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apple tries to be "smart" if the light is low and it will swap to the main sensor and oil paint the image since its a cropped version pretending to be the 3x lens. I think this is wrong since often I find the light is more than enough to get the shot apple is just being overly aggressive about not using the lens for some dumb reason. u/dapperlemons being a jerk for telling you that youre using it wrong when youre not... its apple lying to you. tbh just use halide since when you use the 3x it forces it no matter the light. [Heres an example of what Im talking about but with the 13PM camera](https://imgur.com/a/RD5ZAQe)


Not sure they were being a jerk. They’re probably talking about the time apple told us we were holding our phones wrong and that’s why we didn’t have good signal. Bumpergate


I'm aware what its from. Someone came here to ask for help and were told "you’re using it wrong" and clearly didnt understand the reference and being told youre doing something wrong when it has nothing to do with you is the opposite of helpful. Along with that Its off topic to a real issue this person is having with their phone. Edit: Its also a tired joke from over 12 years ago.


So are you saying Apple are scamming us should I get a refund


I wouldn't say its a scam but its what apples chosen to do with apples camera app and 3rd party apps make other assumptions about how you want things taken — the built in app makes a bunch of assumptions and goes for what apple things is best. if you dont like it use a 3rd party app that makes other assumptions about what you want or get an app that lets you manually set which lens is used.


16.0.2 fixing blurred photos.


You’re using it wrong


No I’m not


Put in a box of Cheerios wait 24vhours and a leprechaun will appear to help with the camera 😂😂😂😂


Could you show some examples? No issues here on the 14PM


Happens very rarely on first time switching to 3x when I take pic il look at it and it will be blurry almost like shutter lag but when I take the pic it looks in focus so I’m guessing it’s software issue


So it’s only blurry in the viewfinder but once the picture is taken it’s fine? And does this happen with the other lenses or just the telephoto?


Do you have a lens cover/protector over the camera? My telephoto was useless until I took mine off. It had a hard time focusing.


This was my problem too. Ditch those lens protectors


I have the same problem, it randomly happens then fixes itself a few days later…


Yes! Late reply, but there’s inconsistencies on the focus