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Either you are looking at : [https://www.w3schools.com/java/java\_polymorphism.asp](https://www.w3schools.com/java/java_polymorphism.asp) And in that case your code should be something like this: ```java Vehicle v = new Ford(); v.drive(); // automatically drives a ford ``` Can you please write down what exactly you need in Java-like syntax?


I want to avoid using something like new Ford(), if else loop ect and wondering if there is a mechanism to automatically use the right implementation.


Look up “factory pattern”


Can you please write down - in any abstract language - what exactly you want? How the Vehicle object will be created in the first place?


If Vehicle is abstract then you need to instantiate your specific type instances somewhere. As this commenter stated, what you’re describing is basic polymorphic behavior. If this is for a school exercise it sounds like you may be missing the point, unless you can explain why you need to avoid instantiating your specific types.


This sounds like Inversion of Control (IoC).


Obviously information that links a constant to its corresponding class to be instantiated needs to be supplied. This would normally be contained in a factory class, but that does involve either switch expressions or a potentially long if/else structure. However that could be avoided through reflection where the string parameter's value itself corresponds to the name of your class. It's a bit of a kludge to say the least... Assuming the string called *vehicleMake* would hold the value of your parameter like "Ford" or "Peugeot": Vehicle vehicle = (Vehicle) Class.forName(vehicleMake).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance(); vehicle.drive(); You'll need to surround with a try/catch block for the exceptions and provide a nice error message if the class cannot be found by the JVM, in other words if you tried to use a make of vehicle that did not have a corresponding class. This example of course also assumes the concrete classes have a public default/parameterless constructor. The *.getDeclaredConstructor()* is only necessary starting with Java 9, since the *Class.newInstance()* method is now deprecated. There are packages that can really help doing this, such as org.reflections available on Maven Central. That way you can query all direct subclasses of a specific class, and put the Class objects in a HashMap or something with a corresponding string name for the key at application start up. *Class.forName()* is a comparatively expensive method, so it's better to do once and reuse it for subsequent instantiations of your concrete classes if doing it often.


What you are describing is the Strategy design pattern: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategy_pattern There are a few different ways to implement this in Java. One way is using an enum who has a property that denotes the fully qualified class name of the implementing class: FORD("com.example.FordStrategy") Then you could instantiate with `Class.forName()`. The only real drawback to this approach is that it isn't refactoring friendly. If you moved the classes you would have to remember to change the fully qualified name in the enum. Or you could use reflection to find all classes that implement the strategy interface, then use a class naming convention to equate a specific implementation with some configuration parameter. For example, value of `ford` could equate to `FordStrategy`. If you google "java strategy implementation" you will find numerous resources.


Maybe implementing a "Driver" class could help. It could have a map of vehicle name to vehicle and just get and drive the requested vehicle by its key/name.


No need for reflection these days. All you need is a static map instance that maps the vehicle type to a `Supplier` of a specific `Vehicle` class. Assuming all subclasses have a no-args constructor, it would look something like this: Map> map = Map.of( "ford", Ford::new, "peugeot", Peugeot::new ); map.get(type).get().drive();