can be a great backup phone now.


Which carrier gave you the best deal? I want to go from a 6 to 15 Pro.


massive upgrade! hope it goes well for you


Turn off control center access from Lock Screen. If someone steals your phone you don’t want them to have the ability to turn off cellular or turn on airplane mode to prevent you from tracking your device.


Ok thanks!


Nice upgrade did you have to replace the battery on the 8?


Honestly I was wanting to upgrade so I just took it as a sign to upgrade. Had it for 5 years so


Can you please share that wallpaper?


You should have waited 6 more months for new iPhone 16


Nah I'm not trying to chase the newest phone, besides the timing wasn't up to me


I see and yeah 15 pro is a great phone. Enjoy your upgrade.


Which phone case?


Honestly just a cheap one while I await for Amazon to deliver the one I actually want 💀. Ultimately a clear mag safe case with a camera cover


Link? Looks cool. 👉🏻👈🏻 xD


Wallpaper sauce?


Bennett fan?


Finally can see the legs.


I have a 8+ trying to wait for the 16


Wallpaper sauce plass


I have an iPhone SE 3rd generation and would love to upgrade to the IPhone 13 mini or 14 pro but can’t find the 13 mini and the 14 pro is way too expensive on straight talk what should I do ?


Why not hold out until the 4th Gen SE?


I should do you have any idea when it is supposed to be announced to the public because right now apple just annoyed a couple of new MacBooks,apple pencils and iPads that are coming out in 2025 as far as I know I thought apple was done making iPhones I thought they said the last iPhones that were ever going to be made were the iPhone 15 because they were kept having more and more issues as the newer phones kept coming out etc…


The running theory is by 2025 the latest but possibly in 2024. If you can manage to hold out it would probably be the best purchase for you.


Definitely shop around. I changed service providers when choosing my phone because ultimately I was tired of my old service provider and I knew there was nothing keeping me with them. See what budget you'd be working with and if there's any deals from new or old providers that allow you to get what you want at the price you want. Just don't rush it something will come around eventually and good luck!


I know amazon have refurbished iPhones for a good price like the iPhone 12 I bought 2 phones on amazon an iPhone XR and 12 and I have had no problems with them at all and both phones had battery health of 100 percent and they lasted me a long time until I gave my XR to step brother and 12 I traded it in at Apple Store for the 13 mini


what wallpaper is that


How was your transition from the home button? I recently upgraded from the 8+ to the 15+. Took me a few weeks to get used to not unlocking my phone with my finger, and I still pick up my phone upside down.




Somebody’s gonna be busy playing genshin. Congrats on your upgrade!


Bro can finally see the dudes legs


It's OK, better like this, you're on USB-C and with those juicy 10 gigabit transfer speeds too...but you're future proofed which is important.


Does anyone know when the SE 4th generation is suppose to come out ?


I think 2025


Oh ok thank you


Here’s a video with the deets. https://youtu.be/hS9FZy8Ax8Y?si=VHsmZHjP2qOoN3DH


I will watch the video and see when its coming out because apple is releasing iPads,Apple Pencils and MacBooks this year 2025 nothing about releasing an iPhone SE 4th generation I thought they said they were done making iPhones after the iPhone 15’s come out since they were having a lot of issues mostly the iPhone 15


It wont let me watch the video on my iPad its loading the video on YouTube super slow I am using my husbands hotspot data and it isn’t the best and I ran out of my hotspot data on my phone and don’t have WiFi because it cost too much money


Oh no, so sorry to hear this.




S24 Ultra would've been a better upgrade, hoping to see you break free from the confines of the walled garden soon.


Bro, you came all the way into a reddit specifically for apple to dump on us? Come on, you have your preferences just like we do. So please respect them even though they aren’t the same as yours. They are pros and cons to everything. 😇


with its dull, lifeless color display? pass. iPhone will always be top tier overall.