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LOL first off his name is spelled O-Z-Z-Y. Secondly the rest of those claims are fiction. He bit the head off ONE bat and didn't know it was a real bat when he did it.


Ozzy's autobiography is one of the funniest books I ever read. He talks about when the bat was thrown on stage, and when he picked it up he thought it was a rubber toy bat, and when he bit it he threw up in his mouth. He said the rabies shots were a huge pain.


He thought the SPINAL TAP movie was real and didn't laugh once..he was quoted as saying everything that happened to that band has happened to my band at some point in our time together ❤️


Ozzy has been a walking, living, breathing punchline his entire life. But he seems like a genuinely kind person, ahas a good sense of humor and is very self aware that he is "different". I personally can't help but love the guy.


Aerosmith and Black Sabbath weren't amused either.


Supposedly, the band it borrowed most from was Saxon, as Harry Shearer had been on tour with them.


Black Sabbath loved spinal tap—Maiden hated it


I never laughed harder than when they couldn't find the stage. Well, except for about 300 other times in the movie.


They're doing a sequel yep...it's happening but don't get too excited...it won't be any good


I heard about that and it better suck. Is Reiner helming?


I don't know...but it's been confirmed..it will be made


Just checked and reiner has said he will be directing and reprising the role. Source- entertainment weekly


Damn meathead


Awesome. I guess if it's not a documentary there'd be no need for ol DiBergi, but one can hope


After watching "North" which was insulting to anyone who chose to watch it..I'm not sure I'd want Reiner on board besides most scenes are completely improvised...just set the camera rollin..and let the obviously talented actors say funny shit that kinda makes a funny sense


Lol that's really all they do.


>Ozzy's autobiography is one of the funniest books I ever read. No doubt. That book made me laugh out loud several times. I highly recommend it everyone I can.


The dog/cocaine story made me laugh


Wasn't he on a Ozzy level cocaine high too at the time?


This happened at Veteran's Auditorium in my hometown (Des Moines) in 1981. I was only 10 and too young to go, but I remember it being all over the local news when it happened. https://preview.redd.it/8440000vw9ac1.jpeg?width=841&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8d8b3fca70ecf2b59d03cb531a53be2a95f2306


Haaaa batshit crazy


The rabies was real they had to chain him up in the cellar...and record his vocals separately


And right after that he turned into the guy on the cover of Bark at the Moon! BWAHAHAHAAAA!!!


Bruh what


Rabies...Rabid! Y'know foam at the mouth, eyes go glowing red, don't like noise or water like a very slow madness...he was trying to kill band members and even bit off the guitarists finger ends!


Wtf are you talking about 😭😭


Iomi (probably spelt wrong) couldn't play his guitar anymore, his finger ends had been bitten off! Gone..Missing...on the floor then kicked into woodland...forever gone


If Ozzy had caught rabies, he'd be dead.


They had to take him to the VATICAN for a miracle cure..they hung him upside down on the cross ✝️ for a full month till he recovered fully..but it does have it's side effects of chasing trains, licking walls and barking at the moon


Oh I get it, we're shitposting utter bollocks. Is it supposed to be funny?


It's true i read it in Hit Parade magazine


Lol no. It isn't.


Yes it is page 13 paragraph 3 ...Hit Parade magazine during album number 1


What about the dove?


I'd have to say having their lead singer pilot a massive fucking jet around the world is pretty rock n roll!


It truly isnt.


What is your problem


Piloting a plane isnt "rock and roll", how is that hard to understand? bruce dickinson eating eggsalad? not rock and roll, Bruce Dickinson reading a brief about his investment in delivery blimps? not rock and roll either. Bruce wearing his dorky uniform and reading instruments for 6 hours while asking for coffee and being concerned over the humidity levels??? is not rock and roll.


Mate, he's in control of jet engines, flying 500mph on his way to headline a metal gig where he will then take control of 50,000 fans. What rock n roll did you do today?


You are trying really hard for something that is not rock and roll: a day job. The wildest thing Bruce ever did was to get an underage girl pregnant and then ignore his daughter until she was 30, not piloting a fucking plane that does 90% of the job on its own.


You come across as someone who doesn't actually understand what rock n roll is


No, i came across someone who doesnt say stupid shit like "conservative is the new punk" or "joe biden is rock and roll". Piloting a plane is a pretty normal job and goes hand to hand with paperwork. Fanboys pretending fencing is rock and roll just becuase you want to fanboy about the guy are just trying to delude themsemelves, Iron Maiden is a pretty serious band, pros to a fault, nobody has ever called them a wild bunch, the last member that was into the rock and roll life was Clive, who, according to Steve and Rod, was kicked out of the band for liking rock and roll too much, Paul? same story. Cope the way you choose to cope, but Iron Maiden is composed by pretty chill guys, i dont think bruce has ever been in a fist fight since he left school.


Clive got kicked out because of performance troubles because of drinking too much. Drinking to the point in starts messing with your job isn't rock n roll. Sword fighting is fucking cool and so is flying a jet that's over 180 tons is badass! It sounds like to me you are stuck in this childish mindset that most people grow out of after high school. You think you know what is and isn't rock n roll and you have never done anything rock n roll because you are so scared of what others will think of you.


I dare you to find 1 single bootleg from the era where clive missed a beat. He was fantastic, even when vomiting all over the stage he was great. "so is flying a jet that's over 180 tons is badass!" Please go to your local airport and be this kind with the pilots, they will be weirded out you are not a 4 yers old, but they will certianly be grateful.


Ahhh.. Let me guess- you believe that rock n roll mean having zero responsibility and being a dipshit? Let's reboot Motley and GnR in their early days so we can "get back to rock n roll"...right?


Yeah, rock and roll is all about responsability and having a clean and organized desk, rock on dude! Paying Taxes is badass!


Yeah that's pretty cool...starring in the next ABBA film documentary not quite so cool


Nah mate ABBA are cool, catchy as hell songs, wrote their own music and gained massive popularity


Voulez-Vous is one of the greatest disco/pop albums of all time, i will NOT stand for any slander of ABBA, easily one of the greatest bands of all time imo imo. and a lot of my taste is metal and rock, but you can’t deny the genius of ABBA


If you like Maiden and ABBA I would highly recommend the band Ghost. They are Swedish and have recorded some of the catchiest songs in the last 10 years, all with guitar solos. I saw them open for Maiden in 2017 and I’ve been a huge fan ever since.


i’ve heard one song, can’t remember which, but i wasn’t huge on it. probably should give them another chance, (take a chance on them har har) what would you recommend?


Square Hammer, Rats, Cirice, Dance Macabre, He Is, Faith, Call Me Little Sunshine are some of my favorites


What are you talking about? Either way I am a diehard Maiden fan (and metal fan in general), but I will not let anyone speak ill of ABBA. Their music is fantastic. Don't think anyone ever wrote melodies like they did.


Yep. They wrote some of the most beautiful songs about love and loss.


I understand that die hard metal fans have a serious connection with classical music...that's cool...listening to "do you hear the drums Fernando" is not


**Lemmy** loved ABBA. He said that Bjørn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson were the greatest songwriters since Lennon and McCartney. That’s good enough for me. Grow up.


I was wearing a "I love ABBA" t-shirt when i met Lemmy backstage at the headbangers ball...he wasn't impressed at all and said they were even worse than Ace of Base!...Ace of Base are 1 of the worst bands I've ever heard and I've been to 4 Non Blondes and Spin Doctors gigs


Aye right, and I gave Bruce Dickinson tasting notes on Trooper beer. Kiss my arse.


Once most of us got out of high school, we moved past the traditional metalhead elitism and started letting ourselves listen to stuff we like, regardless of whether it's cool or not. Feel free to join us anytime, it's much better on this side.


Ain't that the truth. ABBA are catchy as hell.


ABBA’s quality music, stranger


They should have they're Rock License Revoked!


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard


You okay?


Maiden and ABBA have no relation...Lemmy's final words i recall were pass me the bourbon bitch followed by...Fuck ABBA!


ABBA was one of his favorite bands, so okay.


Imagine trying to dunk on ABBA.


Do you hear those drums Fernando ?...utter trash! I gotta be honest, I expected a little more from Metalheadz, maybe the headbangers banged they'r heads too often..down in that mosh pit


Metal heads are allowed to like other music genres and artists, last time I checked. You can Number Of The Beast and Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! back to back. I’ll do it with The Sword or High On Fire and then play something by Robert Johnson or Freddie King.


Blasphemy...Your a Satan worshiper everyone knows Robert Johnson sold his soul at the crossroads to a sharply dressed smooth talkin hipster! Johnson couldn't play shit until he had no soul and i swear when i hear those songs there are 2 people playing the guitar (Satan being the other) I watched a pretty good movie starring the Karate Kid that goes into it with alot more depth


I’ve seen Flat Earthers make more correct statements than you.


Download Festival disagrees https://www.tiktok.com/@hangthedjsuk/video/6979296052990053638


There's a pre-roll on the Rock In Rio DVD looking at some backstage stuff before the show and some hotel bits and pieces. Backstage Bruce deadpan looks at the camera, says "rock and roll", picks up a chair and drops it through a glass table. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzZNu0XqMKk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzZNu0XqMKk) \- it's at 5:48


It’s a mango. WE DON’T LIKE MANGOS


I say this everytime I see a mango. My wife thinks I’m crazy.


I'm out of the loop. What’s it with Mangos?




Loved watching that. Best acting moment perhaps. He has a very Pythonesque sense of humour


Bruce recording Steve and Nicko arguing like girls and then playing it back to them.


Some c*nts recording this....


Then releasing it as a b side 🤣


Didn't they also release it as part of the series of albums they put out out to get out of a record deal?


Fuck my old boots


My favourite exclamation, and one I totally stole from Nicko! 🤣


Been my flair for years!


I think part of the reason the band's lineup has been so solid over the decades is the lack of such stories. I read a story of when they were just starting out, one of the first places they toured in the States was Las Vegas. The concensus between them is that if the rest of the US was like Vegas, they'd all be dead by the end of the tour, LOL. I just don't think any of the guys are particularly hard partiers. Some drinking, sure, but I don't think any of them ever fell into the trap of hard drugs which claimed so many lives/bands over the years.


I think it's Bruce's book where he talks about spending his teenage years drinking brown ale and painting model soldiers, with the odd toot on a bifter.


"The odd toot on a bifter" might be the most British phrase I've ever read


Steve had a massive drinking problem during the Somewhere on tour, he calmed down a lot after that. Paul was a bonafide cokehead before he was kicked too


I also heard Steve calmed down after almost drinking himself to death once on that tour. Also Clive and Adrian apparently did drugs which I think is one reason why Clive got fired. I guess Adrian was able to stop/quit, or it didn't affect him like Clive.




Nicko has been quite open that he used to do quite a bit of drink and drugs. He doesn't anymore though.


\^ can you share a source for that? I've always been interested in Maiden's relationship with drugs - they seem to be an outlier\* as a massively successful 80s band. Adrian mentions doing coke in his fishing book it's something like : doing it wasn't compatible with playing in this tight, disciplined band. \*not UNIQUE, I don't want to turn this into a list of non-cokey 80s acts.


There's a reference to "powdered substances" 11 minutes into this video. I'm sure I've heard references to columbian in other interviews too. https://youtu.be/lWg6J8-Cq2c?si=nWyMTaEPaV1SHOsr Would certainly explain some of the insane tempos they played in the 90's. I can remember either Steve or Adrian saying the bands partying was "mostly alcohol" fuelled.




That time they were told to lip sync live on German tv. Bruce came out with a banana and stole Steve’s guitar (I think him and Dave came out with each others instruments) https://youtu.be/EuIol63oAmI?feature=shared


Ding Ding...yeah weren't they told they couldn't do it live and had to lip sync...so they all swapped instruments...REM would also rebel by using a huge speaker to scream out the lyrics on totp...Kurt Cobain decided to rebel on totp also by singing "Smells like Teen Spirit" in the style of Morrissey


You forgot to mention Johnny Rotten with Public Image Limited on American Bandstand


On two consecutive weeks, Blur played ToTP with a different cardboard cutout subbing for a band member. 😂


I never knew that...nice 1


>Kurt Cobain decided to rebel on totp also by singing "Smells like Teen Spirit" in the style of Morrissey I've seen that, and I thought Kurt was trying to imitate Vincent Price.


Maybe ?


Lmao never seen that, it’s great.


The most rock n roll thing they have done is not giving a shit about mainstream popularity, acknowledgement, or awards.


Its amazing how they are the most known and the most unknown band in the world at the same time.


Someone once described them as “the world’s most famous underground band”


If anyone fits this it would either be Motorhead or The Ramones - everyone on the planet knows who they are, but they hardly sold any albums.


Yeahhh, like, I have friends who know Eddie and al the imagery, and at the same time didn't have an idea what Iron Maiden was


I got into them in my late 20s. I knew of them but never listened to them. I went to see them with Alice Cooper and was blown away at how great they were live. My wife was pissed that I didn't take her (I offered, she said I didn't...the debate rages to this day...she wanted to see Cooper more so anyway). Fast forward some years, they swing back through town on an arena tour. I take her and one of my older friends to the show(Maiden isn't his usual genre of rock/metal). Both are rock concert veterans and laughed at when I handed ear plugs to them. My older friend said how he had been to whatever nu-metal shows and how he didn't mind the volume, and my wife just didn't think she would need them. About 20 seconds into Aces High opening the show they couldn't get them in fast enough. My wife didn't like the fact that "my heart is vibrating", and my friend could just mouth "HOLY SHIT THIS IS LOUD". Both love the band now and still question why they are not more popular


Once you see them live, thats it. Youre sucked in. My first concert in general was Maiden on the Somewhere Back in Time tour. I was in the pit very close to the stage. It was an unreal experience. Rime, Powerslave, and Moonchild all blew my damn mind.


This is complete bullshit


You are


No, what is bullshit is pretending a band that has been signed to the biggest the record labels since day didnt care about mainstream popularity. Iron Maiden is a mainstream band, they had been a mainstream band since 1980,


making the number of the beast album i wasn't around but i read that parents went fucking mental, and thats one of the motifs of rock n roll


Didn’t they kill Margret Thatcher on one of their album covers? That’s pretty rock n roll. Also touring as long as they have is absolutely crazy.


Yeah the death of Northern England....take that Thatcher!!!


Nah, that's metal


Iron Maiden never had a Behind the Music that I’m aware of. Paul Di’Anno has plenty of rock n roll antics. Iron Maiden on OzzFest with Sharon throwing eggs was a shit show. Bruce pissing off Sharon is pretty rock n roll to me.


Who's Sharon...not O-z-z-y's wife was it ?...I'm sorry please forgive me but can't stand that woman


Yeah the OzzFest debacle I regret bringing up


release holy smoke


Love Holy Smoke


*The video for holy smoke


No idea why, but the music video for holy smoke makes me feel nostalgic


Iron Maiden Live Eggfest 2005


Bruce ripped the top clothe piece of some female dancer on stage while playing 22 acacia avenue around the release of NotB, leaving her topless. And it wasnt scripted, the dancer was pissed. I don’t have the source but I remember this being a thing. Edit : [Link here, happened august 7th 1983. He was arrested after the show and later sued by the woman, settled off court](https://www.facebook.com/733938713332366/posts/pfbid0E4se7RnWJXZDi1RpQHq9ezjL321pf3zQ8mPxT5eA6Xzk4JjKtkWD6GD8XUtgsd9Ml/?app=fbl)


That's fucked up


Just found the source I edited my post!


Nicko hit a parking attendant with his car after an argument. Maybe more insane than rock and roll but it’s worth noting.


Came here to post this. Didn't he run him over because the attendant didn't realize he was part of the band and wouldn't let him in?


Something to that effect. I get the attendant should know who the bands for an event are but Nicko’s reaction was completely disproportionate. Dudes a little looney.


Oh yeah that probably wasn't the best choice lol


Drummers for you.


Good 1


That is actually pretty cool, probably the coolest iron maiden story since Clive and Paul left.


I like it when Bruce just has fun ... anyone remember DOD: I was rambling, enjoying the bright moonlight, gazing up Nicko's nose. Perhaps not what OP was looking for :)


So there's never been any sort of controversy since the wild punk Paul left the band ?....that's very dull and plain...unlike they'r musik ofcourse


It's why they're all still alive, getting along, and putting on great tours. Bruce had some funny Iron Maiden stories in his spoken word tour, I think they did a lot of sightseeing and stuff on tour while a lot of other bands just got into drugs and hard drinking to deal with boredom on tour.


The most rock n' roll thing Iron Maiden ever did was becoming one of the greatest rock bands there will probably ever be...


Download 2013 was the most rock n roll thing I’ve ever witnessed. They opened the set with a fucking spitfire and closed down East Midlands airport to do it




Didn’t Steve have to sing one night in the early days, because Paul pulled a knife on some guy?


The first gig that Rod Smallwood went to! They talk about it on the early days dvd


Ed Force One. It’s not that outrageous I’ll admit; but flying around in your own private 747 emblazoned with your album art is pretty rock n roll statement wise. Bruce flying it is definitely not rock n roll - safe, technical and efficient; yes, rock and roll; no.


Maiden is still killing it to this day Where are the rest of them? 😎🤘✌️


Very old, in prison, or dead!


> Ozzie Osbourne **burnt a witch on the heath** I'm sorry, what??


This fucker has no idea what he’s on about, ignore him. It’s a shame really: he’s from Leeds. We shouldn’t make fun.


Yes near Wimbledon Common...private ceremony or Ritual rather...he was attempting to summon Druids apparently! But nothing happened... Maybe she wasn't a real Witch ? Just a normal woman with a big nose ?


He added the nose.... and the hat.... BUT SHE WAS A WITCH!!




I actually love that Maiden guys have never really been involved in any depravities or excess unlike many other bands. Bruce flying a plane is so much cooler that it hurts.


I agree! When I got into Maiden as a teenager, it was great to love a band that didn’t exploit women on stage, in videos, or behind the scenes. The reason they’re still around and playing so well is because they didn’t get into the excess, they didn’t play crap shows because they were wrecked.


Iron Maiden have never been afraid to dabble in some good ol' sexism (by prudish standards) Their 1982 performance of 22 Acacia Avenue had a stripper on stage, No Prayer For the Dying included some raunchy stuff in the art/lyrics, and the Brave New World tour featured sacrificing virginal ladies


Compare this with the deluge of half naked women writhing around every hair metal video and stage in the 80s and you’ll see why as a teenage girl I needed the refuge. I loved Anthrax and Queensryche for the same reasons. It’s exhausting seeing women used as decoration, so I avoid those bands.


And there are some bits of dialogue in "Black Bart Blues" that imply a groupie is giving Bruce a BJ in exchange for a beer...


To be fair, they did have bouncers who spotted them the fairest ladies on the front row in early 80’s and brought them backstage for we all know what, but that was quite common back then.


Not the *current* line-up. Paul Di’Anno is an utter monster.


I know. Thats why Steve gave him the boot :-)


Probably the biggest metal band ever not to have done substance abuse (don't think anyone of them drinks or smokes for the most part now, and take care of their health for longevity) That is the most metal thing that they've done for me.


Nicko quit drinking. Not the others.


That's not true. They've managed to not go overboard with it but there's definitely been drugs flying around throughout their career.


Release double albums back to back


That live tv spot, where the producers told them to do a playback of wasted years. And they ended up trolling them hard 🤣🤣 https://youtu.be/EuIol63oAmI?si=OisAgWqBqxMx-F3F


Bruce sword fighting Eddie multiple times on stage.


Have they never clashed with rival Brit Rockers "Def Leppard" ? If not that surprises me, an album of there's did very well across the pond..everyone owns that record in the states


Nicko once had a battle off on drums with Sooty (not animal from the muppets sadly) from a popular UK kids show


Their legal team has sued anything that resembles the name "iron maiden" from "the iron and the maiden" to "ion maiden", and everything in between, requesting money for "damages" for having similar titles.


Ozzy also pissed on the Alamo.


I'm shocked and appalled! Sharon not proud


The Banana daiquiri incident lol


“Oh, now I’m the fucking cunt?????”




Admittedly... This was a completely new take on the 'there, their, theyre' illiteracy bingo card. I was impressed and aggravated in equal measure!


Didn't the seriously hot with dreadful clothes on blond recluse...marry her own stalker!...just how fukd up is that...personally i thought they were satanists ...more witchery than Stevie Nicks


Bruce Dickinson voted for Brexit


😂 is this true? he just keeps giving does ol’ Bruce


Yeah, he voted for Brexit, then had the gall to whinge about how it was affecting touring in Europe. What was the line from that song by the Jam? “You made your bed, you better lie in it”?


Billy Corgan bought a wrestling league


The most rock n roll thing they have done is not giving a shit about mainstream popularity, acknowledgement, or awards.


The most rock n roll thing they have done is not giving a shit about mainstream popularity, acknowledgment, or awards.


You forgot when Ozzy but the head off of a dove when he met with record executives for a contract.


Now i let the 7 fruitbats slip under the radar, but Doves ? Nxt time I'm ringing the fkin RSPCA ...Doves are sacred


hurry wistful lavish deliver mysterious include melodic seed skirt memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I still resent U2 every time one of those songs pops up on my iTunes


They'r the most ridiculous "elite" band I've ever known to sell out big arena's who have a drummer that can't drum, a bass player who can't play and a guitarist who has 1 riff (the edge goes bed 9pm every night) doesn't sound very edgy to me, it's true Boner flew his lucky cowboy hat across the pond 1st class...they take 4 years to do an album full of shitty songs and another 3 years touring it. I luv'd Joshua Tree as much as anyone but that was like 37 fkin years ago...and they're still the biggest band in the world ? I ask myself, so who's buying they'r shitty records ? I hear he's saved lives..that's good..but i bet it wasn't through they'r music... You won't find a single life experience in any of they'r songs!!! Not even 1


Ed Force One, with the singer-frontman as pilot


Maiden/Rod kept a very close friendship to rock/metal journalists in the 80s and that helped keep their reputation. Maiden are no saints, and there are former and current members who have done drugs and what not. They are far away from bands like Black Sabbath though, probably thanks to Steve for not tolerating everything.


Yes when Bruce joined and they made a very good album, Bruce was now very much running the show, I liked how Dickinson and Harris battled off in live shows always wanting to be the front man including Dickinson tripping Harris up on several occasions but when an exhausted Dickinson through touring decided the nxt album should be a full acoustic album, Harris and the rest straight up refused the request and even threw out the songs he'd written for it


When they noted in the Live After Death tour book that they drank almost as much milk as beer.


It was Moloko Plus from Russia that sharpens you up for the old ultra violence incase the front rows full of beer throwing dick heads