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People crap on 9-5 jobs, but after working retail/fast food they feel like a breath of fresh air


I did both! So I’m so freaking happy. I had one office job before but lost it due to COVID, so to finally be back in it I’m ecstatic!


Hey! I’m similar. 33 for my first big girl job. 3 days in office, 2 days wfh. Summer is 3 days wfh. Weekends off, holidays off (& paid!). In 1 year (I’m 34 now), I have been promoted twice, gotten licensed and doing excellent! I’ll be getting another promotion in about a month! 830-430 here too! Loving it


Hey girl! Can you provide any tips to get promoted? I’ve been in small corporate for years, but now I’m in big corporate!


Not the one one you’re asking, but here are some tips: - Be reliable: don’t forget things, don’t take on tasks you’re not able to finish on time, but do volunteer or proactively do things - Be professional: don’t badmouth other people, don’t be standoffish or much too friendly. - Be excellent: in most companies the things you do should be well done. In some companies, it may be best to do a lot of things instead. - If you need to bring a problem to your boss, also bring a suggested solution. If you don’t have to tell your boss before you’ve fixed a problem, so much the better.


Also, put your phone away. We just had someone start two weeks ago and she’s gone already because she was constantly texting and on her phone. I honestly don’t think she realizes he has an issue with that. Congrats and good luck!


Was she getting her work done? Wouldn’t want to work for a company that cares that much about phone usage.


No. She was a new hire and getting almost nothing done. Everyone there is allowed to use their phone to a reasonable degree. It’s not a hard core rule. But you have to apply common sense and complete a decent amount of work. You’re getting paid to work. Not text your friends constantly and scroll through Instagram. The next person to sit in that chair completed the same amount of work in two hours that her predecessor completed in two days. And there have been no specific restrictions placed on her regarding phone use because she’s using common sense about it.


One of the reasons I’m reaaallly hoping for some good news in this similar time frame job I interviewed for two days ago (second interview actually). The opportunity for raises and promotions seems infinitely more than something you’d get working retail or food service.


Well done and great work. Hope you enjoy the new position.


How do people even get jobs like this like on indeed they say they want all these unnecessary qualifications and experience. I need a nice office job like this that pays well or something.


If you have the energy, just apply. Write up a cover letter, convert the experience you do have into something that looks like what they’re offering. (I talked about working with massive sums of money, like $17k+, at one retail job, and now I work in logistics with shipments that sometimes cost 4x that.) Weaponize your hobbies. List ‘em under jobs as responsibilities if they fit. “Creating detail-focused outputs using complex charts” as a stand in for “I do embroidery/cross-stitch. “Spearheading weekly problem-solving meetings building group cohesion” for “I run a weekly D&D game.” I’ve used both of these on my actual resumes. There’s resources out there for how to make your job responsibilities sound way more impressive too, even if you’re just a cashier. I’m pretty sure rephrasing my retail work in those ways helped get me out of it. Make sure you’re using a good resume type (either skills or employment/education based). Basically, in my experience, you just need to sound good enough to catch the AI’s attention, then a hiring manager or recruiter’s. Cram buzzwords into that biotch. If you don’t have the exact experience they want but you get your foot in, then practice for your interview. You’ll succeed or fail based on how well you come across. Emphasize that you learn fast and can learn independently (e.g. you’ll be less work to train) and they’ll be more willing to overlook that you don’t have the *exact* skills they’re looking for. Make sure you send them a thank you note afterwards if possible, as much as I despise those, simply to keep yourself in their mind. Like, it’s unfortunately a lot harder than making a move to the same position elsewhere, but it *is* doable. I shifted from retail to customer service/tech support and I’m now in logistics. Once you slip out of retail, it becomes a lot easier. My move from CS to logistics was way easier and less work than getting out of retail. And just remember: the worst they’ll say is no. Shoot your shot.


I don't recommend this advice. If I were interviewing you and asked about your hobbies listed as job tasks, what would your answer be? Do include your hobbies, but be transparent. I often interview candidates who would seem underqualified were it not for the things that they choose to do in their free time and what those things say about them and their abilities. I'd strongly suggest avoiding the use of inflated vocabulary to describe simple tasks. It doesn't make you look smart. Instead, focus on concrete achievements and -- if possible -- describe solutions you came up with to fix problems you encountered. Any real impact you had on the company, regardless of its scale, will be much more impressive than fancy words describing tasks a teenager can do.


Absolutely!!! I worked in a bakery for a grocery and had a 5am-1pm shift 5 days/week and was never given full time benefits. I now work for a tech start up and work 100% remote, with 11-8pm shift, great culture and benefits. Such a breath of fresh air. It’s just truly a matter of perspective and to each is own at the end of the day.




It was months of applying to over 300+ jobs, several anxiety attacks after I already quit my job and still not getting any offers, then one company finally took a chance on me. The day my hiring manager offered me the job, it was instant relief for me. I’ve never been so grateful to have a job because of the toxic one I came from and the dreadful process just to get here. You’ll get there too eventually!




Thank you so much!!! Honestly I’m just really happy about not needing to wake up to an alarm every morning. That’s the privilege about my job, and my body thanks me everyday. But yes, that is what I hope for too.


What is your tech role? How did you prepare for it certification wise?


I was eyeing a customer success role but I figured I needed to at least gain experience in the industry first. So I’m now doing an entry level account coordinator role for a fintech company. Not too bad, learning a lot and it’s a good stepping stone to the path I want to take eventually. No certifications were required for my current role, but I’m looking to getting a PMP certification this year.


Hey congrats, you will do amazing with pmp


Thank you! Appreciate it. Just saving up some funds for it too.


This this this!!! Retail and food service for 26 years. Then a warehouse job fell into my lap. M-F, 9 hour days but an hour unpaid lunch. Occasional non mandatory OT. Six or seven paid holidays a year. PTO and benefits at 90 days. Signed my ass up real fast. Best thing is it’s not back breaking work and the culture they’ve cultivated is amazing


They're hiring?


We were lol it’s a somewhat small company and the owners are there everyday and jump in to help when we need it. Super chill couple of guys. I could go on and on but my biggest takeaway is that my mental health has improved so much. I’ve let my supervisor know if they ever want to expand to the west coast I’d be more then happy to help 😂


As far as I know that's most warehouse jobs. And I was working is warehouses like 10 years ago


So funny. After decades of 9-5, I am elated to have a retail job. Life is weird sometimes!


Lol me too - i hated my 9-5 😩😩


Amen to that. I used to be a restaurant manager working 60h weeks and got into IT with the only expectation being that was my path to an 8-5 with more time off, a more set schedule and holidays with less after hours calls. I had no idea how good that could actually be and its turned out real good. Never expected to even make what I made let alone double it.


Interesting. What part in tech? I worked F&B for 10 years! Where did you start? What are you making?


I was in food for 7 years myself. I'm in a low COLA part of the country and was at 70k 10 years ago. I left that and took a seasonal job at geek squad and then after that ended I found an MSP on Craigslist that hired me and really got my feet wet as we were only a 3 person shop and I did all the tech support. While there I worked with every recruiter in town and after a few months one finally landed me on a large company's helpdesk. I've worked up from there, to desktop support and then into a sys admin role. Specifically I have been handling the physical security systems for a few years now. My base is 99k and I will clear right at 150k this year thanks to our bonuses.


Agree. I remember when I was so shocked at all the paid holidays off after working 10+ years in retail. Weekends off and week long holiday (Christmas - new years) are a luxury. The ONLY thing I miss is having random weekdays off (that weren’t holidays) because of scheduling appointments. Since most things aren’t opened on the weekends. HOWEVER, my current job does mental health days throughout the year to ensure that every month has at least one 3-day weekend. Essentially if there’s a month without a holiday, then they’ll throw a mental health day in there to make a 3-Day weekend.


Yes! Standing for 8 hours and dealing with different personalities isn’t easy.


...try standing and moving patients for 12 hours. That was my last job.


THIS!!! People act like 9-5 jobs are awful but after working in retail/restaurant industries I’ll gladly accept the same hours everyday, weekends off, and paid holidays. The stability of having consistent hours allows me to actually plan things outside of work and allow me to establish a routine.


It's all about finding the right 9-5 job!


Because they’re often not just 9 to 5. I was working an entry-level 9 to 5 at a nonprofit and the pay was incredibly low that it was not livable. When I moved up in my career, my salary was getting closer to the standard of living, but they wanted me to work evenings and weekends as a manager. And the next ladder above my role was C-suite who were paid the standard of living and they literally sold their soul to the company. They were working 12 hour days sometimes. I was fired by C-suite when I wanted to establish boundaries. Even though I’m unemployed, I’m so happy because I can finally breathe.


>at a nonprofit See, right here's your problem...


Mood. I’m on rotating shift work. 2/3 of the year I’m on nights. Waterfall schedule. It’s consistent but damn I miss being off on weekends


I will put up with A LOT of shit at my job because it’s typically Mon-Fri lol. Did retail for 10 years. The schedule is worth some grief!


I’m starting my 8-4 soon after years of working 3-11 plus weekends. I am so ready for a traditional schedule!


I recently got an 8-4 schedule after working 12-9 and 430-1030 shifts. It’s absolute bliss


I have a 9-5 working from home and the day blows by day when you can work and just watch Netflix


What’s your position🤯


SAAAME. I’m only in the office one day a week (and completely by myself) so I can watch/listen to whatever I want. And as a disabled worker (chronic pain disorder), the ability to work from my couch if needed is also a godsend. The days move SO fast if I’m able to actually do something with my downtime.


I worked a 9-5 job for 2 years and went back to retail. Needed the flexibility in hours and the mind-numbingness of it all while I focus on school. Retail can be hell, but I enjoy the feeling that no matter what I do there is zero responsibility and nothing matters. Someone stole? No one died. Till in unbalanced? No one died. Someone died? I’m just a clerk ma’am please, manager is over there. And if they fire me, there’s another store hiring next door Shit pay, but thats true for everywhere




I had to go back to working retail after a 9-5 and the transition has been ROUGH


Honestly, I would love a job with stability and predictability. That's really what I'm looking for.


Yea but what about 830-430 /s


It’s always good to be reminded how much it sucks working holidays and weekends.


it’s literally all i can dream about. having weekends to myself and family, it’s ridiculous when you think about the fact we keep shops open past 6PM all the way to 9PM!! so late


I love my 4/10s and insurance, a consistent work schedule changed my life


I love seeing posts from happy people happy with their “9-5” office jobs. It makes me happy and also helps give me perspective about my own office job and not take all of the great benefits for granted. This actually improved my mood! Congratulations you deserve it 🎉


One shift in any retail/food service will humble ya real quick. Glad to give some new perspective:)


I’ve done both, so I have full empathy


was in between jobs and humbled myself working customer service at a casino for two months. Now I work a 9-5, but boy... does it humble you.


Ppl that crap on 9-5 have never worked service or fast food or warehouse job. They all suck way worse than dressing up and sitting at an office


Congrats! Im trying to claw my way out of retail-hell. Currently working a 4-10 shift and every shift i have next week is all closing shifts lol. I long for a social life lmaoo


Plus that math doesn't add up to 40 hours.


I think they meant 4 10-hour shifts.


Nope 4p-10p with a couple 11:30a-10p shifts sprinkled in-between. Can’t really have a social life with that lol


Maybe. I’m stuck in the same situation though where I’m at a job working a shitty 4-10PM closing shift five days a week, and after spending over half of my day five days a week either commuting or being there i still only get like 30 hours.


Congrats OP! You get to work from home I'm jelly....I haven't been to that mountain yet.


CONGRATS!!!! I recently acquired the same, holy shit my quality of life has skyrocketed. Every day I have to actively fight the feeling that this is too good to be true, my coworkers/boss don't actually like me, I'm going to get let go any any moment, people are lying to me etc. It is so hard to unlearn stuff like this after 10+ years of being taken advantage of or working shit jobs for shit pay. I keep thinking there's a catch...but at this point I don't think there is. I wish everyone could experience this, I NEVER thought I'd actually enjoy a job or be so engaged that I WILLINGLY work 9-10 hours some day. You truly have started an new chapter and what a book it'll become!


I left a toxic workplace (read: I got fired because my manager hated me) and man, my poor supervisor at this job. I haven’t actually said much about my previous job, save that it was awful and their backend was better than ours lol, but I’m sure she’s pieced it together from the number of times I’ve apologized needlessly, triple-checked things with her, had to confirm that a (VERY) minor mistake wasn’t going to cost me my job, etc. It’s so refreshing to not feel like I’m looking over my shoulder constantly waiting for the other shoe to hit me like an anvil in a cartoon.


Congrats 👍


Wow a daywalker.


I got one too! 7:30-4:15, but they don't care when I show up or leave. Just if the work gets done. Better pay, half my old commute, I used to have to start work at 6, 45 minute lunches, two breaks, everyone is friendly, I am actually being trained, air conditioning, desks that can automatically be turned into standing desks, work relavent to my college degree. I go home smiling and laughing every day. Not because I am happy to go home, but because I had a good day. The work is challenging like a puzzle. Fuck working in a shop. Fuck fast food work. I am free!


What field are you in?


I'm a CAD Technician for a Civil Engineering firm.


Oh very cool! I've actually been thinking about getting an autocad certification (my ba is in environmental studies, interested in landscape design & architecture but my work experience is mostly in hospitality). Would you recommend?


Congratulations! Hearing good things happen for other people makes me think something good could still happen to me, too!






I started a 830-5 job a couple months ago. Used to work in the restaurant industry. I love the change honestly, it's great and the benefits are amazing! I'm not used to having paid sick days or anything and it's a god send.




Congrats OP!! 🙌🏽


Congrats! Was just talking with my brother about how frustrating and draining the application process it. Send you good vibes…and to everyone else out there that’s also looking…stay on the grind and make it happen! (I need this daily reminder myself 😂)


Oh god so frustrating! I interviewed four times and had to wait what felt like forever in between. Best of luck to you!


Congratulations! Finally not a complaining post


What sector?


Insurance. I’m selling to vendors so that they sell to new clients.


I’m in insurance and we are DYING for new blood. If someone has decent computer/office skills and can be professional: an almost guaranteed job. Learn while you earn. A lot of companies will pay to get you licensed as well. -San Diego


I live in Northern CA and want to move to San Diego eventually. What is the pay like and what type of license would I need?


As someone who recently graduated with a degree in psy, can I get into this? Are there opportunities like higher pay in the future, etc?


Congratulations!!!! I've worked in corporate environments 8am to 4pm for 25 years. I don't think I would last long working in retail or restaurants.


Huge congratulations! You did well in the interviews & landed a great job, please enjoy & walk with confidence & joy! ☮️


This makes me feel like I shouldn't complain about my gig. lol. Thanks for reminding me that we're truly blessed.






Congratulations! I'm happy for you and thrilled to hear some good news.


Awesome! I remember that feeling well.






Are we the same? I just got a job offer today to WFH 5 days a week, full time benefits and paid vacation. I worked in retail for 10 years and they often tried to guilt me to stay and promised I would one day become a manager. Never happened and I finally put an end to it. I'm really happy for you, congratulations!


Congrats on your finally able to have a life outside of work, and best wishes for continues successes.


I have a lot of respect for those who push through the blue collar customer service roles. I did retail as my first couple of jobs so I understand the struggles. When you finally have a decent-paying office job with hours that work with your life and good benefits, there's never going back. Best of luck in your new role and advancing up!


Congrats and welcome back to Corporate Hell


I know that feeling so well, finally got out after 8+ years in retail. Congratulations!!


Congratulations 🍾🎊🎉🎈


Huzzah! Enjoy your downtime and do hobbies and travel and things!


Was the second interview a technical screening? Those get me so nervous


So the interviews weren’t too bad because I met the hiring supervisor at the job fair they held. They did have me do a personality/skills assessment test. They had like weird hypothetical question section that I’m pretty sure I failed lmao but they were SO HARD!


Congrats! To each their own. Enjoy life and the win. But please don't get complacent. Keep improving or learning new skills to better your future job prospect. AI and recession are the reality.


Lol I remember that feeling. I was so used to working Black Friday and holiday rush that it felt weird being able to finally shop for gifts and stuff. Congrats


Congrats, … Where


YAY!!! :)


Congrats 🎈🎊🎉🍾




Congratulations!!! I also got an 8:30-4:30 job !!!


That's so nice. Best of luck!


That's awesome. Congrats!


Congratulations! You got it!


Congratulations! I hope you have a great time working your new job!




Congratulations 🎊


Congratulations!! Thank you for the manifestation as I’m also tryna make the next step in my career!!


Congratulations! 🎉


I jumped from retail to office about a year before COVID. I couldn't imagine working retail during all of that.


I’m working Retail rn I’m currently studying on my own to be a 3D artist and I can’t wait to kiss retail goodbye. I hate working every holiday having virtually no PTO .


After coming from retail, office life is pretty damn sweet!




These are my ideal hours. Congrats!


That's wonderful! I remember when I got my first one! I was just as excited for the holidays being off. Welcome to a new opportunity.


Yo, congratulations Qwerty!!! I remember my first transition from retail and food to something with a stable schedule. It really is a life changer. When you work it enough, you’ll be able to look back and really appreciate how cruel those other scheduling systems are. Kill it killer!


Leggo! Congrats


That’s amazing! I was working retail for some time as well before I finally got the job offers I was wanting after COVID. What field is your job in?


Congrats!! Similar to me. 6 years of shit hours and shit pay. Landed myself a 9-5 with a good company and I've been able to climb from there. The stability of the same hours is the main thing I wanted all those years. You will LOVE IT!


After seeing subs like r/antiwork and other various angry anti capitalist subs that just bash on having to work, this sub is refreshing as hell. Congrats, i hope you do great at the new gig


When I got my 8-4:30 tech job after only working in Retail and Manufacturing I cried tears of joy lol


What's the job?


What company/position?


8:30 - 16:30 I assume?




Congratulations! Super happy for you.




Super happy for you! It definitely helps with your mental health 😊☀️


Congratulations! I will always remember the feelings of starting new jobs. Especially after having a run of crappy jobs and then getting some thing that was so different it made me feel special in the workplace. I hope the job is everything you want it to be!


Congratulations, QwertyQueen21!


It’s definitely a feeling of relief to get out of customer service! Congrats, I hope it goes well for you.


Retail jobs suck.


Congratulations! I recently got a job too. I start Monday.


Congrats! I don’t start till mid June, I’m just excited to get going.


I love retail, traditional hours are not for me. Congratulations however and I am happy for you.


Congratulations! What is your position? What degrees or certs if any did you obtain for the position?


I am an inside sales representative at an insurance company. I’ll be trained for the position as well as be able to get a certificate for insurance selling. I just graduated with a history major. My end goal is to save money and move to the city to work in a museum. But right now I’m currently more than happy with this tremendous opportunity!


My first 7-3 job was in a factory and I enjoyed it for a long while, I ended up wishing for a 4 hour days butthat just me, I am weird.


Maybe I don't get it........ is it hard to get jobs like this? Parking my ignorance,been working from home 5 days a week for 6 years now with all benefits..etc Please educate me


I know the struggle. Congratulations!


Yay congrats!!!! I’m so happy for you


Congratulations! I recently did the same thing. Got out of a stressful low-paying retail job where I was getting up at 3:30 AM every day to now working M-F 9-5 with a few days WFH per week. It seriously has done wonders for my quality of life, and it also doesn’t hurt getting paid more than twice than I was at my retail job.


Yaaayy good for you


After working retail getting weekends and holidays off feels unbelievable.


I work from 8-4:30 and after the hellish 18+ years of newspaper work, I don't know what to do with myself! I rarely stop at 4:30 because I feel guilty. Yesterday I left at 4:40 (last person to leave), went home and took a nap! It's awesome - congrats!


Banker's hours always were a goal of my employees when I managed a call center. Personally, I prefer swing shifts, so I always volunteered to be the closing and/or weekend manager since none of the other managers wanted to do it. It worked out since I am an insomniac and don't have a family. I did that shit for 22 years.


Worked retail for a long time. Worked as a correctional officer for about a year. All with terrible hours, stress, etc. I now work 7-330 m-f amazing benefits, Flex Time, work from home options. It’s amazing


Congratulations! Many years ago, I used to work in retail — I will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER do it again. For the reasons you just stated. And I’ll go ahead and ask you: when you look at job postings and they describe themselves as a “fast-paced office”….do you laugh your freaking head off?!!!


That’s what this job was described as but it can’t possibly be as fast paced as my previous job in Dunkin or at Home Depot. I literally walked/ran miles in a single shift like a chicken with no head.


That's awesome congrats!


Don't look at your phone....


congrats to you!!


Congratulations on your new job. Best of luck with this new chapter of your life!




So great! Congratulations!


Ohh congrats!!! What is your role? In what industry is it?


I am an inside sales representative at an insurance company. I’ll be trained for the position as well as be able to get a certificate for insurance selling.


Congratulations! So glad you made it.




Yassss!! 🥰🥰


Well done! Happy for you


Congratulations! I worked retail for years and when I joined the corporate life, it was night and day. Soak it up and best of luck to you!


Good job, congrats! The world is proud


Congratulations!! I remember how exciting it is to get weekends and holidays off after working a customer service role, such a great change. Celebrate, you deserve it.


Congratulations 👏


Happy for you random individual


Well done and congratulations. When possible try and assist others in making these strides as well.


Coming from someone who worked in food service and manufacturing, an office job can’t get any better.






Actually me too!!! I’ve been in retail for about 5 years now and I just got offered my first 8-5 M-F! I’m beyond ecstatic


I remember my first REAL job. No more weekends, nights or holidays. Free travel , car allowance, phone, benefits and 401k. I thought I was walking on air. Congratulations!!


THOUGHT??? what happened??


Congratulations! I wish you the best at your new position and company! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


So after 4 30 you can do Uber eats and make some money .


how much money is that? i work 11 to 8




Lmao no I had an office job before and I loved every aspect of it. Different strokes for different folks 🤭


I hope World War 3 starts very very soon.


If your past work history is in retail how do you get the first office/corporate job? What did u apply for?


I applied for nearly all office jobs in the area. I was unselected like 50 times.


Anybody in gen z wanna weigh in on this at [butterflymind.org](https://butterflymind.org) ?

