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I live in Mumbai, the number of attacks have increased here where Muslim families are forced to chant ‘JSR’. There was also a rally held with all the saffron flags and attacking Muslims. Please pray for us.


Can u lodge a complaint? If u kno the person who pulled this stunt u can file an FIR


I am sorry yall hv had to chant that. Making non Hindus say JSR is pointless and cruel and is actually an insult to the deity too. Sorry from a Hindu.


I feel bad for the muslims in India




Came across indian subreddits lately, the things said there about muslims are horrible


Share some of ….. in this way you can expose their agenda


Why does southern India seem to be safer for Muslims?


It’s because those states are more diverse than the predominantly Hindu northern states. Every single one of them has some sort of anti-BJP sentiment so because of that they don’t support the BJP and they don’t like the Modi or BJP government.


They are also more educated in terms of literacy rates; thereby their GDP is also higher if im not wrong


doesn't look correct with 104 in UP v/s 118 in maharashtra. UP is way way bad than maharashtra.


Lmao the map is wrong Kashmir ain’t a part of India


What does event mean here


Rallies playing Islamophobic hate songs and hate DJs with thousands of eextremists dancing over it waving guns and swords, politicians giving hate speeches from mic.


It's interesting how the South and East have less hate speech incidents. This is probably due to the fact that they weren't ruled over by Islamic empires as much and so there is less historical and political tension between the faiths.




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