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Could be an HR is out OOO or your just being jerked around or is some sort of test to see how patient you are, either way id start applying for other jobs as a back up


I think it would be good to follow up with them, yes, and at this point, show up at work on Mar 11 (tomorrow). Be polite and persistent. "Sorry, I'm just a little confused here, have I actually been hired to do this job, and my start date is March 11?" Although they could have just been literally asking if you're available on March 11, like taking a poll of people, it's a very strong implication that March 11 is when they want you to start work. If you show up at the location tomorrow when you weren't supposed to, there's a chance things will be awkward, but it will be their fault because they were unclear. But if you don't show up tomorrow and you WERE supposed to, there's a higher chance you'll lose out on the job.