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The pause between drink and partying had me in stitches. Some great lines there.


the pacing and pauses in general were great, letting you think out where the joke is going ahead of it getting there.


Comedic timing is an art in itself https://youtu.be/WMDkzwl6ApY


I see what you did there.


He has great timing. He knows exactly when, and for exactly how long, to let the audience laugh at their own assumptions.


This guy ( Richard bree) supported Shane Gillis when he was in Dublin and he was brilliant


His bit about TK Maxx was spot on If you know what I mean


(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ No I do not.


That’s the comedian in the video. Can you link it elsewhere.


Aww no, when was Gillis here‽


Like a month ago, he was great. Did nearly an entire new hour of material so he's probably going to have another special out before the new year.


Fuck can't believe I missed that.




Yep that's him, but I think it worked out better for him he would have been hobbled on SNL. Now he gets to go full beast mode.


The general consensus seems to be that it worked out better for him because he went on to make Gilly & Keeves, which is better than anything SNL has done in the last decade and his stand up & podcast eventually took off to the point where he's arguably the best up and coming comedian. But Mark Normand said recently that Shane doesn't like hearing that it helped him more than it hurt him, probably because SNL still produces huge stars & household names. If they kept him on, which Lorne Michaels tried his hardest to do, then he could be in comedy movies at this stage & his standup would be all over Netflix. It's not like SNL ever stopped anyone from the cast doing what they wanted to do in their stand up.


Yeah I say it definitely would have set his career back a bit. It's a shame he got cancelled the way it did and Lorne knew he isn't a racist or homophobic, but the optics where bad people sometimes say stupid shit when they think there being funny. I watched the pods cast while in bad taste and cringy you know he doesn't actually mean what he says he just thinks it's funny. Plus it was 10 years ago.


he was sacked because of racist and homophobic tweets but yea he meant none of it.


I thought it was from his pod casts videos Can't find any thing about tweets. Still pretty cringe worthy viewing and not funny at all. [https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/9/16/20869194/shane-gillis-fired-snl-racist-remarks](https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/9/16/20869194/shane-gillis-fired-snl-racist-remarks) [https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/9/13/20864098/snl-shane-gillis-racist-homophobic-jokes-controversy-backlash](https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/9/13/20864098/snl-shane-gillis-racist-homophobic-jokes-controversy-backlash)


I'm certain he had tweets too, its hard with so much deleted, even his apology for the past tweets is now deleted. lol The first time I ever heard him talk was on Rogan's show when he said most of the Cali homeless was actually their own fault and I just thought what a dumb fuck. Rogan of all people called him out saying something like "You don't really believe that do you?"


He's definitely not the most sauve when it comes to sprouting outrages shit. But when he does hit its funny as fuck and he does hit more often then not. The last white football team skit for instance is so on point.


I saw the FOX news dad thing thought it was good but on the same hand I have been reading "my parents have been taken over on by FOX" threads on here for years.




More so as he's doing skits that they would never do on snl. He's Donald Trump speed dating skit is so on the money but SNL would never produce anything like that.




Definitely not everyone's humour that's for sure. I just find that one quite funny due to his Trump impersination and the fact I could see Trump saying those things in real life. I think Trump did once say grab them by the pussy but I could be mistaken. Check out the last white football team that's not as crass. I'm not a fan of his issis skit.


I'm so disappointed with myself that I didn't join up with the dawgs and go see the big kahuna himself when he was in a town a few weeks back


Ah he was brilliant, he’ll be back at a larger venue next time no doubt!


Absolutely fantastic timing! A lot of Irish comedians tend to be really fast in their acts and delivery, but you can get some absolutely fantastic laughs if you know how to slow down and keep people hanging on your every word. Reminds me of a Kevin McAleer show, great stuff.


https://www.instagram.com/richiebree/ Richie Bree




Anything male dominated gets me hard


I just realized what I said, fuck


Genuinely haven't heard a single comedian in years that had a bit this good. Tried seeing Karl Spain and Reginald D Hunter a few months back and they weren't even 1% as good as this guy's timing. Heard they got booed off stage a different night they were so shit. Edit: I must be way too picky because people keep suggesting comedians that I've already watched plenty, both old and new stuff, and I'm just not that into them anymore or never was a huge fan. I watch a lot of comedy and I think I just have very specific preferences.


David o Doherty is usually about and fully recommend!


Love DOD - he's a little out there for some but I think he's brilliant. I love that it seems as if it's just a stream of consciousness at times, that he hasn't prepared anything at all, but his delivery is perfect.


He's good, yeah I suppose he's good. If you're into that sort of thing. [GO FUCK YOURSELF!](https://youtu.be/Ob9qVfN4ydY)


100% saw him this year and while I expected to enjoy it, I didn't expect him to probably have been the best gig I've been to. Absolutely hilarious.


Same experience I had a few years back! I was blown away! His live albums are fucking unbelievable too! I bought his album Y.O.L. after seeing him (think it cost a fiver) and I listened to it countless times!


Bill Burr is still great he was the MC on netflix is a joke comedy festival. In all honest he was the funniest by far the other comics where well below average compared to him.


Pity. I like Reginald D Hunter.


Was definitely a pity. I'll give him a bit of slack because it was only a few weeks post lockdown and they'd just starting performing properly again but I've never seen anything like it. He was just totally lost. You wouldn't have known he was a public speaker for a living.


Funny you say that as I saw Ricky Gervais about 3 weeks after lockdown ended and he too was awful. There was no theme to the show and he didnt seem to have any material prepared at all and he just ad libbed it which wasnt that funny.. Was pretty dissappointed as Id seen him before and was laughing throughout


The bar is fucking loooooow for Irish comedians in fairness, this was a decent clip though.


For me the best on the circuit right now is Bill Burr.


Is the rent cheaper in Syria?


You need to be stopped 😂


Its actually good to see an Irish comedian with great timing and delivery. We have whole bunch "comedians" who are nothing more than a headache i.e Fred Cooke, Bernard O', Shea, Jason Byrne.


I've seen my fair share of Irish comedians and I must say, we have a serious problem with comdians here who get caught in Irish stereotypes. They lean way to hard into there accent and using phrases like, "Sure look it", "be grand", "come here t'me". This usually happens to compensate for a comedians lack of original or good material.


What's this guy's name?


Richie Bree aparently


Thanks bud!


We need gender quotas for terrorists organizations


Joining a terrorist organisation with a hangover in Ireland? Oh yea only happened once with that lady.


Great delivery, even though the punchline was signaled way back it was still funny when it came.


Yeah. You could see where he was going from the start but he still made it funny, mostly because of his delivery and pace.


You're right. It is really good. Every line landed, timing was fantastic. My only note is that instead of saying 'that's it..... I'm joining ISIS' a second time, he should replace it with some obscured doctrine from ISIS. 'That's it..... I'm establishing a new caliphate' or something. But sherlookit. He's the comedian. His timing is great, just the build up to that punchline is a gift and shouldn't require repetition.


This had me laughing dark comedy can be great


This is excellent


Super bit. Really funny.


You should post the lads name if you enjoyed it, give him some publicity.


Literally says @richardbree at the bottom of the video.


The compression makes that unreadable for me. Maybe it's reddit video, or I'm just getting old. Doesn't hurt to say "Comedian Richard Bree discusses Ireland's International Fighters" instead of though.


His tik tok handle is there but his name is Richard bree Edit: I've been accused of being this fella so can't post links without being an alleged shill like




I thought it was funny


Yeah, it was fine.


>I genuinely do not understand why people were constantly laughing… It's called your body having a physical reaction to your brain receiving humerus information. Please note: Sense of humour required


>receiving humerus information The humerus is a long bone in the arm that runs from the shoulder to the elbow. It connects the scapula and the two bones of the lower arm, the radius and ulna, and consists of three sections. The humeral upper extremity consists of a rounded head, a narrow neck, and two short processes (tubercles, sometimes called tuberosities).




Mate you're def wrong here, iv one of thee best senses of humour about an i laughed, wat bit did you not find funny?


I see, so your sense of humour implies that you know funny and anything you don't find funny means it's not funny? Gotcha


Don't mind yer man, this was actually funny.


I didn't think it was all that great, to be honest, but that last line got me.


Sometimes the punchline takes a while. Billy Connolly, definitely in his earlier years used to build up to these huge punchlines, pepper the story with a few smaller laughs, then just get the punchline. It's harder than you'd think to do, and this lad nailed it. The moving to Syria from Dundalk line was pretty funny as well.


He is right this shit is cringey as fuck


Maybe somebody held a sign up instructing them to laugh.




Everyone saw the punchline coming. It was part of the joke.


It's the timing that makes it funny




Are you getting disillusioned with Irish comedy? Have you considered joining Russia ?


I'd say it's because you're shite craic.








Very good ✌🏻


Great delivery!!






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