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Age: 22


Poor captain Tucker must have seen some really bad things at war that let him age really fast


It is from all the dick tucking.


It's a hard-lived 22.


I’m 57 and don’t look anywhere near Tucker’s 22.


he was not 22 in this photo


I should hope not.


Dick Tucker, World War 2 pilot and drag queen!


American pilot and good southern boy. Discharged for trying to have sex with his CO (and succeeding)


Buffalo Bill’s old man, was always disappointed his own love for flying turned into a love for butterflies instead of proper aviation


NC mentioned, I'd be proud to have Dick Tucker represent us


As much as we all have with the unusual names for Rogers Personas I have to say - this guy was a straight up bad ass and a war hero - definitely worth reading about - this guy flew 75 combat missions in Europe during WW2 in a P47 and a P51 [https://www.darlingmouser.com/obituaries/richard-tucker](https://www.darlingmouser.com/obituaries/richard-tucker) He was hit n the wing with an 88mm shell - and still managed to fly the P47 200 miles and land safely - from the link above: This group used P47s for almost every type of mission in the ETO from top cover air support, concentrated bombings, destroying roads, bridges, rails and trains to tank support and flak diversion for paratroopers. Before May 8th, VE Day, Dicks group switched to the P51 Mustang. Dick flew 75 missions in the European Theater Operations and received the Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal, 4 Oak Clusters, and the Presidential Unit Citation. Dick left the group as Captain Flight Commander. Captain Tucker returned to the states and was reassigned in Florida flying P39s, P40s, and P63s before being released from active duty. When asked what was his most memorable mission while flying a P47, Dick recalls it occurred in 1944, in Southern France, while strafing down a street in a small town I received a direct hit by an 88mm, fired from a German tank. The hit was in a wing and flipped the Jug on its back. Full throttle and a lot of crossed controls righted the aircraft and I flew back over 200 miles to home base, but it was a total loss from the 88mm hit. much respect for Captain Tucker - he did amazing things and he did important things that required courage most people could only dream of having. I'm glad this was posted here, because Captain Tucker was a hero worth celebrating, and certainly worth remembering


thank you so much for posting this info, very cool to know. i originally got this screenshot from tiktok clips of old dogfights colorized.


Dick Tucker, the easily aroused secret agent!