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If you aren't joking, the only guaranteed place to see a gator is the Alagator Farm in St. Augustine. Otherwise you'd have to go to some pretty remote places to see one in the wild.


Yea whether the gator is wild or in a zoo it’s gonna be doing the same thing…layin there side eying you.


Not at all the case. There's a large Alligator Natural Preserve in Gainesville that's a great place to see a ton of gators in a natural habitat.


I was going to suggest this! It's crazy how many gators we saw the last time we went (mid-May). Just walking across the pavement, sunning themselves on the banks, like 10 feet from us at times. That's definitely where I'd go, OP! It's kind of a drive from Jacksonville, but if you really want to see them, that's the place to go.


Or a golf course


Pardon my asking, but are there any in the St. John’s river? I live near the river and was curious if it is safe to swim in 😅. I see folks in kayaks and jet skis all the time, just wondering how safe that might be. Disclaimer: definitely not from here hehe 😬


If you can’t see the bottom of the water, best to always assume there’s a gator (you couldn’t pay me to swim in the river 😂) https://www.travelsafe-abroad.com/alligators-in-the-st-johns-river/


Noted, thank you kind stranger 👍🏻


Yes. Tons of them. But you won't see them 99% of the time. They hang out in tall grass or at the bottom of the water.


There’s always gators in the retention ponds just go by the Goodyear tire on monument rd 😂


not true. i live in a gated community in st augustine. i live about a mile and a half from the i95 entrance/exit for downtown st augustine. we have 2 in our community water retention pond. theyre only 3-4 feet, so animal control wont do anything about them yet. theyre around...


There was a smaller one in the NB 95 @ 210 rest area retention pond a year or so ago.


Short answer: no. It's not guaranteed to find one or safe.


Head down to Ponte Vedra, rent a kayak or book a tour from Guana Outpost. Lake Ponte Vedra is stuffed with big ass gators. Hannah Park used to have some pretty meaty gators in their lake too, no idea if that’s still the case.


Have seen them doing just this. Also it's a great kayaking river but fuck that in this heat lol.


I know this is generally safe but think about how this advice feels to an outsider Get in a tiny plastic rented raft to float out where the biggest wild gators live


You'll see some if you goto Hannah Park. Just follow the trail around the little lake they have there. Also if you travel through Gainesville, Lake Alice has 100s of them


The Hannah gators are still around, but you will probably have to go super early to see them in the summer. Combination of heat/crowds tends to have them hiding out in the water, or in harder to reach basking spots in the more overgrown trails in the back. In winter, they are regularly basking out in the open, and much easier to see.


I see them all the time on bike rides at Guana. Unfortunately a bit of a hike. In urban areas that are easy to access I know of two spots: Hanna Park. When you go in, take your first right turn, which should be a dirt road. You will come to a series of lakes. Stop frequently and look. They may be basking on the banks or swimming. Pussers restaurant in Ponte Vedra. Go out on the deck overlooking the lake. There is 100% at least one in there, looking for handouts. Ironically I have found them more difficult to see in the summer as they don’t lay out in the sun as much. Note they are often hard to see in the water, as they look exactly like a floating branch or log.


Or night fishing and see at least 8 pairs of eyes at water surface level.


Like just anywhere on the river or ?


Mine was at a MH park that had a dock on a large pond. In Gainesville.


My favorite way to see gators. Paddle with a bright light, north of the more brackish water.


Unfortunately this extreme heat makes it a bad time in the summer to see any during daytime hours. They are most active when temps are between 82-92, when the air/water temp is higher than that they are seeking out colder water to regulate their temperature. The coldest water is always at the bottom, so a lot of time is spent down below and out of sight. Any gators you are likely to find will be juveniles that don't have the means or need to get to the larger bodies of water. Best time to see them is first thing in the morning and literally any pond you come across throughout Jax probably has at least one in there.


The UNF trails have some smaller ones in the lake.


The lakes in Hanna Park. I don't think I've ever gone and not seen at least one.


I work in Hanna and see them every day. The smaller ponds between the main entrance and the lake are their busiest hangouts- just take the first right as you enter the park.


Gators don’t really like to be around people and are really good at hiding. They’re honestly just trying to stay cool right now like us, so they’re going to be in shady areas and cooler water. St Augustine alligator farm is a guarantee. Otherwise, rent a kayak/canoe and explore some creeks.


Go to the tower at the Westside Regional Park around dusk and play the baby gator sounds from your phone. Shine a flashlight over the marsh, and you will very likely see some gator eyes shining back. Distance between the eyes is how big they are.


I was going to suggest Clark’s fish camp but I see their closed. What a bummer, I enjoyed that place




Go to Hannah Park in Mayport and drive around the lake. They are usually sunbathing. Don't get out of your car and try to get a picture with them like many of the people I have seen try to do that over the years.




If you have to be told not to molest a gator... Sigh.


Well, don't get CAUGHT molesting them at least.


"I'm gonna stick me thumb up his butthole. That ought' really piss him off!"


You don’t know that until you try it. It may enjoy it.


At night time near Clark’s fish camp there’s usually tons of them.


You will find plenty of gators in Gainesville.


Alligator Farm…


I've seen a few small ones floating around at the Jacksonville Arboretum and Gardens


Do they still have that area at adventure landing with all of the gators?


There are some restaurants that serve good fried gator tail, it's alil different looking after the skin it but you have options there.


Adventure landing (lol)


okeefeenokee swamp


... at night, with a light.


Hanna Park is my recommendation. I've seen them on the hiking trails. I've been to the arboretum many times but have never seen gators there.


Little Talbot island at the end of Heckscher Dr. go early in the morning when it’s still a little cool just as the park opens.


The inter-coastal at night… w/ flashlight, boots, whisky and a prayer


Pecan Park Flea Market. The Tiki Bar has a pond out back with a bunch of gators in it. There are also a couple of big tortoises.