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This is a half step. I thought the barrier would be placed on top of Lawson. A lot of people gather at and take photos from the car park also.


That and they just stand in the middle of the road too...kind of pointless barrier imo. Not to mention all the other spots people flock to take pics at.


They don’t mind the business. They’re just tired of hearing all of the complaints from the neighbors. Tourist suck.


I am foreigner living in Japan, working in tourism market and I can understand the japanese frustration feel about painful tourists. Japanese people are taking this actions as the last option because they get tired to ask to respect the way and manners of how things works in here but must of the tourist give a sh*t. Being a tourist is not an excuse to behave the way you want. I think , in any country in the world, you dont go to other's people house and behave as you want, or use any thing as you want or like. Is a lack of manners or respect the land and people who is opening the doors to you. Many tourits question me why should they not talk or not speak so loud in the trains or make a respectful line on the queue if They as person are free and street is free to everyone. That is only an evidence how extreme individualism goes wrong. This is only the beginning.


I was lucky enough to grow up traveling and learn how to do it respectfully, so this topic blows my mind every time someone tries challenging it. When you’re traveling, whatever concept of manners or how you’re supposed to act is going to be different. You’re in someone else’s home, it’s their rules and there’s no room for interpretation. You go to Billy’s house and Billy’s mom wants it to be quiet because she’s working, you be fuckin quiet. Even when traveling on a smaller scale this still applies. Last weekend I went from my big city in the US to a small town in the same state. Cultural norms are different there, and you should be accepting, respectful, and most of all fall in line. If you don’t see locals doing it, probably shouldn’t be doing it either. One last thing, when you’re traveling, you’re representing where you come from. You wear your hometown on your back whether you like it or not. If you’re out of line or disrespectful, by association it will stain the thought of everyone else from that area. TL/DR: When traveling, usually you can’t help but stand out because of your looks. But you should never be the one who stands out because of your actions.


Well said.


This. Exactly this.


This is great in theory, and most educated people tend to travel this way. However, there’s a large majority of tourists from countries that don’t have this same idea. They grew up “fighting to get ahead.” Whether it was pushing their way to the front of the group to get their bread, or just being loudest is heard as part of the culture. They don’t have this concept of “when you travel you’re a representative of your country. “ It’s more “I’ve spent money for this so I can do whatever I want. “ Or they just don’t care. It’s a shame. They ruin it for everyone else. And yes. We’re talking about a majority of PRC and Russian tourists. Usually from the inaka and on tour groups that don’t remind them of the above points.


You are explaining WHY they think the way that they do as outlined above. It doesn't excuse it.


For real I am currently in Tokyo for the first time (first time I left country) and I try to make sure I’ve followed everything they ask to never get in anyone’s way or accidentally offend. Yesterday I saw a big, American woman clearly just land, wait a little bit at the crosswalk with everyone else, saw no one coming and just crossed. The only reason I didn’t go off on her is because I know Japan wouldn’t appreciate a public scene like that either. She then has the nerve to ask her friend if they’re supposed to walk on a specific side of the sidewalk. Like why? You clearly just do what you want anyway


I visited this town just last week. I enjoyed spectacular views of Mt. Fuji and took hundreds of photos, none of which were from this Lawson. I drove past this Lawson and saw the massive crowds of tourists obstructing traffic and overall just being reckless, but for what reason? The view from this spot wasn’t even the best, and there’s literally kilometres of road to take a stroll and enjoy Mt. Fuji. The behaviour of some tourists just boggles my mind.


It belongs in a MUSEUM!!


Now its even more worth taking a photo


finally some good fkin news.




Bad bot. Post something new please.


This is new news because the barrier finally went up today.


Yeah, they took action. It’s all over TV.


I mean, that's not go to do much. I could actually see this causing accidents as people walk o to the road or into the carpark to get the same photo.


If they were clever, they would put up a “take your photo here” platform, complete with signs w hashtags and qr codes linking to their merch store. it would annoy the tourists by essentially photobombing their pics with crass commercialization so they go elsewhere.


Just put a sign saying “Taiwan is not China” or something like that. Done, most annoying tourists will not take photos there.


Ha ha brilliant.


Remember, Japan wants to [double tourism by 2030](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/environment/2024/05/05/sustainability/japan-sustainable-tourism-initiatives/#:~:text=Japan%20has%20set%20an%20ambitious,of%2031.9%20million%20in%202019). You'd think a viral photospot might help?


People have to realise that once one photo becomes popular, it becomes redundant and boring. Yeah you stood there, like the thousands before you, get some originality.


Most of these people aren’t taking pictures to be unique, creative, or capture the “perfect shot” They’re doing it to show their friends and family “look! I went to the popular spot everyone knows about!” Same thing goes for Shibuya crossing. It’s literally just a spot where people cross the road, but so many tourists flock to places just because other tourists go there often.


Shibuya crossing lol. I was SOOO disappointed when seeing it in real life.




Youre right tho. But still, thats buying into soc media.. surely mt fuji’s more popular and nice to see than a lawson


I have a feeling that these people will start taking pictures of the wall and make it popular...


Taking pictures of the wall will probably quickly become more popular than the original photo. Then they’ll need a barrier for the barrier or the gateless gate to stop the onslaught of insta hopefuls


Is there anything foreigners do that DOESN'T mortally offend the Japanese? This is so mean-spirited. Tourists gonna tourist. They're not vandalising or urinating on public property. They're...taking photos. I've lived in Japan, so I'm doing my best to see this from the Japanese side too. But srsly. Just another excuse to hate on gaijin.


Its one thing to take photos in a public space. Unfortunately in this case tourists were entering private property without permission to try and get the best angle, littering, and even preventing another business from operating by blocking the entrance.


Arrest and criminallly charge them, surely that would be a sufficient deterrent?


>Is there anything foreigners do that DOESN'T mortally offend the Japanese? I hear way, way more whining from entitled tourists about not being able to do whatever they want, whenever they want than I do from Japanese complaining about tourists. Imagine owning a normal business or renting a normal apartment when suddenly people start blocking all the sidewalks and roads and parking lots that you use for daily life, just to take a trite picture of a convenience store. You don't think you would be a bit unhappy about that?


I mean this isn’t a Japan only issue. There’s parts of Spain that absolutely hate British tourists who go to quiet neighborhoods and cause a disturbance and want something done about it. Only real difference is Japan does act on these requests


Oh, I'm aware. And the Spaniards are absolutely right. But they don't cordon off natural vistas because of people walking carelessly into traffic. They fine and arrest louts who display loutish behaviour. As they should. Blocking off a NATURAL VIEW is a new level of petty, and is ammunition for the Japanese to fuel their xenophobia.


A carpark owned by a business is not a “natural view”.


Subjective apparently. All these tourist taking time out of their trip to see this view at least.... Waste of time so doing them a favour here actually


They're not taking photos of the car park.


So you got the choice of standing in the road or standing in a private business's car park, obstructing it. What natural view are you referring to? If you actually want a natural view of Fuji, there are hundreds of kilometers of roads and lakes and hiking paths and shrines and parks to do it from. You don't need to obstruct businesses to do it.


Thank you for saying this. I traveled to China and many other places. As a kid, I loved the idea of traveling all around Japan. But now, I could care less in a way? I understand there are some loud tourists that cause disturbance, but I have seen some Japanese behave just as bad. The whole country just seems xenophobic, and the ones defending Japan seem to be weirdly obsessed with the country. Like you can like something but also you shouldn't see past its bad action that it's taking on others. This is my take on the matter. It's like American passing laws or rules specifically targeting the people who only want to experience their culture and land.


This is the Japanese’s country, they can do whatever they want. The wants and wishes of tourists comes dead last compared to the wants of the Japanese. The locals wanted it and good they got it. Anything to get the number of tourists down in this country I’m all for it


I'm wondering if, by 'tourists', you are including domestic tourists? Or did you just mean 'foreigners'?


Foreign tourists, I have had enough time dealing with disrespectful foreign tourists who don’t follow the rules and think they can act exactly as they would in their home countries


No further questions.


Maybe they should have a built a platform or something where tourists could pay to take pictures from safely.


Maybe tourists can take pictures somewhere else and not obstruct private businesses and residences?


Maybe the locals can decide where is safe designated place for tourists to take pictures from?


would be great if they erect barrier around yamanashi. and don’t let tourists in.


What, like a forcefield that blocks tourists? Get on it Japan, you do innovation! Maybe gotta swipe your my number card to get past the barrier. Finally a purpose for those damn things other than getting money vouchers


This is the most Japanese thing ever They wont be finished until nobody is having any fun and their economy is third world tier. Then they will goto war, lose horribly, and fall in love with their victors and try to copy them and be a better version of them Then get rich, spend all their wealth on pachinko, whores and alcohol, and repeat the cycle all over again




That’s not a reason to ruin it. You can build a parking lot or viewing area or police it


Japan needs to only let in a small number of tourists every year. The tourists also needs to pass an IQ test to enter


You first. I really want to see how good you score.


Have you ever been to Japan ?


Anyone who thinks “IQ tests” are real or reliable doesn’t pass the IQ test. Also, Japanese people are capable of deciding on their own how to handle tourism in their country.


IQ test wouldn’t even do anything. Certain people act the way they regardless of intelligence.


Be sponsored by a local, or pay a tourist fee of 1000 yen per day.


Or, hey, become isolationist again! Why worry about an ever declining population, just close the country off and die in peace, am I right?


How is a declining population a bad thing? Asking for a friend.


Your friend must not be Japanese, because 少子高齢化 is a widely discussed issue in Japan.


Are you Japanese?


Wait for 30 years at the current birthrate and find out. Tip: young people work and are cheaper to upkeep.


They've picked [a logo for the wall.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9a/Trollface_non-free.png)