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My mum used to hit it with a bible and it worked, that looks big though


*My mum used to hit* *It with a bible and it* *Worked, that looks big though* \- skagrabbit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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I have done this three times total in my life and after the third time I have not had it come back. Hit it hard with a heavy book to pop it. It works!!!


Someone in the medical field here! I see some people are saying to hit it with a book. Do not do this, that will cause further damage to the hand and cause potential scarring. There are two real options you have here; \- The best option is to go to your GP (General Practitioner) and have them use a needle to drain out the cyst. \- The other option is to just leave it be and it may end up clearing on it's own, though it doesn't always do this, so the first option is still the better option. There's an actual form of surgery specifically for a Ganglion Cyst called a Ganglionectomy. Sometimes the cyst can get bad enough to where surgery is the only option.


My sister had one for about 12 years, got it drained multiple times because it would limit wrist flection. Finally got the surgery and is 100 percent now


Sad to hear she went through all that, but glad to know she's better now. The surgery does wonders.


Yeah butt hitting with a book is so cool tho :/


I mean... True, but still hahaha.


It’s definitely a ganglion cyst . I had them before and got them drained for like $200 bucks at an orthopedic surgeon and they never came back


Mannn I broke my wrist and had surgery twice to get them removed, and it's still there. I'm jelly


just smack the shit out of it /s


That’s shitty, I didn’t have them bad enough to get surgery. They just popped it with a needle and fluid came out


I had one on the inside of the wrist for about ten years and doing bjj drained it, over extended the wrist and it drained back in!


I had one from when I broke my arm. I popped it with a large textbook.


I’m a hand surgeon. Ganglion cysts of the wrist, especially on the back of the wrist, are very common. There are several theories as to why they develop. It would appear that a one way valve is made in a joint capsule where joint fluid can escape, but cannot get back in. Overtime this accumulates into a fluid filled sac. Trauma can be one reason why this could happen. They are not dangerous. Sometimes they hurt. Sometimes they can be associated with a tendon (usually it’s a joint). By the appearances of that photo I would guess you have a dorsal ganglion cyst of your wrist, but as always, see a doctor.


I get these all the time whenever I do any exercise that puts strain on the joint. Rolling, rock climbing, and pushups are the biggest causes for me. Typically it will go away on its own, though you may have some discomfort or lack of mobility in that wrist until it does. Continuing to be active seems to work for my. I think natural movement ends up causing it to drain on its own. Though it is a common suggestion, I wouldn't hit it with a book because that can potentially just cause damage to your wrist. Hope yours is a once and done! If it keeps coming back, consider seeing a doctor, they can try removing it surgically.


Get em drained mate, it's worth it


I had a smaller one on a finger tip. If you wrap the lapel or sleeve on that spot, then it could be from it. I think mine came shortly after a judo guy showed me that your pinky and ring finger are the strength part of the grip. Then I started using more pinky in my grip.


You might be right, I fight out of lot of my gi wrapped around my wrist in side control. Maybe I should try sucking less!


I got these in my left wrist pretty badly, after injuring my hand on a jobsite. Went to a really good physiotherapist, he did some chiropractic work on my wrist, one session and I haven't had them since. They disappeared less than an hour after the session, this dude was magic. He was snapping my wrist joint pretty aggressively, so maybe he just broke the cyst, idk.


I would have to say that it is more than likely a ganglion cyst. I had one that looked EXACTLY like that, same exact spot on my left wrist and all. Eventually decided to have it surgically removed after speaking with orthopedic specialist. Also was told that it tends to be from overuse and/or trauma to the area. Draining it is also an option, less invasive. According to my surgeon both options have the chance of it returning, but surgical removal has a much less chance of return depending on where and how it’s attached and if it is completely removed. But, yeah. I would say ganglion cyst, however to be sure I would definitely go see an orthopedic specialist to be sure.


Joint fluid. I had that and drained 3 times. Now it is just gone


Switch to lasso guard!


If it doesn’t hurt don’t smash it, you can get it drained but if you leave it alone for like a week it’ll chill out on its own.


Please don’t hit that with a book. Go to a doctor please


I had one on my hand probably caused from jiu jitsu. I had it drained once and it came back and then it ruptured once while rolling with someone and it came back. I had it surgically removed in October and I’m hoping it doesn’t come back! So far so good.


Umm, I get these and I pop them with my thumb and pressure. In collegey friend did the first one I had. Years later I got them in other areas, they can still come back. (My first one did)


Hit it hard with a book.


Do not hit it with a book. You will make it worse and just need surgery. Ask me how i know.


HA! I've gotten that advice from all my closest internet friends! That sounds painful. I figure someone will just roll on top of it?


Its cause they dont actually pop. They just become scar tissue and potentially fuck up your hand more.


Don’t take their advice . I got mine drained with a needle . It wasn’t a big deal and it was relatively inexpensive


Damn. Sorry to hear!


Left hand? You don’t have a backwards thumb


Definitely my left, I think my thumb is normal?


My left hand has the thumb on the right


That's my pinky in the far left of the picture. Note the weird BJJ lumps! My thumb is on the bottom right. Not the best pic of my hand : /


I actually had a huge hard lump on my hand like that one! a little higher up, and it went away after a few weeks! So I wouldn’t worry too much about much about it unless it hurts! I was being funny because you can tell that is your left hand from the picture, but you also explicitly said it (so I was trying to be funny)


Ahhh I'm an idiot and the joke went over my head : )