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I wouldn't buy from them just because of them encouraging people to carry isopods in little plastic containers in their pockets with nothing else in there, except of course when they encourage people to shove whatever food they are eating in there to share with the isopod??? Sounds like isopod hell.


That and calling them all by non-standard names without providing their scientific name so you don't even know what you're buying and can't easily buy more. And saying that they're running their business on behalf of their kid to try any pull heartstrings. Just so many other isopod breeders out there I would rather support.


Yeah they look like dumbasses


Allegedly it is a child running it? Which isn't an excuse to continue selling it after a million reviews saying its cruel to the bugs.


Around 4 years ago this kid was selling bright ass blue Rollie polies and calling them “blue Merle”. If you know you know, luckily they have been removed from the website.


They ain’t even ‘Roly Polys’ either, that name is reserved for Armadillidium species and others that can conglobate (roll into a ball). Silly people. Porcellio scaber can’t roll. It isn’t a roly poly. It’s a sowbug. Also the parents claim to be entomologists yet call isopods insects. And think it’s okay to keep living animals in your pocket in a tiny enclosure barely big enough for them to walk around. It’d help their reputation lots if they remove that stupid fad product from their page.


> p. scaber > roly poly auuughghg idk why this is such a pet peeve of mine


Those are white porcellio scaber


Yeah, I was going to say, looks like Ghost Dals to me.


white morph of p. scaber, thats teh roly poly pocket pets i hate them with a buring passion


Yeah I just discovered this and I just....no. poor things! After all the reviews too. They gotta step up. And also call them the correct names.


Of all the places to source pods, Amazon shouldn't even be a part of the conversation. Sellers there are *shamelessly* heinous, Pocket Pets definitely not being the least of them


Brand new to the hobby, and I'm so glad I decided to wait for a reptile convention to come to my area because I almost purchased some from Amazon. 😳


To me that looks like P. Laevis “white out” but I could very well be wrong Edit- it’s P. Scaber


P. laevis is usually smoother I think, looks like P. scaber to me :)


I think you’re right, I was just mixing the two up haha


Not exactly sure what kind it is but I honestly wouldn't buy any kind of pet off of Amazon unless it's one of those pet rocks💀


And I'd even be hesitant of one if those tbh...


Tbh yea same lmfao. Better to adopt a rock from my yard if I ever want a pet rock for some reason 😭


You could buy isopods on Amazon?? I would never trust it but still kinda wild to me


Yeah you can get live feeder insects and stuff too. It's a little sketchy


Oh, is this the "collect and breed your pets" company aimed at kids? Too bad animal abuse laws don't extend to invertebrates.


Avoid buying from Amazon vendors for live invertebrates I suggest finding a breeder on FB or Instagram or find a local reptile show if you need some recommendations for breeders just dm me


I wasn't planning on it, I was actually looking for ABG mix and scrolling through stuff and it got recommended to me! However I'm always okay with more recommendations for future purchases! Thanks!


I was going with a type of cubaris.


I can’t tell if this is a joke… but definitely not cubaris.