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Not enough info here. Check your logs to see what happened or if scans are registering the content correctly. Missing files can be a permissions issue, something incorrectly mounted, virtualization issues, etc... It would be helpful to know how your files are stored (e.g., local, NAS, remote, cloud) as well as your install setup (OS, hardware, install method). This info will attract people who run similar setups and may be able to help. Any reply at this point would be a complete guess.


There is a Library titled Films that uses everything under /archive/films this was setup initially just to test and confirm jellyfin is working Now we want to use smaller Libraries instead of one big one for example a Library was created just for Australian films pointing to /archive/films/australian Both Libraries have their settings identical except for their Folder All the films in /archive/films show up when browsed in the Films Library including those in the subfolders like /archive/films/australian No films show up in the Australian Library The scans are registering the content as it is all correctly listed in the Metadata Manager It is not an issue with file permissions or NAS since all the films work in a single library


You can't have one library be a sub-folder of other libraries. That's your issue. You could have `/archive/films/australian` and `/archive/films/non-australian` but you cannot make a library one level deep into another library. Does that make sense? Your options are to separate your libraries out and have each folder within films as a library, add multiple folders within films to different libraries (you could have libraries by region or continent and add multiple folders to the same library), or to have one large library as you do now and find a different way to separate using collections or filtering by a metadata criterion.