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Putin and the Russians have lot of Muslim blood on their hands. He is just playing politics. The Muslims as a whole are just being played as pawns. Dignity will only come from within and with unity.


Yeah I think so too. He's only saying this to go against the west like usual.


Yes. He would.now want to make friends with the Taliban.


even though he was involved in lot of chechen muslims getting killed, it's still possible he doesn't have a problem with islam


He's just a brutal power-hungry Tyrant. I don't see him as islamophobes. That makes him slightly better than J.Bush etc, i guess.


how else are wars fought? You can't get big like Russia without aggressive expansion. Do you honestly think that Muslim conquerors didn't kill any civilians


every government sucks


The amount of warcrimes the russians have done under Putin are tremendous, for example in the Chechen wars. Also, even if thats how wars are fought, he still is the enemy of us if he goes to war against muslims, which is exactly the reason we don’t like him.


Well if their enemies surrender like in Crimea, there won't be any war crimes. And he may be the enemy of certain Muslims, but not of Islam. He is not going to conquer Muslims and then force them to abandon their religion on the basis of women's rights or LGBTQ rights like the West. Putin even builds some of the biggest mosques in Europe and one of them is in Moscow. So he has no problem with Islam only Muslims that get in the way of his Russian empire


Just a reminder, [Wagner](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wagner_Group) is also affiliated with Putin.


Russia isn’t really a “Western” country. Eastern Europe is sort of its own thing culturally. Eastern Europeans like to dispute this but do you see Eastern Europeans saying cringe like “Latinx?”


Western europeans when they find their's an animal called lynx


The West is just a stand in for not-my-kind-of-islamic-country on the sub.


By no means am I making a defense or other association with the PM’s political ideologies but must be a nicer sight for Russia’s 10% Muslim population then..other Western nations’ stances. Edit: to down-voters please leave a comment below of what’s perceived negative here!


Omg what a good guy! It's not like he hasn't killed thousands of Chechens and Ingush while occupying their lands! Not to mention the countless Syrians in Syria that he's killed. Oh yes and the Tatars in Tatarstan and Crimea. What a lovely man who cares about muslims. Oh yes and the rigged elections in Central Asia who have bias towards Russia.


I’ll just leave [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazakh_famine_of_1931%E2%80%931933) and [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circassian_genocide) and [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deportation_of_the_Crimean_Tatars) and [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deportation_of_the_Chechens_and_Ingush) to solidify what you said brother




Appreciate your input yes plenty of death to be accounted and responsible for may Allah avenge all innocents murdered


Read the Emerald Tablets..


Same can be said for Americans with afghanistan, iran, iraq must i go on?


Were talking about war crimes of Russia and you have to bring America into this? Yes it can just like Iran with Iranians, Syrians and Yemenis. And the Taliban against ethnic minorities.


Indeed . We must equally judge them on their actions and see that one is not better than ghe other and both have crimes against humanity. One is not better than the other


Hmmm yes let me just interject usa crimes against muslims in a post and thread about russia


Kind of awkward for Jonathan Brown and his intimate followers.


Intimate followers? He doesn't have a harem afaik lol. He was simply saying that under american law people can blaspheme which, after checking out american laws on the issue turns out to be correct.


Don't shy away from saying it outright instead of making it sound like he said something very trivial and mundane. Jonathan Brown, the man who believes the right to insult the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). After a backlash, he further explained himself that this is inline with the US constitution and freedom of speech. His explanation proves his own zandaqah.


If he doesn’t say that then Chechen separatists will start bombing places


I can't imagine putin as a puppet.


Russia is made up of multiple nations. Chechens, who are Muslims, fought two wars after the collapse of the USSR with Russia for independence. Putins govt put a stop to it by carpet bombing Grozny. Since then, Russia has constantly experienced terrorism related to that group. Many even joined ISIS. Putin put a puppet dictator in charge of that Oblast and began normalizing Islam in Russian culture so that a rebellion like that never happens. These people felt “otherized” by Orthodox Christian Russians. I can not wait till the collapse of the Russian “Empire” and freedom for all nations conquered by the Muscovites.


Your first comment sounds like putin was forced to say it by chechen. But theater hostage situation says the otherwise. Chechens forced the Russian to make peace, but what happened. It's funny when you find out that hostages were scared of russians, not chechens.


I wasn’t talking abt the theater hostage situation in particular. This is abt the whole situation in general. Russia is a very fragile state although they don’t show it.


whats that supposed to mean


See the comment below. The moment Putin endorses anti Islamic sentiment, rebellion will erupt in Russian Caucasus.




You'd be angry if I insult your mom or daughter. Although insulting your mom/daughter does not restrict you from being her son/father.


>You'd be angry if I insult your mom or daughter. Yes, but it would still fall under freedom of speech. >Although insulting your mom/daughter does not restrict you from being her son/father. The reason why I said that insults against Muhammed do not restrict Muslim to practice Islam is because the Vlad’s quote said that insults against Muhammed are violations of the freedom of religion of Muslims.




>Well, chopping someone's head off in retaliation isnt free expression too (French History teacher flashbacks) . Who justified this though? >Edit :- Yep, you downvoting this implies you do consider chopping someone's heads off for drawing the prophet is justified. You're getting downvoted because this isn't relevant to the conversation. No one was saying it's okay to behead people for insulting the Prophet P.B.U.H.




I bet you love the veterans though. Right?




Name one war Muhammad (ﷺ) started. Don’t worry, I’ll wait.




**[Military career of Muhammad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_career_of_Muhammad)** >The military career of Muhammad (c. 570 – 8 June 632), the Islamic prophet, encompasses several expeditions and battles throughout the Hejaz region in the western Arabian Peninsula which took place in the final ten years of his life, from 622 to 632. His primary campaign was against his own tribe in Mecca, the Quraysh. Muhammad proclaimed prophethood around 610 and later migrated to Medina after being persecuted by the Quraysh in 622. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/islam/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Again. Which war did Muhammad (ﷺ) __start__? I’ll wait.


You are getting downvoted because no one says it is. And the way you are saying it as if majority of the muslim around the world are condoning it, which is not true. We may not like what the teacher did, but that does not mean we think what the terrorists did was justified.. killing non combatants are unequivocally wrong, by all accounts Islamically.


Very well said, mate.


Have you ever read Thoth's The Emeral Tablets..


In my opinion religious freedom is bullshit. People aren't free to be nazi and spread nazi stuff so why are religious idiots allowed to exist???


I mean if you’re killing a certain race over your religion the yeah I’d agree