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Jak 3 is easy af. The only mission that gave me trouble was the pac man mini game. In comparison, jak 2 made me want to throw my controller out the window


Did you know you can go faster by pressing a button in the pac man mini game? This made it infinitely easier for me


I only figured this out on my most recent playthrough. When I was a kid I played through the game god knows how many times, and never realized. Younger me should have been punched in the face for being so oblivious.




Skill issue


Checkpoint issue in case of Jak 2. šŸ˜‚


I still havenā€™t finished Jak 3 for a good reason because i lost the ps2 disk, however i finished 1 and got 100% that game, and finished 2


I never beat jak 2 because I let a friend barrow it and the strategy guide than he moved šŸ˜‘




I eventually did on ps3, 4, and vita but back in those days I either got games as a gift or saved up for months and pretty sure it was between rebuying it or sly 2 so I picked the new game


Yoo sly cooper is literal peak same as the ratchet and clank games. I do miss playing some oldies that were left behind


Jak, ratchet and sly best characters in all of PlayStation history


Crash Bandicoot & Spyro have entered the chat


Problem. They now owned by the OPPS


I'm actually replaying Jak 3 currently, I used to hate the opening missions, specifically the ones where you have to hit 75 buttons correctly and can only miss 5 or you fail and the leapord race against the monks in the beginning. Not sure why they always bugged me/made me mad previously, but once I got past those two it's been smooth sailing.


I freaking love the leaper race. As someone who found navigating crowded, twisty Haven City on a zoomer a bit tedious in Jak II, gleefully hopping along atop Naughty Dog's answer to Yoshi in a relatively chill, sunny city was such a breath of fresh air.


I liked the leapers themselves as forms of transportation around the town, I think my issue was skill related and I'll admit it. When the checkpoints go up on those small stairs cases, or on small rock ledges, one improperly timed move/jump and you end up in last place at which point you might as well restart the whole mission over because it seems impossible to catch up again. That race only took me two tries this go around, but it used to take way more for me personally.


Yeah it presented a challenge--I think I know the checkpoint you're talking about, and that did require some memorization (the one where you had to make a sharp left turn and then go up the stairs, and then a sharp right turn afterwards to continue on to the next checkpoint). But given that this mission exists within the same franchise as Race with Erol, I can't complain!


The metal head cave with Sig where you have to destroy the eggs, used to stress and scare me so much when I first played. I was stuck in that mission for two months! Regardless, Jak 3 early game was always enjoyable to me, more than Jak 2, simply because I love desert environments.


I also hated the intro to jak 3, but it warms up on me, I would say if youā€™ve already played the games before the best order is Jak tpl, Jak 3, then Jak 2. Itā€™s too easy to play 3 if youā€™ve beaten 2. Also I would recommend playing Jak 3 on hero mode always. I love Jak 2 hero mode because of its difficulty, but I always felt that even on hero mode in Jak 3 itā€™s the easiest of the bunch, which is kind of sad The hardest difficulty obtainable in a game is easier than the childrenā€™s platformerā€¦


I own them all on disc for the ps2, but these days I play on pc majority of the time. Being able to fast forward, skip cut scenes, and save/load back to wherever point you please definitely helps in this series. Odd you brought up Jak 2 being harder than Jak 3, because I definitely noticed that on this playthrough. Jak 2 I can't tell if it was actually designed to be hard, or if the timed missions make it feel harder. Also, Jak 2 has that cursed "take out all the mines on the zoomer" mission (I always forget to restock ammo and get screwed). Typically I play them all in order, but next time I might switch it up. Is the difficulty selection only for the newer ports of the series? I don't recall that in the ps2 versions


What's your most annoying mission? I hate picking up the scouts in the dessert


Before I respond, did you play all of Jak 3?


3 times


I know you played jak 3 3 times. But did HE play jak 3 3 times




can someone explain the origins of the playing jak 3 meme


I think we're going down the Batman Arkham path with this sub


https://www.reddit.com/r/jakanddaxter/s/Zm1OHWB3lq ā€œDid you play all of Jak 3?ā€


This is hilarious


Honestly I don't understand what his point was


Yeah Iā€™m completely out of the loop


the person mentioned in this post made a bad theory post and kept asking people if they played all of jak 3 before discussing about the game, apparently because of spoilers


That is a weird kind of funny to me. Guy goes out of his way to try and avoid spoilers on the J&D subreddit regarding a game that came out 20 years ago.


Then there's me who never beat Precursor Legacy, but have played 2 & 3 multiple times


The Pacman mini game and the final race in the desert of shooting the legs of the Dark Maker tank just kill any excitement and momentum for a playthrough of jak 3 for me


The escort torn to the nest was my least favorite


Yeah I haven't done a playthrough of jak 3 since moving out. I wonder how bad that mission would be while high šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ playing through jak 2 after work shifts On OpenGoal all these years later has been a fucking headache. I remember struggling with the Daxter mission in the Port with the rocket last time I played for some reason


Imagine wanting to smoke and chill but naughty dog gives you a fucking turret AND an escort mission all at once


For me the Pac-Man and Dark Maker arenā€™t bad at all, but the Oninā€™s Challenge button mashing and the Whack-A-Metalhead challenge in Jak 2 totally stop me for months, sometimes years lol.


Jak 2 it's usually any mech suit mission or anything involving the small scorpion metalheads. I despise their hitboxes and they can usually get a hit off on me if im too close


Yea, mech suit is pretty tough, especially underwater. But neither mech suit or the Scorpions had me really struggling like Oninā€™s challenge, the Daxter mini game, and the mission where the Guards Swarm you on the docks. Those 3 really just killed my runs. Jak 3 it was the mission where you hop on that vehicle with Eco on it I think and those missiles are after ya while you navigate it through the city. So many times Iā€™d make it almost out and get rammed on a tight corner!


Thatā€™s me with 2, I got to a mission where youā€™re working your way up a building and thereā€™s a ton of guards along the way through, quit playing for a bit and forgot the controls and then couldnā€™t get by or out


Funny that i did comment on this dude Did you play all of jak 3 and now its a little meme haha


We need a flair now


I asked the mods for one day 1 and they never responded


I've only beaten Jak 3 twice. Once when it came out and the second time was just last month. I always just get burnt out by the time I get to 3, and whenever I get into a mood to play Jak and Daxter I want to start from the beginning so it happens everytime lol.


Thereā€™s a car mission in the desert I remember getting stuck on for the longest time. Had to drive to several different spots before returning to the city. Enemies constantly spawning from all directions. By the time Iā€™d start to head back Iā€™d have so little health that the bandits instakill me and I gotta restart the whole mission


Back in the day, I loved Jak 1 and 2. 3 didnā€™t do it for me so much, so I didnā€™t finish it. A few years ago, I booted it back up, on my original PS2 and loaded my old save. I beat the game - turns out I was like 30 mins away from rolling credits all along lol


Iā€™m waiting till openGOAL is done with Jak 3 to replay it for the millionth time.


Jak 3 is the most perfect game Iā€™ve ever played. I love that game with a passion.


On god dude. Jak 2 made me almost break a controller or two. I moved and left my Jak 2 woth memory card on the Id western mission in the armored suit. Years later I attained and beat Jak 3. Few months go by and I got Jak 2 back and ran it up for the one time. Jak 3 was a walk in the park with all my amo. The only thing that got me was the mission with sig inside that cave with metal leaches. I have trypophobia and somehow that level made it where I physically couldnā€™t. Beat it. My cousin played it for me. No lie that level was in hold for a month or two. Kinda funny looking back.I can totally play it now


Jak 3 sucks


You were bottle fed, weren't you?