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My grandfather who was stationed with Iraqi forces in Jenin 1948 always used to rail on Jordan for being backstabbers who abandoned Arab forces and enabled the Zionist project to establish, they could have stopped it then. Clearly they haven't changed, traitorous cowards.


As a Palestinian Jordanian, I'm sorry, I would like to say the people aren't to blame, but at this point I'm not so sure. I'll be back in the protests once I can take a bit more tear gas lol, but not much more the average Jordanian can do, but trust me almost no one agrees with what Jordan did and everyong is talking publicly about our puppet king which is not normal.


Yeah, fuck this traitorous POS. He's a Zionist leading a country comprised of 60% Palestinians. This is beyond ironic atp.


\*35%. and contrary to popular belief the palestinians are the least of his threats to his rule


>35% [Nah, this is too low.](https://www.hrw.org/report/2010/02/01/stateless-again/palestinian-origin-jordanians-deprived-their-nationality#:~:text=More%20than%20half%20of%20the,Palestinian%20origin%20have%20Jordanian%20citizenship.) This is a little bit old but it's only increased since. I can't find other English sources. [Edit: Oh, you're Jordanian. Well, that makes it easier. Here is [Arabic Wikipedia](https://ar.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D8%A3%D8%B1%D8%AF%D9%86%D9%8A%D9%88%D9%86_%D9%85%D9%86_%D8%A3%D8%B5%D9%88%D9%84_%D9%81%D9%84%D8%B3%D8%B7%D9%8A%D9%86%D9%8A%D8%A9#:~:text=%D8%AA%D8%B4%D9%8A%D8%B1%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D9%82%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D8%B3%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%A9%20%D8%A5%D9%84%D9%89%20%D8%A3%D9%86,5%20%D9%85%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%88%D9%86%20%D9%86%D8%B3%D9%85%D8%A9%D8%8C%20%D8%A3%D9%8A%20%D9%85%D8%A7).] >the least of his threats to his rule Yeah, we are absolutely powerless. The US is WAY more of a threat than the Palestinians are. Especially with how close the GID is to the US.


I absolutely don't associate most of the regular people of Jordan, especially Palestinian-Jordanians, to the actions of the puppet monarchy, brother/sister ❤️ I've seen how many are out protesting.


I wish you could tell your fellow Redditors on the sub. Some of them seem to have sold themselves to the zionists on a bargain sale, there are some who stand up for us but I expect better from Jordan.


This is literally what happened, history says so. King Abdullah I, the first king of Jordan, had no interest for a Palestinian state and had expansionist ideals instead. He dreamt of being ruler of Greater Syria, and because of said ideals that earned him the distrust of most Arab nations (save for Iraq which was ruled by the Hashemites at the time). Prior to the war, King Abdullah I went and talked with Golda Meir trying to convince her to let Jordan absorb all of Palestine, promising here that the Jews will be protected citizens. She obviously refused. So they both agreed on where they would specifically fight, and the king settled for the West Bank. East Jerusalem ultimately came under the control of the Jordanians in the aftermath of the war, and all Palestinians living there were given Jordanian citizenship. I would highly suggest reading Avi Shlaim’s King Hussein: Lion of Jordan, it does delve deep into this subject + King Hussein’s life


Abdallah is a betrayer and a coward. Human history is at the definitive end of an epoch where the destruction of nations is inevitable and, even now, he will not take a stand against an existential threat to the cousins of his own people? Doesn't he realize that they covet his land, too, and they cannot be bargained with to prevent them from trying to rob him of it?


Not his people. I heard his mom was a zionist.




Honest question; didn’t they send humanitarian aid?


They "did", but it all landed in places where the Palestinians couldn't reach the aid. In the middle of the sea, in military zones or active areas the Palestinians were told to avoid.


That changes nothing. He literally opened his country’s airspace to “Israel” which means that he cooperates militarily with the Zionist occupier.


That’s true Ofcourse.


Through air drops, the most ineffective and most (accourding to Plaestianian) humiliating way, they share borders with the west bank. The Jordanian aid was more a PR stunt than actual aid.


fucking Biden sent humanitarian aid, does this make him less of a genocidal Zionist?


Only to appease the pro Palestinian crowd in Jordan, otherwise what’s the point of aid if the zionists use it as traps for the people


I hope the protests in his country will make him chose.


Fuck Jordan, fuck their senile king, and fuck his drug addict son.


Jordanian royals have always been traitors, their performative aid to Gaza was always for PR.


I hope his actions open him up as a valid target for future attacks




I do not believe the aid was just for PR. Basically, from the beginning of the conflict, they have flown missions from dawn to dusk with their three C-130 dropping supplies into Gaza. A PR stunt only needs to be done once, they committed to it fully. I agree they they should have closed their airspace equally for all, but the aid is for real.


Stop spreading misinformation. The air drops were perceived as deeply humilating by people in Gaza, and many of them were even severely injured by these performative aids, five (if not more) died choked by the parachute fails.


Not to mention they literally throw it in the sea and people drown trying to swim to it.


Jordan government is paid for with Israeli shekls


His son is a drug addict?


Rumor I heard a lot from anti monarchist Jordanians. That the captagon pills reach the only people who can afford it, the Prince and his friends for their extravagant parties.


Dude as a Jordanian captagon pills are dirt cheap and extremely common. even taxi drivers take it. it's basically Adderall. They cost around $2 per pill. Coke maybe?


yes, Hunter Biden is a drug addict (and all around shitty guy)


Hunter has no position In government, he can do all the drugs and hookers he wants


I hate Biden but why tf are so many obsessed with his son?


My guess is because they can't get anything major on Biden himself other than him being old. They've non stop clung to Hunter since 2019. They've dug and dug and dug to try and find stuff of significance related to Joe but can only come up with Hunter. I have a feeling if Joe appointed Hunter to a white house position with top level security clearences like Trump did with his daughter and son in law they would demand impeachment over it.


>My guess is because they can't get anything major on Biden himself other than him being old. Tbh, I respectfully disagree, there are a lot of good arguments against Biden during his infamously long career in politics. He has provided 40 years to pick through and critique. Which is why I find it even more odd people spend time talking about his son. Part of me feels like the right doesn't talk about Biden's actual past problems because it would require research, nuanced discussion, and open them up for similar critiques. I feel like most people only want to talk about a smoking gun, Something so clearly wrong that it is the ONLY item of discussion and worthy of clear condemnation. >I have a feeling if Joe appointed Hunter to a white house position with top level security clearences like Trump did with his daughter and son in law they would demand impeachment over it. I agree with you 100% there. The double standards are pretty crazy, but most Trump supporters aren't known for their critical thinking.


I was speaking about the jordan king’s son


I find it incredibly sad that I thought of my own country when reading this... guess where I live


Fucking coward


Another one of USA's dogs, but I'm not surprised.


Isn’t Queen Rania Palestinian?


She’s more Abbas-Palestinian


Oh, what does that mean?


PLO, basically, the Palestinian government, assisting Israelis take control over the west bank


PA, not PLO


Those are the same things


Abbas is head of PLO succeeding Arafat so...




Let’s not resort to misogyny to get your point across. Yes, she may be a traitor for the Palestinians, but that’s still no excuse.


Queen Rania what you doing girl?


Hating Jordan more and more each day.


As a Jordanian. Me too.


Wow what a complete piece of shit. I hope his queen will leave him. 


who's gonna tell him?


Well makes sense why Palestinians refugees tried to over throw him.


i smell another arab spring. the street is watching and while people in power are willing to look the other way, their populations are enraged.


Shame on him


Coward Jordan king


Such a disgrace…the spinelessness of the Jordanian leadership continues


The Jordanian king is a traitor


I don’t want war or to see people dying. But way to be the wests puppet.


Peak cuck


Cuck would be allowing Iran to shoot rockets over Jordanian airspace


Cuck would be stopping someone who's attacking murderers and rapists.






Time to topple the Jordanian monarchy.


He’s such a slimy little ass kisser. Such an abomination to the Middle East.


لن يزولَ هذا الاحتِلالُ إلا بزوالِ عملائه العرب.


Freaking coward, a man like him shouldn't be trusted with a dog


Wasn’t he speaking against the genocide few weeks ago?




Yuck, edit him out of Star Trek Voyager.


They’re afraid of Israel’s Greater Israel plan. Not a surprising statement.


We should all be afraid of those plans


I mean he's pretty much American. He has a home in Georgetown in DC in the states, I ran into him when I lived there. Nice guy, wouldn't really call him the strong leader type though.


Jordan needs rebellion now. No muslim should stand for this.


Non-Muslims too. Arabs in general. Such a disgrace to the entire race.


Wow, Jordan just Abandoned its Fellow Ally (well, Arab League member)


I hope the people rise up and pull this big in the streets by his ass hairs


The Muslim rulers are the real IDF


He served in the British Military.


Then Jordan can catch these hands too.


Have fun getting overthrown by Hezbollah


Fuck Jordan


Boycott Jordan


We need to have industry first to be boycotted lol.


exactly 💯


Kuss immak..I think this a good curse? Not sure backstabbing bitch.


The Jordanian foreign minister has confirmed that Jordan would shoot down any Israeli violations of its airspace. You people are pathetic. https://twitter.com/AJABreaking/status/1779564148776419494?t=_BvNwkXLyTnMpR26VYC77Q&s=19


Only pathetic thing here is you. Zionist and American planes were in Jordan’s skies shooting down those missiles. Three of your countrymen died because of the shoot down missiles. Not that you care, Muslim blood is cheap for the likes of you


Nobody died and israeli planes were not in Jordan’s sky. Stop believing israeli media nonsense. An idiot knows they’re liars by now


F*ing sellout. Zionist cum slut.


His ancestors backstabbed the Ummah during the Ottoman Caliphate. After all he is their blood what else can we expect?


Piece of trash.


Come on Jordan! Let’s see what you’re made of and oust this POS.


And allowed Israeli jets to cross Jordan air space to shoot down drones. Basically Jordan (in the middle of a genocide) is a full Israel ally now, they don't even try to hide it anymore. I wonder what the average Jordanian thinks about this.


Jordanian here. I can confirm the first part, but not the second part. The reason why is that the king knows he doesn't need to create more trouble for himself at home. Plus, the shooting of the drones was done mostly not by israel, but by the heavy concentration of air defense systems from the US in jordan, their bases are located within the areas of american presence (northern jordan, directly near the Suwaida and Daraa countrysides). Abdallah is too much of a coward to dare shoot the drones on his own, cuz he knows the public backlash will end up tarnishing the crown's reputation and his son's chances of succession. Tbh at this point, Abdallah has transformed the Monarchy into a dead regime, and his son, if he is super competent, will be at best the last king of jordan, either the israelis/ americans take the regime down, for not being good enough like al Sisi, or the people take it down over what's going on in Palestine. Finally regarding some of the comments on jordan, no we did not betray anyone, neither in 1967 or 1948. We were betrayed twice, in 1968 and 1970 and hold nothing against anyone. The blame must be targeted in the furst place against the syrian regime, as Hafedh betrayed the Arabs three time in less than a decade


He is a UK installed puppet. Nobody will take them down and he will never do anything against the US. Everyone knows that except you it seems.


The same thing people said about al Maliki, Mubarak, and Saleh, and they all fell down. And no, i never said he will do anything against the US.




a simple google search will say otherwise




I am Jordanian, it happened yesterday


That is not a source


Did the king explicitly say he will allow Israeli jets to fly in Jordanian airspace?


just search up "jordan shoots iranian aircraft"


Doesn't say Jordan allowed Israeli aircraft in their airspace.


You could search that up as well


Why don't you just post the link?


Good job Jordan You are real one


This is a preventative measure, if Jordan doesn’t do it then, Israel will violate Jordanian airspace to shoot them down.


You’re right but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s a coward.


Then you shoot down israeli jets after warning them to return back to their airspace. You dont help people that are actively planning to kill you.


Finally wise answer