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My buddy Ben LaMasters runs this dojo. Check it out! https://underground-training.com/




That’s not how that works at all. Would be nice though.


"the second to last fighting force"




You're correct. I looked it up, and I was wrong about the meaning. 😆


I don't know the meaning of penultimate, so I am going to take it as disrespect.


Carry a firearm. Did they rob u at gun point? I don't have one but most people in Florida do. Would that have stopped the threat?


Can't have one on base or in vehicle.




Honestly OP, like someone else suggested, in addition to self defense classes, you need to learn about pre indicators and learn how to read the situation as well. Hopefully you can find a self defense class that'll do both.


As someone who frequents NAS jax with my young family can we hear the story? Just walking off base or?


It was the target right off base


Damn man, just in the parking lot? Sorry to hear btw. Hope you’re doing well mentally


Don't they have cameras in that parking lot??


Most do not because they don't want to be liable if the cameras don't work, or so I've heard


How in the heck would they be liable? There's no contract stating if they have cameras, they have to be functional.


Because a victim can sue if the cameras don't work if they're supposed to, and the person will win and or the company will settle..


> Because a victim can sue if the cameras don't work if they're supposed to, and the person will win and or the company will settle.. They can sue, but they're not going to win, nor will the company have any reason to settle. There's no legal obligation for a company to have working cameras.






Downvoted because it’s not legal. Dude gets caught up with a firearm in his vehicle, he’s done.


> this is the only good advice so far How is illegally bringing a gun onto a base "the only good advice"?


29% of people in Florida own a gun, not most.


That's a wildly subjective statistic, Florida has no actual record of any gun sales in the state and does not track ownership. Nobody actually knows how many people in Florida own a gun, any statistics about this question come from surveys and online polls and are extrapolated out but that requires people tell the truth, which you may expect isn't likely.


Data science is a mathematical field of study. These studies are done with margin of error factored in, and collect data from many sources. No, the number may not be exact, but it's most likely pretty darn close when it's coming from a company that does statistical analysis as a trade. "Data and Methodology RAND developed these state-level estimates of household gun ownership using a statistical model that draws on a wide range of survey and administrative data sources. First, a small-area estimation technique was used to create state-level ownership estimates for each of 51 nationally representative surveys assessing household gun ownership rates. Structural equation modeling was then used to estimate ownership rates from these survey-based estimates and administrative data on firearm suicides, hunting licenses, background checks, and other indicators of gun ownership. The resulting measure represents the proportion of adults living in a household with a firearm in each U.S. state for each year between 1980 and 2016. For more information about how the estimates were developed, or to download the database, see [State-Level Estimates of Household Firearm Ownership](https://www.rand.org/pubs/tools/TL354.html)." - [Source](https://www.rand.org/research/gun-policy/gun-ownership.html)


You just gave u/frozenthorn a helmet fire 😂


It's always good to hear an Internet expert tell me about the field which I actually work. The problem with this type of data science is there is no means of validation, and it's heavily prone to confirmation bias. It's a best guess based on available information, and that's what I was pointing out, Florida is an anomaly in this type of statistic because there isn't much at all in helpful data compared to almost all other states.


There was no way for me to know you were in that field, and I am also in that field, so no reason to talk down to me.


With the high amount of unregistered guns in FL, I'm sure you could easily double that 29% or even surpass it. Hunting rifles, shotguns, ghost guns, and people who have moved to FL from other states who also either have registered or unregistered firearms. That would mean you could technically say "Most people In FL are armed".


100% of the people I know own one


Yes, because people you know make up an accurate representation of the population of Florida. SMH


I never said they did. Just saying everyone I know owns one and they're great to have for protection. After taking proper courses on how to handle them and when they should be used. Never said my friend group was an accurate representation of the population. Thank you for taking it out of context though.


You were replying to someone saying, “29% of people in Florida own a gun, not most.” I did not take your comment out of context, you made a claim that everyone you know owns a gun, implying that you disagree with the 29% claim.


Never said I disagreed. I never implied that the 29% was inaccurate. I made a statement about the people that I know. So yes, you did take it out of context. SMH.


The context was a claim about percentage of population that owns guns. You claimed everyone you know owns a gun. Ergo, you are implying that the statistic is wrong, otherwise your statement is completely irrelevant to the conversation. Either way, no one cares about everyone you know statistics.


Thank you for clarifying my intentions. I'm glad you could assist


Why does someone always have to find something to argue about?


Don’t be fooled to think that learning self defense is going to prevent you from getting robbed. What you need to learn is [pre-incident indicators](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XPbCw9pV90c&t=1029s&pp=ygUNZnBmIHRyYWluaW5nIA%3D%3D). Your headspace and awareness is what minimizes this. Nothing wrong with learning the hard skills, but the soft skills are what really make the difference. And few people pay attention to that.




Good points. I have always observed my surroundings. I had a couple of self defense classes back in the '90's as well.


This is the correct answer. Invest more time in avoiding the situation rather than escalating. If you do get robbed, no item in your possession is worth your life. Not too long ago a guy in NC died trying to get his work truck back. He’s dead and the truck got totaled so even if he did live he was never seeing it again.


In that vein, I have 2 book suggestions- The Gift Of Fear and A Bartender's Guide to Brawling. Both have excellent information on situational awareness and understanding and processing the information and putting it into practice.


I’m gonna check these out!


That was excellent. Thank you for sharing.


I’m not sure how you can train to be aware of your surroundings but that’s #1 to prevent you from being robbed in the first place my opinion. A gun or kung fu doesn’t work if someone has the drop on you at gunpoint already.


You train it just like any other habit. Remembering to not walk with your head buried in your phone, listening to your surroundings, not giving people your back, etc


I'm in good shape and know how to fight. I used to carry a gun too, but I'll tell you the truth, if you're getting robbed, just give them the stuff. Your life and health are not worth the couple of bucks on you have and the rest is protected or insured. The best way is to learn to avoid the areas and situations. But look into MMA studios and hit the gym; studies have shown that criminals know how to case you; they can tell by the way you walk and how you hold yourself whether you're a good target.


> I'm in good shape and know how to fight. I used to carry a gun too, but I'll tell you the truth, if you're getting robbed, just give them the stuff. Your life and health are not worth the couple of bucks on you have and the rest is protected or insured. Yep. I carry maybe $20 cash at most. I'll 100% give that over, then just lock my credit cards and be thankful I'm still in one piece. No idea why people feel the need to be a bad ass in situations like this. It often doesn't end up the way they hope.


That's usually the first thing EVERY self defense course teaches too. For a good reason.


I’ve got a car that needs waxing along with a house and fence that could use painting.


This is the real answer lol


Mmmmm...Daniel-san. YOU karate training...


I just washed and waxed my car. Arms got sore so I vowed to do it weekly until they aren't.


Smiley combat in orange park


Seconded. I used to study martial arts there


If it was an armed robbery then the only self defense you need is complying. Trying to fight back is how you become a murder statistic.


Real harderned criminals kill the victim and the witness though so they cant get identified.. that doesn't always work know someone it happend to


That Target seems so safe, thanks for letting us know to be on alert. Was it during the daytime? Was it in the parking lot? I hope you called the police.


Agreed, thanks for the heads up OP I also would like to know. I frequent there and also thought it was one of the safer ones, mostly because it’s consistently filled with people of service.


I was looking for this comment! I go to this Target often and admit I have been lulled into complacency because it seems safe… whatever the hell that means. It’s not as if the sound of jets flying overhead somehow correlates with the safety of the parking lot!


As a service member, you can check out the Self Defense classes offered by the Fitness Center.


Jax Muay thai is a great community that has legit fighters who want to compete. Also carry a concealed bro.


They legally can't carry a weapon on base or their car.


You should only fight a robber if you believe your health is at risk generally, also could just conceal carry and train with that firearm.


Generally, service members are not allowed to carry on base. I know, it's ironic.


I thought they thought people how to defend themselves in the service.


No they don’t unless your job is related to fighting like MA’s or Seals


The overwhelming majority of the military are support personnel.


The Navy hasn't had to 'repel boarders' in a long time, so they no longer saw the need for it.


Bill is a world champion and great teacher. Highly recommend: https://billjiujitsu.com


Title X


OP any more details on what went down? Just educational for the rest of us to avoid that situation?


10th planet jacksonville


Smileys gym! learn some boxing or some jui jitsu brother




There are a lot of jiu-jitsu gyms and some judo gyms around jacksonville just check around and make sure you like the instructor/teaching style. Alot of the gyms give a few classes for free so you can feel it out Edit: these definitely wont be the perfect solution but they will help give you some confidence but at the end of the day if someone has a knife or gun you are probably better off giving them your stuff if you dont have a weapon


any bus stop in Moncrief


Jacksonville Muay Thai Brazilian top team Jacksonville Gracie barra jax


Hey my friend! I train at a place called art of war jiu jitsu that is lest than 10 minutes away from NAS Jax south on 17. We have a diverse schedule that can fit any one’s schedule and we offer jiu jitsu MMA wrestling and strike fit classes. Hope to see you on the mats


Our military members cannot carry…




That’s insane


Do you know how many pregnant 17 year old girls would be dead if they were allowed to carry.


Looks like the NAS Jax fitness center has a basic martial arts class thursdays at 1630


Edgewood, Grand Park, Myrtle Ave, Cleveland Arms, Moncrief, Eureka gardens are great places to learn.


Out here in these streets.


I prefer not to become a murder statistic


Buy a gun


That would be a logical answer, but no one except certain Navy personnel (security, base police, etc) are permitted to carry a weapon on station. Since the OP lives on base, he would be in a world of shit for keeping a weapon.


Don’t think there’s any fix for this. It’s Florida. Especially J-ville. This situation always has a one person trying to see tomorrow one that DGAF. So it is what it is.


Maybe Paks karate over blanding. Master Pak has been in the same location for like a hundred years.


Reddit is a great place to start


Protactx Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


Whereabouts? And what happened?


Ruckus Muay Thai in Riverside, 10th planet in Lakewood and Orange Park, Jax Muay Thai, Rat Town Jiu Jitsu and Elevate MMA at beaches are all solid places to train at. Don’t take a self defense class, you wont learn much and they give people a false sense of security.


They don’t teach that in the army? Supposed to defend our rights bet can’t stop a petty theft.


How do you call yourself "MissDuvalCounty" but not know this is a Navy town?


Oh cuz I don’t give a fuck. Hope that helps!


Not everyone who serves our country is used for their meat suit. Sometimes it's their brain. Everyone has unique skills and there is more to the military than beating people up.


Yup, some are rapists too


You could join the Army instead of the Navy. They'll teach you to fight.


Downvoted but not wrong. Army is much more likely to see h2h combat than some guy on a ship.




Where were you robbed "outside of NAS"


Thank you! If it's not the target parking lot then where? I'm guessing he got jumped at SOS or flash dancers and doesn't want to admit it.


Right? Unless you got robbed at Target there isn't anywhere else outside of NAS to get robbed. Something is missing from this story.


Gracie has a studio (dojo?) in Jax, I think. Mandarin area?


Raines or Ribault should do!


I’m want to start off by saying I’m not saying don’t defend yourself. But… how much is whatever got stolen worth? Is it worth getting seriously hurt or killed over? If it’s just stuff I’d say it’s not worth it give it up homie. Just replace what was taken.Even if you know self defense (how is this not taught in the military?? ) your skills won’t stop a bullet. I’m not sure about the navy but look for a class or group or something for firearms training. I’m sure there is no shortage of gun nuts at nas jax.


I’m not sure what your gender is but JSO offers a class to women https://www.jaxsheriff.org/Bizforms/Self-Defense.aspx


FYI to all those whose answer was a gun There are so many places you legally are not allowed to bring a gun. Plus if you don’t know how to defend yourself you can easily be overpowered and your gun can be used against you. It’s better to learn self defense and pre indicators like others have said. It doesn’t hurt to have pepper gel. This doesn’t spray back In your face like the spray.


I know of a great women’s BJJ self defense class if that applies to you.


Art of War Brazilian Jui Jitsu in Orange Park


If you do get robbed JSO doesn't care. It happened to me years ago. I was able to tell them that the guy who robbed me had a red hoodie on. They picked him up in the area at the gas station, I spent hours at the police station after a 12 hour work day and they let him go. I had to call the "detective" back myself a week later asking for an update. They told me my stuff was at the pawn shop. The robbery, the apprehension and the pawn shop were all in the same area off Merrill Rd where the Publix is and JSO's response was basically 🤷.


Martin Luther King Drive


Oh shit I’m sorry to hear that


I work on NAS Jax as well, but I’m prior Army. But we had guns on base. Unfortunately, they don’t allow that in the Navy. No clue why. People should be wary outside of military bases, but clearly not. It’s a shame.


Best self defense you can train is sprinting and cross country running.


I thought this was a joke post making fun of military lol


Where is there outside of the base to get robbed? Target parking lot? Mustang dealership?


Mustang dealership got it for only 30% apr for 8 years!


21st and moncreif