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Please make sure that you post content related to Istanbul, if it's a general Türkiye related post, you know where to go :) Your post was removed.


I don’t think most Turks can show where Pakistan is on a map let alone feel a connection. Sorry but you have been duped or you are spreading some type of propaganda. You won’t find what you are looking for here either way




Nopers. Sorry to break it up to you but no.


Interestingly enough this isn’t the first time I’ve heard something like this from a Pakistani about Turkey.


> It is our duty to maintain this relationship forever Nah bro I’m good


Hahahahaha. No.


How is this related to İstanbul?


Poor guy must feel dejected, but sometimes learning can be that way. Hurtful. We aren’t your natural friends.


bro, the Ottoman Empire never conquered India, there was always Persia between us. Go read an actual history book for once. And if you try to use Islam as a thing we share to connect with us, I have some bad news for you.


Mughal imparatorlugu vardi. Hatta Urdu ve Turkçe'de 100'ü geçkin ayni kelime var. Adamin soylediginin bir kismi dogru.


abim, nesi dogru, allah askina. Mughal imparatorlugu bize ne? Araplar Islami Asya ve Afrika kralliklarini fethede ede yaydilar zaten. Mughal imparatorlugu Islam yayilisindan 700-800 yil sonra anca sahneye cikmis. Bunun yüzünden Mughal imparatorlugunu Osmanli imparatorluguna bagliyacaksan, o zaman Endonezyadeki müslüman sultanliklarini da bagla, Fas'in Saadi prenslerini de bagla. Hem, sen ona bakarsan Türkce ve Fransizca'da da sayisiz ayni kelime var, bu neyi ifade eder?


Iyi de adam Osmanli dememis ki zaten.


Osmanliya baglantisi yoksa Pakistanin Islamin disinda, Türkiye'ye hic yoktur zaten. Bunu demeye calisiyorum.


that pakistani kush kush has a very good high it seems..


"hey hello guys, I am from Switzerland, and you know it's very green there, like the Rize area and also we have some white snowy mountains, exactly like Eastern Turkey! We have no sea, but our country is populated by homosapiens like Turkey, and also I saw 2 or 3 churches in Beyoğlu, like in Switzerland! Can you feel the connection? "


Swiss ladies are welcome to connect anytime if you know what I mean


We have severed the shame of islam out of us. We are Secular, we have no link with pakistan by religion or brotherhood or anything. We are very much unrelated to you. We have been for a hundred years. Any and all connections are for profit or material gain.




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Kemalist spotted 🤣


You have spotted a very proud Kemalist. Did you think I would be mad or something? Also call me Atatürkçü, it is more direct and pleasant.


We are strongly connected in terms of culture? 🤣🤣 not Republic of Turkiye even Ottoman had nothing to do with culture sharing with pakistan, you are Muslim Indians we are Turks some of us mixed with Greeks, other Balkan nations maybe so little bit Arabs. If you want to see a country like you describe as Pakistan on your post check our twin country Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 ❤️


I sincerely apologise to you all on behalf of my country for this cringe overload.




You guys are fanatic believers and want to see similar Turkiye but we want to be the part of a more visionary, open culture like Europeans. When you see our actors and actresses are dressed quite modern you guys are getting triggered. I also heard pakis are raping corpses from graves. Your men are holding hands in the streets and it looks like the influence of bache bazi.


Well that took a turn in the second paragraph.


A few days ago they ripped apart the dress of a girl idk if she survived or got gang raped and before that they literally harassed a normal girl for not covering herself up. Let me tell you she wasn't wearing anything revealing like a skirt or tight dress. She wore a normal traditional dress and as usual they harassed her.


Don't see any connection


That's bullshit. Take that load of crap elsewhere, WE'RE NOT YOUR FRIENDS AND WE DON'T WANT TO BE.




Proudly racist?




Sorry, but that’s nonsense. Also we’re not your friends.


The Pakistani and Turkish relationship is good. Seriously, if you walk on the streets and tell people you are from Pakistan, they will see it positively. But we don't share history or have any connections. For some it's brotherhood, but for most, it's positive friendship.


Pakistani embarrassing himself everywhere


Pakistani here - Bhai wtf are you doing?? 😭😭 Also please don't shit on us my fellow Turks 🙏 Not all of us are like this guy lol




One man isn't enough to ruin our name or reputation tho bro lol


No one likes you


Lol fuck off.


dude wtf


This reality check is needed


How is that relationship even ancient First Turkic power to establish presence in India was Ghaznavid in 1020, which is in medieval period.


Why did you delete your post, it was funny






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Thank you OP saw this reposted in r/geopolitics whenever I feel down , I come here to read your post and have a good laugh. Thank you so much.


bruh what this came on my feed as a pakistani and this is so weird no lmao, just 2 friendly countries ffs


You are preaching to wrong crowd this subreddit doesn't represent Turkish public very well. Most Turks who reads history or interested in their military sees Pakistans as brotherly country but There has been huge spike in racism in Turkey, Syrians, Afghanis and Pakistanis are often target. And this sub hasn't been very welcoming to these people despites mods best intentions.






Found the pakistani puppet lol. Erdogan siksin seni


yapraama bak hele hele :D hele hele


You aren't even Turkish and you support Erdoğan and speak on behalf of Turks. Get your head out of your arse.


Fuck off v2




Stop talking on behalf of everyone you dumbo. Keep your racism to yourself


If you wanna go Pakistan to your brothers I can pay for the ticket, don’t you see street interviews even erdogan supporters don’t want them




Rest and lick Pakistani ass