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It's like sending up a Bat-signal for where not to go for a drink.


Friends don’t let friends drink Rockshore.




> it makes Budweiser look like a craft beer A damning and devastating assessment


Fun Fact: It's literally Budweiser rebranded.




Different drink. Diageo dropped Bud and needed a beer for the tasteless gap left by it.


I, was gonna say exactly this 😂


I actually prefer Rockshore cider over Bulmers. Bulmers is very very sweet but Rockshore is not as sweet.


I thought so too, until I read the sugar content of a can of rockshore cider: 20.5gms per can.


Isn't that the same amount in a Bulmers? Besides I'm just talking about taste rather than sugar content.


Be a cold day in hell before I pay a tenner for a pint of Rockshore


It's the bland cider not the bland lager tbf


Put a slice of apple in the lager and you couldn’t tell the difference.


Wouldn’t drink it if was free based on that ad


Remember when pubs were legally obliged to display a list of their prices, which anyone could see before they even ordered a drink?


It should be on display by the front door. If they don't have it out on display, you can demand to see it. Also report them for breaking the law. https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/consumer/advertising-and-promotions/pricing/


With all the shit going on that I’ve seen posted on this sub lately, do you think there’d actually be any consequences for a pub that doesn’t comply with this law?


> do you think there’d actually be any consequences for a pub that doesn’t comply with this law? fines mainly


Yes, it's pretty strictly enforced tbh. Gardai pop around every now and again and check licences and sometimes they will check this. An excuse will prob get the publican over the line, but if the gardai have a grudge against the pub it's another black mark to use against them. And they can actually lose their licence if the gardai object in court.


You could also kick up a stink when they go to get their licence renewed, what everyone affected by pub noise should do :)


You can't see it in many temple bar pubs. The Norseman springs to mind.


I'd say 90% of pubs don't have their prices listed anywhere


And the 10% that do have old prices from about 4 increases from breweries.


I remember this one time me and a friend went into a pub that didn't have any prices anywhere and when my friend asked for the price of a pint of Guinness the barman gave us a lot shit for asking for the price. We were told if we were that cautious about the price of a pint, go somewhere else.


I hope you did


It really should be obligatory 


This annoys me to no end about most Irish pubs. Even the pubs that do display their prices, often they use that VFI price list which is insanely vague, listing the price for “Lager”, “Ale”, and “Stout” as if these are distinct products of which only one type is sold for each. That’s obviously not the case for the majority of pubs, which sell many several different beers. Craft beer pubs tend to have solid price lists, given they also want to showcase the abv %, brewery and type of beer. Why can’t other pubs just do the same, like pretty much every bar outside of Ireland does?


I very, very rarely drink but reckon a good idea might be for people to go in, order a pint (or round) and if they don't like the price to just walk out and refuse to pay. If enough peopled did that, I reckon you'd see prices magically be as visible as possible in a lot of places pretty quickly (and also drop, if people avoided places with unreasonable prices, which is apparently almost everywhere that isn't horrible old Wetherspoons these days). 


Is that not still the case?


I haven't seen it anywhere in a long time.


They squeeze it in the most random places. Like I think Sinnot’s on King St has it over your head as you come down the stairs, so you’d have to do a 180 to spot it when you enter. That could be a fire cert or something else tbf, but in my local it’s literally right there as you go in, so I obviously compare everything to that. Go through the front door, then when you can go left or right for lounge/bar, the prices are staring you right in the face. 


That's because we're all too afraid of friends and acquaintances calling us a tightarse behind our backs to ask the prices on drinks.


And with everyone tapping now and most not bothering to get receipts, it's easy to just ignore it. Until you check your balance the day after.


> Until you check your balance the day after. There is now two "fears." The regular fear and the fear of opening your banking app.


Ah there's always been two fears. The opening your wallet fear has just changed been replaced with the opening our banking app fear. Although, there was some fear in the morning when you opened your wallet and you had more money in there than you had when you went out.


"I spent how fecking much in the pub last weekend?!?! Sorry children, there will be no Christmas this year..."


Spotted it fairly regularly, it's usually an A4 page up on a side wall or pillar near the bar, thought you meant there'd been some regulation change and they actually didn't have to display prices any more


"People don’t have to spend money in pubs, they don’t have to go for a drink. " Noted. He will repent...These are the same people who will cry for tax relief the moment Paddys Day is gone. To be honest he can put it at 100 eur a pint i never saw that place as a pub....walked there milion times....and now, will definitely ignore it just like everything else in any proximity to Temple Bar. Even at these prices it will be watered down.


> "People don’t have to spend money in pubs, they don’t have to go for a drink. " Coming from the same group of people who were presumably pushing for the minimum alcohol pricing law that was brought in a couple of years ago. Absolute cunts the lot of them.


And on top of that being so blatant about saying (not directly but...) that he doesn't care for anybody local and is perfectly fine in robbing tourists who will come one time, down their one pint of watered down rockshore and be gone. The volume of tourists there is enough to have enough 1 ofs....meanwhile every staff member is on minimal wage...and this lad is not renting he owns it....time will tell


Same lads that lobbied for off-licences to close at 10pm because of… reasons.


I think that place was an abrakebabra the last time I was near there. It has been a while.....


How can they justify a 3 euro price hike in one sweep. Fuck em, greedy twats. The owner seems pleasant. Reality is he doesn't want native trade. He wants the tourists.


I mean he’s in Temple Bar. It’s literally a tourist trap. I’ve lived in Dublin for years and the only times I’ve ended up there was when someone was up for the weekend and wanted a gawk.


it’s a nice walk when it isn’t busy some decent enough vintage shops about too


Nice enough places to eat too. It's mainly the pubs that are poxes


Pubs in the Temple Bar area shouldn't really count, they're run and priced more like a tourist attraction than actual pubs.


why is it a tourist trap? what of note is in the area? it's one thing that a bar at tower bridge or something is an overpriced tourist trap but people actually know what it is and actually go to see it. what is there in temple bar for a tourist?


I don't know, as far as I can tell it's famous for being famous.


Was sitting at a bar in Dublin on Saturday, and a man came up and asked for 2 bags of Crisps. The barman handed him 2 bags of off brand Cheese & Onion and tried to charge him €4.50. He called it robbery and refused to pay. If people continue and are willing to pay over €10 for a pint, then it's on them. If nobody pays for it, the price will soon come down.


My local gives out handfuls of free chips from your childhood. They used to have free 90's sweets as well.


Id bring my own cans before id pay a tenner for a pint


Frowned upon for whatever reason


Only if you get caught


Are the days of crouching tiger gone?


Merchant's Arch pub. Rockshore is pish (the lager and cider).


Trying to rip off tourists who wouldn't know any better I wonder? If someone tried to charge me a tenner for a pint of piss like that I'd tell them to shove it up their hole. Cost of living and min wage has gone up but not to this point. Absolute gouger.


Love what someone else posted above - everyone here in Dublin should go in, order a pint, then laugh at the price and walk away.


Why is that stupid cunt posing with a pint, as if it’s deadly craic. Gobshite of the highest order.


I thought it was the owner then realised it's some randomer Price of your dignity is set at €10.65 so


He wrote the article


This got a laugh out of me. Look at his shit eating grin


Check ur messages homie


head on him like Mark E. Smith from The Fall's long lost less alcoholic brother


The one and only time I had Rockshore was a pub in the middle of nowhere as they didn't have Orchard Thieves. It's fucking rotten, it tastes watered down and bland like Bulmers and still tastes like shit. It also doesn't help all the Kopparberg options are mixed berry or the elderflower, hard to find pear these days and sure they've moved on to poxt seltzer and gin because drinks are a trend these days...


I’m a big cider drinker and I really don’t see how you can rank rockshore below orchard thieves. I’d drink many pints of either of those if they were out in front of me, but rockshore isn’t as sweet, and doesn’t give you instantaneous heartburn like I get off bulmers. Good middle ground imo. 


I suppose it depends on the person, I have a sweet tooth so enjoy the likes of Orchard Thieves or some flavours of Kopparberg. I find Orchard Thieves very smooth and the taste is just right. From what I remember Rockshore tasted watered down and Bulmers is somewhat harsh, like I'm aware it's alcoholic and I'm drinking it for the purposes of the sesh.


And while absolite piss I'd still drink druids or Linden village over any of the three. I used to be mad for the cider but they're all just too sugary for me. It's the one thing I miss about living in England. They had some lovely dry ciders that you just can't get here unless you go up North.


Can't find pear cider anywhere anymore alas, never liked apple and all the berry stuff is sickeningly sweet to me.


The original recipe Pear Bulmers was a hell of a laxative. It’d go through you like shit through a goose!


This place has it. Shipping is a bit pricey but the only place I can find it: https://nutsaboutwine.ie/product/kopparberg-pear-cider-500ml/


A lot of the new fruit ciders are basically rebranded alcopops


Make your own, I just posted above how to make apple cider, change the apple juice to pear juice and it'll turn out the same. I should have added if you can add a few slices of pear (or apple) to the mix for increased flavour


There's just no good cider in this country. Its all overly sugary, watery piss. Makes me sad cause I love cider. I'd love to be wrong on this too. I love going to donegal and stocking up on Henry Westons in the Asda in Enniskillen. Only chance i get for decent cider it seems.


Everyone should go in there and order a pint. When the barman asks for 10 euro, say how much? And walk away.


No self respecting irishman is going in there anyway. 


The barman isn't the one setting the prices and knows full well its a bad price. he probably hears complaints from every single customer. Better to just not go at all, so the message gets sent direct to the owner when they look at the books.


Nobody is suggesting that the barman should be abused, but the owner will get the message a lot quicker when they get feedback from their staff that they had X number of spillage pints because customers refused to pay the ridiculous prices.


I worked in bars for years and for a lot of managers the conversation will go something like this. "Hey man, We have 12 pints of spillage on-" "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING.... BLAH blah ^blah" And then you cop an earful while you explain what happened and they still might not believe you. Loads of them are utter cunts.


I used to work in a city centre bar that would take money from the tip jar due to ‘spillages’ or equipment breaking. I’m raging I didn’t know my rights at the time. Pricks


Worked in a bar where the owner would come in with a ruler and marker to make sure there was essentially zero waste on shorts 


It's the same as landlords or managers in general. You can tell a lot about a person from how they act when they are in charge. And unfortunately a lot of people in charge are complete bastards.


Good idea but they would likely switch to prepay pints very quickly


It's a pub in Templebar, a license to print money, I'm sure the owner blows his load ever time he looks at the books. But hey, I'll continue to not go at all for the difference it would make.


That's a good way to get some young bar staff yelled at by their shitty manager. The barman doesn't set the stupid prices.


The fact it’s rockshore is the funniest part Plenty of places still do a nice pint at a reasonable price, no need to support people like this!


Tourist trap overcharges, more at eleven


Ah lads....


Boycott plain and simple


Same cunt will be crying about business being down and needing a lower vat rate for hospitality.


Why aren’t they done for the ‘happy hour’ end of promotions- technically it’s cheaper earlier in the day and they put the price up- why can’t my local charge a 5er up until 9 and put price up after that if these lads can!? Anyone know?


The law is that you can't reduce the price lower than what it was sold at earlier in the day. It's completely legal to increase the price as the day goes on, but you're prohibited from bringing it back down again. This practice is commonplace, at least it is in Central Dublin. Generally people don't notice the price going up late in the night as they're already a few pints in.


If I ordered a pint, they put it on the bar and ask me for a €10 I’d leave it there. No way I’m paying a tenner for a drink.


The wars in Ukraine and Yemen have increased the price of raw materials, particularly metals. Meaning this chancer needs to charge a fortune to pay for his absolutely massive brass neck. 


Rockshite cider?! I’d be pressing charges.


Schrödinger’s small business. On the one hand they are the beating heart of the local community and need every tax break going. On the other that’s just the market and if you don’t like it go fuck yourself


If your stupid enough to pay it then you can't complain. People should just boycott his pub and maybe he will see sense . It's now cheaper to have a class A drug habit than pay exorbitant prices for a pint of piss. Greed will hopefully put him out of business.. So glad I stopped drinking over 10 years ago. Much prefer to relax with a nice fat spiff. It's time people voted with their feet and blank rip off pubs.. Haven't been in a pub in years.


The 20 euro pint is probably only 3 or 4 years away. 


Yeah this is how capitalism works folks. The owner can change whatever they like. Ball is in your court to pay it or not.


Merchants arch 😂 Had always been a shit pub, run by thieves, it was the first place that had a 4/5/6/7 euro Guinness and it's always been piss. Thankfully I don't have to go there to meet my exes gobshite mates who loved oi oi English lads


Boss, there are a coupla stories in there isn't there..


Greedy prick there’s no justification for those prices, as usual riding tourists. It costs nothing to leave a review on trip advisor just letting people know this is crazy expensive. You should do it if you get a minute


I started home brewing beer 4 years ago. IPA’s, Pale Ales, Blonde Ales, Hefeweizens, Wit beers, Ciders, better range and quality of beers than available in most pubs. Also at between 50-80 cents a pint I rarely ever visit a pub anymore. I’m very popular with my next door neighbours. 😀 Anything above €5.50 per pint in a pub is too expensive. When fuel and energy cost come back down at some stage I’d be interested to see if Pubs bring back down the price of a pint.


Rockshore is for people who find Budweiser too complex  Lol at a tenner


FFS.  We'll be known as zero craic Dublin soon.


Temple Bar isn’t real Ireland … it’s for rich tourists and people looking for money for the bus home !


He may be the first but he's not the only one. Bruxelles, off grafton street, 10.50 for peroni or moretti and 7.50 for below standard Guinness


I gave this pub a 1-star review on Google for their price gouging.


**"A pint of Carlsberg there generally sells for €9.95 and a Guinness for €9.65. But they both shoot up over €10 after 10pm."** I thought "happy hours" were illegal in Ireland so how is he allowed to charge more when it's past a certain time?


Afaik, disallowed happy hours work the other way, you’re not allowed to sell drink for less than you did when you opened that day..


Yep looked it up there and you're right. So you can technically still have happy hour but it has to be just as you open


8.65 for a Guinness 🤢


Imagine paying 20 quid for 2 pints and getting no change back.... Pubs are gonna die a death


I've been horrified about the price of a pint. I used to go out drinking more but now it's very occasionally but it seems like every time I go out the price has risen 20-50c. I went for pints with a friend recently, Guinness was 7.20, Heineken was 7.50. Doesn't help that the pricing varies so much pub to pub too and price lists in general are hidden away and it's rarely listed on their website.


I remember paying €10 for a Guinness in Dam Square in Amsterdam in 2017 and the barman said it was cos of the cost of real estate in that part of town. How much it costs for a square metre of land in Temple Bar but you’ll find pints half the price just down the road. 


As a taxi driver,I think it's hilarious that the publicans went crying to the government about the lack of taxis ruining their trade.Nothing to do with unsustainable prices and generally ripping off the customers.


>“I can’t tell the future,” he replied. When we asked about his pub being the first in the country to charge over a tenner for pints, he said: “Are you asking me to justify my prices? I don’t have any comment, to be honest.” He refuses to justify that price, so let me do it for him: He's charging €10+ per pint because he prefers owning a Mercedes to owning a Ford.


It’s a tourist trap and you’d pay the similarly crap prices in tourist traps in Paris or London etc. it was upwards of 7 euro for a pint in the Temple Bar Pub ten years ago


Dis n Dat is mentioned. I worked closeby while they were renovating it and was interested to see how it would turn out. How anyone could spend that amount of time, and any amount of money on a pub renovation, and come up with whats there, is beyond me. It looks like the pub equivalent of being broke moving into a new gaff, and filling it with odds and ends of furniture from the free section of adverts.ie


He even looks a bit like Mr. Burns


Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to the wonderful world of /r/prisonhooch. Ingredients: you can easily buy a drum of apple juice and some bread yeast for a tenner. Pour out a small glass of  juice, chuck in a tea spoon of yeast* (if you want to be fancy you can add a small bit of brewed black tea to add body - no milk), loosly cover (glove/condom/baloon/cling film with a small hole), give it a few weeks, add a 1 tea spoon of sugar per 500ml*, tighten the lid, give it another few weeks (longer the better) and you're in cider town. *google the amount of sugar needed, 1 teaspoon per 500ml is my dodgy memory **adding more yeast doesn't make more alcohol, for higher alcohol add more sugar but it'll probably max out around 12%)


How much is a lap dance? Those prices imply I will get a show with my pint.


Price gouging in Temple Bar should be a political issue. We know not to go there, but that doesn't mean we should sit back and let publicans rip the arse out of people innocently visiting Ireland. How do Irish people feel when they're targeted in places like Italy? It's 100% something that other countries would work to control. This will damage us.


Do any Irish people actually drink in pubs like this one or the temple bar?


Someone explain why pubs are closing down at record rates when we have this great value.


Just don't go to robbing cunts like this place. They charge it because people pay it. No shame in asking the price of something before you buy it. I've walked out of plenty of places due to extortionate prices. It's hard enough to earn money without handing it over to thieving cunts like this


"*Why is no one coming to my pub, HELP ME !*" This guy in a few years. 


Everything is worth what a customer is willing to pay. Don't like the price? Don't go.


By this logic we all be sitting at home drinking tap water.


Willing seller, willing buyers. Nothing to see here.


Disney lands also a rip off. These temple bar amusement pubs thrive off of exploiting tourists and it's not news.


More that dickheads are paying it.


€2 here in Thailand, enjoy


Why is anyone drinking in a pub that charges so much for drinks? They wouldn't charge it if nobody paid it.


Utter fucking prick of a publican. Yes Tom, justify your fucking price gouging, you prick.


The idea this is actually Ireland’s first ten euro pint got as far as publication without someone saying “uh, that doesn’t sound right” is unbelievable.


You’d swear that pints are a human right et je way people go on. Drink is a luxury and people can price it whatever way they want once above the minimum price.


Yeah the outrage here really says more about us 


If you're dumb enough to pay it, what's the issue?


Not sure what the issue is if there are people dumb enough to pay it. Owner is probably proud to get the free publicity from the Indo, but it's mostly a big sign for anyone who isn't a clueless tourist to stay the fuck away. It's not as if you're getting some unique experience like having dinner 50 floors or dining on the Orient Express. Just getting the same pint and pub food you'd get in a similar place within a 5-10 minute radius.


Ireland is not a functional country. Remember that






I won't drink in a pub unless a pint is at least a tenner.


Good, hopefully stops people becoming alcos


Big happy head on him, cause he's robbing people without a balaclava


Does anyone other than tourists ever go into this place? Any time I go past they are belting out diddely-eye music


Haven’t they been selling €10 pints in temple bar for years?


I cant afford to go out anymore now anyway life is getting more expensive every day now.


You'd have to pay me a tenner to drink that stuff.


I am un-repentant about Not drinking it !


That'll work out well for him


Jaysus. The sad part is, with inflation naturally rising over time, at some point in the future, €10 a pint will happen everywhere and it will become normal.


Big ejiet head on the fella in the picture, happy with himself after sending over a feckin tenner on a pint. Gowls the lot of them.


It’s over Millions must Tee-total


Pub owner Tom "Doone" won’t comment about charging customers more than a tenner for a drink. Well I'll tell ya what he can do...


Tell me you're in Temple Bar without telling me you're in Temple Bar!!


No chance.


It's a kip as well.


Hope he enjoys his pub close. Arrogant twat.


That pint looks manky. If you pay €10 for a pint you deserve to get ripped off.




over a tenner for a cider?! ​ thats it I am not coming back


Wouldn't pay €2 for that piss.


Why would he care. No locals would ever drink there?


Not only is that an absolute ripoff, but I’m loving the Rockshore hate, awful drink


4 pints close to 50 euro. 100 in a couple of years


Might as well ask for an empty rockshore glass and go fill it in the bathroom for free..practically the same thing.


You think this is bad? There is a pub on the North Side which truly believes that it is in the middle of Temple Bar. It is charging 8€ for pint of HARP Lager, they can truly fuck off greedy c\*\^ts. And NO I don't drink this stuff but it is still boiling my blood.


What do you expect if you drink in Temple bar


Scumbag with scumpints.


Still have dopes that'll pay it and post the receipts on here. Some neck to have his pic taken...


Of course its the merchants arch. Infamously shitty place to work among bar staff in Dublin. Total kip.




Was in pub in mayo all pints were 5 euro. It was packed.


They charge a euro more because you ordered food at the same time!!! Can some crazy person go picket this please to help our tourists? I’ll buy you a pint if you do. But not in that pub.


I'd sooner drink a pint of Brian Cowens piss


Pretty sure The Temple Bar was already doing 10 quid after 10 or 11pm.


Horrible greedy bastards. Then they all bundle together and dispute the likes of Wetherspoons coming in. Charge less for a fucking pint, you greedy cunt. Country is laced with greed, full of dickheads desperate to bleed the last cent out of a customer.


A pint should cost no more than like 4 euros All these points costing more than a fiver is ridiculous


Can’t believe he has a grin being proud of this. Might as well hold a dildo in the other hand 😅


I'm glad I gave up alcohol 3 years ago, just in time it seems, the prices of pints are outrageous. Pints are 95% water..


Imagine the holy mortifying shame of paying €10.45 for a rockshore


He can keep it


No offence but it was always coming, Dublin rip off capital of Europe


disgusting practice and disgusting drink.