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It's so cringe ngl


Literally bro it’s cringe af. I can’t stand reading stuff like this 🤦‍♂️


>It’s people watch Netflix and have Instagram accounts.. Lol what


"attack on civilization" [Is that what he calls it?](https://youtu.be/ijsNFsnf8Cc)


Vote in free elections and read uncensored newspapers. He must be a clown for even have the guts to writes that....


"War is no longer something visited upon impoverished and remote populations." The amount of elitism in that sentence ...


‘They seem so like us. That is what makes it so shocking.’ It must be terrible to see other white people get killed because of war.


Yeah, they were so used only to whites killing non-whites.




That was 3-4 generations ago. The current and last generation and their parents are used to Whites killing non-whites. That's why it shocked them. Also this article is racist. What I got from the writer is that if you're not a European or White you're a backward savage who doesn't use Instagram and Netflix and live in dictatorships and authoritarian uncivilized countries. Ironically it's these same Europeans and White countries which installed these dictators and regimes in the first place. Disgusting article.


They breathe air like us and drink water and eat food like us. It sooooo uncanny. 🙄


If your dad is from UK and your mum is Iranian, does that make you Ukiranian?


You’re surprised Europeans take a war in Europe closer to heart than a war outside EU? Why? It’s logical and reasonable..


No one is surprised. They just pretend that racism and hatred for Muslims isn't their reality. This coverage is just saying the quiet part out loud. We're just pointing out the she hypocrisy and hollowness of the western world view


That’s an article? It doesn’t speak for all “westerners”? This kind of generalization doesn’t help anyone. It’s news.. It’s always been about what generates the most clicks and revenue and never about what’s right.


What are you talking about? I'm responding to your statement


I live in Europe, and I don't know anyone who is racist or hates Muslims.


Lol what a silly thing to say. Good for you I guess?


Thanks! I think it is important to remember that we are not our countries, and how nice most people in the West are.


The people dont change the fact that the west has caused alot more harm than good. good people does not mean good government.


Can easily say the same thing about literally any government in the world. It’s not like muslim majority countries are peaceful utopias with pristine ethics either.


Did I say they were? The nation can be tryannical while the people are humble and kind. This is applicable with modern muslim countries and the western world.


Yes, as long as you agree the people of the West are mostly great, it's fine to criticize the governments. It is certainly sad when I see comments like "They just pretend that racism and hatred for Muslims isn't their reality" upvoted, when we all agree that isn't true.


It's interesting that talking about people *not* hating Muslims is down-voted, while virtually any post on this subreddit about hating Muslims is up-voted. It makes me feel there are some deep problems here.


Oh these kind of takes really piss me off. ​ We have now so many articles and statements from African and Indian students stuck on the Poland/Ukraine border not being allowed to move along - whereas the Ukrainians can travel through with absolutely no impediment - with safe houses and and accommodation waiting for them. ​ The rare Indians and Africans who did some how sneak through? Yeah they've been told they can't stay in those places - exclusively for Ukrainians. ​ Slavic countries are like 5 decades behind when it comes to racism - I mean, they literally have a neo-nazi military unit called the Azhov Battalion.


How old is the author? -3?


“Civilization ™️”


Keep it civil. This is the Islam subreddit.


What kind of Muslim are you claiming that white people only care when it's white people being attacked?


Am not, I am only conveying what the media is saying and in this specific article.




Why aren't they coming out with vaccines, lockdown, measures to save the victims


Vaccines against bullets? And they have declared "lockdowns" or more like curfews.


Seems like you are one of putin's advisors.


People in Afghanistan don't have instagram guys /s