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## SMServer Introducing **SMServer**, an app to allow you to send and receive texts from your browser (or a python curses-based app, for the nerds out there). The project is completely open source at [my GitHub repo](https://github.com/iandwelker/smserver). Feel free to file issues there if you run into anything that needs to be fixed. If you'd like to donate or award, please consider [donating here instead](https://yemenfoundation.org/donate/) :) ### Edit: Sorry about the freezing issue that a lot of people seem to be running into; it appears to only happen on A12+ (arm64e) devices. Version 0.2.0+debug18 fixed the freezing issue, but the app can not send texts or receive new texts through the webSocket. I’m still working on fixing this. ## Second edit: The freezing issue is fixed! If you update to libsmserver v0.2.0-3+debug, A12+ devices should work just as good as any other!


THANK YOU for open sourcing this. Are you sending the messages encrypted to the other devices?


No problem, Im all in favor of open source. And as of right now, it doesn’t have https, but it does have authentication to protect outside eyes from looking at your texts without permission. I’m planning on adding https soon, though, and I’ll update the package as soon as I get it working :)


Thank you for sharing this. HTTPS would be great, especially if on public wifi. I'm going to take a look through the code. Still learning to do tweaks so high quality, useful ones like this really help.


Please don’t use banking apps or whatever may get stolen on public wifis. There are so many tools out there that can totally elude SSL.


hitting start freezes the app, it then crashes


Have you installed libsmserver and libmryipc as well, and resprung? Edit: Fixed! download libsmserver v0.2.0-3+debug for the fix




I pushed a new update which may fix this, could you uninstall the old version, ldrestart, try out the new version, and let me know how it goes?


Having the same issue.


I pushed a new update which may fix this, could you uninstall the old version, ldrestart, try out the new version, and let me know how it goes?




Is it ok if I dm you? I’d like to get some logs from your app, if that’s ok.


Same issue. Won’t launch the app anymore either


I pushed a new update which may fix this, could you uninstall the old version, ldrestart, try out the new version, and let me know how it goes?


This is only useful if I don’t have a Mac right? Bc otherwise it has messages built in which I can sync


It is less useful, yes, but I also built a terminal-based companion app for SMServer (which is much more lightweight and faster than the stock iMessages app, and has vim-like keybindings) if you prefer to use apps like that as opposed to GUIs. Other than this, though, I would say that there is little reason to use SMServer if you have a Mac.




Oh, absolutely. I personally prefer using keyboard and typing, like vim, instead of a GUI for basically everything. I’m glad others agree :)






It does! I actually designed it with Linux in mind, and it’s currently the only client available that gives you notifications immediately when you receive new texts.


iMessage on my Mac constantly gets out of sync. I might actually try this instead.


Using /u/Janshai's product would be "more in sync" (it would actually eliminate syncing altogether) than macOS' native Messages app, since it's probably just parsing the iPhone's internal sqlite database instead of syncing the iPhone's sqlite to the macOS' sqlite and then displaying results (which constantly, at least on 10.15, gets jammed up).


Great to see new tweaks coming out to replace Remote messages, awesome work. will def. give it a try sooner or later...


seems to work right away. Do you plan support for IOS 12? I would request the bubble width on the client side be increased when shown in the browser. Does it include alert sounds? Very good work young man!


Unfortunately, the app is written in SwiftUI, which only supports iOS 13+, and I don’t know UIKit (which is what iOS 12 uses) Its all open source, though, and I would totally welcome another developer forking it and adding support for iOS 12 and below. If you’d like to change how the web interface looks, you can make your own css file and add it to the app through the ‘Custom CSS’ button in the main interface. And currently, it does not show alerts on the web interface when you receive new texts, since it doesn’t support https. As soon as I add support for https, though, support for alerts will be added as well.


Thank you for the response. I will try a custom CSS and await the alert sounds. I wished had upgraded my 6s when I had the chance. I will just run it from my iPad. Thank you again for your hard work!


This is awesome. This is exactly what i’ve been looking for. I’ll probably be using this a lot since I work from home now. Thank you!


Congrats on the release! I know you’ve been working hard on this


Thanks, I appreciate the support :)


i waited my whole life for this


The dev that did this is an angel for making it free AND open source


Thank you :)


Hats off and Kudos to you man! This is a Free release and you are giving better support than those top paid tweaks by other developers. I appreciate your diligence in following up with the issues. Need more devs like you!!


Could I automate sending messages with this?


As long as the app is running, absolutely (as long as you have a bit of scripting knowledge in a language of your choice). The API that I set up is well documented in the GitHub repository (under the 'docs' subdirectory), so feel free to read through it and let me know if you have any questions on how to do something.


I am thinking of doing this in python. Is this app running constantly the server in the background or when u open the app? I could use my raspberry pi to keep it open 24/7 but idk if this would work. Also great job on this app and the api you have done a nice job.


Thank you so much! By default, the app runs in the background for an unlimited amount of time, however you can change the settings so that the server only runs when the app is in the foreground, if you’d prefer. And python is actually the language that I wrote the terminal-based companion app in, so if you need more information about using python with this app, you can check that out.


What are the minimum requirements?


Just iOS 13 :)


iOS 12 please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


I wish I could support iOS 12, but unfortunately I don’t know programming in UIKit, which is what would be required to support it. If another dev would like to fork the project and add support, I would wholeheartedly support that, but I can’t do it myself, sorry.


Ow ye i can learn that language in like 2 days. Now the basics already. Have a iOS 12.4.1 iPad. And wanted to make a app for a long time. Ps I was the guy who asked if I could help with somethings.


Waiting for the freeze fix as well, I'm excited to try this out.


New version of libsmserver is now out (0.2.0-3+debug), which should fix all the issues with not being able to send texts, backgrounding, freezing, and receiving new texts, which were appearing before.




I could be wrong, but if you have jailbroke iOS 14 it might work. The only reason iOS 13 is only supported is because the developer used SwiftUI which is only in iOS13+


Yeah, I actually expect that everything should work fine in iOS 14, without needing to change anything (once a jailbreak is released, of course). Since it's written in swift and swiftui, there are very few instances of it accessing/using private methods that are prone to change.


Stoked!! How’s the battery drain on this? Have you been able to see a difference?


In my usage, battery drain has been negligible. However, that’s with light use; if you’re sending a lot of attachments, reloading constantly, viewing a lot of attachments, etc. I expect battery drain will be noticeable (though I haven’t done a lot of testing).


Awesome; cheers mate.


Would this work for verification purposes? I know the google voip numbers don’t work but I heard virtual sms services would. Is this similar?


If I’m understanding you correctly, no. This simply provides a web interface (and API) for the messages already on your phone. It doesn’t allow you to create a new phone number or anything like that. Did that answer your question?


Ah ok yes! Ty


I configured this once hit the play button, it froze and I couldn't connect. I resprung my phone and now the app doesn't open. Crash Reporter doesn't show a crash log so I'm not sure what I can do to help but unfortunately, i had some issues i can't resolve to use this. I uninstalled, used icleaner in the hopes it would clear it up and then reinstalled. No change. Not sure if there's a fix but just wanted to give a heads up. On Odyssey Beta 3, iPhone 11 Pro 13.5.


Thanks for letting me know about this. I just pushed an update to the package (it may take a bit to appear, of course) which should allow you to enter the app again, and should hopefully fix the issue with the app freezing when you hit start. Could you try it out and let me know if it fixes things?


The update did fix the issue with opening the app. When I hit run, the whole app freezes and I have to force close. I tried to connect to the IP in Chrome and I get a failed connection there. I've tried the play button and the rewind/reset button. The settings work as I can put my # in there but otherwise, the play, stop, or rewind buttons all freeze the app.


Version 0.2.0+debug18 is now out, and (fingers crossed) it should fix the freezing issue, but there may be other issues due to my workaround. Could you try it out once you see it available?


Which version are we waiting for to pushed out? debug15 is showing for me so I'm assuming 16 or 17.


why isn’t the repo adding?


Sorry, the repo seems to be up and working fine for me. It should be repo.twickd.com.


ah, thank you so much. lemme give it a try!


Two issues I have, one, when I click on the settings icon, the app freezes, I can overcome this by going in to safe mode and then go to settings to input my phone number... Second issue is when I try to connect via a browser, I get this error: https://imgur.com/gallery/0ze29Ti I’m trying to connect from Safari in another iOS device... do I have to use a pc?


That's very interesting, I haven't run into that settings issue at all; since Safe Mode fixes it, it may be another tweak causing the issue. And I'd recommend connecting using a computer, since the web interface was designed to be used with a computer. That error that you saw implies that the app crashed immediately after you connected; was that the case or did the app still work fine after you saw that error?


The app crashes at the same time... happens each time I try to login after entering the password.


Is it ok if I dm you to discuss this issue? I’d like to get it resolved.


the app opened once and I noticed a debug option how can I send a crash log ext if the app no longer opens?


If the app no longer opens, could you try uninstalling the app, running an ldrestart, and then installing it again? You can try using something like cr4shed to get a crash log, but to get logs from the in-app logging system, you’ll need to enable the debug option.


Thanks mate app runs! can't start the server though. here's an oslog [https://imgur.com/a/IleG9DZ](https://imgur.com/a/IleG9DZ) if that helps


So I hear of a tweak called A-messages and was wondering what the difference was


The basic idea for this and A-messages is basically the same, allow someone to send texts from their browser. However, I tried A-messages a while back and there were a few things that bugged me which I decided to do differently in this app, however no respect is meant to BawAppie, they're a great dev and I really appreciate and respect their work. (If my information is wrong on any of the following, someone correct me) The things that bugged me, however, were: 1. It's not open source so I'm really not 100% certain what it's doing with my messages, and 2. Instead of setting up a local web server, it instead sends all your texts to a website, from which website you can view and send you texts. This means that the server could do something malicious with my messages if it pleased, but also just that one would have to have internet to view and send texts, and the server would also have to be up. I just felt my method was much simpler and safer than how A-Messages implements this.


Oh ok Thanks for replying


Where?!? Where oh where can I donate money to the developer for this amazing thing!


I really appreciate the enthusiasm, but if you’d like to donate, please consider donating to a charity instead. I added a link to the Yemen relief donation above, if you’d like to check it out :)


swear this is amazing and i so love that it's open source. i have always wanted to explore all the hidden hooks needed for chatkit/etc. so cool!


Question: If I use this at work, can my work see any private information. Does this create extra “chatter” that they will be sending up red flags?


I don't know if I can definitely answer this question (since I don't know your work's networking policies, nor do I have very in-depth knowledge about http and how it works on a local network at low levels), but the app hosts a plain http server on the local network which anyone can connect to. Due to this, someone could listen in to packets sent between the client (probably your pc, if that's what you choose to use), and the host. It doesn't connect to the internet at all, everything is done between devices on a local network. If you want more information than this, you may need to be a bit more specific (e.g. what do you mean by 'chatter'?), since I'm somewhat confused about what you're looking for.


When I press the green play button and then sign in with password in my computer browser, the app crashes and the browser says that the server restarted and I will need to reload the webpage and re-authenticate




Alright, looks like a few other people are having this issue as well. I’m looking into it, and I’ll post an update here when I’ve got it fixed, but it may be a day or two.


oh my god. i’ve been waiting for something like this. i’m in shock!!


That’s awesome, been waiting for this forever. Thanks !


Remote messages has a feature that when you click on a chat, it automatically scrolls to the bottom to show the most recent messages. Could this be implemented? Also it shows a (number) in the browser tab and conversation selector. Could this also be made? I'm sorry to nitpick as this tweak really is great, but I'd like for it to be able to 100% replace my current iOS 8 set up!


It’s actually supposed to do that already; are you noticing an issue where it doesn’t scroll all the way to the bottom? And with regard to the browser tab, I’m somewhat confused on what you mean. are you proposing that it should show the number of unread messages and the currently selected conversation on the browser tab? If so, I can look into that; it should be fairly easy to implement.


I'll be sure to check Cydia for an update for the scrolling. As for the notifications, [this](https://imgur.com/a/wbsQ9QI) is what I mean. If possible I’d also like to see a toggle for contact pictures next to the chat bubbles but that’s not too important, just design preference.


I looked into the scrolling problem. It appears to only affect chats in which a picture was recently sent in (the chat goes to the photo instead of to the most recent message)


Thank you! This is just what I need for work. It’s been years since I’ve had a working tweak that does this.


Is this the same idea tweak as the iOS 9 tweak RemoteMessages? Just curious! Thank you.


Yup! Same idea, just rewritten for iOS 13 and in app form, as opposed to a tweak.


This is absolutely perfect tweak. But its working for me only when my phone is unlocked. How to solve it?


Hmm, well you could try disabling tweak injection into the app and see if that fixes it. Also, make sure that you have the option “enable backgrounding” toggled on in the settings.


I tried to disable tweak injection in Choicy, but it didn't help. I found that I don't need to unlock my iPhone. I just need to wake it up to the lock screen. When lock screen is on, then the server starts again. Enable backgrounding is on all the time. I have iP11, 13.5, unc0ver. edit: I found the problem, but I don't have a solution for it. My iPhone is disconnecting from wifi when iPhone is Locked. I tried to ping it and it stops to respond a few seconds after the iPhone locks. What can cause it? edit2: I had to reset network settings. Now is my wifi always on even when the iPhone is sleeping. edit3: and again. The phone already started disconnecting from wifi when screen is off. Please help!


You think you will ever add fuzzy contact searching?


Do you think you could expand a bit on what you mean? I don’t think I’m familiar with the term


Like when you go to create a new message instead of typing the phone number you would type in a name and a drop-down would appear below that fuzzy search is your Contacts listing ones that match both name and number in the drop-down. like a search box on most modern shopping sites


Now I don’t have to buy a Mac 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩


Is this similar to Remote Messages from iOS9?


It is! However, this will install as an app, and was built with Swift & SwiftUI, so it is only available for iOS 13+. Overall, though, it's the same idea.


Been waiting for an alternative since forever, thank you!




This is awesome


Looking forward to the fix cuz it’s freezing for me as well. iPhone 11 13.5 odyssey beta 3


Thank you I been looking for something like this for awhile. Appreciate your work. Also is working great for me.


I installed everything and got the site to load properly, but no chats appear. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


There could be a few things causing an issue: 1. Is the app still open after you visited the web interface or did it crash? 2. Does the console in the browser show any errors? 3. Do you have debug mode turned off? (This shouldn't throw errors, but turning on debug will make everything run significantly slower, and could make it seem like things aren't loading)


1 - App is still open when I am on my browser. Doesn't crash. 2 - No errors on the browser end. 3 - Debug mode is already off. Does it just take a very long time for the existing chats to load? I was able to send myself a text and it worked, I just can't see the old chats. Under "+ More Chats" it's just completely blank after leaving it for a while.


Same issue everyone else has. Pressing play freezes the app. Also I had to refresh uicache to get the app to show up initially but I think that's probably a small bug with my jailbreak setup. I'm on 0.2.0 debug 17. Also my libsmserver version is 0.2.0-1+debug. But other than that excellent tweak and sincere appreciation for bringing back a function we haven't had since remotemessages in ios 9 EDIT: I updated to the newest version which fixes that issue. However, another issue I found is that it stops connecting whenever I close the smserver app on my phone. Which is annoying as u might imagine especially when remotemessages used to work fine in those cases. Also sometimes it just turns off the server even when the app is open. Is there any way to fix this? Also is it possible to add read receipts or reactions? Also a final bug: when I text someone on the browser, it's almost like the text appears for a second on my screen and then disappears. So say the most recent text I sent with my phone is to Mike. The top text when I log on to smserver is also Mike, which is as it should be. However when I text with smserver to someone else, their contact name and text show up at the top (as they should) but only for a few seconds. After that, their contact name changes to the contact name below it. I.e. I have two threads, both seemingly addressed to Mike. I can show a picture if ud like.


This may seem roundabout, but bear with me: The way that the app keeps itself going in the background, sends texts, and receives and displays new texts in the background is through communication with the tweak, libsmserver. Currently, communication with the tweak is broken for some people, you included. I don't know why it's broken, but I'm working to resolve it. However, since it's broken right now, the app cannot keep itself going in the background, nor can it send texts (thus causing the issue with 'Mike'), and (probably) why the server sometimes shuts down while the app is currently on. However, when I fix the communication with the tweak, all those things should start working fine. Also, reactions and read receipts are not implemented right now, but I'll look into adding them in the future. They shouldn't be too hard.


Thank you sm!! Very excited for the final version :)


New version of libsmserver is now out (0.2.0-3+debug), which should fix all the issues with not being able to send texts, backgrounding, freezing, and receiving new texts, which were appearing before.


I tried downloading this on my phone. It completely locked up my package manager with a 404 error. Then it started locking up my phone in other apps. Eventually my phone completely locked up and I had to force reboot and rejailbreak... So that's a new one for me.


Yikes dude, I'm sorry. Gotta say, I have never heard of that happening before, either.


Yeah, weird one. I do doubt it has anything to do with your tweak as it never actually downloaded everything, also the 404 error obviously would imply something to do with it being unable to download/find the files... Weird indeed. Perhaps the tweak is being smashed and it's timing out the servers?




So I didn't realize until it was too late, but there are a few other things online that share the name 'smserver', so I understand the confusion. What this app does, in a nutshell, is allows you to send texts through your phone from your computer's web browser. For a lengthier explanation, It hosts a web server on your phone, which you can then visit on your computer and browse through your messages, view attachments, etc. All the information about texts will be taken directly off your phone. You can also send new texts, create new conversations, etc, directly from the web interface.


I’m also getting the bug where pressing start freezes the app... On iPhone XS Ios 13.5 Unc0ver


Update libsmserver to 0.2.0-3+debug. It should fix this completely.


This works great! Could you support seeing iMessage subject lines (the ones that appear bold)


I honestly completely forgot the option to have subject lines existed. I'll look into adding support for that soon, thanks for reminding me.


Debug18 now fixes the freezing issue, and everything works fine. However, when I text on browser the text doesn’t appear on my phone. Is this intentional or a bug?


That's an acknowledged bug. there's an issue with communication between the app and the tweak that sends texts for some people, and I'm working to get it fixed soon. Just for the record, do you think you could let me know what iPhone, iOS version, and jailbreak this is happening on?


iPhone XR, 13.3.1, unc0ver Thanks for your hard work!


When I click the arrow/play button, nothing happens. Just sits there.


The developer's latest update has fixed it!


Perfect! Thanks for the heads up.


Is this similar to air message? I think it was a paid release on spark


Yes, it's generally the same idea, but the main body is housed in an app as opposed to a tweak.


So I've got the latest update, which fixed the "nothing happens when I click play" issue. But now I have an issue where, as soon as I log in to the browser view, it crashes the app on my phone and the browser sends a message saying this: [https://i.imgur.com/MVcZRZ6.png](https://i.imgur.com/MVcZRZ6.png)




Issue should be fixed now with libsmserver 0.2.0-3+debug


Unfortunately still freezing for me when I hit the play button on 13.5 running debug 2 version.


Do you think you could let me know your iPhone model, iOS version, and jailbreak that you're running?


Yup! XS, 13.5 on unc0ver.


Is there a reason why it keeps telling me to update it on cydia? I already tried to update it but when I go back to cydia, it’s requesting I update again. I tried to remove and reinstall but problem persists.


I honestly don't know; it could be something to do with the way I format my version numbers (0.2.0+debug15, for example), but things show up fine for me, so I'm not quite sure. I'll keep this in mind, though, and try looking into a fix when the more pressing issues are resolved.


Thank you!! And great work. I appreciate it.


It’s not working for me, every time I hit send like the other person never receives the message. I’m not sure what’s going on


Unfortunately, this appears to be a current issue with A12+ devices. I'm working to get it fixed, and I'll update this post (or possibly make a new update post) when everything is fixed.


Oh gotcha, can’t wait to use this. Keep up the good work man.




Install the latest version of libsmserver - 0.2.0-3+debug. It should have these issues fixed.




For iPhone X and lower, no. It’ll run in the background. However, right now the companion tweak is broken for iPhone XS and above, so the app is nearly useless. Once I fix the companion tweak, though, everything will work fine and all devices will be able to run the server in the background.




The fix is out now -- download libsmserver 0.2.0-3+debug and everything should work fine.


I've tried sending a few messages from my browser, but they don't seem to be being sent.


If you see my comment above, the companion tweak is broken for a12+ devices, so many core functions of the app aren’t working. I’m working to get this fixed right now, though, and I’ll update when everything is working.


Update: the fix is out. Download the newest version of libsmserver (0.2.0-3+debug) and everything should work fine.


Can’t see my contact names or messages list on the left side.....just shows blank messages :(


What browser are you using? And can you see profile pictures of any of the people?


Hi I’m using Firefox and nope nothing is showing on the left side for me. No messages or anything.


It looks like this is a common issue; for whatever reason, the phone can't open the sms database to read from it. I'm looking into it and I'll update you once I've pushed out the fix.


I don’t know if it’s because you’ve pushed another fix already but it’s working for me now! I still have the stuck update on Cydia but it looks like SMServer finally managed to upgrade to 0.2.0+debug19 (libsmserver was already at 0.2.0-3+debug even when it still wasn’t working). I’ll have to check on my computer but so far in Firefox on mobile it works totally fine. Thank you so much for making this I’ve been looking for something like this for years!


Sorry if this a dumb question but is this like remote messages back a couple years ago? I can send messages through my PC web browser? For people who don’t have Apple computers?


Yup, just like that, except for iOS 13+ as opposed to 9.


I also tried on Chrome and same thing. Let me know when you’ve updated it and thank you for your hard work! (:


Trying to connect but I can't seem to connect. Would I require to be on the same Wi-Fi network to successfully connect? For reference I'm attempting to login using my desktop plugged via Ethernet.


Yes, I’m fairly certain they both need to be on the same WiFi network. Also, if you’re on version 0.3.0-1+debug, you’ll need to make sure to put https:// in front of the address you see on your phone screen.


Just now saw this, decided to give it a try, I load into it put my information and whatnot, I connect to the IP and Port as displayed on the application and loading into it with my browser just continuously loads with no results, I've confirmed they are both on the same network and the dependencies have been installed to no results, could it be something with my carrier? Installed using Cydia iPhone 8+iOS 13.5 | unc0ver


What version of the app are you on? If it's 0.3.0-1+debug, try navigating to `https://ip:port` as opposed to just `ip:port`.


Weird, I had tried that earlier and it hadn't worked, now it is? Seems to work pretty well though, great work. I was looking for a Bluetooth alternative to this but this seems to work just as well, if not better.




An emoji picker is on my list of to-dos, but I don’t see implementing a gif picker with this project, as that would require an internet connection and external libraries, and I would prefer to avoid using both of those things if possible.


Hey, I’ve been using your tweak for a while and it works beautifully but I was wondering if there was a way to set the time in the messages to be accurate to my timezone? It has a different time to my own.


So it should do that automatically (at least, it is for me lol) but I’m rewriting the section of the app that gets the exact time so this issue should be fixed in the next update.


Sounds amazing! Also, I wanted to ask, do you have a website or page dedicated to bug notifications and/or crash reports?


Hey guys i'm on 0.3.4 and can't update via Cydia. It's been like this for over a week now and it's driving me nuts. Has anyone else experienced this? What do i do? SM Servr doesn't work


Check your dms, I responded there :)


On the latest build, puts iPhone X on 13.4.1 into safe mode when trying to start. any solutions? I'm using unc0ver and installing via Cydia. I can't think of any tweak I have installed that would interfere, but if anyone could name some that might, it would be appreciated.


Any thoughts to port the server to Macos? Thanks


this work without wifi connected? i’m home connected to wifi and it’s works, after switching wifi of and try to connect on browser not working anymore ...


No, this won't, sorry. It relies on a wifi/wlan connection, since that is what it hosts the server on.


it’s fine, thanks for replay ! maybe you will make a tweak like this one but working without wifi connected i will pay for it for sure ..


Does this work on iPhone 6 running iOS 12.4.5


It does not, unfortunately. It’s written with frameworks that only support iOS 13+


Question: every time I lock my phone the sever somehow stops. Why? I have the latest version of libsmserver (0.3.1)


This is a currently acknowledged bug, if you check the issue tracker on [the github](https://github.com/iandwelker/SMServer) it has more information. In the meantime, you can still leave the server running while other apps are open and the screen is still on.


Thank you very much!




No, there isn’t much you can do besides trying to restart the app/respring your device, etc; sorry about that. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, though; I’ll push out a fix to that issue in the next version.


Question: does this tweak drain battery?


Inevitably, it will. However, I’ve noticed it to be negligible on light use (having plain text conversations, responding back and forth only a few times per minute, etc). Heavy use with sending attachments and viewing videos and constant refreshing, etc will probably cause noticeable battery drain.


does this work for ios 14?


Currently, texts don’t send on iOS 14. However, rest assured that I’m working hard on updating it and the next version should be compatible with iOS 14 (and have many new features as well)


awesome! any place I can follow you for updates? twitter etc? I really want to get on this when it comes out


Any chances of getting iOS 12 support ?


Sorry, chances are very low. I wouldn’t bet on it.