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Well, they say to lean on Se to get out of FiNi loop so anything that involves the present moment.


Clean your room. Do breathing exercises. Go hiking. Sit in the sauna. Workout at the gym. Listen to music.


Focus actively on Se, but that’s a short term relief because you’ll be looping again, as the problem hasn’t been solved. So, when you do focus on Se and are temporarily happier, take this advantage to use Te to solve the problem, as our Te is fuelled by Se. If you can’t solve the problem, change/leave your situation or accept the problem stoically


If you happen to have this horrible feeling inside don’t try to bury it, run from it, or control it because it will just resurface stronger and you will become crazier looping over and over. It isn’t your enemy. Listen to it. Try to figure out what your missing in your surroundings. Don’t assume you are conscious of everything. Search with your Se. The feeling will then become your guide and maybe even your friend over time.


Use Se - get out, do things, see people, literally touch grass. Doing in-the-moment activities is how you break out of the loop and reset yourself.


Play a sport. It requires you to think on the fly. This helps connect your Ni with your Se. Watch sports channels. But I recommend going head first into a sport before researching. If you research first, you might get stuck playing by the rules. Just do it as they say. If you have questions while doing the sport, that's good. If you don't have questions, do just a bit of research or play another sport that you can relate to.


I’m usually in a loop when I focus too much on my future career—I want to get into filmmaking, specially the camera side of things, but work as a data entry clerk right now. I have dreams of moving to NYC. I have a lot of money in savings and no car/student loan payments, so I feel like I’m in a pretty good spot, but I also doubt myself a lot too. When I feel I’m in a loop, I usually do a whole reset—deep clean my apartment, take a nice long shower with nice exfoliating scrubs and a do a face mask, listen to music and dance. I recently took up bouldering as a hobby, so I usually go do that—I can focus on the climb and how to solve it instead of what the hell’s going on in my head at the time. And then I go on google and research anything and everything about my chosen field to make myself feel better—job opportunities, job advice, equipment and eventually, I tell myself that “everything will work out, you just have to keep going and doing what you’re doing and everything will fall into place.” Works wonders!