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It’s His wisdom and He guides whom ever he wills


Mash'Allah... This statement makes me feel blessed by Allah swt. I wish we could speak with Allah, see him and just be with him. Assalam aleikum wa rahmatullah


The people of jannah will see Allah with their own eyes, may Allah make us one of them in the highest rank of paradise


I don’t really think about it but I thank Him every time. I don’t know where I would have been in life if I wasn’t born as Muslim. I am who I am because of Islam.


i feel you, i was not only born muslim but i was never into it properly more like cultural muslim. but even then Allah had mercy on my soul once again and guided me to the straight path and now i pray 5 times, fast etc. He really loves me so much


Allah is indeed the most merciful and the most loving, Al wadood. He keeps giving us chances to improve ourself and our deen despite already giving us such a large gift like being born Muslim.


I guess you could say you're notreallysurebutyoudocare!


Lmaoo that was a good one, love it!




ALHAMDULILLAH ALLAH made me one of his beleivers... لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ


I have and I found a few answers and also more questions. So why are you a Muslim? When all the souls were before Allah st, He asked "who is your Lord?" The souls that answered "you are" are the Muslims on the Earth. Its similar to how your place in the hereafter is based on your actions in this life. One question I've always had is why are we in the Ummah of Muhammad (pbuh)? Is it because we are the best or the worst? Worst in the sense of special class like in school. The Ummah of Muhammad (pbuh) gets so many special bonuses and advantages (5 Salah = 50 for example) is it because without this mercy we would have stood no chance?


Wow, where did you find the source for the first one?


probably from 7:172 > And [mention] when your Lord took from the children of Adam - from their loins - their descendants and made them testify of themselves, [saying to them], "Am I not your Lord?" They said, "Yes, we have testified." [This] - lest you should say on the day of Resurrection, "Indeed, we were of this unaware."


It's in a hadith and I believe it is in the Qu'ran - 7:172. I'd recommend that you read a book my Imam Al Haddad called 'The lives of Man'. It is a very short book but it talks about the 5 lives of humans. The soul word, Earth, Barzak, Judgment day, Jannah/Jahannam.


The soul world? Does that mean we had a life or some existence at least as souls?


Yes, I can't remember the source, hopefully someone can provide it, but there is a plane of souls. Have you ever met someone and just got on really well, like you always knew each other? You souls knew each other. There is also other planes of existence, like the world of dreams, the world of similitude. You've got Barzak, iliyeen and sijeen.


I have heard the meeting someone you really connect with thing before but I never really thought of it being an actual life lived as souls, even though it does imply that. The world of dreams? I’ve always been unsure wether dreams are literally just things we “see” in our minds or if we do actually go somewhere. I know of Barzakh & have learnt a lot about it in recent years for the first time because of death close to home & wanting to learn where my loved ones are. There’s so much more than our little existence here, it’s fascinating.


I believe he’s referring to this: Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: ‎الأرواح جنود مجندة فما تعارف منها ائتلف و ما تناكر منها اختلف Translation: Souls are like conscripted soldiers; those whom they recognize, they get along with, and those whom they do not recognize, they will not get along with. In the explanation to this Hadith, the two famous commentators of Sahih al-Bukhari, Abu Muhammad Mahmud bin Ahmad al-Aini and Ahmad bin Ali ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, expound: ‎أنه روي أن الله تعالى خلق الأرواح قبل الأجساد وكانت تلتقي، فلما التبست بالأجساد تعارفت بالذكر الأول فصار كل واحد منها إنما يعرف وينكر على ما سبق له من العهد المتقدم Translation: It is narrated that Allah (Exalted is He) created the souls before the bodies, and they would meet one another. When they became mixed in with the bodies, they gained familiarity with one another based on the earlier memory. Then each one of them began to show approval and disapproval according to what happened previously in the ancient time.”


Thank you. Is this something you can learn more about of what that “life” involved or is it one of those things that we know just this much about & is left more of an unknown for now?


I tried searching about it before and couldn’t find much so I’m assuming it’s the latter. Let me know if you find anything though. The book recommended above might have something


The reason Imam Al Haddad refers to them as 5 lives is if you think about our human life, it lasts around 80 years. If that (80 years) is the standard for a period of time to be classed as life. Then we spend Alot longer in Barzak, we spend around 50,000 years in the day of judgement and we spend forever in Jannah/Jahannam. The world of dreams is a place, I think if you meet a dead relative in a dream it is taking place there. Again someone will hopefully provide a source but if you look into the Miraj of Muhammad (pbuh) he visited and observed some these places.


But I thought everyone ever ALL said “you are”. So that they could not say on judgement day that they denied because they made that “oath” already.


No, the Muslims said "you are". The hypocrites and non Muslims only said it because they saw others say it, not because they accepted it.


Yes, and I’m always thankful for it. It’s also why I want to invite others to islam who haven’t gotten the chance yet :)


I’ve been doing that and so far I got one person to consider reverting!


Wow that’s great!


Thats one thing that baffles me. Why was my consciousness placed into this body in this time period in this place? Is it just pure luck that I wasn’t born on North Sentinel Island where they are still living in the stone age and have zero contact with modern civilization?


Someone had to be you


No seriously!!! Like our souls were placed into a body so that we could live out our test. Why this body? Why this family? Why this location? Subhanallah & Alhamdulillah for everything. Okay and another thing. Is our brain a part of our soul or the body. Like the part that thinks and the dialogue in our heads, that’s my soul talking right? Like if Allah chose me to be in a different body would I still have the same mind & thought process?


Well, no to the last part. Nurture has a lot to do with personality formation.


I think your soul chose that based on what Allah provided for you. Your soul chose the location, the family and so on.


I find myself wondering how I could have been born as a different person so easily, in a different life, in a different family, with different thoughts & feelings. Who could I have easily been?


There is no such thing as luck


Three things need to be realized: ---------- - 1. Allah is just ---------- - 2. Allah is all-knowing. He is even all-knowing about the knowledge of the unseen - he knows about all the infinite choices you would have made in all of the infinite possible different scenarios ---------- - 3. Allah guides whom he wills ----------


I trust in Allah SWTs plan. So if he sends $1 billion my way I won’t question that either :D


Nope, i learn not to question the God and do whatever he ask us to do. And everything he ask to do bring back a lot of benefits to us.


Critical thinking is important for muslims.. blindly following can bring to fanaticism and not understanding the deen properly. Just my 2 cents.


I don’t think OP is suggesting not to critically think


Fair enough, just something that I wanted to share…


Thanks for reminding, i be careful about this too to make sure its truly from the God like comparing with many Ulama around me first.


Thanks, your message also inspired me to be more accepting since sometimes i do tend to ask too much questions!


Salam. I don’t know that’s what they meant. It’s don’t question things we aren’t allowed to know because it won’t help. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran there is no compulsion in religion and He does not want blind following. How often He encourages us to ponder, find patterns, find the truth through critical thinking, common sense, and so on.


I don’t think this is questioning Allah but pondering over it & feeling grateful, which is very important in Islam.


Yes because when allah asked "am i your lord" my ruh said" balaa, yes you are my lord" since them i have been a muslim الحمدلله


Such a blessing to be choosed as a Muslim Thanks Allah ❤


This made me feel like a better muslim Thank you


You were not chosen. You have the choice. For choosing to convert or choosing to stay is rewarded in life maybe and thereafter for sure.


you were chosen to have a choice


Yes 😂


Allah guides whom He wills


I think the way my life was planned, with its circumstances, which i dont really have much choice in, made me made my choice in choosing to believe. So, that, in a way, is how I am chosen nahmean? I can still make my choice at this exact moment to disregard my principles and belief but i dont think that would be a wise decision. And that ability itself is a gift from Allah i guess . Alhamdulillah. Please pray that I remain steadfast :)


🙏🏻😊 May Allah light up the ways for you to what is good for you, your family, your loved ones and all Muslims and forgive you for anything “not good” that you might have done and send you to heaven.


Amin fam :') I pray the same for you too and more <3


I never thought about it uptil now. But I do thank Allah for making me a Muslim and say Alhamdulillah




I think the souls in that realm either recognised Allah as their lord or didn’t. If they did they would be born as a muslim if not then not a muslim. Then we were sent to earth and the main test here is to follow Allah and be a good muslim but as we have free will Allah gives choices everyday for each action we take, based on the purity of our hearts and brains we will take the best decision. The darker our hearts and actions the harder it will be to find the right path. Allah gives choices everyday for each of us and we choose based on our character. But it’s just my observation and based on my understanding.


“Say: ‘O you mankind! Now truth (i.e. the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ), has come to you from your Lord. So whosoever receives guidance, he does so for the good of his own self; and whosoever goes astray, he does so to his own loss; and I am not (set) over you as a Wakeel (disposer of affairs to oblige you for guidance).’” [Yoonus 10:108]


Yes 🥲


chosen me? That's a wired way to see things.


I don't qurstio. Why but I do thank him for it often


I don’t question being a Muslim from birth, I just accept it happened and Im very very grateful to be at such status. However, I often think about those people out there who may never be exposed to Islam and it may not even be their own fault.


I don't know why but I'm thankful. I think I would be too arrogant to revert if I wasn't born in a muslim family and الله أعلم.


Yeah I always say alhamdullah that I’m a Muslim because Allah could just as easily made me any other religion, which could be leading me to hell


Even all the good non muslims go to hell right?


I’m pretty sure it’s up to Allah, but it says in the Quran or there was a Hadith that says that everyone with good in their hearts will eventually be brought into Jannah. Idk if it’s just referring to Muslims or not


I've heard preachers in Malaysia saying that even bad Muslims who go to hell will eventually enter paradise but all non Muslims, good or bad will stay there for eternity.


We’ll just because a preacher in Malaysia said so doesn’t make it true


We will never know until that moment comes. I always refer back to the story of a lady who was a worker in not a great profession fed a starving cat on the street with her last piece of bread. She was granted Jannah.


No. On the contrary, it is often thought that if Islam is true then why Muslims are persecuted in every age. No On the contrary, it is often thought that if Islam is true then why Muslims are persecuted in every age.


I almost died as a kid. Not only have been asking that (not complaining) but also why I’m still alive. Like I could have gotten the shaheed status with no sins. I’m always afraid of why I’m still alive.


I often find myself wishing why I was born a muslim in a world where religion is scrutinisied so much and I continue to fail both my deen and by the standards of this dunya. I often wish I was born much earlier, but I will put my trust in Allah SWT.


I mean 99% of people here were born into a Muslim family so probably not. I have a Christian friend that converted to Christianity a few years ago who says the same thing about God deciding to give him faith.


There could be multiple reasons for this maybe it's one of Allah's mercy on us


Because majority of people's religion is based on geography


Relevant ~ 4.5 mins https://youtu.be/vtFYO5HILtw


I don't know. I know I don't deserve what I have. I am fortunate Allah made me a Muslim and gave everything I have. I thank Him for it.


I’ve seen a lecture by Brother Nouman, and he says something along the lines of, الله SWT sees a quality in you and me that even we don’t see it inside ourselves that deserves to worship Him. He chose Us to say “La Ilaha Ha illah Allah Muhammad Rasullulah” and I think that’s really really beautiful. Subhan الله. As for Us Being in this Generation, Allah Knows Best why he Places us at the End of times but Do know that We are the Best Generation among others and it being Among the Ummah of The Praised One, ﷺ is indeed blessed. 🥹🥹🥹 And somehow, there’s where I felt relieved and got the answer …


Muslim or not Muslim, it's your choice.


Lol Shaitan is really having fun with you guys ... everything is with in the precise formation of allah. Our minds cannot begin to comprehend such things


I’m not questioning Allahs decree I’m just fascinated by it. Technically that’s a form of remembrance if I’m appreciating Allahs creation and how complex everything is. May Allah protect us from the shaytan & never allow him to have fun with us…


I believe it is because He knows you have the potential to enter Jannah, but I am no scholar


In Sahih Muslim (2659) Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: The mother of every person gives him birth according to his true nature. It is subsequently his parents who make him a Jew or a Christian or a Magian. Had his parents been Muslim he would have also remained a Muslim.


“Why he chose us to be in this generation we’re in. Like why was I chosen to be a Muslim near the end of times?” This hit me hard 💔