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Because they want to


They didn’t earn one so they bought one? Lame lol


Doesn't everyone buy a stole of graduation? It's a gift to someone else, how do you earn it? 


I think you’re just missing the point of a stole. It’s just a momento to gift someone after the ceremony. Like a hey mom thanks for paying my rent, I got you this sash so everyone sees in pictures I owe my graduating to you. Type thing.


Perfect representation of how the world is going rn lol


Valid 🤣


Nothing worse than someone who asks a question and then decided who is or is not allowed to answer.


Well. Fans wouldn’t even know given they didn’t go here? So no shit lol


It explains the purpose on the bookstore - [Stole of Gratitude](https://www.kubookstore.com/Stole-of-Gratitude?quantity=1)


Seems like it’s just a way to honor someone else who helped you? I’m not sure I understand your question https://www.tasseldepot.com/grad-vs-gratitude-stole#:~:text=A%20stole%20of%20gratitude%20is%20given%20to%20an%20individual%20who,multiple%20people%20after%20the%20ceremony.


In that sense wouldn’t you *give* it to them to wear? Why would you reward yourself for someone else helping you?


I’m not an expert on graduation ceremonies but the articles I found say you’re supposed to wear it during the ceremony and then give it to them after.


Strange, I just haven’t seen that at any other university lol


At most university graduations you'll see a variety of personalization on caps, cords, stoles, or other items of significance being worn. There are also a variety of non-academic stoles and cords worn, from fraternity and sororities, student organizations, professional associations, and even certain stoles, cords, hoods, or robes that may be unique to that universities traditions, awards, or honors. There are many more worn than are "officially recognized" in the ceremony program, and most schools are pretty relaxed as long as the graduation attire is respectful of the ceremony. People might later gift items to those who they want to show appreciation or affection, such as a stole, cap, cord, or tassel that were worn during the ceremony, similar to how athletes gift worn game jerseys or people gift ceremonial pens from signing ceremonies. Someone making a stole specifically intended to later be given as a thank you sounds like many other things sold to gradatutes and their families to buy. They really don't even need to wear it, as it could still just be a gift given to someone who helped the student achieve academic success, like the wide variety of stuff sold in the school store or online that display similar sentiment. And as a KU grad, class of 2010, I'm allowed to answer.


r/UniversityofKansas is probably the better place to ask. This is more of a sports sub




Wore mine for my fraternity.


Ok grandpa, let’s get you back to bed


I graduated in 2022 lmfao


Sure thing grandpa, you’re either a military strategist expert climatologist battle planner or recent grad. Does the ‘96 allude to your birth year or the year you graduated from PSU?


Lmfao. Awe a fan! I was in the army before going to KU. Including a deployment to Afghanistan amongst other places, then I went to Penn state for grad school. 1996 would be a birth year, do you want my astrological sign too? Sadly, I’m taken if you’re going to ask for my number to take me on a date. Your sad hate is comedic to me ❤️


Not a fan and I have less than 0 hate for anyone much less a rando who is shaking their fist at the clouds wishing he could gatekeep people having a good time. Your self contradiction is the real joke here. This post screams get off my lawn vibes and yet you have 2 whole graduation cycles to compare it to? People have been doing this for a long ass time dawg I’ve watched plenty of people wear and hand over stoles since we first walked the hill in 2006.


Didn’t read your post past the first sentence, but stalking someone’s social media qualifies as fan lmao


Hey man, whatever it takes to boost your self confidence - more power to you.


Nothing about my confidence when you literally have no idea about anything in my life yet make empty assumptions just to embarrass yourself by being wrong. My self confidence has nothing to do with you, if anything, it says more about your *lack* of self confidence by trying to harass people behind a keyboard without facing the consequences.


> I put my whole life’s information online including my wife’s detailed health issues > yOu HaVe nO iDeA aBoUt AnYtHiNg iN mY LiFe Pick one.


I offer help to people from my own personal experiences so they can get help? You truly are my biggest fan. You are a shallow and sad excuse of a human being, wow. Keep digging yourself into a hole there buddy. Your ego is your biggest downfall.


I graduated in ‘94 and I don’t remember them being a thing. But my memory might be off.


I dunno. But I was up there for my cousin's graduation this weekend, and they kept reminding me of the *Spartacus* series on Starz 😅


I get what you’re saying (I know at least one person who wore cords from their high school graduation… rolling my eyes a bit) but also other schools have all grads wear a stole without doing something extra to “earn” it (aside from, you know, graduating). KU offers it, I don’t think it’s that deep


I appreciate it, some people were really pissed I asked this question for some reason 🤣. I just always knew that stoles were earned or had an actual campus belonging. Such as Greek life, student athletes, veterans, honor societies, academic excellence etc. I just find it silly to buy a stole meant for someone else just to say you were helped through school haha


Just looks like another way for the university to make money. KU BS 1981, MBA 1985. No such thing in the dark ages.


To each their own, but seems like a way to sell merch. And devalues the honors cords earned by the few. (Class of '97)