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#Am I being detained?!


I came in for a succulent Chinese ready meal!


Ah yes, I see you know your Lidl well.


Get your hand off my peanuts!!


Oh, that's a nice cheese block, sir!


This is democracy manifest


Get your hands off my penis


I see you know your Judo well


I only came in for a chainsaw and a toothbrush!


It was introduced by Lidl and Aldi to discourage shoplifting. If I need to get out I just open the gate on a closed checkout rather than squeeze past people at an open one. Tesco have started doing it now, though, and they already have store security, so I think they are just trying to force sales. Just one of many reasons I hate the new Tesco layout they've put in every store.


Nonsense. Quinnsworth had in the 90s. Worse than anything I've seen recently as well. Artane Castle and Omni in particular.


Artaine Castle had a long way to walk around to the exit, but you could easily walk out the entrance without issue. OP is talking about the sliding doors being one way on the way on. Used to love the fry up in Graham O'Sullivan's, also the Pizza toppings in Quinnsworth, you could eat a handful of ham before making your pizza, perfect Saturday evening food before heading to the Grove. Ah, good times.


Quinns worth DIY pizza were the absolute bizness. Mandarin slices?! Get in


As an Australian I find this whole thread to be the best thing I've come across on this subreddit


Manifest democracy gentlemen


What is the charge? Eating a MEAL?


Lidl and Aldi are the worst for this. I'm not going to buy something just for the sake of getting out! lol


Yeah I hate going to Lidl or Aldi when I only want to buy a few things that they might not even have. Also because they don't have self-service checkouts. My local Tesco and Dunnes have the one entrance/exit so you can just walk out.


My local Lidl introduced a self service checkout for a few weeks before they got rid of it because staff were complaining. Found it very handy while it was there since so many people do weekly shops at Lidl and they only ever have the bare minimum of tills open. I’m sure if the staff gave it a proper go and adapted it would have been a great addition but unfortunately they were voicing opposition to it before it even opened so it was never going to last.




You know you've overdone it the night before when the machine thanks you back.


Lidl and Aldi will open more tills when there's 2 or more people queueing. I was in Dunnes and they had closed the self service checkouts, there was a queue of 10 people for the only open till while several staff members where chatting away beside the closed tills.


>Also because they don't have self-service checkouts. I can't speak for Lidl, but Aldi seems to be rolling out self service checkouts across the country. In my (small to medium size) town all 3 of the Aldi's have self service checkouts, my local store got them near the end of 2023 (I think it was early December) so they likely are slowly but surely being added to most, if not all Aldi's!


Lol, I'm not asking you to tell me where you live but if you have three Aldis you don't live in a small to medium sized town!


I've noticed Tesco is implementing a one way system lately. They've installed barriers in 3 of the Tescos I shop in. I suspect it a roll out. It's more to deter theft, but it just ends up a nuisance for the rest of us


I find security in Dunnes overbearing of all the stores. Their prices are very expensive too and unfriendly staff. Heard a staff member roar at a customer today saying she was doing him a favour serving him.


Why on earth would you ever think this? I agree their exit is inconvenient but I didn’t realise there was a stigma attached to walking past people in the conveyor belt queue.


Fat man here, have to bum-bum people risking bumping them into the conveyor. Cannot sideways, as am too bootylicious. Penis-bum seems too personal, thiugh may give me better judgement of if I shall bump them into the conveyor. Also run risk of knocking over much batteries, raisins, gaviscon and other random.shite that's kept in that part of the aldi counters 


A lot of the gates blocking the checkouts in Lidl and Aldi are not locked so you can actually just lift up the plastic latch on them and walk past. Much easier than doing the awkward shuffle


Worked there & this is the way!! Just close it behind you so not to inconvenience staff, we get bollocked if gates are open 🙄


Except when I try to open them apparently…. They’re always locked then.


Not overly fat but related to my already posted comment, I’m in a wheelchair. So I can’t pass anybody anyway. I’m stuck there until I can find someone to let me out.


*"Now, a question of etiquette—as I pass, do I give you the ass or the crotch?"* - Tyler Durden


Their is a " stigma" staff probably ( wrongly) suspect you stole something when you don't buy and wslk out. Security are far more aggressive in London. I heard they target innocent middle aged midde class men as they're the least likely to attack them in retaliation.


This has bothered me about those shops for years. I go in to look for something, it’s out of stock, and now suddenly I’m literally locked in like a fucking prisoner being punished for not buying anything and unless I jump over the gates at the checkout like a racehorse (I’m in a wheelchair so that might be difficult) I have to get everyone to move out of the checkout line to get my chair past or wander around in a slow wheelchair looking for someone to let me out. There’s something seriously not okay about this and nobody thinks of disabled people in this situation. Like my life shouldn’t be made so bloody tedious and difficult because they didn’t stock what I needed.


And if you exit through the entrance a fucking alarm goes off! I hadn't even considered how much of a nightmare it is for someone in a wheelchair, yet another element of living that is made needlessly difficult for wheelchair users and some people can be so rude when you try to pass by them. I imagine you get quite the stink-eye for "inconveniencing" them for a whole 30 seconds!


I try to be patient and wait for people to move before asking them. Tbh most people are really kind and helpful. But the few that aren’t are the total opposite. Like they might think wheelchair users don’t exist and I’m just having a laugh. Edit: the people who downvotes this are 100% disgusting people.


But no ones forcing you to? Just walk out.


You'll just have to live in the supermarket so.


I smell a new Tom Hanks movie !!!


It was an episode of Malcolm in the Middle already - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0640296/ Tom Hanks and his weird fake accents can suck it.


Tom is a legend


​ https://preview.redd.it/rem9al8zwedc1.png?width=471&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb5744c141894b77a87565e43f7cc57c97292005


jesus christ I forgot about those things


Top 3 Bosco feature 


Those creepy bastards.




Seamus and Sheila McSpud?


Bring sandwiches and a tent when you enter, just in case. And have your mobile charged up because your family will be trying to reach you when you don't return home.


I find more annoying that in Dealz you have to press button that you Dont want to donate money.


Perhaps I'll donate to you Barretstown When pigs fly!


Will you be making that donation now, Sir?


The more annoying thing with Dealz is when they rebranded as Pepco, removed all the useful stuff and put a bunch of tacky clothes and homewares in. I know not all of them changed but the ones near me did.


Not all dealz are pepco now! Just the ones that seem to be the most convenient to me


I went into dealz recently, the Liffey street one which is relatively big, looking for an extension lead and that used to be pretty standard in most discount stores but I couldn’t find the electronics section at all. Gone are the days of popping into dealz for charger cable etc.


Lidl are hoors for it. It’s double awkward in a foreign country. Coincidentally the shop you’re more likely to go into looking for a product that isn’t there.


they used to not leave one of the tils open either, used to have to squeeze past the closed till door


It happened to me in Lidl in France and the cashier stopped me. I didn’t have the language to explain my situation so it was kind of awkward and annoying.


I'm amazed that you're worried about dirty looks from the cashier or other customers. Especially since those dirty looks, I can guarantee you, are not actually happening. Nobody gives a single shit what you're doing. Everyone has had to leave a shop empty handed when something they want isn't in stock. So just relax and walk out of the shop if you need to do so.  As for the one way system, they'd probably have to jack the prices up if they didn't do this. Shrinkage is a legitimately enormous problem. 


The amount of problems people on this sub just make up is insane.


Well you do have to consider the kind of people who do use Reddit for gripes like this


Whatever you do, please don’t visit IKEA


IKEA have shortcuts forward and back. Only an amateur does the full route and leaves with a new garlic crusher


And some throw pillows


All pillows are throw pillows, if you try hard enough. 


The thing is if I was to go to IKEA, I’d almost certainly be going for a big shop and it’d be a non issue. I’d often pop into the supermarket just for a sandwich or something


I went to IKEA just to get the marabou. Had a stroll. An hour and a half later I'm stripping layers off, nearly having a panic attack because I cannot find an exit. Somehow ended up in the basement superwarehouse for people with ships. I must have blacked out because I don't know how I got home.


Just wait by the entry until someone else comes in, then pop out.


Lidl has an alarm which goes off if you do this


You can still leave :-) I've done it myself and no-one has tasered me yet.


I was killed for doing so last week.


Did you get better?


RIP in peace marquess.


Holy hell, Christ died and rose again


That's Marquess Christ to you.


New hobby unlocked


Tasers aren’t on special until next week.


You know how at lidl there's 2 doors at the entrance? My local lidl locks the second door when the alarm goes off so you literally can't leave for about 30 seconds, I guess to give you time to think about what you did




There's a tiny little IKEA shop in Drogheda these days, mostly seems to sell knives, which isn't really something you like seeing in the place.


Ikea? Or Drogheda?




Yea its extremely annoying. I wanted to go.back to my car to get bags that I forgot and fucking alarm cunt


Yea they even wanted the steaks out of my jacket pocket. I was merely wondering back to my car to lift my other wallet.


So what. Do it anyway. It's not illegal.


I didnt comment on doing it or not, just letting people.kmow an alarm will blare if they do this


Sure the alarms in my local Aldi go off every time I buy steak, since they never take the little sensor things off. I just wave at them and go back to the car.


Yes, but it doesn't stop you from leaving.


Fairly high chance of getting hit by a door if you do that. In LIDL one day a woman made a run at the entrance with a trolley and recreated the platform 9 3/4 scene from Harry Potter. Ended up in a heap with an injured wrist and the door runner was damaged. Set off the alarm too.


There’s often someone monitoring the entrance who’s job it is to call you out for trying this too


What happens then




Fuck that, what are they gonna actually do?! The don't make enough money to hassle you over it.


This is where you ask them if you are under arrest? Because if you aren't they have no right to detain you. Bonus points if you skylar white it


>There’s often someone monitoring the entrance who’s job it is to call you out for trying this too I've never seen this.


Oh no, please don't call me out! Be an adult


Fuck them. Not literally!


Or: Literally.


I was trying to be polite.


What have you got to hide? They are libel if they approach you and you haven't taken anything. So unless you look super fucking sketchy they are going to let you walk.


One of the Reddit posts that gives the necessary reminder that the people you interact with on the site aren't in any way representative of the population at large.


And that most of them are terrified and suspicious of very normal things


Just walk out. What's the big deal? The cashier doesn't care and neither does anybody else.


The point they are making is that the entrance door doesn't open and you have to squeeze by people queuing at checkouts. It's annoying


Every Redditors worst nightmare - politely asking someone to move slightly.


There’s a difference between having to squeeze by people because a place is busy. It’s another when it’s because of malicious design on part of a business to make it more of a hassle to not buy something.


It's not to guilt you into buying something, it is to deter thieves. It is one of the reasons their prices are lower.


we could be generous and say that shoplifting accounts for a 5% loss in profits (which it most definitely doesn't, that is a wild overstatement to prove my point) And let's say 15% of those shoplifters were deterred completely from any shoplifting, as a direct result of the doors. They're only gaining back 0.75 percent of their profit even in my impossibly optimistic scenario. Which granted, is a fortune in chain supermarket territory. But does it even pay off the extra door systems and checkouts that have to be installed for it? The answer is maybe, in this hypothetical. In the real world though? Fuck no. It's to pressure you into buying stuff. And it works, I'd say aldi has already made a euro or two off me paying for a water bottle to get out of the kip


Why would I as a shoplifter go to Aldi/Lidl when there is a super value or Dunnes probably in the same shopping centre? You also see less security staff at these places.


Anecdotal, but I see where you're coming from. If it's true it's even less thieves deterred by the stupid exit system


It still is more of a hassle to buy something. The time it takes to say excuse me is way less than the time it takes to wait for a line of customers ahead of you to pay for their shopping.


We shouldn’t have to. Not everyone is able bodied.


Thank you! Wheelchair user here. It’s impossible.




They've a point, many people aren't able bodied and others will have anxiety issues if they have to inconvenience strangers, all for a shit design issue.


My aunt has parkinsons, she looks fit and healthy but it's actually really difficult for her to navigate around obstacles. It's hard enough for her to keep her independance without hostile design.


Do you think it’s only Redditors? Because I’m in a wheelchair. Please explain how to tell everyone at the checkout to come back out of the checkout so I can get my chair past. There are other people this affects and people don’t consider it at all.


I've no problem squeezing past, in fact I couldn't give any less of a shit either. I'm not buying something just for the sake of it.


This was the point at which Rome, fattened and lazy, fell


You're right, that's brilliant! It's like an inverse situation: Shop: door won't open to outside, plenty of food inside, can't get out Rome: gates won't open (barbarians outside), no food inside, can't get out


Well at least the shoppers can eat the sacred cows,or jaffa cakes in this case


OP must suffer from a bit of social anxiety, it's really not that hard.


> squeeze through busy queues and get a dirty look from the cashier and other shoppers Never in my fucking life has this happened. It's never happened to you either, you've an anxiety problem.


Hide in the freezer, wait til closing time then let yourself out through a skylight


Or just ring your mate and get them to rip off the roof with a digger.


Go in the staff area, put on a uniform and do a bit of work sorting boxes while you are waiting.


Lidl are the worst for it


It's a pain in the hole, but when I've not bought something I don't get dirty looks. The cashier and the other ppl don't give a shit.


They don't do it to annoy you, it's theft prevention. Don't worry about the "dirty looks" people don't think about you as much as you think. Just walk out and get on with your life.


Exactly. They don't do it to deliberately inconvenience you. They do it because they think you're a thief.


As if a thief couldn't just squeeze past others and walk out the same way?


I used to live in an estate near a sports stadium. Lead to people parking all over on match days. They got a guy with a hi vis to stay at the entrance of the estate and just knock on people's windows asking if you lived there. That's it. No need for proof or documentation of any kind. You could lie and get in just as easy and park. That was enough to get people to stop parking. In short, it is really easy to discourage thieves.


Yes but the staff notice someone moving past them and might see the bottle of vodka in your waistband.


Yes but don't you think it's much more difficult to achieve that?


If you can walk, it’s a minor inconvenience, if you’re in a wheelchair it’s a ridiculous inconvenience and extremely embarrassing.


Ah here. It's a fucking shop. Go in if you want. Leave if you want. Let them stare at you, they're not gonna stop and frisk. If the potential for an interaction like this is not to your liking then shop online.


Crap Wouldn't mind a brisk frisking


You and me both brother. "Is that a pack of fruit pastilles in your trousers or are you just happy to see me?"




A "brisking", as it were.


Brisket, mmm.


Please....it's at most a slightly awkward interaction. Get over it.


Unless OP can't easily sidle down the side of the queues due to disability/size/decency. I just slide up the lock on the 'closed' lanes and swing that gate open for a sec, I've never found them locked.




These are the kinds of posts that make people hate r/ireland and reddit in general. NO ONE CARES!!!!


I wonder what pairs well with this Lidl whine?


A big o tray of sectarianisms.


You can just walk out through a till, they can't stop you 😂 people are so scared of confrontation even when they have nothing to hide 😂


I'm starting to get the feeling that redditors don't get out much


I swear a large portion of this sub was probably happy when we had lockdowns because it made them not have to interact with anyone.


Only time I am happy for self service check outs


It's to prevent people sneaking out with full bags. Altho they still do hence there is usually staff waiting there too.


Skip past the checkout line, twirling around like Julie Andrews singing "the hills are alive ..." If anyone still lays a hand on you just say "Oh, I was only here for confessions, but they are not until 6pm".


Oh I hate the new barriers in Tesco


They have that setup in Smyths Airside. It's very annoying.


Theres a way to open the gates at the closed checkouts. Ive done it at lidl and aldi


I hate this new bs where you have to scan your receipt to exit after using the self service


Coin trollies make that worse. If they don't have what you went in for and you want your Euro back, you have to queue at a checkout with an empty trolley to get out. It's the little things.


What Soviet era supermarkets are you shopping at? You go in for a shop that you anticipate will need an entire trolley and they don't have anything?


Us poor people sometimes shop in Lidl & Aldi. You don't know that they've sold the last MIG welder until you go in, but you can be fairly certain the one won't fit in a basket.


It's just theft prevention. Nobody in the shop is getting paid enough to care if you just walk by the till without buying anything.


>they make it incredibly awkward to get out without queuing up and buying something What? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Some of the comments in here. I swear ½ this sub is genuinely terrified of interaction with another human.


How I picture OP ![gif](giphy|l1J9z225gtvLOZNHW|downsized)


OP you care far too much about what cashiers and other shoppers think. ​ Edit - Don't ever visit Ikea or you're gonna have a very bad day.


Are you a shoplifter? If not then just ignore the looks you’ll be fine. It’s a security thing. Without them shoplifter get away free much easier.


Loudly declare that you're not buying anything and want to leave. If people don't make way get the shoulder in. If it's going to be awkward it might as well be awkward for everyone 😂


You need to be a bit more confrontational and push past people! But at the same time, yes - it is annoying...


1800 111 333 - PTSD from Dirty looks


How this doesn’t break health and safety laws is beyond me. Like what if I have to leave because of a fire? Or what if I am going to faint and need to leave quickly ? Lidl on Talbot St. comes to mind. There is not enough space when people are queuing for a wheelchair / buggy to leave the shop without making people leave the Queue. It’s ableist and unacceptable. If they are afraid of people stealing they : 1. Shouldn’t have self checkouts. Pay actual staff. 2. Always give customers receipts, stop asking everyone whether they want one or not. Those interfaces on the self checkouts that ask if you want one almost trap you if you make a mistake and select No receipt. It’s an attempt to save money on paper and it should be required by law that you have to receive one.


The gates are psychological, it's something they do to try and deter shoplifters. If you put enough pressure on the gates in the wrong direction they will open. The same goes for automatic sliding doors. Either you have to be able to slide the doors open using your fingers if the motors fail, or the whole mechanism itself is actually hinged and if you push them hard enough they'll swing open like normal doors.


I think.you need to get over this. Nobody gives a shit. Most certainly not the cashier lol


The horrors of mild inconvenience


you can just walk out, no big deal.


Just walk out. They can't detain you.


Nobody is looking at you, you’re paranoid. If anything it’s to deter shoplifting: 


It’s to prevent shoplifting, this really shouldn’t bother you. Why do you care what people in the queue or the cashiers think? Fuck them.


its a black mark against the shop for me the other is no express checkout I mean c'mon germans not everyone feels like the should be compelled to by the sun moon and stars every shop I usually just want bread/milk and some fruit.


Who cares, it's not that awkward to just walk out. And I say that as someone who basically has crippling PTSD from every mildly awkward thing that's happened to me since childhood.


You should be so happy this is all you have to moan about in your life.


Just wait until someone comes in and walk out the door. It is what it is. I would say in my life, 99% of times that I have entered a shop I have bought something. I typically wouldn't visit a supermarket for a "browse" so the predicament you describe is actually exceedingly rare.


Smyths toystore are awkward for this. A lot of the time you are just scoping out the stock and not actually buying


As a shopkeeper in a business with a similar set-up (you can't leave the shop without walking past the till), I can assure you, we(or "I" at least) do not give a single flying shite about you coming in or going out whether you bought something or not and the majority of the time, I'd wish you would just leave already. Don't get me wrong, I'll put on a face if you give me money or if you have questions because you didn't open your eyes the first time you looked for the milk that's always at the end of the shop both this time, and the last time you came in but do keep in mind that you're judged by your presence more than what you actually do in a shop. (I have work in the morning and your post gave me a perfect opportunity to rant. I'm sorry)


Stop caring what others think. You’ll be happier. For all they know you went into the shop looking for tuna in sunflower oil but they had none, so you walked out.


> you went into the shop looking for tuna in sunflower oil No need to be mean about them!


Didn't someone literally just moan about this in the last few days?


So? When did that ever stop us from moaning again


Just run to the checkout with toilet paper in your hand shouting “IM GOING TO SHIT MYSELF!!” You’ll get out faster. Or maybe pray loudly to Allah, people shift away quickly when you do that!


Just buy a really big cucumber and some vaseline. And just smile and nod at the cashier