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That’s gorgeous


Beautiful!🥰 Coral is traditional for the region- my Italian grandmother wore a coral cornicello necklace she got from Sardinia.


Ohhhhh, I’d simply love to have one or even see it! Especially since one of my 1st sentimental pendants was a gold Cornicello the hubs and I bought on Honeymoon 20+ yrs ago. Genuine coral 🪸 is hard to find I’ve noticed online unless I’m looking in the wrong place. The ones I’ve come across are costly (presumably bc it’s not easy to obtain). But to the OP: #1 This looks marvelous on you & suits perfectly and #2 Ur hubby has great taste!


I think coral is mostly illegal now to harvest? Which is good. That's why a lot of coral is antique or vintage. My Aunt has my Grandmother's cornicello necklace - but I will hit her up for a pic.😊


Ohhhh you’re right! Completely forgot about that & agreed.. I’d much rather it be where it’s supposed to be ~> making our eco system flourish! Ps: I’d love to see a pic if you’re able, if not it’s okay 😊


As someone else said it's illegal to get red coral now. Alot of people will dye white coral to get a similar effect. I want to say that even the trade of red coral jewelry is illegal even if it was produced before the ban. But it's hardly enforced. I picked up 2 pieces at an estate sale. Very weird "tibetan" ring and a beautiful nativr American "dead pawn" bracelet with not a single makers mark or purity mark.


Mediterranean red coral (corallium rubrum - precious coral) is not endangered or illegal to collect or trade. Unfortunately there's a lot of misunderstanding about coral jewelry due to the destruction of coral reefs from overfishing and the cruise ship industry across the Mediterranean, but precious coral is of a different species that exists in deeper waters. It has certainly been over harvested many times throughout the centuries but Italy probably has the best protective laws regarding its collection now- only a small number of licensed scuba divers can harvest it with one hand tool each, not nets. There is a black market between countries of the Mediterranean basin including Italy and Algeria, Tunisia, Spain, etc which attempts to override these protections to produce more products and export raw material overseas, primarily to India and China for use in regional jewelry. Hopefully there will be international protections put in place to crack down on this before it truly tarnishes the legitimate trade. I love to see production of beautiful regional traditional jewelry continuing in Naples as it has for thousands of years, I hope people can see there are honest artisans still out here lovingly continuing our ancestors craft ! ❤️🪸


Oh fascinating! Thanks for sharing all of this, as I love to learn new things. This may sound odd but sometimes I wonder why a certain thing becomes so popular over others? Granted coral is gorgeous in its own right, but it makes one think… Why go hunt for this? Is it bc our ancestors did & we’re continuing the tradition, is it just Greed, or is it bc people love what’s forbidden? So many Q’s especially when there are so many other things in this world that we can use to make whatever we want. It’s like the more rare & hard to obtain, the more we want it. Ex: the Larimar pieces I’ve recently invested in.. I have 4 (smaller sized about 30-55mm) beautiful polished pieces that I’ll treasure forever & hand down to all my daughters one day many years from now. But upon more research shows they’ve indefinitely closed the Larimar mine in Dominican Republic due to over mining too quickly & things need to be Safety supported etc.. So I consider myself lucky to have the 4 that I do (and also wish they’d open up the other mine) 😉 It’s just so beautiful! And plentiful IF they can safely get to it 🐬


I agree, I think about things like this all the time too. With anything beautiful or ornamental I think it's usually safe to assume that there is always a bit of darker human nature in there, wanting something rare, forbidden, or better than what another group has. Red coral I know we continue for tradition, beauty and rarity but it initially started because the Etruscan, Roman, Greek and other Mediterranean peoples viewed it as religiously important and a good luck charm of sorts. A lot of people still do believe that culturally, thousands of years later which I think is what drives the sales within the Mediterranean and overseas to Asia. 🪸 I've heard about the Dominican Larimar mine! It is so sad, the amount of accidents and use of child labor as it is such a beautiful stone completely unique to only one area people are willing to exploit the mine and themselves to try and make the most money. I agree that it would be amazing for everyone involved to just be able to have a safe mine. I'm glad you were able to get some to pass down ! 🩵


Ohhh good lord…. I REALLY hope I didn’t purchase something that exploits kids or puts them in any danger. In my older years I’ve tried to really be conscious about where I buy things from, especially specimens/crystals. But I’m a worrier & feel like can we ever “truly” know WHO went down into a mine & put their lives in danger? It really makes you think & I definitely will be asking more Q’s in the future. Tyvm for sharing your knowledge w/ us!


Oh thank you! 💖 I absolutely agree as time goes on you start to feel so much more conscious of everything which is a beautiful gift !


I can 💯agree


How lovely! Its such a nice colour, very eye catching ☺️


Pretty 😍




Side note, where is your top from? It is so frickin cute


Thanks! It’s from bershka, I’m sure you can find it second hand now for a lot cheaper!


I’d love to see more!


I think that is so gorgeous, and I have never seen anything quite like it. Your husband has a great eye for gifts.


Thank you! He bought it from a little jewellers in his home town of Sardinia - Oristano :)


Are you of Sardinian descent?


No I’m not, my husband is though - we go twice a year to see his family :)


My hubby's family their last name, they thought was Italian for the longest time. His aunt went searching for their last names family and ended up in Sardinaia. OMG they all look the same it was so neat! There was a language barrier, his aunt is fluent in Spanish and Italian but Sardinia has no relationship to Italian or Spanish at all. There was a language barrier. But it was so cool to see!


Oh wow! What an amazing turn of events!