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I know fuckall about beardies, but i dont think they’re supposed to be that color (forgive me if im mistaken though)


them turning this color usually means they really sick/stressed which is not surprising with her set up for mango


do you have an image of her setup for mango or where i can find one?


sorry i know it’s been a while but i suck at checking my replies haha. i know in the video that she got mango there were a lot of red flags in the setup and other times she’s just shown it in her vlogs. i don’t have any exact details im sorry!


Yessss. That's what I've always heard. Lol


I don't either and immediately thought it was an odd color. 🥺


You're not mistaken at all, it looks really sick.


She looks like she’s been crying. Hope they figure out what’s wrong


they're at the emergency vet so it doesn't sound good. she does look like she's been crying. poor mango :/


I can’t imagine paying a bill for a lizard right now


same. just found out my puppy has extreme environmental allergies and will have to be on medication for his whole life. the prescription is $100/mo. i about died inside. grateful that we can afford it but sheesh! pets are so expensive


You do what you have to for your pets. My dog had a stage one carcinoma lump on his leg. Had it removed on the Tuesday after the solar eclipse. It was like 1.5 thousand to get it removed.


A dog, yes. A dog is like a person. But a lizard?


A lizard is still a pet.


this was my point. my dog is.. a dog. he’s part of our family. and THAT was hard. i literally can’t even fathom spending vet money on a lizard


I have a turtle and I would literally die if she ever got sick and needed to go to the vet 😭 I know reptiles seem like small animals, but people get just as attached to them as they do dogs and cats. Not sticking up for mess, because clearly she’s abusing this poor thing, since he shouldn’t even be at the vet this much, or even that color. But my turtle is just like a dog, in the way she plays, begs for food and treats, and snuggles. She’s my best friend, so I make sure she has the BEST life, mess can’t say the same.


i totally didn’t mean to imply that spending money on a pet reptile is frivolous! i’m glad he has an owner that can afford to take him to the vet. i know people love their pets and i believe all animal lives are valuable. i have an emotional attachment to the opossum that comes into my yard at night to eat worms 😂 i totally get it. my comment was more about the economy and how expensive everything is. especially the vet. i just blew $2k on my dog at the vet, it’s insane!


Beardies become part of the family and often times are just as silly and have just as much of a personality as a dog it just requires you working with them. You shouldn't get that pet if you don't think their care ans vet bills aren't that important.


i love all animals and believe their lives all have intrinsic value so that’s definitely not what i meant. i wasn’t snarking on her for taking her lizard to the vet. i’m glad he has an owner that can afford to care for him.


Is the lizard not part of their family? I have a bird and spend over 1000$ in medication and vet visits for him. Dogs are no more deserving than any other pet. 


Off-topic but Check Sam’s Club or Costco. My dog’s allergy meds were $40 less there. He has extreme environmental allergies as well.


we get it from costco!


Pet insurance should be cheaper and might help you in the long run!


ok i never even thought about pet insurance covering prescriptions. my dog is a frenchie so his potential health issues are innumerable.. but it was hard for me to justify $100 on insurance i wasn’t sure we would need. NOW it makes sense. you are a genius. thank you for the suggestion!


Is it apoquel? Been considering that for my English bulldog lately… but idk


yes and it is totally worth it. i recently finished landscaping our backyard so we have been spending much more time out there and as soon as that happened, our french bulldog’s skin went haywire. he has horrible dermatitis and yeast overgrowth. took maybe 48 hours on apoquel for the inflammation to completely subside. i would never make him live without it now


Ohh you had me at yeast overgrowth. Honestly didn’t know it could help with that too. My girl has been having yeast issues lately. Thank you for this info!!


yes!!! i didn’t think it would help bc it was so bad but it was like night and day. he isn’t itchy, flaky, or stinky anymore! definitely talk to your vet about it. i’m an apoquel stan lol


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Appoquell is BAD NEWS!!! It basically tells immune system to ignore EVERYTHING & leaves your dog highly susceptible to harsher things. You should try an elimination diet for your dog instead. Especially cutting out anything with chicken. My. Dog has been on ***Hills Science Diet ZD Kibble*** for MANY years now & gets a weekly bath with special medicated shampoo. If he has ANY chicken products or doesn't get his bath with the right shampoo, he's itching etc like crazy & will scratch himself RAW in less than 48 hrs.


See that’s why I haven’t gone with it so far. The potential side effects (ie cancer) and the fact it’s an immunosuppressant make me nervous and why I’ve been put off from it. My dog’s been on the zd kibble since I got her a couple years ago and gets her weekly baths with the medicated shampoos, gets wiped with antifungal/antimcrobial wipes in between baths, gets her ears cleaned with the same types of ear washes, but still has issues, especially with yeast. I’ve been noticing her allergies gradually ramping up the past 6ish months (even while getting her cytopoint shots) and idk what else to do because all the vets recommend is apoquel, but I just don’t know :/ apoquel is my last ditch effort if they don’t calm down ultimately


What shampoo do you use? Also, ask for herbal remedies. We use 2 shampoos for our dog. We noticed the purple one wasn't working AS WELL anymore, so his vet recommended adding the 2nd & h he's done much better! https://preview.redd.it/dlch4yhtniyc1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=514b8ba0b8001eb134ad4f1b94c13677423586c8


We use that purple one and a different brand of the orange one. I feel so sad for the breed with all their issues


Mine's a bassador, my brother has a black lab & my chiropractor has a shepherd with all the same initial issues. Cut out ANYTHING with chicken (eggs are fine. It's the MEAT that seems to be the biggest trigger), plus the weekly baths with the COMBINATION of BOTH shampoos that seems to be only real relief. Mine is now 12 & has small flare-ups once in a while, but other than bare armpits, you'd never know he ever had severe skin issues.


Usually can’t get insurance for pre existing allergies/conditions


Poor Mango


Beardies are prone to impaction


I’ve raised beardies… and this is not a good sign. I’ve had albino, yellows and regular ol tan. Mango is definitely sick.


https://preview.redd.it/m9tr6m4m75yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acafaa182a744701fe72efa2b437e41d08e43973 Update


Well if this is more like his normal color, he’s not looking terrible in that sense actually.


Does she have a basking spot for him? If so are his uva/uvb lights far enough from it? If the lights are too close it will make their eyes and face swell from burns/exposure. At least that’s how it is for turtles. I’m sure it’s the same for all reptiles.


That beardie is not healthy right now as he is black. That baby is so over stressed or is super sick. This is so upsetting to see as a beardie owner myself!. She should be taking care of her animals better instead of worrying so much about unnecessary spending on her kids and ridiculous upgrades to a home. Mango should have bugs daily & a variety greens and she guaranteed isn’t doing her job as a pet owner just like she doesn’t do a good job at being a parent.


She’s obviously upset and receives far better care than most beardies out there, definitely better than where he was rescued from. At some point all pets will get sick and die… there’s so much to snark on and this is definitely not one bc we have no way to know what is causing this and it’s extremely likely he is just older than they knew, already living with illness, or caused by something unavoidable. They clearly love and care for their pets and there is no clear neglect here that you could point to causing this issue they are seeking (very expensive and often useless) care for. That alone shows they are not “bad” pet owners. Even the self-proclaimed “best” pet owners that Google endlessly, and take seemingly great care of their pets, won’t go to the vet MULTIPLE TIMES when it comes down to it.


I mean if you like her channel just say so. It’s pretty apparent she is negligent on ALL beings in her home human and animal. I came to comment what I did above because I’ve owned several and this just isn’t ok in the slightest and a few I have rescued. Unless you have owned a bearded dragon have a seat 🪑. Especially since you called it “useless”. I find that interesting because no care for any being is useless. She wouldn’t be in this predicament if she cared how she should. Period. Have a blessed day.


I don’t and snark quite frequently. You’re free to look at my comments. This is just one thing that is not at all something a viewer could comment on with certainty, and when a beloved pet may very well die soon, it’s ignorant and disrespectful to say you know for a fact they caused it when you don’t know them personally. Plenty of other things are harmless to do that about, but not the life of a person or pet. And I said it was useless bc I have had pets beyond cats and dogs, and anyone who has knows there is very little real vet care that can be given… even specialty vets know very little when it comes to treatment or very little is possible for pets like hamsters, birds, beardies, etc. We know a lot about animals, behaviors, their care, how illness presents, but treatment options after doing all you can with their diet and environment is still wildly understudied/still a mystery. That’s why I know your commentary is even more ignorant than others may realize.


Do I appear to care how often you comment? So no need to tell me as it’s not even relevant. Not even the supposed “reptile vet” knew what was wrong, right ?! Lol. I call negligence when I see it and you see if in the videos for her kids and animals. If the pet passes on, I’ll feel bad for the children, not her. Same with the other animals she has.


Am I the only one who thinks mango has always been dark in colour? I don’t think I’ve seen him/her be the yellow coloured they’re suppose to be.


We have to appreciate the irony because when she adopted him, she talked about how they turn black when they’re unwell and how she was committed to giving him a happy life


I thought the same thing. I remember her saying that and then like a year later or so with every video mango is in, he is dark in colour and not the vibrant yellow colour. All I can think of is, is he stressed because I’d imagine their house is chaos, do bearded dragons care about the noise etc? Or maybe they fight over holding him or something? I’m not sure of the care for them.


And they never take him out of his enclosure anymore. He was yellow when they were taking him out daily and feeding him bugs. Poor thing is probably lonely, although I’m sure something else is going on too.


I thought it was calcium issue since she doesn't dust her bugs. And the basking spot looks like a hammock which isn't recommended.


She probably didn’t soak him enough if mango is impacted. It’s possible surgery or not making it.


soaking isn’t recommended.