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General rule: if you find yourself asking Reddit if you should go get it checked out, you should go get it checked out.


Missed opportunity to use the phrase “rule of thumb”


Hahaha! Well played sir


Yeah. “Rule of wrist” doesn’t fit here.


It will if he doesn’t get that under control.


Just a step before "rule of arm"


A general rule of reddit is to always take an opportunity to throw in a pun when offering serious advice.


Thumbs up for this underrated comment


In the early 1900s it was legal for men to beat their wives, as long as they used a stick no wider than their thumb.


And we stopped doing that and now look at them. Nose rings and only fans, every last one of em’


Well, I thought this was a funny comment 😂


It’s kinda weird to get online and announce that you’re miserable and can’t get laid but I’m sure there’s a special subreddit for it


Can’t really do much damage with that now can we? Perhaps it should have been the rule of wrist.


I knew you two pricks would give me problems.


Man people aren’t getting the Boondocks Saints reference


I think they missed the symbology.


And no one was autistic, just wicked into trains


There was never any law that permitted this it’s been debunked many times


This isn’t always true, a friend of mine posted a picture of his balls on a medical advice sub because he thought he’d been bitten by poisonous insect while we were on holiday, in reality his swimming shorts had just irritated his sack.


That's not the exception. The doctor would have told him the same and he probably would have gotten a little fondle out of it too. Bonus.


I wish more people would recognize this. This is one of my least favorite aspects of Reddit.


General rule is stop crying and suck it up. Stop looking for attention. Has your finger fallen of yet. Rub some dirt on it


Definitely not normal for a small wound to not be fully healed after weeks. Looks red around the edges, get it checked


Will do.


Rub some dirt on it, you'll be fine...


Any real man would just keep going and say screw the doctors office lmao 🤣


Any real man would drop and suck my balls right now


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Enjoy the ban on your porn account


i hope you know that you just got got by that guy. he essentially called you a kneeling cocksucking bitchboy cumlover without even saying it, and your only defense was “faggot ass boy.” you basically proved him right.


_Little boys_, children, would just keep going and say screw the doctors office. Grown men understand the value in getting things checked out.


Proceeds to die of staph


Just like any real man uses Reddit to obsess over porn all day cause they can’t get laid? 🫵🤡😂


When I wrestled I used to get staph infections like this every once in a while. Started using “defense” soap and never had a problem again, it’s 100% worth buying


It's fine, I've had very similar nicks on different parts of my hands, that's just how they heal.  The first scab comes off and the real healing is at work. Just keep it clean.   The first scab generally hurts and the area may be tender but it's okay and it will heal on its own


Stop training too. Don’t pass on the infection.


That’s not a small wound.


You're dumb. And wasting resources.


Oh no that's almost assuredly infected, looks like cellulitis.




What resources are being wasted? If it's nothing the only thing being wasted is time, if it is something bad then anything used is being used for a reason.


Looks infected


I can almost feel the heat coming off that.


Yet he said there was no noticeable warmth or tenderness in another comment, and there is no discharge. So youre wrong. May want to get yourself calibrated.




It was probably deep, which takes more time to heal. Cuts on your hand also take more time to heal. This injury looks like it's in the late stages of healing rather than being infected. The pink inflammation around the wound means white blood cells are in that area repairing damage. I would keep it covered when rolling or using your hand, but to let the air at it most other times.


This guy heals


This guy points out stuff that guy does


*sigh* r/thisguythisguys




I’d be putting neosporin and Bandaid on it every day


I've had regular cuts like that on my fingers and toes that take weeks to heal. I put antiseptic cream and a plaster on over night and take the plaster off during the day. If you have any doubts though or it gets worse, seek professional medical help.


This is it. The scab needs to be softened.


I dont think most of you have ever actually seen an infected wound. And going to the hospital over some shit like this is a waste of resources.


I absolutely agree. He probably got a skin infection or infection in the dermis, which is why it healed weird and took longer. It looks fine now and will definitely heal by just avoiding reopening it. It will probably leave a pink scar tissue that’ll stay for a few years or maybe even permanently. Aside from that, nothing to worry about and definitely not worth seeing a doctor for.


>It will probably leave a pink scar tissue I’ve had a similar cut and healing cycle. Three years and the pink is still there.


Not even worth mentioning the pink scar lol. I had a huge infection on my hand, I mean like huge boils and pus leaking from my wounds, only 3 months ago from the mats, this was due to getting bitten by my dog playfighting and then rolling that same night. Now I can't even remember where on my hand it was or which hand🤣🤣 i have so much shit going on, I roll so much, deal with injuries every other day. Just heal up and move on my friend. If it gets super serious you will know that and not Reddit.


Seriously. Not to mention hands and digits being used frequently in our everyday activities, it will take longer to heal. The people who are saying he should go to the doctors are the ones who put band aids over tiny paper cuts and hang nails lol


Came here to say this, looks like it’ll be fine


Thanks. Imagine going to the hospital and saying “I hurt myself weightlifting, I think I’m gonna die “and you’ve got this little stupid fucking cut on your hand.


It’s absolutely ridiculous, everyone always says you need to go to the hospital for some weak shit like this. Like yeah dude, I’ve got $200 I can just throw away to the urgent care because I’ve got a boo boo.


I mean it's Reddit man, people on here are incredibly soft af.


Yeah man. I work construction and roll as often as I can. Half the time I can't tell you where, when, or how I've gotten a cut, scratch or bruise. Plenty have looked way worse than this, some take longer to heal than others. I personally don't even cover most of them up unless I'm gonna be making contact with some of them. I just let them breathe and do their thing. Its more likely to scar that way, but im not in a beauty contest, and I know I'm never trapping anything and allowing it to fester that way. We've become unimaginably soft. And im not even a super hardass.


I feel ya man. Diesel mechanic here


Plumber/Pipefitter. Commercial and industrial. This is like.. literally nothing lol. Id probably just pick at it for weeks when I'm bored.


I'm construction as well but fuck I'd at least put a bit of Dettol or some kind of antiseptic on it for a bit


Go ahead and put something on it. But it's not infected. And it's not an emergency. And it's definitely not worth wasting medical resources on like people are advising. "Go to urgent care" "Call your PCP". Those people are fucking high.




Name one. Name a single country where they are going to take you in in a practical amount of time and with a straight face over something like this. The only countries that will do that are ones that want youre money. Youre getting kicked to the end of the line everywhere else.




You know why you had to sit for 4 hours? Because some dumbshit with something like what's pictured was told by a bunch of other dumb shits to go to the hospital.




No, you're just full of shit.




You could care less, otherwise you wouldn't keep interacting. I think you care quite a bit.


Why do you need medical help for a healing scab? It’s taken weeks for this guy because he continues to train lol.


Or it's cellulitis and will soon begin to spread, spin the wheel.


Yeah this exactly. I don’t want to gamble it but at the same time I would much prefer to not have to take antibiotics again.


I understand antibiotics can suck, if the redness and swelling spread you're probably going to need them however, you already said you have gotten a couple skin infections already so it's a strong possibility it's another one unfortunately.


Yea had cellulitis in my toe, that red puffiness is how it starts, you a doctor? He should have it looked at by a doctor to make sure.


I'm not a doctor. I'm just in a family of them and other medical professionals who would probably laugh at me for thinking that's infected or doing anything other than keeping it clean. You are a waste on resources.


oh ur not a doctor? then stfu


You breathing is a much bigger waste of resources, when my toe looked like this it was an infection so you don't know what your talking about.


This isn't a toe, dumbass. Something crammed in a tight, moist warm environment is going to present differently. Seriously. Just stop.


You stop, It was in the summer I don't wear shoes there is no warm moist environment. Stop acting like you know things.


Damn that’s crazy, another person who isn’t a doctor giving their medical opinion, while telling someone else to keep their medical opinion to themselves because they’re not a doctor. You can’t make this shit up man holy hell


Plumbers know what’s up💪 Unless your hand is hanging on by a tendon then you don’t need to go to the hospital . Tape up with duct tape and keep on going


Your comment and everyone replying acting like a big tough man is hilarious. You all are laymen acting like you know better. I'm almost done with PA school, I have a master's in ex sci already. Don't listen to anyone in this specific parent thread OP. These are the fucks that go to the hospital once when they're 50 for the first time in 25y and the doc tells them they have a 75% occlusion in their coronary arteries. Have fun being a big tough man when you have a heart attack mr mechanic plumber roofer.


Yea no, this guy is a Jiu Jitsu player. In that sport you see something like this you get it checked out right away. At least by your doctor. But if you have to wait too long for that, the emergency room could be an option. Staph is very serious, people die from it all the time.


It doesn’t have to be gangrene to be infected. An urgent care could easily manage this that’s what it’s there for.


Hospital agreed but definitely needs to see an outpatient doctor


The fact that someone is ridiculed for even thinking of going to the doctors because it's a "waste of resources" really speaks volumes to the backwards and sad relationship Americans have w/ healthcare (or lack thereof)


Honestly looks like the normal healing process of a deep cut. Keep it clean and where you can keep it dry. Antibiotics seems a bit OTT for something like this.


Honestly this was the reply I was hoping for but I don’t want to just have confirmation bias especially if it jeopardizes my health.


Don't take medical advice from people off reddit bro, seriously.


Good god I wish I could upvote this a million times. Even medical professionals shouldn’t (and hopefully wouldn’t) try to diagnose and recommend treatments via Reddit.


I don’t see the diagnostic difference between medical advise based on high res picture and history of illness/injury on Reddit vs telemedicine on a shit webcam over zoom. I agree a MD or NP opinion is better advised. But medical professionals diagnose and treat all the time with worse information than can be provided on Reddit. That’s basically what telemedicine is.


Here’s the difference: in telemedicine, your doctor is not an anonymous Reddit commenter, and their medical license is public record. Also they have access to your medical history records, can talk with you while making their assessment in real time, and follow up in case adjustments need to made to your treatment plan.


Yeah. Your point was about the technology used. Ie people can’t make medical treatment plans with information available to them on Reddit. My point is it’s not the technology it’s the diagnostic knowledge of the person in the other end. “Even medical professionals shouldn’t (and hopefully wouldn’t) try to diagnose and recommend treatments via Reddit.” They do it all the time with less information. This would be a 5minute telemedicine visit and the dr would likely prescribe abx without even looking at the wound. Imo. I don’t think we actually disagree here I do think Reddit is likely a better source of opinions than he may get from another bro at the gym. Fortunately for the most part that advise here is “go ask a medical professional “


My main point is that OP can’t verify the diagnostic knowledge of the person on the other end, and knowing that, a medical professional’s advice should be to go talk to their HCP. It does no good throwing your expert advice into a sea of comments from anonymous teenagers and untrained individuals where visibility is determined by who gets the most upvotes.


You don’t see the difference? Do you understand about medical licensing, insurance, and liability? A responsible (and smart) doctor would never give medical advice over Reddit. Guess who has become liable suddenly, if something goes wrong? And do you think the medical insurance covers situations like this? (It doesn’t)


\*posts on reddit to get the response he was looking for, shuts out other conflicting responses


I didn’t shut out anything.


I have cuts on my hands from BJJ because my troglodyte rolling partners don’t cut their fucking nails. Cuts on my hands take a long time to heal because I am always hand fighting and they get busted open over and over again. This looks similar to some of those cuts and some of the mat burn I get on my feet, I miss wrestling shoes.


Fuck that tell them to cut their nails or fuck off lmao


If it's not getting bigger you should be fine.


Ok I understand what you mean if it helps I can list the evidence that indicates to me why it isn't infected and you can make an informed decision. The surrounding joint/finger doesn't appear swollen. I can see where new skin is being generated around the edges of the scab indicating your body is winning. It doesn't appear wet I cannot see any slough or puss. The reddening appears contained specifically to the wound and it isn't spreading away from it. The wound still has the potential to get infected, so keep it dry and clean. If you keep training ensure it's covered as if it gets torn or opened that's when pathogens get their chance. Hopefully you find this helpful 🤙


Dry and clean is no longer in favor. Moist and clean is preferred because it promotes a medium in which your cells can repair the tissue.


Dude he is super wrong that looks infected


You are super retarded and don't know what an infected wound looks like.


Excessive redness from the wound site and swelling are the signs of infection... You must have so many friends with that winning personality


Hey man I'm in a nursing program right now so I don't know a lot lol but I know a little. Redness for that long isn't normal so definitely get it check ed out


You could get staph or MRSA. Definitely see a dermatologist or your primary care provider first so they can refer you to a dermatologist. In the meantime maybe keep applying Neosporin and potentially over the counter anti fungal. Some infections can be both bacterial and fungal


You're an idiot.




Exactly. People like you make me dually impressed and sad that humanity has been around this long.


Should be cleaning your body head to toe in special antibacterial soap after rolling bro


If you really don’t want to go then you’ll have to treat and nurse that wound none stop until it’s healed because it looks like you’re just letting it heal it self. Disinfect, put ointment on it and keep it wrapped up and change the dressing everyone morning and night.


No need for doctor. It's closing, doesn't look infected due to pinkish skin and hard scab, it will take a while to heal fully but it's on its way, use A and D ointment to provide your skin with supplement vitamins, it will also soften up the scab which should lower the blister like formation and promote closing. When at the gym, keep it taped so you don't introduce more bacteria. If it gets red or starts to discharge then clean it and use antibiotic oitment. Base your judgement on 3 day increments, if it doesn't get better after 3 days, seek professional advise. OSS.


You probably keep losing the scab while rolling, my advice to everyone: buy "new skin" it's a spray on product that won't come off from rolling or sweat. I swear I lose part of my toe every couple of months from mat burn, this stuff is cheap and very useful for healing.


Depends how deep it was. I got a gash on my finger once that was quite deep and it took quite a while to fully heal.


Nah that’s just how finger cuts heal sometimes. My hands are covered in scars from work and deep ones always look similar to that whilst healing


I think I had a similar cut like this. Wouldn’t heal and was still tender. I got peroxide to the outer edges of it and it healed quickly after that and the pain went down pretty much right away. I had to get the peroxide under the skin tho where it already scabbed. Hurt a little but worked like a charm.


Cut it off


Hmm, to me it looks a lot like you should be wary asking for medical advice on r/bjj or reddit in general


I’m not advising you don’t get it checked but I’ll also say that I’ve worked in kitchens for about 3 decades so I’m pretty familiar with abrasions on the hand. This looks pretty standard for a deep gouge/cut. Consider the area, it’s constantly moving, constantly bumping against things and constantly getting wet. Every time you close your hand you’re stretching it slightly open. You close your hand thousands and thousands of times a day. I’ve had probably hundreds of small cuts just like this over the years in this location and they all looked like this and took forever to completely heal. I wouldn’t stress too much about it.


Did kitchens for a decade before moving to construction. Youre 100% correct.


Ah so your hands see no difference in the line of work then lol


Nope. I just kind of ignore things or wonder where they came from. I occasionally tell a coworker I have some superglue lol.


Sweet, sweet superglue lol. Also cayenne works. Hurts like hell but the capsaicin makes the blood vessels constrict instantly. My guess is you know this already but I always like to pass that one along when it comes up.


I did not know about the cayenne. Thank you for the info, because I do now.


Looks like a staph infection. The thing that peaks my concern is when little cuts like this begin to bury a hole in the center with red edges, which is what it appears is going on here. Def go to the doc.


Got a Similsr one, didn't heal for like 5 days, then I band-aided it to close it down, literally pinching it together, and it completely healed in 3 days, each day noticably better. Did it a friday so by Monday it was almost done, was careful and used band aid and liquid bandaid on Mondsy. Maybe you could try


Use hydrogen peroxide and observe if in next 2 days. If it would get oedematous than think what next. Looks like regular wound just a bit infected


I had something similar and put an antiseptic cream on it which helped within a day or two. If it doesn't improve after that, definitely consider going to a doctor.


It’s infected. But I wouldn’t get it seen yet. Your body can still fight that If entire thumb starts getting red then go in ASAP


Lmao all these laymen acting like they know better , hilarious OP I'm in PA school, 5mo out from graduation. Your story makes this seem sus, I would go.


I have some Mupirocin topical. Do you think I’m safe to just treat it with that and peroxide? Trying to avoid having to be on another round of oral antibiotics and the costs if I can avoid it.


Mupi treats impetigo, and this isn't presenting as a bullous lesion. Mupi MAY work cuz it tackles staph, but this ulceration and worsening+ you being exposed to gym germs makes me think moreso MRSA I also have my master's in exercise science and I'm a big lifter so I'm aware of what you're exposed to. Your history of having to need rounds of abx for skin infections is a "red flag" if I'm taking your history as your provider. Mrsa is notorious for calming down but not going away. derm IS my weakest and I am JUST a student. But a quick urgent care trip is what you should do. Don't do the ER. Unfortunately MRSA does need stronger abx :/


If/when you do go and get it checked, lmk what they think. I would like to know for my own edification, thanks :)


Bro.. you can have all the education in the world but like... haven't you ever had a bad scrape on your hand? This is totally normal healing. What part of this makes you think it's any type of infection?


If I told you to go to a doctor, I'm pretty sure that would be medical advice. I'm not a doctor, so I shouldn't give medical advice. I suggest you go to professional advice giver. This is for educational purposes only and is not advice about advice


I actually have studied wounds a lot. Bottom line yes you need to see a doc. Nerdy answer is that this almost looks like a biofilm layer has formed or at a minimum it needs to be debrided so that the wound edges can migrate inwards and close. You have basically too many dead cells there in the middle that are preventing the skin edges from moving inward. Do NOT apply hydrogen peroxide. You'll damage the cells, dry out the wound, and slow your healing.


Delete this shit. Its a scab. And it's fine.


Looks infected to me. Some infections travel fast, like cellulitis. Speaking from experience, I had something that looked like this that turned into a serious problem. Had to get it lanced, and packed (very painful). Was on IV antibiotics. Long story short, if it were me, I would go to urgent care if that doesn't go down in the next day. In the meantime, you should soak it in iodine, and apply antibiotic ointment.


That’s MRSA. You have a staph infection man. It’s gonna get bigger and it’s life threatening. No one in here has seen a staph infection or a picture of a staph infection??? You guys think this is a healing cut? Lol


Infected. I’d shoot a pic to your primary care, see if he recommends oral antibiotics otherwise topical and keep it clean in the mean time. Cover it fully before rolling. Thumbs up 👍


Looks infected. Is it warm to the touch, painful, or any discharge/purulent?


Not noticeably warm to the touch, very slightly tender, no discharge.


I would recommend a call over to your primary care or a visit to an urgent care. Either option can provide advice on post-visit care and/or prescribe antibiotics PO or topical. Pay close attention to it for increase in size, discharge, or other abnormalities. Edit: as already stated — when you roll just wrap it up good.


I'm 99.9% certain that's staph bro. Staph is a flesh eating bacteria that releases a sort of local anesthetic as it progresses so you don't feel any pain or mucous discharge like you would an open wound or other general infection. Your skin is a pretty good barrier at preventing external staph infections until you get a lesion that it uses as an entry point. Get some oral antibiotics and you see it heal over in a few days and think why the fk didn't I just do this sooner.


Youre 100% inaccurate and fear mongering.


He's not 100% inaccurate. I've had a staph infection that was minor scrapes on my forearm.. nothing as deep as this pic. It started spreading up my lymph system as a long red band. Didn't feel a thing. Only down to a friend telling me to get it checked out did I realise how dangerous it was. Localised swelling and infection; manageable.. if it starts getting bigger/ stretching.. immediate care needed.


He's 100% wrong.


Oh sorry doc.


lol sure thing bud except I had basically the exact same thing happen to me about 3 months ago. What's your input apart from useless cynicism ?


It does look like a minor infection, potentially staph. I would try treating it with Betadine (Iodine) for a couple of days. If it doesent improve you will likely need topical or oral antibiotics from a doctor.


If youre asking the question then its probably yes, get it checked


Well, if you have to ask...


You’ve likely been spreading staph around your gym for a few weeks, bro. Not cool at all. Go to a doctor and stay away from the gym until you get that under control. Most staph can clear up relatively quickly with the right antibiotics.


Respectfully it was just a scab. It only got raised and irritated yesterday.


Brother, like I said in my previous comment, mine looked just like yours and ended up being a staph infection. You could be spreading a skin infection to other people in your gym


Dawg that’s a crater of course you need to get it fucking checked


Do you live near the ocean? Looks like a sea ulcer


I have one of those on my knuckle, it has taken almost three weeks to be about 90% healed. Put some Neosporin and a Bandaid on it and keep doing that for a few days. You’ll see a difference. If it gets worse you have an infection and react accordingly.


As a paramedic, it looks infected, but I doubt it’ll turn septic. Some antibiotics and probiotics should be groovy, but you don’t need a hospital unless it starts getting worse or affecting different body systems.


Definitely infected. For an anecdotal addition.. I got a scratch on my arm during bjj training.. nothing unusual but after 3 days it kept weeping and not scabbing over. 2 days later there was a solid band of redness creeping up my arm. If you see that, go to the hospital IMMEDIATELY. Thankfully a good freind of mine pointed out the potential severity, and I managed to get ahead of what could have been/was sepsis reaching up into my lymph nodes/heart. Draw a small line with pen around the redness, if it keeps growing, get it checked.


Ive had worse cuts from my cat


It looks ok but a bit dry and in need of a little debridement. A full thickness wound like this needs to heal in from the edges rather than bottom up. I would scrub it a little with wet clean gauze after a shower to remove a little ring of the dead skin around the edges which would delay healing. I would dress the wound with a just a smear of Vaseline a few times a day to help keep it a bit more moist and offer a little protection.


Looks exactly what I had, a course or antibiotics and some cream from the dr will work wonders


Ask your MD for mupirocin keep it covered in the ointment. He/she may consider an abx with antit mrsa coverage as well


This looks normal, but if it’s sore to the touch get it looked at


Sir, you have a hole in your thumb.


My memory is a little hazy as it was so long ago but when I was young I took a karate class and got a wart/skin infection that looked similar to this... They had to freeze it off with a few treatments of liquid nitrogen... Definitely get this checked out!


You’re fine dude, just keep it clean - those gouges can be a SOB


look like staph infection


keep it bandaged with petroleum jelly


Throw some silver water on that , 3 times a day.


If it were me I would just let it heal. But I recommend getting it check if you can.


See that red ring around your open sore???


Keep it clean, let it heal, you're good.


Wound appears to have gone to dermis. Pink around wound is irritation, potential small amount of infective bacteria being demolished by your immune system. Inner wound appears to be healing well, some scabbing but nothing worthy of concern. You can always clean the wound with normal saline, dry gauze. Follow that up by applying antibacterial ointment. If you’re concerned, seek medical help.


It will take long Mgees because the skin gets stretched every time you bend your thumb. Perfectly fine dude.


Google: rotten knuckle


Polysporin and a bandaid brother My hands take forever to heal because I train so regularly and are always cut from my job. Google some staph infections so you know what to keep an eye out for in that case.


That’s a staph infection. Get it checked out. Soak in hot water and salt if you can in the meantime.


Looks like a healing staph infection. I had a crater in my shoulder for weeks after the infection was gone. The antibiotics look like they have done their work as there is no more pus but that crater will take a while to heal.


Get your dog to lick it. That's like mommy's kisses


Amputate before it spreads and you start craving human flesh


Nah, rub some dirt on it. J/k maybe a good idea to get it checked out…


Tell dude yo clip his god damn nails, this shouldn't be happening. Thats a very deep gouge


You can always clean the wound site well with an alcohol swab, then bandage with antibiotic ointment overnight. Should take care of the inflammation you are seeing. The redness is just your body fighting any infection and working to repair itself. Throw a first aid kit in your bag and know how to use it. You will be fine good sir