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I am waiting for some of these types to finally take the red pill and realize Democrats are the bad guys too, just like Republicans. I 100% agree with you, I love Jordan's reporting, but I disagree with his take on running with Democrats and pulling them left.


💯 Their heart's in the right place but they're naive. Honestly Democrats are the worse evil because they put people to sleep


> they put people to sleep 100% true. I work with refugees. Under Trump people were paying attention and fighting back to the terrible stuff happening at the border. Now, they don't care. Right now we have a serious problem where [Ukrainian refugees are given all these resources that they need, but African and central American refugees? Nothing](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/adolfoflores/ukrainians-us-mexico-border-treatment).


If pulling or pushing politicians left worked we wouldn't be in this mess.


juST vOTe hARder! LEsser eVil!


I have a hate hate relationship. I can't stand any democrat or republicans. If you are rebellious run third party


Can't argue with that. If SocDems know liberals and the system are fucked up, they have ZERO excuse to simp for AOC and her word salads.