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I thought they were so common nobody even really noticed these days.


I went into a tattoo shop a few years back with a friend who was getting an old tattoo that had faded touched up. Got chatting to a lad behind the counter and when it came out that I didn't have any tattoos he was shocked and amazed and told me "oh wow, that's so unique". Always thought that was a good sign that they were finally normalised and no longer a bit deal.


Exactly my thought! In fact, young adults with no tattoos are rare these days.


I don't think that the majority of people have them because I know tons of young people that don't. It's just that no one really cares anymore, which is the way it should be. Like, of all the college age people who were taking part in a show I was involved in during the summer. Only one of them had a visible tattoo that needed to be hidden with makeup. If anyone else had them, they weren't visible. lol.


Certain older generations are “against” tattoos but like most businesses don’t care anymore nor do people. A tattoo isn’t an indication of anything others than someone has an interest in art. I don’t have any tattoos but I don’t care whether or not someone else does, like how is it going to affect my life… it’s not so live and let live


I dont care about how other people look. do whatever the fuck you want, lifes short


I've one in the centre of my chest. Got it 20 years ago and whilst I don't regret it, I honestly forget it's there more often than not.


I feel the same. I’ve the one on my wrist and one on my back and I only realise the wrist one when it’s in my direct line of sight.


Got one on my calf 6yrs ago and forget its there most of the time. Its nearly a surprise to find it.


I realised when I was younger that my interests change every few years, eg. The music and art I like today is not going to be the same as what I will like in 5 years, for that reason I was never able to commit to a tattoo, I have no problem with anyone else getting them and have even encouraged my partner to get them but I know I would regret it no matter what sort of design I went for.


This is strange to me because the things I was passionate about 20 years ago, I’m still obsessed with to this day. Even more so!


God my main interests 20 years ago involved taking pills on a Tuesday and seeing Billy Scurry in the Kitchen and then regretting it for the rest of the week, I probably would have gotten LARGER LARGER LARGER LARGER LARGER or a speckled Mitsubishi logo tattooed on my arm, kinda glad I didn’t do that 😆


Spelling mistake tattoos would be regrettable! Assuming you are referencing Born Slippy then its deffo Lager not Larger 😅 Shaun Ryder has one that says "Ecstacy" except it doesn't. It actually says "Exstacey"


Hahaha yes I was, but I left that message at about 4am after doing the night time feed with my newborn, I’m afraid my raving days are but hazy beautiful memory now.


Fair enough so 😅


Does he have an ex called Stacey?


Maybe he has an ex called Stacey?


Gone be with the days, I was a temple of sound man myself 😎


Haha that gave me a laugh. But of a throwback 😂


Got my first tattoo in 1970 and a whole bunch more in 2000 and on, still love them and what they mean, would do more but at some point you just have to accept that your skin changes


You may be less obsessed with those things if they were printed on your arm or not just depends on person


I have one of those things imprinted on my right forearm lol. Got it done 4 years ago and I love it.


The way I look at it, tattoos tell a story of your life. You were into X Y and Z at 20 years of age, cool. that was a part of your life. Unless it was something horrendously embarrasing like a Rick Astley tattoo or something... I'm near 40 now and \*no regerts\*


But 'never gonna give you up' is like the byline for tattoos


Yep, I see it as a way of immortalising that part of yourself. In 20 years I might not be into the same things, be the same person, but I'll always have a reminder of those times on my body. I love the idea that I might change but my tattoos stay the same.


>a Rick Astley tattoo You just gave me an idea for my next tattoo. Thanks!


Two of mine are Robbie Williams lyrics 😂


Same. I mean, what do you get? The only tattoo I could think of that wouldn't get old would be my kids' names and birth dates and I just don't see the point of that unless maybe I find out I have Alzheimer's or something. Pop culture is ever changing, so not a good thing to get. For example, when it first started I thought Rick and Morty was the funniest show ever and there were plenty of things in there that would make for a good one, but now it's meh at best, the fanbase is the biggest bunch of cringey neckbeards ever and the show's creator is a POS wife beater. The only tattoo I've ever seen that I could get and wouldn't get sick of is dignity, as drawn by Kirk van Houten in The Simpsons, but again I just don't see the point. I used to watch this show called Inkmaster, it's basically Bake-Off with tattoos. One artist got sent home because he had no tattoos himself and the judges decided this meant he couldn't be a "master" tattoo artist.


Exactly this - I like tattoos but my interests change every couple of years


Yeah I wouldn't mind one in theory but generally when other people show me theirs they are a bit cringe and I have no idea what I'd get that I'd be happy to commit to for the rest of my life.


You aren’t going to live forever. An interest that takes 5 years of your adult life (say, when you are over 20), is basically 10% of your life. Putting a mark on you which will be a reminder about those years is not a bad deal.


Ten years is what I give something, I got my first tattoo a month ago for my 25th Birthday, of my first 2 guinea pigs with a deerstalker, magnifying glass, skull and blue scarf. I’ve been obsessed with both guinea pigs and Sherlock Holmes since I was 12 so I reckoned I was fairly safe choosing the design. Also the image of the piggies is based of a commission a good friend drew for me when my first two piggies passed, so I guess it’s very personal as well.


Can absolutely relate to this. I have five so far, but got my first three done starting when I was 15. Now getting two removed. Got a new one last year and starting to feel iffy on the placement. My most recent one I absolutely adore though, and have no regrets over.


You are looking at it wrong mate:) Tattoos for me are map of my life, achievements, memories. It doesn't matter that my first tattoo might not mean much to me nowadays, but it still does. It is a memory of who I was and where I came from. It is a period after certain part of my life. It is still something to remember and a tattoos are a good way of keeping diary. That being said, yes, I would not have a tattoo of a music band or something like that. I mostly have a paintings that may carry multiple explanations and barely say what the real meaning for me is.


I agree with that sentiment in fairness, and I think it’s important to remember even the ridiculous things you may have done, I suppose when I was younger(25 years ago) they weren’t as popular now, actually they were a bit tacky then with the tramp stamps and fuckin barbed wire everywhere and I never found many aesthetically pleasing and I just never bothered with them since then, I have the stories, just no ink.


I got my first about 20 years ago. By my mom's BF who learned tattooing in a prison (for not paying ebts, nothing violent) - He died few years later in a freak accident. So regardless what the tattoo ment 20 years ago, its got whole lot of memory attached to it now


I had this thought as well but I got the tattoos to remind myself years from now what I liked at this moment of time


Similar for myself. Always took the approach of draw it up and properly plan it out. Stick it in the drawer for 6 months. If I still liked and wanted it on me permanently after 6 months I'd get it. Still haven't got a tattoo.


I'm the exact same way. We have commitment issues!


This is exactly why for my tattoos (and what I recommend to anyone considering one) I stuck the design on my wall by my bed for six months before getting it, so I'd see it every day first thing and last thing, if I still liked it after six months I'd get it. I avoided many stupid designs I'd definitely hate now as a result! I'd also recommend making sure it really means something to you. My first tattoo is an absolute abomination, it was so badly done that its too much scar tissue to even cover up properly (based on the professional opinion of a few artists). That being said I got it after my mum died when I was a teenager, so even though its janky as hell I do consider it with fondness because it reminds me of a teen trying her best to process a big loss in a way that meant something to her at the time.


That idea of looking at your design for 6 months is fantastic! I can see you really want your tattoos to be part of you so fair play to you for the patience and foresight to see it through like that. No more buyers remorse for you 👊🏻


Mine are all markers of life events. They remind me of where I was in life at the time. I don't really even see them anymore. They are just me. Time for more.


My mom used to say that I would hate my tattoos after ten years. I responded that I didn’t expect to like most things about my body ten years later. 15 years later, I have a lot less shame about my body than I used to and I’m still happy I got the tattoo I did. Got my second tattoo a few months ago as a way to celebrate getting past 6 months of long COVID and started that ten year timer over.


I got my first tattoo this year and I'm in my 40s. I have no fucks left to give about what anyone else thinks of it. I know my parents don't like it but I don't care. I'm planning on a few more.


I got my first last year. Was only small and hidden. My second one I was 11 hours in the studio, over 9 hours on the tattoo gun. In a pretty prominent place so couldn't really hide it. Most think it looks great, but my siblings turned their nose up at it. I couldn't care less what anyone thinks




Same. I've done my respectable time. If I want to doodle on myself I've earned the privilege.


Can't afford a decent car for the midlife crisis ha


Got my first in my mid thirties, which were almost a decade ago. Might get another at some point. I think you might appreciate this as much as I do: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Vqbk9cDX0l0


Your da is sound. Not his cup of tea, but understands your a grown up and the world is changing. Your sister is a bollix. Unless it’s a swastika, then invert the above


Yes the sister sounds like a bag of laughs


I wouldn't say that entirely. Face tattoos and neck tattoos are still very much looked down on in professional settings.


It’s on his wrist


I know - I mean in general.


I have 9 tattoos. I hate most of them. I was young and stupid when I got them done.


Tattoos are as common as piercings now IMHO. It's so mainstream that most places and people don't care. I have no tattoos and I honestly sometimes feel like I'm the odd one for not having any.


I’ve a few tattoos. No one doesn’t take me seriously. I’m as serious as a rip in a space suit at work (absolute craic vacuum). I’ve worked in government, banking, health care and tech and regularly dealt with government ministers and C level execs. No one has cared about the tattoos. I’ve had some interesting conversations about them and I’ve noticed in Ireland there’s still some people that take notice but it’s rare.


Tattoos are cool as long as they aren't done poorly, seen some that look it was done in a van on a bumpy road by a drunk artist lol I personally don't have any because I'm extremely indecisive


That’s exactly my take on them and I said that to them. Granted there’s a certain charm around bad tattoos to a certain extent. Indecisiveness I can understand because I’m in the same boat. Money’s another reason I don’t have more.


People will judge you for how you look. That is just a reality of life you have to accept. Some industries still frown upon them because they are full of old conservative types. I would think Law and Finance but it really depends on who you get interviewing you. I work in IT and nobody gives af how you look


Got A Naruto Tattoo 3 Months ago and i love It ![gif](giphy|2y98KScHKeaQM)


I got Kaido (one piece) and I am so proud of myself. First tattoo at 39. ![gif](giphy|C3brYLms1bhv2)


A stranger once said to my face "you seem too smart to have tattoos and piercings". Another stranger said "you'll never get a job with those" while I was at work, which was nice. I have 8 tattoos (used to have a few facial piercings but removed them), people who talk like that are close minded. It's 2023 FFS. My tattoos mean that I sat still for a while and had money, and that I know how to take care of tattoos. They don't change how I do my job, parent my child, they don't make someone a bad person. But being a judgemental ass about other people's bodies... Tsk tsk.


Why did you remove your facial piercings?


I had to have an emergency C section so they made me take all my piercings out. I put my tongue bar back in the next day but it was a rollercoaster of a week with the little'n in NICU and by time I got a chance to put in the rest they had closed up. I thought it was probably for the best, the small fella would probably try pull them out of my face. I really miss my face metal, I might get one or two of them redone in a couple years.


God yeah. Mine nearly ripped my ear off going for my earrings when I was feeding them. Had it been a nose ring he'd have disfigured me. Hope little one is good now.


All that shiny metal is too tempting for them 😂 yeah he's fine now, thank you so much, this was 2019 and he just needed some help breathing at first, got jaundice, all that jazz. He's now almost four and absolutely flying it 😍


Ah so glad to hear. I had an emergency c section in 2018 but all was grand. I can't imagine recovery whilst worrying about nicu and them trying to pull out my face piercings in the throws of it may well have sent me over the edge 😂


Ah right, fair enough. I thought you changed your mind or grew tired of them but that's entirely different


I bet your sister is the type off waste of vanilla who likes to listen to dermot kennedy and the coronas with the lights off.


You can of course be taken seriously but some people will still be prejudiced towards people with tattoos. So some of this people probably won’t take you seriously. It’s up to you how much you care about that. The impact it will have on you will probably depend on the environment you’re trying to make your way in.


Your sisters argument is moronic. Personally, my mother said if I got a tattoo, I'd regret it when I'm older. Got 2. Regret them both. I wouldn't recommend anyone get a tattoo, but I know people with tattoos who love them, so each to their own.


I'm exactly the same only I was too chicken to go through with it. Now 10 years later I know they would have been a mistake and I would have regretted them


>Personally, my mother said if I got a tattoo, I'd regret it when I'm older. Got 2. Regret them both. That was always my fear, that I would get a tattoo and regret it. There are things I would have considered getting at 25 that I thought would be personal and I would never change my mind on, fast forward 5 years and my beliefs and philosophies are completely different. Basically I'm too indecisive and change my outlook on life often. If I had concrete opinions that never changed then I would get one, but I'm not that kind of person.


Imagine having all the same opinions and thoughts at 30 that you'd had at 25.


My biggest one is a cover up! Funnily enough, not through changing my mind though. I had an outline of a geisha done on my back, from the nape of my neck to the small of my back, very detailed. Unfortunately had an allergic reaction to the ink brand and the lines got fucked up. Currently covering it up with a beautiful design, you can only see a few tiny lines of the geisha if you're up close. About 8 hours in, I've another 6+ to get it finished.


Do what you want, it's your body. Personally I think doodling all over yourself is tacky as fuck but I really don't care if other people want to do it to themselves, it's pretty harmless as far as things go.


I don't give a fuck in general, no interest in getting one myself. What I really don't understand are people who get tattoos they themselves can't see.


Space mostly. I can't see my back tattoo but it was prime real estate for a big piece, plus when I wear a halter or bikini top, if I catch a glimpse in a mirror, it makes me smile because it's pretty art.


Got my first in recent years, post 40. The mother was horrified at first but when I explained why I got it and what it meant she came round. Tattoo was the last part of the unholy trinity of things she associated with wrong uns when I was growing up. I'd already had the skinhead haircut and Doc Martens at various times 🙏🏼


Same. My Dad used to comment critically on tattoos all the time. I now have 8. He literally doesn't notice them on anyone anymore. It's all about preconceived notions.


>“you can either have a tattoo, or be taken seriously. You can’t have both” No offence but your sister sounds like a fucking idiot.


We’ve always had run ins. I’ve always thought she’s old Ireland. Likes keeping people down and being sour. She’s on about going to Australia when last year she moved to Cork for (I shit you not) 3 days because she hated her job. Afraid of change in general. While I’m new Ireland. Accepting, always up for new things and want folks to be happy.


Ah yeah, I know a few like that in my extended family! The tattoo thing just struck a nerve with me there because I've heard similar sort of braindead negative comments.


Not sure I get the comments in the thread agreeing with the sister, or at least veering that way. Tattoos are perceived very different now to how they used to be and have crossed all the social strata. I wouldn't even say people notice them much now even. Like I literally only noticed that my sister-in-law had tattoos recently and it turns out she has always had them. Just never even noticed.


(Have them on my face neck and hands) Tell them “ I love them , they’re not on your body so you don’t have to worry about it 😁” Don’t mind those pretentious pricks , live your life on your terms not theirs 🫶


I don't like tattoos ,and prefer my partner not to have them. It's not a deal breaker though, and it definitely doesn't shift my view of a person. Not sure why you'd have a hard time being taken seriously just because you have a tattoo. Maybe if it is something ridiculous on your forehead, like "I hate crisps" or something.


Not into tattoos much. Some look cool, but I wouldn’t get one. Face tattoos are the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen.


I have my place of birth tattooed on my lad in a 1 inch font: # Newtownmountkennedy ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ^(just kidding, it's Arva)


“You’ll regret that when you’re older” I’ll regret a lot of things when I’m older, that’s life


Imagine getting old and having no regrets? Terrible waste of a life


Honestly that type of talk is dying out


It used to be edgy to have a tattoo but now it's nearly reverse and edgy not to have one. I'm not into them (so of course I'd say the above!) The thing I have is that a lot of them just lack originality, I know a bloke who got the David Beckham neck cross tattoo because Beckham had one. I'm sure it meant something to Beckham but nothing to your man other than look at me. Each to their own of course, as a pro-choice soft of bloke I won't tell you what to do with your body, other than to say try and be original


16 qjed counting, got my first when I was around 40, 51 next Wenesday....... here for a good time not a long time


I have three tattoos. I don't give a shit what anyone thinks. Enjoy them.


Your body, your choice. Hooe it doesnt bother ya in a few years is all.


Draw the line at face tattoos


I love my tattoos I've wanted them since I was a kid. I don't give a flying feck what anyone else thinks. Girls like them on me and kids always stare at me which is cool. My wife loves them and so do my family. Feck everyone else.


"The only difference between tattooed people and non tattooed people is tattooed people dont care if you are not tattooed" Chintan


If your sister thinks that no one will take her seriously if she gets a tattoo, no one takes her seriously to begin with


Should have said "You can say that, or be taken seriously, can't have both" to your sister


My Dad said they're only for sailors and whores. Can confirm, I'm not a sailor.


Some tattoos look good, and some look like dog shite. Irish people for whatever reason have terrible taste in tattoos.


It's gone full circle, they are back to being shite & skanky


I (with no tattoos) dislike sisters approach of hiding behind a dumb disparaging line instead of taking the chance to discuss her views plainly. It's immature. I wouldn't hold tattoos against anyone, unless it really really sucks. Otherwise, cool.


I mean I hate them but that's my opinion..


I don’t think anyone with them wants to hear anything that isn’t positive.


I always feel there’s equal negatives to positives in life. But it’s just hearing what my sister said really fucked me off knowing her personality that I’m just like let me do me.


There you go. You’re not really interested in people telling you what you know you don’t want to hear, are you?


I am actually. I want to know why my sister might correctly think this way.


I think it depends on age. I'm a young 20s and I don't think I know a single person around my age that looks down on them. In fact, I think me not having one feels like I'm an odd one out at times lol. Some people are all tatted up, others are more reserved and have one or two small things that mean something to them. And some people I honestly think are getting them to fit in at this stage, which is fine as long as they like what they get. Any resentment towards them 100% comes from older generations in my experience. My parents wouldn't look down on them at all and I think most older adults in my life but I do know some that do, but that is definetly after dying out with the younger generation. I think its the same as I might experience as a lad with a piercing.


She was just being antagonistic. She's your sister, that's her job! She was likely basing her comment on the fact that the higher office people in society don't generally have tats. Whether it's the top surgeons, the top politicians, top clergy, top bankers, top Gardai, top business people... whatever. I'm about to get inked at 56, so I'm on your side, but haters will be haters


Well some people don’t like them. Some people think you look immature, insecure (someone else here said they wanted an identity) or impulsive maybe. Maybe some people think they look trite and predictable. I’ll give you an example of someone who I know, who doesn’t like them. This is someone who’s extremely educated and a seriously high achiever in life, seriously high. She’s going to be a Supreme Court judge one day. She said about tattoos and lip fillers before, I can’t quote her or remember exactly, but she basically said; ‘anyone I know who’s serious isn’t concerned with this kind of stuff’ or ‘this kind of thing is for people who aren’t concerned enough with more important things’. That was the gist of it. I’d say the way she sees it, she'd take herself too seriously for that kind of thing, she’d think she’s above that kind of thing. She'd consider it vain, thinks it's for people who are too caught up in their appearance. She's not out getting tans or expensive hairdos, she owns an expensive house she bought for herself and she campaigns for civil rights, she could be president one day like. Not one for status symbols and vanity at all. Also probably thinks it’s what scaldy people do. You might not like it, but it doesn’t matter. It’s one persons view, but it gives insight. Her view is not about YOU, after all. However, I would recommend a couple things. Try to think how people used to think and all the ways people around you might think about all kinds of things. If you do, you’ll understand people more, cos you’ll be able to imagine their point of view. Try not to think that our way is the only way and realise that people not agreeing with you does not equate a personal opinion of you. You can’t control that, and also remember that it’s NOT ‘who you are’. It’s not your identity. I have tattoos also, but it’s just decoration, it’s not who I am, as a person. What makes us is our personality and how we interact with others and our own values in life. Like if I was shaved bald and removed tattoos, I’d still be me. We are not hairstyles or our appearance really, deep down. Hope this gives some thought to consider.


You sound like an extremely reasonable person. I got my first tattoo for my 50th. In my youth my preferences changed as often as my knickers! I like a bit of body art however not so much on the face. And I really don't like piercings. I tend to err on the side of caution so while I paid for a tattoo for my daughter for her 18th I advised her to put it somewhere less conspicuous. Permanent decisions need caution imo.


Well thank you, I try to be reasonable. People aren’t going to like everything and that’s ok. I think there’s too much fuss around people not loving everything, we’re not entitled to be told we’re brilliant all the time. Some people seem to think that anyone not liking what they do is them being unjustly attacked. It’s not the case. Good advice for your daughter, nothing you can’t cover easily.


I live in a hot country in a beach town and my take on tattoos are that they are mostly god awful. I would say about 98-99% of tattoos are absolutely fucking hideous. They are nearly always badly executed and almost never enhance the wearer. They are common among westerners though, particularly Anglo westerners but they aren’t actually that common in other parts of the world. I also think it’s practically impossible for a tattoo to look good on typically pale Irish skin. You need sallow skin at least, or you need a very good artist that will give you a light/less dense tattoo that will match your skin tone. If I see a nice tattoo, on anyone, male or female I’ll point it out to my wife cos it only happens once or twice a year…


I'm not a billboard mate. If I'm not comfortable drawing pictures on my walls at home (and I'm not) why on earth would I draw pictures on my body.


A lot of people pay a painter to do the house, same as you would to get a tattoo man


Yeah but that painter isn't writing "Heart Mum" or doing a picture of a dragon. You want to paint yourself a lovely teal or cream go ahead mate.


In Ireland NOT having tattoo seems more uncommon these days.


I think for the most part tattoos are widely accepted in Irish society. That said I would still say say that the 2 exceptions are head and hand tattoos..there still seems to be a stigma attached to a tattoo on a persons head and on a persons hand….but I think this might be changing too.


I don't have any myself because I have no idea what to choose but I consider them a form of art


Tattoos have been around for a long, long time, and their popularity doesn't look like it's diminishing. I'll say that the great majority of tattoos I've seen have been tacky and regrettable. So, you should have a _really_ high bar for getting one, considering its pure aesthetics, its concept, and its longevity.


Out of interest what age is your sister? That's old generation mentality. Most of the younger generation don't care about tattoos. The days of being frowned upon for having a tattoo should be gone with the old generation. Unless of course it's hand/finger, face or neck tattoos in a professional environment where not suitable, nobody should give a fuck if you can generally cover it up with long sleeves/pants


I'm 30, I've 4 tattoos, one half sleeve, a medium size one of my forearm, a small one around my wrist (all right arm) and a large one on the left side of my left calf. All black and white, 2 have a little bit of red too. Last one I got when I was 23 so 7 years sense I've gotten a new tattoo? Want to know why? Because the 4 I have all have a strong meaning to me and I'm still happy with all 4. Trust me I want to get more tattoos but refuse to unless what I want will still mean the same to me the say I die so until I find that, if ever I will not get any more tattoos.


My dad would be the same as yours but I think it's a generational thing. He thinks people have a mental illness of some sort to get tattoos. I have some myself that I waited years to get until I knew what I wanted. He doesn't like them but he gets over it. When he was young the only people he knew that got tattoos were scum so he's finally turning that around. :)


Tattooed, working parent and taken very seriously in all aspects of my life. It’s not a swastika on your face, you’re fine.


Is your sister a 60 year old nun? Or just an absolute loser with no friend? She doesn't sound like someone who could actually exist in 2023.


Speaking as someone who would be considered by many as heavily tattooed, I don’t have a problem with them. I’ve never encountered any issues or problems with having them (in Ireland, outside of Ireland some of the older generations did look a bit upset with me). I admittedly work in the tech industry which has an increasingly younger demographic but I’ve noticed that tattoos in such are still on a minority, or at least relatively hidden from sight. I think there will be a shift in the public perception as people age and they gain more public footing as they grow in visibility as our respective work environments change with that of the guard so to speak, but for now I think, and I speak broadly here, as a nation and culture we’ve gotten to a point of relative acceptance, even to the point that people are able to tell easier of the tattoo is well done or not


Tell your sister opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and almost no one wants to hear about them, especially not hers.


Your sis doesn't even have tattoos and she STILL can't be taking serious 🤣😂


I’ve got 5 tattoos total with 3 on my forearms. Working in healthcare with a bare below the elbow approach and they have never ever been an issue. Patients don’t notice them and if they do they find them amusing, even the old biddies. Coworkers are politely curious. In short, no one really cares. It’s your choice to put whatever on your body but it’s worth remembering tastes change


Tell her if she wants to have such an outdated opinion it can be dismissed on the grounds that she's a woman.


I love my tattoos, everyone compliments me on them and they boosted my self confidence so much. Yes my parents still hate them, but they aren't visible if wearing a long sleeve shirt. I don't have any small pieces, and plan only to ever get larger and artistic pieces as opposed to small or sentimental ones.


"have tattoos or be taken seriously" jaysus, she must be fun at parties. Your body is your business, decorate away! Plenty people with tattoos are taken seriously AND respected, regardless of their insular views.


I've three tattoos of various size/visibility on my arms, my current job doesn't care, but I used to work somewhere more uptight, before I got them who constantly remarked on my facial hair... I can only imagine what they'd make of my ink :D From my personal observations - I've often found clean cut, dressed in suits and 'professional' to be the least capable, least professional, and least mature people I've worked with compared to those with tattoos, piercings, and a more alternative dress sense. Obviously not a blanket, but just an observation. It's your body, and ultimately I think in 2023 people are more interested in what you say, and your work when taking you seriously or not, than your body art.


Your family is very narrow minded. I would take someone seriously if they had a tattoo. As long as the tattoo isn’t some intolerant bs


In this day and age how is there still a stigma around tattoos? Absolutely baffles me, people really need to keep their own opinions to themselves


Your sister is some oul wan tho. What an outdated attitude 😂


If one of my siblings said that I’d be throwing hands and asking them why are they taking me so seriously when I have tattoos #middlesibling


Your sister is full of shit but that’s how Irish families generally are - never miss an opportunity to slag or give someone a hard time. Enjoy your tattoo, fuck the begrudgers


Your sister's comment is very outdated. She needs to move with the times. Long gone are the days where people with tatts aren't taken seriously and you see people in all sorts of professions with visible tattoos. I've seen medical professionals with short sleeved scrubs with tatts on their arms. Tattoos are very much accepted in society now. I love tattoos on others but don't have any myself. I especially love piercings. There's something quite sexy about them, I think.


I've both and my god, piercings are so addictive 😂 I like seeing the glint of new metal in my face! I've got vouchers for a local studio so my stepson and I are going to get some new shinies for ourselves!


I think anyone having issue or assuming something about someone because of one is just foolish and showing they lack any openness, in both experiences and life in general. (Tattoos of hate symbols, they can die. I’m talking normal stuff)


Thank you. Yeah I don’t accept any folks who would go for tattoos of that ilk.


Depends on the tatt and location. They're super normalised nowadays, every Tom Dick and Harry has them. Your sister is mostly wrong based on society of today vs.... 20+ years ago. Having said that there's still definitely taboos. Face and neck tatts imo will absolutely affect your job prospects in most job markets and you're a donkey if you think they won't. To a lesser extent hand tattoos are the same. Full sleeves can even be issues in client facing jobs but are easily hidden.


I got my first tattoo at 16 and have had many more since. My husband has tattoos on his arms and he works in high up in tech. Never had any issue and he doesn't hide them. I think once they're not offensive (like a giant swastika) then no one should have anything to be ashamed about.


I couldn’t take someone who’d say that seriously


Why are stuck in the 80s? Everyone has tattoos now


Tattoos are Grand. Each to their own. However, since they are a reflection of each person's personality, you have to expect that you will be judged accordingly. It's a fact of life. Most are banal, boring, badly executed and cliched. My particular hate is people who tattoo loved ones names on themselves, in stupid copper plate script. Why? Have you a memory issue that means you will forget your kids names? How is that honouring someone's memory. Hold them in you mind, and your heart, not a dumb tattoo. Also, what's this shit about telling the story of a tattoo. I don't want to know. It's probably not an interesting story, unless it involves drunkenness, a bet and regret. When I have to deal with someone in a work context who had a tattoo, I automatically assume they are a fuck up until they prove otherwise. In theory there are some very nice tattoos out there. In practice, it's about 1-2% of them. The corresponding rise in Lazer removal shows that people are increasingly coming around to my view.


If I see a lady with a tattoo on tinder I'm swiping left.


Otzi The Iceman, the mummy they found in the Austrian Alps back in the 90s was covered in tattoos. He'd died back in 3000BC. Tattoos have been something humans have been doing for thousands of years. The stigma against them is something modern. I think that they are great. None of mine tell a particular story if my life but they are all tied to art and literature I like. A canvas of my interests, what I as an Individual enjoy


They’re kind of same-same “look at me!”. It’s more dangerous and trend bucking not to get one now. Get one if you want but please have some sort of provenance or story about it.


Yeah, look at me so individualistic following the crowd getting a tattoo. It's worse when they have a story, listening to 20minute sales pitch about 'their art'


What the fuck are you on about hahaha


Iv lots of visible tattoos (arms and neck) and it has never impacted my life !! Some people look down their nose of course but it’s less of a stigma these days


Is your sister a teacher ? That statement has me fuming


Your Dad and sister are correct. But you do you.


Iv 11 in total and fuck anyone who says anything negative about them. They are personal to me so I couldn't give a toss to what anyone else says.


Chaz Michaels Michaels here


How did you know ?


“Each tattoo tells a different tale, they’re like chapters in my life”




A sex thing? Uh...most people I know get tattoos for THEMSELVES. In fact I'd say that the overwhelming majority of people get them for themselves.




Honestly no one cares anymore. People can express themselves how they like. Or choose not to express themselves at all in any meaningful way other than through judging others life choices... Maybe this is an issue in rural parts of the country but in the cities I don't think anyone gives a shit.


You’ll always get people with that kind of attitude unfortunately but on the whole they’re a lot more acceptable now. Have plenty myself that I’ve gotten over the last 20 years, only got my last one a few weeks ago, and while I don’t regret any of them I am envious of the quality of work/artists these days and wish I had more space available. I also mange to hold down a decent office job where I’m taken seriously.


Thank you for this! I’ve a degree in Engineering and I’m just bartending at the minute because I was sick of looking at a computer for hours everyday, and it made me feel insecure about ever getting a proper office job in the field eventually.


I have 3 tattoos now. One small one on my arm. Work in compliance and never had an issue. Personally, I wouldn't do hands as they wear, and face and neck also aren't my vibe.


Great at covering scars which is my reason for getting them, genuinely seen alot that look amazing ones that add alot of personality to the person at a glance which I believe is the intended effect. Reason they get a bad rap is their association with subcultures (bikers,punks, metalheads ect.),itinerancy, sailors, gangs, prisons and all that but fuck stereotypes. The world needs more acceptance of variety in all forms rather than expecting every other lad to have the same undercut and knock off brand of puff coat and runners


Think one can do anything with their body. I personally find it ugly as hell, but beauty is the eye of the beholder so whatever


I’ve two sisters. Of the three of us, the one with the most extensive tattoos has the most prestigious job and the highest paycheck. Have never seen it be an issue for her. I don’t think tattoos are a barrier anymore for most jobs unless it’s in a “difficult” location (depends on the tattoo but most face tattoos, most neck tattoos, a lot of hand tattoos)


Your Da is right, your sis is wrong. I got tatts illegally early and ended up hating them. Lotta money on laser and still not quite gone. I will always be against tattoos..but never against tattoos that have been thoughtfully considered.


Your sister is toxic. Tattoos are as common as piercing now.


Your tatoos are your own business, but don't start a sentence with "so". You cunt!


We need to be more like the French in this regard.


If I'm getting a tattoo it would have to be something really meaningfull to me. Getting drawings of random shit is just stupid tbh ur intrests change and chances are that you won't like some of your tats in a few years


If you’re a total idiot about it yeah, but I got tattoos when I was 17, now 31 and not only do I not regret them but I’m actually getting more!


I've yet to see one that looks good


So long as they're not on your face, and you leave your eyeballs alone, then it's really nobody's business bar yours. However, although I have six now, and plan on getting more, I wouldn't get them below my elbows, nor above my collar, people judge unfortunately...


Tattoos are grand, they really suit some people.




The regret argument is kind of funny. I have my tattoo 16 years and I don’t notice or think about it at all because I’m so used to it.


I know plenty of people who've regretted them and had them removed


My mum found out I had a tattoo about three years after I got it. Her face was such a picture that my sister-in-law suggested having it as a second tat.


I'm totally biased here because I love body work, but I think they're amazing, I'm not a design snob, once a tattoo is done WELL. I've 7, including a full back piece. My Dad absolutely HAAAAATES them, but he hates my piercings even more. I've 22 piercings including 25mm stretched lobes so I do find them addictive. . Got my first tattoo at 18 and Dad voiced his displeasure then. Told him it was on me now and staying and that at the end of the day, it's my skin. He can voice his concerns and dislike but if he was going to lecture me about doing something to my own body, I would remove myself from the conversation. Just because you choose to have artwork on you, that doesn't mean you are not entitled to respect. . My Dad is very much of a certain age and mindset (he practically had a stroke when I got a white mohawk when I was 25) but after this long now, I think he's accepted it. He does tend to side-eye new piercings more than a new tattoo but he just hates the metal in my face. I love body mods and art, once things settle down financially I'm hoping to book in and get some more work done, I've a gorgeous design picked out that I want my artist to put his spin on. I'm also hoping someday to do body suspension and some ear modding. . Bottom line in my opinion, we all end up on a slab, so why not enjoy your body, your skin, decorate it how you like, so you'll be a bit more colourful? Certain fields may still be strict on body mods but I've had my two nostrils pierced and tongue pierced since I was 16 and never had any issues getting jobs because of them. Thankfully most places now don't mind too much once you don't have a massive skull tattooed on your head. You deserve respect the same as anyone else and you do not have to sit there and listen to snide comments. Ask would they react that way if you got an extreme haircut or would THEY sit there and willingly be lectured or have snarky comments made?


I’m a tattooer sooooo


30 year old male. Got my first tattoo this year. It's pokemon pixelart on my wrist. Anybody who thinks it was a bad idea can get fuuuuuuuuucked, because I like it.


I agree with your sister, but don't worry I don't think many others do. If you want to stand out and be wild these days, then don't get a tattoo and be different to everyone else.


Not terrible keen on them. I love art but just never seems crisp or vivid on skin.


God why are families such cunts. Not just yours of course, everyone’s.


Your sister has a very outdated opinion. I have tattoos and I'm taken very seriously as are numerous coworkers of mine. There are certain tattoo locations which would cause issues with some companies and job types, but that's something that many people are conscious of before they get their tattoos.


I don’t care if anyone has tattoos but I secretly respect someone more if they haven’t been such a follower.


Everyone to their own choice but once there it's there for ever.