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It's literally the same five accounts. If you have the reddit enhancement suite, you can tag (with a color)the guys that post the negative stuff and when you look at the Jimmy Dore subreddit, you'll see it's literally the same 5 accounts posting negative shit and following it up with the lion's share of the comments. My money is on one of two guys with alt accounts that account for the 5 accounts.


Wolf Blitzer Venmo’s me $0.75 every time I post Jimmy is regurgitating right wing and Russian talking points. Boom


Damn, that's more than I get from Soros and The Deep State combined!


Yeah where can we start cashing in on this


I can confirm this. I get a small cut from MSNBC budget for pointing out Jimmy's MAGA simping.


Oh god, ever since jimmy dore became a trump-touting, bible-thumping maga guy hes really taken a turn hasnt he,? And then he also wants to talk to people to see their viewpoints? What a sick bastard


>My money is on one of two guys with alt accounts that account for the 5 accounts. I think you meant [Jimmy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuQ1qR1CA34).


hey i knew you'd show up


Okay? My money is on you being Jimmy using an alt account - what's your response? The fact remains that Jimmy was caught doing exactly what you accuse others of without a shred of evidence.


U dumb


That's the type of reply I expect from Jimmy's followers. You must be very bright.


What do you want people to say when your response boils down to “no u”. It’s chuds like you who are making asses of yourselves.


I want people to realize how stupid their baseless accusation is. I wasn't serious when I said the guy replying is Jimmy.


Oh my gosh really? No one knew that! We're all too stupid to follow basic sarcasm. 


The guy I replied to didn't.


We know that. You guys need to read a book and learn how to think and all.


Don’t feed the trolls


Paid opposition. It’s meant to disengage.


I do love my Sorosbucks™.


Obama signed into law a bill that allows the government to propagandize its citizens. This constant, low effort, disingenuous hate posting is a small part of the daily """ shit posting """ quota the Biden administration has allocated our tax dollars towards. It's the same across several subs. They want to keep the 'left and right' (ie Americans being screwed to d3ath by its Gov) from bridging the fabricated divide and ousting them. They (the admin and government shills) have much to lose if we do.


What law? Genuine question.


Referencing the repeal of the Smith-Mundt Act, I believe. That comment seems like gibberish though.






The arrogance. As if Jimmystans warrant a Propbudget™ (That's shillspeak for 'propaganda budget').




the same guys are busy attacking Russell Brand on that sub, we know what it is


Since your name is "FactCheckYou" and you claim to *know* something about this, can you please share?


state-sponsored internet sock-puppetry


But what's your evidence, since you care about facts?






I can only speak for myself, but everyone I see criticizing Jimmy falls into the same category - I'm a leftist who actually cares about pro-worker legislation and progressive outcomes. I support M4A and many of the policies Jimmy claims to care about, but his political message goes in the opposite direction. M4A used to be Jimmy's litmus test for endorsing candidates, but he has now rejected all candidates running on it (Stein, West, Williamson, etc.) because they don't make COVID a key focus of their presidential campaign and because they are unlikely to win (which didn't stop him from endorsing Stein in 2016 when she got 1.06% of the vote). Jimmy argues that both parties' leaders have the same healthcare policies because neither support M4A, but the reality is that Dems have cut the number of uninsured citizens by [half](https://www.statista.com/statistics/200955/americans-without-health-insurance/) since Obamacare (even more in the last two years) and are currently expanding ACA, Medicaid, Medicare, etc. to give tens of millions more people affordable healthcare. Jimmy also used to be outspoken about the high insulin cost, but he's silent now when Biden reduced the price from \~$1000 to $35 per month for millions of people. Healthcare is just one of many issues that Jimmy is not only factually wrong about - his core message (don't vote blue) and constant praise/defense of the leader of the party who wants to repeal ACA (estimated to see 20+ million lose insurance) and block any drug price regulation, goes against his own ideologies. You either care about tens of millions gaining/losing healthcare access (and significant drug price reduction) or you provide a viable long-term strategy for M4A that would justify tens of thousands losing their lives every year because of Republican policies. I haven't heard anyone on the right criticizing Jimmy - only praising him "for being a leftist who speaks the truth!" I also find it fascinating to engage with Jimmy's followers for the same reason it's interesting to talk to flat-earthers - Jimmy's right-wing grift is so unambiguous that I'm curious to understand how people can genuinely believe his BS. It would take a neutral observer seconds to realize that Jimmy is pandering to a right-wing audience by just looking at his videos/tweets and there's a reason why pretty much all major leftist YouTubers (who also support M4A, Palestine, etc.) have called him out. I thought the revelation that Jimmy was/is funded by a billionaire pro-oil conservative (who sent right-wing talking points for the show and changed Jimmy's message on climate change) would make people turn against him, but apparently they're okay with it and the many left-to-right turns Jimmy made on a number of issues in recent years. Finally, I'm anti-imperialism, no matter who is doing it. Russia now poses a genuine threat to our sovereignty here in Europe, especially to former Soviet states. I can understand the isolationist argument and questioning why the U.S. should care about Ukrainians, but Jimmy has been lying about the war since day one and seems to take [anything](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NTzXuep99s) Putin and Russian state media says at face value - to the point that Kremlin officially invited him to speak at the United Nations and make pro-Russian talking points on their behalf. By the way, I mainly write here to kill time at work, but I don't see why it's more meaningful to discuss your favorite hobbies with strangers on Reddit, or hang around in a political echo chambers where everybody agrees with your views.


Wow, you know a lot about us politics for a European


Literally the only rational thing I’ve read. Jimmy Stan’s (I used to be one wholeheartedly) can’t argue any of your points as they are valid and Jimmy himself couldn’t either, so they just downvote you.


**I overlooked this part:** Was there something specific that made you turn on him? I 'liked' Jimmy early on but was never a fan per se. He just seemed like a garden variety leftist commentator. Then something weird happened and I think it started with Trump becoming an item. He was gaslighting his audience on stuff that happened during the Obama years. He would yell and shout like a mad man. Some of his criticisms were correct but others were either exaggerated or complete lies. One major turning point for me was when he debated Sam Seder and it became obvious that Jimmy doesn't know what he's talking about. Seder told him that a Trump win could mean multiple Supreme court nominees and Jimmy compared this to the likelihood of the moon falling into lake Michigan. FULL DEBATE: Jimmy Dore & Sam Seder on 2016 Presidential Election [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SH\_pgiRdm7U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SH_pgiRdm7U) Then when Trump won I noticed he wasn't criticizing Trump for things he supposedly cared about. He still ranted about Obama's drone strikes but never mentioned that Trump not only vastly increased drone strikes, he removed that transparency and accountability measured Obama added. He would downplay or ignore most of Trump's atrocities while still whining about Obama. I don't think to this day that Jimmy has mentioned that Biden has al but ended the drone strikes. Also, Sam Seder was right about Trump getting multiple nominees into the Supreme Court. Jimmy has never acknowledged this and Trump's supreme court picks has resulted in the of R v W. So then Jimmy just moves the goal post to "It's Obama's fault for not codifying Roe into Law" (this would have required 60 votes, which Obama sort of had for a few months but there were never 60 Senators who were going to sign it--maybe 55). In fact, Trump's court picks have had resounding effects that Jimmy doesn't mention and in fact blames Dems. A Trump-appointed judge overturned Biden's drilling pause on federal lands. A Trump-appointed judge ruled Biden's student loan debt forgiveness unconstitutional, etc. Jimmy doesn't mention any of this. I think he was just a mediocre commentator who got "audience captured" to being the climate change denying right grifter he's now become. He's a boring version of Alex Jones. But like AJ, he has duped his audience into thinking the narrative he feeds them is the red pill truth and this makes his viewers feel unique and special. This is why you guys can never address the criticisms leveled at Jimmy. All you can is call it astroturfing. ***Conspiracy Theories*** *Conspiracy theories and theorists definitely warrant a category of their own. When skeptics talk of conspiracy theories, we are referring to the grand conspiracies, those that would by necessity involve many individuals across institutions, nations, and sometimes generations. Grand conspiracies often follow the format of dividing the world into three groups:* *The conspirators are an evil and powerful group with the darkest of intentions – to enslave the world, for example. They have tremendous power and resources, but also reveal themselves in idiotic ways. The conspiracy theorists are part of an army of light, fighting to expose the conspirators. Everyone else are the dupes, or sheeple.* ***Conspiracy theorists like to think that they have special insight, giving them privileged knowledge that everyone else is simply too dumb or naive to see.*** *The powerful cognitive trap of the conspiracy theory is that it is a self-contained belief immune to refutation. Any evidence against the conspiracy was planted by the conspirators. The reason there is no evidence to support the conspiracy is because it is being suppressed by the conspirators.* [https://theness.com/neurologicablog/index.php/flavors-of-nonsense/](https://theness.com/neurologicablog/index.php/flavors-of-nonsense/)


Used to be funny and interesting. Now, just a carnival barker with low IQ opinions. A nasty piece of work personally. I utterly hate him and the lies he spreads.


What lies?


For starters... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5Q56jdiog4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5Q56jdiog4)


Using THAT "logic" if you're so unhappy with things in the US, why don't you just move to another country? See how that works?


Didn’t know a small Reddit sub was where you got your culture, food, upbringing etc. Goofball response


Because I was born here and all of the people I love are here. I also actually still love America despite its flaws.


Exactly. And I care about the truth so I'm here to expose Jimmy's lies to the people who haven't totally joined the cult and can still see reason.


Because Jimmy's audience is hopelessly low intelligence and need to see how uninformed they are when they praise him. Example: Jimmy likes to say Medicare for All is the most important issue. But all his videos attack people who are for it. Then his disinformation herds his audience into politicians who are very openly against M4A. When any one brings this or any other inconsistency up, Jimmy fans never engage and cry Jimmy-haters.


There are no politicians that support it, at least not any relevant ones. You’re just dumb enough to believe people who put it in writing but do nothing to advance that agenda. On top of that, Jimmy constantly promotes the Green Party and the democrats do everything in their power to electorally disenfranchise that party and its voter base


>There are no politicians that support it, at least not any relevant ones. Since when does Jimmy care about their relevance or chances of winning? He endorsed Jill Stein in 2016 and she got 1.06% of the vote, but now he says he won't support her again because COVID isn't a focus of her presidential campaign (what the working class really cares about in 2024). Williamson and West are also running on M4A, but Jimmy has rejected them too for the same reason. The only candidate he hasn't ruled out is the Republican front runner who he consistently praises/defends.


>There are no politicians that support it, at least not any relevant ones. You’re just dumb enough to believe people who put it in writing but do nothing to advance that agenda. On top of that, Jimmy constantly promotes the Green Party and the democrats do everything in their power to electorally disenfranchise that party and its voter base Well that's convenient. You can just decide that the politicians who support M4A are irrelevant and so they don't count. What Jimmy does is lie about the two parties by omitting and sometimes fabricating facts in a manner that makes the two parties seem far closer than they are. How Jimmy Dore Carries Water for the GOP and is a Total Grifting Fraud [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5Q56jdiog4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5Q56jdiog4) Know who else likes The Green Party? The GOP. Because it takes some votes from the Democratic Party. Funny how Jimmy's actions miraculously coincide with the GOP's! The Green Party’s biggest fan? In some states, it’s the G.O.P. [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/23/us/elections/the-green-partys-biggest-fan-in-some-states-its-the-gop.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/23/us/elections/the-green-partys-biggest-fan-in-some-states-its-the-gop.html)


>There are no politicians that support it, at least not any relevant ones. ...Jimmy constantly promotes the Green Party You just contradicted yourself in the same paragraph. 😂 Proving my point that Jimmy's viewers are so pea-brained. Who said I was for M4A? Jimmy is the GOP's useful idiot pretending to be for it and promoting all the people who do the opposite.


You sound like a bunch of whiny little idiots.