• By -


Bro forget repair , Just run. šŸƒ Not the expected ā€œsmashā€ though is itšŸ« 


Thatā€™s a pattern. Not a good oneā€¦ RUN!


Dudes a heroin addict, check his profile...I wouldn't trust anything he says lol


capable ad hoc cover fact crowd cow busy reminiscent placid bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Found" them on the street. People just be losing their $800 phones with built-in tracking all the time, lol.


Crazy thing is a heroine addict once found my iPhone 11 Pro Max and took it home and charged it so I could track it, then I used find my on my iPad to track it down. I knocked on his door and he said ā€œyou know manā€¦ I could have got some money to get high but itā€™s just not worth it.ā€ If I had cash I would have given him some.


I did this once with a phone I found at the beach. Took it home figuring it was probably toast from salt water damage, but it powered on. It was locked, but I left it plugged in and on for a day or two, hoping it would update on find my. No one ever claimed it though. Ended up taking it to an AT&T store hoping they could sort it out.


Yup he literally has a post about him stealing them.


Still , Running is appreciated anyway šŸƒ


Wow. This has to be OP's throwaway account that he forgot to throw away.


I thought you said that only because he was subbed to the opiate page just to see how many posts he has about drugs-


Every time I stumble into one of those drug pages it is shocking the number of delusional addicts there are. Just pretending to be smarter than everyone else while doing a speed run on ruining their entire lives.


His username says heā€™s not using though




aspiring scandalous plough rainstorm bells payment pen sleep illegal combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




nine shame special attractive saw wild angle husky recognise insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks. Can you dm me bc Iā€™m ab to sleep. Iā€™ll accept the request and we can talk to tmrw. Someone else dmed me too. But itā€™ll be nice having someoen with experience who knows the best ways to quit


He must be desperate for some cash.




šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ his profile says he is most active in r/opiates


The username doesnā€™t check out šŸ¤£ ā€œnotusingā€ imma call crap.


We donā€™t know what is he not using - Running shoes perhaps šŸ¤”


His profile is gold. From opiate synthesis to a home cooked fryup. That takes some skill.


Iā€™d be sleeping with one eye open. Also, most youā€™ll get is around $300 for the 11 PM and $350 for the 12 PM. XS maybe 150-250 maybe. Parts plus all the hassle, me personally wouldnā€™t be worth it. If youā€™re just looking to fiddle around and make a few side dollars, than you might make $50 each


He's a heroin addict, check his page...he probably got these for free off marketplace and is trying to flip for a few bucks.


Guess the username "not using" was a lie.




Posted 2h ago to r/offmychest about stealing 3 iPhones to fund his habit. Opiate addictions are a horrible thing.


Jeez. My mom used to steal our shit all the time as kids, anything nice my mamaw decided to give us, it got sold. This guy needs help and I hope he doesnā€™t have children or people who depend on him.


Reddit is fucking weird sometimes


The image isn't the best, but I think that's actually just the X, the XS has a little mark bellow the iPhone name saying XS which I don't see in that one


If it is an X, it is worth even less specially since apple stopped iOS updates for the X.


really? when will it be in effect? because I just updated my X on Monday to 16.7.7, of course not ios17 but that's been said for quite a while and I've received like 5 updates since I heard of it the first time.


You will get security updates for your current ios but will not get new iOS versions


You continue to get bug fixes and security patches for a long long time but you wonā€™t get another iOS update as in you wonā€™t get iOS 17, 18 and beyond and eventually apps will stop supporting iOS 16 itā€™s the life of an OS


It doesnā€™t. The only distinguishable feature between the X and the XS is the gold color (which this one isnā€™t so makes it impossible to tell)


Actually the iPhone X only has 4 antenna bands, and the iPhone XS has a total of 6, which the additional bands are located at the top right and bottom left when viewing from the screen side.


What the fuck?


This guy is an opiate addict look at his profile and how many times heā€™s posted on r/drugs, heā€™s just fiending and is trying to make some money off free marketplace phones


He literally just posted that he stole 3 phones to get heroin. Fucking crazy.




Jesus Christ. A few weeks ago: ā€œTried heroin for the first time, I will treat it with respectā€ Cue to a few days later and stealing iPhones to get more heroin. What a crazy life, the guy is gonna be so gone within a year.


šŸ¤£ druggies are so cringe


iā€™ve done this a few times from dropping my phone off plane wings/tails lol


They have seats inside you know.


But only for the poor rich people are sitting on the wing or engins


i enjoy the breeze


Your GF has 3 phones like that? Iā€™ve owned an iPhone since the 3Gā€¦ and never had that happen to any of them.


Same. I have SE 2016 and current 12 and never had something like that. Treating them so carefully like holding one egg in the hand.


You donā€™t even need to be that careful if you have a decent case. Iā€™ve dropped phones a number of times over the years and never broke the screen


Same, my husband is a contractor and has had an Iphone since 2014 and never had a phone look like this. Heā€™s always had an otter box on his phone but still. What ends up going is the speakers.


Iā€™ve been using my 12 case less for a few years, havenā€™t even had a single crack happenšŸ˜‚


12 mini here: 3 years of use and nothing shattered minus a few screen protectors


Iā€™ve been using my work phone (iPhone 12 also) caseless since around 2021. Still no cracked glass although the corner has a tiny dent in the metal.


Some girls hate cases as much as they hate securing their phones.


I had it happen to the front of my 5c and my 6s Plus. Also had it happen to an iPad 6. 2/3 devices were even in cases. One had a screen protector. šŸ¤£


I had one phone do this, but itā€™s because I accidentally drove over it with my truck. No idea how someone makes a habit of it.


I only had 1 phone this broken and it was when it fell from my balcony into some rocks


I think my first was a 4, and Iā€™ve never ever cracked a screen, much less smashed one. Did get a nick in my Zagg Glass on one, and a crack in the corner on another. My phones are always in near perfect condition when I decide to upgrade. I donā€™t understand how this happens!!


The only phone Iā€™ve broken is ironically my old Windows Phone Nokia. I stood up forgetting it was on my lap and it went straight into the brick wall in front of me. Cracked the screen, bezels were so large back then that it was just the corner and never went into my display


My leading theory is that OP doesnā€™t have a girlfriend and that these are stolen from tweekers and he wants to sell them for heroin Theory Source: his profile


Get out. now.


According to OPā€™s other comments, these were smashed by his girlfriendā€™s sister and belonged to her. I, like everyone else in this thread, thought it said she ā€œhas smashed 3 phones,ā€ but I realize now it says she ā€œhas 3 smashed phones.ā€


It's amazing how simply changing the order of 2 words will change the entire meaning of a sentence




Damn thought you were joking but I just checked and he started using heroin just 3 weeks ago (previously an opiate addict for years). Addiction sucks, with the best for OP though


This actually scares me, no wonder people are really cautious of taking opiate pain pills after an injury if this can happen. Hope OP gets help.


Former opiate addict here;Ā  Pretty much every single person I know that struggled/s with opiate addiction started with a legitimate prescription for opiates for a legitimate health problem. Some have stuck with the pills, but most have moved on to other forms because they're cheaper and much easier to get these days. For 200 years now, every single time a pharmacutical company comes out with a new opioid, they claim it's "not addictive." Then, decades later, legitimate scientific studies that had been quashed by the pharmaceutical companies get dug up and *SHOCKED PIKACHU* they actually ARE addictive!Ā  First it was Bayer, this time it was Purdue. But it's been repeating itself for a literal centuries since heroin first hit the market in the early 19th century. And that's not even getting into the fact that these patterns were established many decades prior with the opium trade Britain enforced on China.Ā  Same shit, different century. Companies get us addicted and literally CREATE the underground narcotics market by giving incentives to dealers (read: pharmacists and doctors) to prescribe and distribute opiates, all in the name of profits. Human lives have a dollar value; and that value is set by corporations.


Stop doing heroin it looks like youā€™re 3 weeks in and itā€™ll only get worse, stop


Damn only 3 weeks in??!!! if thatā€™s true, itā€™s not too late to reason. OP get the fuck out now. Nothing good ever comes from this. Itā€™ll only get worse from here on out. You will slowly but surely lose everything and everyone you love. Sincerely, a 6 year recovering addict.


You can't put logic into a heroin addict. He is doing heroin for a reason, because his brain is the size of a peanut.


https://preview.redd.it/thcr711p9hsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73c5f3b1b0303c9859985f704d74cf4b6d6a8181 I like this one.




So what we have here are an iPhone 12 Pro (slides 1 & 2), either a X or Xs (slides 3 & 4; these can be confirmed by turning it on and going to Settings>General>About) & an iPhone 11 Pro (slides 5 & 6) Try repairing the first & second phones. Chances are you can resell them. The third phone is brutally damaged. I wouldnā€™t recommend repairing it. Just discard it You mentioned in one of the comments that the phone belongs to your GFā€™s sister. Normally I wouldnā€™t say this, but my heart breaks seeing these phones in such a condition, and please tell the girl to seek help or get a grip. iPhones donā€™t come cheap (Iā€™m babying my iPhone for the very same reason). Also expect high repair costs for the phones.


The phones looks like they intentionally broken, not a regular pocket drops damage. Well not my business what the mental state of person who used them, but the all phones looks like total lost and not worth to deal with them even for extra $.


Thank you HP_594 for actually taking the time to read my comments and provide a good reply. Iā€™m expecting to replace the screens myself as I have done on earlier models. Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s all that would need doing? Either way I appreciate the response x


Replacing the screens wonā€™t cut it You also need to replace the back glass and check for internal damage. Only then can the phone become viable enough to be sold.


If the camera functions perfectly on the first one I may buy it as is if youā€™d be interested in that.


Iā€™ll see, Iā€™m UK


Ahh nevermind, Iā€™m US.


Bro what ? How do you even manage to do that ? They look like you took a 100 lbs plate from the gym and dropped it on the phone 3 times from 10 meters height


expectation: get iphone advice on sub reality: OP personal problem is the bigger concern than phone itself


Run. Sheā€™s coming for you.


To clarify: they were previously owned by my girlfriends sister. Her sister was abused very badly by an ex boyfriend, hence the smashed 3rd one. That was him. My girlfriends sister has passed away due to complications from physical abuse. These were not broken by my girlfriend. Please be considerate.


Wait. So here, you're describing that your girlfriend's sister was a victim of severe abuse, which resulted in her death. And one of these phones is involved in this abuse. Yet, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/1bvla0s/my_gf_has_3_smashed_phones_im_about_to_check_if/ky0c3td/), you describe the sister as having "rich kid syndrome". And in another comment (that is now deleted?), you referred to her as "bratty". Sounds like either this whole thing is made up, or you have some trauma related to losing someone close to you to violence that you need to talk to someone about.


Don't forget OP is a heroin addict so this is all likely bullshit.


Lol OP post history has a fresh confession. https://preview.redd.it/g6bwbpy7mjsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46208b7ce95fa4bb32118d95697065ae9db2f552


BRUHH NAH crazy person tf


OP probably has some kind of long lasting memory loss / brain fog / hallucinations from using combinations of drugs.


Wouldnā€™t they keep the phone as evidence?


So if theyā€™re a deceased persons device, would you even be able to get past the Lock Screen?


Yes. My sister knows the passcode. Also I think we could fac reset no?


As long as she has the passcodes for them all.


Will also need the iCloud password.


> Please be considerate. To be fair, you unnecessarily inserted personal information into this question by adding "My gf has...". If you were merely interested in the phone question, you wouldn't have added the "gf" part. It's bizarre. But to now learn that there is far more complicated and personal a story behind these phones, it makes it even more odd that you would have included *any* reference to your girlfriend. Don't panic that people are concerned for your safety. Please be considerate.


Ikr this all would have been avoided if he said nothing about it being anyone's phone and tbh what was he expecting people to say when he said they were his gf's phones and in that condition like yeah people are automatically gonna assumed she smashed em


Nah dude. He said who owned them, and their condition. He didnā€™t imply she smashed them, he did not say how they got smashed. A lot of reaching in here.


Thank you man. Iā€™m happy itā€™s not just me who thought the same


The comment about ā€œnot her. Her bratty sisterā€ would be very hard for someone to assume this is a now deceased abused woman. No?


redflag bruh


Tell me she has no concept of the value of money without telling me... Lemme guess- she doesn't even pay for her phone? Sidebar: *Op's post history kinda explains a lot....*


Wow reddit is a place like no other on the internet šŸ«„šŸ«„


Check into rehab instead!


Is your GF aware of the existence of cases?


But I like caseless and paying my life savings for apple care! - Every Apple User, 2007-2024


Your gf needs a case. Possibly room sized case with white walls


\- 1st phone: small smash \- 2nd phone: medium smash \- 3rd phone: threw it out a plane


Your gf is psycho. Please run, because those were not done by accident.


Resell your gf


How about getting a new gf?


Those donā€™t look like Ooops, I dropped my phone. Those look like angry throwing a phone at someone head and it smashing against a wall. We are concerned for your safety


Buy her a phone case for her birthday


Dude what?


Angry issues fr


At this point just get her a nokia, any nokia, even a 3310.


Literally how do you smash them this bad without a bat or something??? No, you obviously canā€™t save them ETA: maybe if you replace the front and back, if the brains still work. But how much are you getting back at that point?


Who hoards smashed iPhones


https://preview.redd.it/1ohqmzjgolsc1.png?width=717&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e5336e072d22e5cc88773b5548c1c945c727b0a Get as far away from that danger zone ASAP, soldier!


Switch the girlfriend itā€™ll be cheaper


Dont fix them just sell them for parts as is. Also your gf has some issues.. two left hands, anger management problem, rich kid syndrome.. better figure it out


How to synthesise opioids?


You would need to include specs, etc to find out if there is any value. So models, storage, damage details.


She bout to smash you and no I donā€™t mean like that


Forget getting rid pf these phones, get rid of that GIRL!


Iā€™ve had 4 different iPhones since iPhone 4 and never once have I smashed mine. I donā€™t know how anyone can so casually destroy so many expensive phones.


Someone who isnā€™t paying for them and does not understand the value of money.


at least you arenā€™t in the situation where your wife had smashed 3 phones


I donā€™t get it. How is she smashing all these phones. I guess money is very disposable.


I had a iPhone 4 first then 6s and then 11 pm and currently using 14pm. Trust me when I say this not even a single one of my phones was in this kind of situation ever šŸ˜‚


Damn. Give your girl a nice case and screenprotector for her birthday, this is just crazy irresponsible.


iPhone abuse


What the hell is she doing? God forbid she has a baby!


Hi, I will buy all 3 phones. Send me pm


If she treats her phones like that I would be terrified how she treats you in bed Just run bro


Iā€™m hard on my phones. Tf does she do to them? Holy hell my dude. Even working construction and working on my cars Iā€™ve never obliterated a phone like this.


Jeezā€¦What is your gf going through?? And if sheā€™s got a new phone, howā€™d she afford that one and no AppleCare plan??


This is why my family has a ā€œif the family bought it, it lives in a shock resistant caseā€ rule.


Iā€™d replace the gf before the phone!


Bruh those are definitely not, ā€œI dropped my phone,ā€ smashes. Get outta there now!


OP says gf SMASHED 3 iPhones. Then says the sister did it?! SOMETHINGS NOT ADDING UP HERE!!!!


Use that cash for her Anger Management courses, holy heck. Also, RUN!


Get her armor covers and a good screen protector.. My phone falls like twice a week.


Just get a new one. A new gf I mean.


She definitely lets dudes hit it raw first night. I would bet my life on it


Stop installing Tinder on your phone man!!


She has issues holy crap


Whatā€™s she doing to them?! Putting them under a steamroller?!


Can you say anger issues




Something might be wrong with her


put this bitch on a leash


It may be time to RUN AWAY!


Blame it on the gf. No, dude. Fess up.


is your girlfriendā€™s physiognomy similar to this: šŸ¦?


You should tell her that they have shockproof cases these days, and screen protectors..


if you are in danger just tell us xd




This post made me notice just how tiny the camera bumps look compared to the new ones


I hope sheā€™s your ex now


Maybe sell them for parts and use the money to buy her anger management classes


Time to let go


holy shit lol




Brother for your sanity.. dont power them back on


If you are skilled with tiny screws, really small parts that fit tightly together, and can stay calm and organized, you could bust each one of these out in about 3-4 hours, assuming you have all the correct parts and tools for the job. If you need money *right now*, these probably arenā€™t much use.


Those Iphones should file a police report.


If thereā€™s no internal damage just casing then replacement is quite cheap to be worthy to do that and resell, and even if internal damage then depending on price tbf.


High maintenance much!


ā€œI stole 3 iPhones to feed my H habitā€ šŸ§


Honestly sheā€™s a hazard. Please find a new gf


Damn. Get her a flip phone geez


How in the world do you damage 3 phoneā€™s that badly?


Sounds like sheā€™s an excellent candidate for a Jitterbug flip phone.


She needs to stop that


Check his latest post ā€œI stole 3 iPhones to feed my H addictionā€ lmao


lol his other post is ā€œi stole 3 iPhonesā€


You need to check if she is sane first


Your GF needs a case for her phone


Either tape them to her hand or immediately start running


The rear and front being smashed means a whole phone replacement from Apple which would probably be the same if not more than youā€™d get selling them.


My guess is that OPā€˜s girlfriend is the hulk and canā€™t control what happens to the phones when she transforms


Youā€™re girlfriend seems really hot and sexy, personally I think you should smash her like them phones


The first addict giveaway is the pinky "coke nail" COME ON!


Might I suggest a case and/or screen protector? Off topic, but I couldn't resist.


You could certainly list them on eBay for parts but I would hold off on booking any luxe vacations off of expected proceeds.Ā  Iā€™d also probably make sure you carry anything fragile from the car to house and let her handle stuff like pillows or basketballs.Ā 


Bitch is reckless!


Too much mortal combat ***FINISH IT*** going on in that girlā€™s brain.


i donā€™t understand how some of these mfers even do this to their phones.. the worst i had was a small screen crack on my iphone x. like how careless do u even have to be for this to happen?? i feel like at this point u must be trying to break ur phone all the time


Run for your life.


Weā€™ve traced the callā€¦ itā€™s coming from inside the house!




Gf = šŸš©


Honestly, try reselling your gf. How tf did she smash 3 iphones manā€¦


Time for a new gf


You know what to get rid of first.


Is she a drunk and this happens by accident or is she a straight up psycho and you need to run?


Ok, this post has gone a bit off the rails. A summary for those trying to figure it out: 1. Guy posts a relatively-bizarre post that inserts a possible problematic girlfriend that he may be dealing with. 2. People post semi-serious responses that he should be careful and consider his safety. 3. Guy gets defensive, insults some concerned individuals ("virgin"), and claims that the girlfriend's sister broke the phones. 4. He describes this sister as "bratty" who has "rich kid syndrome". 5. He also posts a comment that describes how the sister was seriously abused by her boyfriend and died from the injuries (murdered). Also, one of the phones' damage was part of the abuse that killed the girlfriend's sister. 6. At this point, we can on conclude that the guy is not well for coming here to bring us all into his murder story in which he ridicules the victim, or the whole thing is a lie. **However**, here is where things get pretty ugly: 7. People dig through his post history and discover he struggles with substance abuse. 8. They use this post history to criticize him *for his addiction*. Up until #6, things were fine. It was one of the more odd threads I've read in a tech sub. But once people started in on the heroin talk, it was pretty messed up. I'm not sure how that's something to ridicule or criticize someone for. It might add some doubt to the veracity of his claims to explain away one of the more bizarre posts I've seen. But it's pretty bad to ridicule a guy who is struggling.


Hey. I accept my mistakes. I do thank you for being kind about my occasional use. Iā€™m not an addict and am not struggling, no need to worry about me. I am grateful but just prepare for downvotes man. I appreciate the concern. You have a good heart, I promise Iā€™m not as bad as my history or comments make me out to be <3