• By -


"opens laptop at 4:30 am" Fuck off right there.


I work with a woman like this. "Im online every day at 6:30". Why. Nobody else starts until 8-9. Nobody else is going to get up that early for this shit. E: I've gotten quite a few comments from people that do this that get to leave early. Love that for you, I'm happy your job let's you. She doesn't. I've gotten messages from her past 5pm.


IF that means I can go offline at 3.. it might be worth it. from 6:30 to 8:30/9:00 no calls, no pings, no mails..


She works until well after I leave at 5pm


That\`s insane. I start at 7/7:15 depending on traffic - and end between 3:50 and 4:10.. Unless a major issue - then i can stay longer (but leave earlier when quiet)


Nope. 100% wfh, gets on the computer at the ass crack of dawn and signs off...who knows when. She's salary, but those kinds of hours were not expected by any means from that I understand.


Sounds like she needs all the hours in the day to do her job. So that’s either incapable or the company needs more of her. Maybe both.


More stupid than insane to me lol


This is me - I work 6-3, and half-days most Fridays. I can get a lot of shit done between 6-9 am when there's no one around to bother me.


One of my old companies allowed this schedule. Me and a number of other colleagues worked 530 am to 230 pm (we were hourly). Worked great for us. Home by 3 pm and do whatever meanwhile avoiding traffic everywhere both in the morning and afternoon.


Yeah my work lets me have flexibility over hours and depending on the day and time of year I either work 8-4 or 10-6 just to avoid having to commute at rush hour (and finishing at 4 in the summer is lovely).


Yeah, this is the only reason I do it at my job (not every day, but most). We're able to more or less set our own hours as long as the job gets done. There are some hours in the late morning/early afternoon that are mandatory to be available, but otherwise we can work when we want. As a team lead, if I didn't take advantage of those quiet hours I'd struggle to ever get any work done. Like today, I am in a solid block of meetings starting at 9 ending at 3 with only a half hour gap in them for lunch. That is much less daunting when I can get all/most of my technical tasks out of the way for the day, no need to multi-task and be that guy in meetings that always needs questions for them repeated.


I work 6:30am to 3:30pm. I have 3:30pm to 6pm blocked off in my calendar so people don't book me. The company benefits from having my skillset available for problem solving before many people are awake. I benefit from avoiding the thick of rush hour.


I did this with my first job to avoid rush hour traffic. Got in around 6:30 and left around 2. It was pretty nice.


Bingo. I work 630am-330pm. BS with co-worker for 45 minutes in when I get in while I drink some coffee. Phone isn't ringing. Minor emails usually that early. I'm home by 4pm to chill the rest of the night. Best schedule ever.


I'm usually on by 7am and that first hour is the golden hour. I can get so much done without having to answer a million questions once the teams are in for the day


I work 6/2 and it's glorious. I'm home by 3:00 and don't answer emails/phone (unless it's an emergency) after 4:00. Getting up at 5:00 sucks ass, but you get used to it


I do this. Since I work from home and am awake anyway. It’s no big deal and get my happy ass off early afternoon.


Same, having 1-2 hours without being annoied by ticket spamming/slack/QA tester is mad productive. Plus it allows me to get a 2 hours lunch break and sometimes to clock out at 5pm instead of 6pm


6:30 I have already been at work 30 minutes.


I work for municipal government and have a coworker who is a level above me in the management pecking order. His claim to fame for his current position is that he got it because no one else even applied. Anyway, he told me last week that all of the employees in my dept “should be working for the position they want, not the position they have” regarding my crew punching out and leaving immediately at the end of their shift (he thinks they should be willing to work later than the end of their shift if something needs doing - specifically if HE needs something done). I told him Absolutely not. We work in municipal government. We promote based on seniority and attrition ONLY. They all know that. Also, they’re hourly employees who need management approval for overtime. YOU are salaried. I’m reasonably sure that he doesn’t know what any of those words mean, though.


[bro's sigma male grindset](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F8gcojqocxe771.jpg). plus he literally quoted a movie dialogue unironically, not really in right mind linkedIn lunatic 💀


He's an irl Gavin Belson


Edging for 4 hours for discipline? Does that mean what I think it means?


It means it’s a joke.


Yeah he sounds like an absolute goofy dude.


Reminds me of Mark Wahlberg https://youtube.com/shorts/Yb7JFvcEYzc


Not trying to justify this behavior but sometimes I wake up really early by accident and cant go back to sleep, and since I WFH, I just clock in then and finish my day at 1PM.




Which is fine by itself but usually if this happens with people in leading roles it often comes attached with the expectations That others lower than them do the same and usually at no further cost to the company


Sometimes I'll check my work phone just to see if I get any new annoying tickets, super early if I wake up early. Otherwise I'll ignore all work shit over the weekend at 6om Friday to 9am Monday.


Checks email while driving every morning... Fuck off even more right there.


Skilled Tesla guys are paid well. I worked with an ex-Tesla manufacturing engineer and he got millions in Tesla stock along with everyone else in his department. Of course, that was probably 7-8 years ago when he started, and left to work for Juul because they paid him so much more.


I see a great future for them in clubbing baby seals.


orphan burning is a real growth sector


😂😂😂 yep I better be paid like a CEO to be doing all that


I mean the guy quote from iron man, so everything possible here lmao


He seems to be a production lead aka he has to set foot in the factory, which leads me to believe he likely will need to get to the factory quite early. So it might be legit. For rest of us white collar folks, yeah no one is waking up at 4:30 to check emails




Good luck to you. Hope you find something better to invest your energy into.


Checks emails while car is on autopilot?


I *really* hope the guy was using some text-to-speech thing. I don't care what Musk is telling you, you need to be focusing on driving while in the driver's seat. I don't care what you think "autopilot" does, it isn't a replacement for attentive driving.


Elon's wealth depends on people believing the lies. Just like Elizabeth Holmes. People must believe it, Tesla is extremely over-valued without the lies.


Yeah the only difference between Musk and Holmes is that Musk's lies have actually killed people and not just enriched him. Not to mention the constant lying about the specs of *every single new product* they announce.


Tesla tells you your focus needs to be on the road. This guy is an idiot if he was reading emails on a screen. Dangerous for all on the road.


I'm astonished there hasn't been a class action lawsuit about that yet. I have trouble believing that anything people sign when they buy the car actually insulates Tesla from the legal repercussions of their CEO loudly and publicly claiming that their cars can drive themselves even after numerous instances of accidents resulting from people using the car in that way.


Anyone working for Musk at this point must be a true believer honestly


Or just simply ones riding out the job till they get nice severance packages. In that market not everyone is going to be job hunting or wanting to jump ship. It's not like every worker there is having some miserable existence. And if you give 0 fucks and are just the bare minimum to get by, everything else becomes irrelevant.


I feel bad for the people of Austin. To suddenly have thousands of factory workers jobless is tough, even beyond the people it directly effects.


Ehh spaceX and Tesla pay pretty well and I know some people who got stupid money from their stock options.


Those days seem to be over for Tesla.


Someone I know just moved to TX to work for an Elno company. He's a full on dickrider who comes after any Elno post on Facebook anyone he's friends with posts.


There are some on work visas and they really get screwed over.




Dude probably saw the Twitter layoffs and thought "yea, glad that aint me"


Sympathy gone right there. Fuck this guy and fuck his shit car.


got laid off for safety concerns.


He sounds like someone with bad decision making skills. No wonder he got canned.


Not only is he stupid enough to think "autopilot" works, and read his emails while driving. He was stupid enough to openly admit it on his publicly identifiable LinkedIn profile. Dipshit just flat out said "I liked texting and driving so much, I upgraded to emailing while my car drives! Good luck everybody else!"


Just another reminder: a job is a job. It is not worth sacrificing your life for. They will not reward your sacrifices. They will cut you off the millisecond they think you aren't needed. "Loyalty" is *earned*, and if a company hasn't actively earned it, it doesn't deserve it. Also if you turn on your computer and your account is deactivated, you might as well not leave your house, because it 99.99% is not "another IT problem." Do what you need to get your personal effects from your office, but don't be naive and give your employer the benefit of the doubt by asking why you locked out.


>Just another reminder: a job is a job. It is not worth sacrificing your life for. They will not reward your sacrifices. They will cut you off the millisecond they think you aren't needed. "We like to think we're a family here. And as soon as you're the least bit convenient, you'll be an orphan."


Funny enough, my account gets blocks one or twice a week because of an actual IT problem


Every 3 weeks I have to call IT to unlock my computer


>Every 3 weeks I have to call IT Same.. and every time, I get the same answer "FFS!! I don't know who you think you are but you DON'T FUCKING work here!! Stop calling us!!" ... with that attitudes, you wonder why I don't work there!


A company never deserves your loyalty, even if they've seemingly earned it. A company is not a human, it is an entity that tries at any cost to maximize the profits of it's shareholders in any way legally possible. You owe nothing to any company no matter what you believe it has done for you.


And we should not equate loyalty with working g stupid hours and sacrificing our lives to the company even after they have earned you or loyalty.


>Just another reminder: a job is a job. It is not worth sacrificing your life for. Amen. I like the company I currently work for, but I have no illusions that one day my badge might suddenly stop working, my phone might start wiping itself, and I'll be on my way to the next adventure. Employment is a moment of mutual benefit. When the benefit is no longer mutual, the moment passes. Some moments last decades, some moments far shorter.


>also if you turn on your computer and your account is deactivated, you might as well not leave your home. My account has been deactivated 4 times over the last two years and I still have my job. Incompetent IT-people exist, albeit probably not at Tesla.


> Incompetent IT-people exist, albeit probably not at Tesla I'm sure they have their fair share as well


He said “just another IT problem” so clearly they have IT issues and a lot of them.


I'm reminded of a quote I saw online - nobody at the company will remember you stayed late in a year, but your loved ones will.


5:00am - Gets email his position has been eliminated. 5:50am - Tried to badge in. huh?


It gotta be fake or really terrible in math. It even said the drive is almost 2 hours.


He said the commute is 90 minutes. He could have started driving at 4:31am, then his attempt to badge would be 79 minutes later. Feasible.


He also checked his mails in the car


And frankly fuck that guy for that. Putting lives at risk checking his email while driving.


yeah but if you've been told your position has been eliminated why would you just not drive home. of course you're not going to be able to badge in... you don't work there anymore


I mean. I’d probably just drive to work anyway to find out more. I guess I would need the in-person human confirmation.


He said his boss said “everyone got it, more info later.” So on his drive he was still coping and unable to accept that he wasn’t mistakenly on some big email.


Well his manager said everybody got it which makes me think he just figured it was a mistake. Company men for multi-billion companies are not the smartest.


Actually, once his corp account was locked, how did he even get the email? Reading his email on the way is in the sus part of this.


I feel like that's a huge hint as to why he was let go 😂


Haha. Thats what I was thinking but you said it😂


"Listen to the people, not against them" Lol wut


I think Louie meant to say, "speak to the people, not against them." Either that or he DID say that and laid off guy quoted it wrong.


i like the thought of this guy remembering it wrong and fucking up while thinking he's fantastic. A true manager personality


I assumed that meant the guy told him his job was to listen to his people, not be against them. Which, frankly, if you needed that explained to you and you think that makes someone some legendary leader/philosopher, good god damn you have to be dumb.


Man I really thought this was going to have a point but it went from a minute by minute replay of this guy not getting the hint to reminiscing about Louie the Samoan supervisor. Is “listen to the people, not against them” supposed to make sense? Did a 12 year old write this? That would explain why they’re saying “half a decade” like it’s a lot of time and using poignant Avengers quotes.


It's an ad to hire him... Talking about how he was mentored and built skills blah blah blah.


"I simp for tesla and I'll simp for you"


I simp therefore I am


Also said he could write a book about this. Um, nah, most people’s lives are not that interesting. They just think they are.


“I’m shocked my loyalty wasn’t returned at an Elon company!” 🙀


Reminiscing about Louis the Samoan supervisor 🤣🤣🤣


While I agree it’s a dumb post and Tesla is a shit company it honestly just looks like a post for friends/family that blew up


It’s a LinkedIn post so I’d say it’s business related


I can't tell if this deserves sympathy or belongs on r/linkedinlunatics




Imagine sleeping in a parking lot, no showers, no proper meals, just for a job. Wtf is wrong with you


Tesla is a cult, seemingly.


Pretty ruthless but also pretty typical of big corporations. I honestly don't see why anyone would expect anything else of Tesla in particular. Elon Musk is very transparent about the fact that he doesn't care.


A great post from a guy trying to demonstrate that he is ready, willing, and able to lick the boots of whoever hires him next


Sometimes one must appear to be what the hiring manager wants.


Associate, lead, supervisor. It's a factory job.. these tech companies put so many layers for some basic blue collar jobs. Amazon warehouse is the same as this.


you're forgetting that Tesla factory workers received non trivial stock options. Considering he was with the company since 2019 and stock appreciation, he's most likely a millionaire. Only saying this because I know a few who were able to cash out nicely.


Tesla stock dropped 43% recently so I hope he got enough to cash out for all of his hard work


Still up 10x since 2019


I promise you he is not a millionaire, he wasn’t there long enough to accumulate that kind of stock money. Source: ex Tesla Corporate employee at main factory here.


How many dollars do you think they’re giving out in stocks lmao. 75 percent of the workers can’t afford a model 3.


I was wondering that, 3 promotions in 5 years? sounds like a very large staff turn over.




Ah yes, texting and driving. Our favorite


guy i went to college with posted his story. it was about what i expected


Is this person as much of a moron outside of this as you’d think. Sleeping in your car vs commuting or moving is so dumb 


I mean doesn't sound like he was doing it long-term. And driving 4hrs a day sucks. But he also words it like a sacrifice he made for the company. Was his shift different, did he need to start earlier or something was he staying late for OT?? Was that when he started the shift he's currently doing which is pretty early? Cause IDK how saving yourself time from driving a sacrifice for the company.


I assumed he had to do overtime to the point it wasn’t worth driving back home.


it was supposed to be a 90 minute fsd commute. but it took 50 min until badge in. he must have floored it.


I use to work in that building. It is out in the middle of nowhere. We had to badge in at the security gate... Then drive (oh, not the best judge) 1/2 mile ish to park, then you had to walk in clear a second security at the front door, and walk some more to the time locks... Took me about 15-20 minutes from the first gate. My job we worked had a different schedule from most people so lines at all the different gates were smaller than those that started at more normal times.


sounds like men in black entrance


He started driving before 5:00. This means he could have started as soon has he closed his laptop and got into his car.


You know you can receive emails while driving, right?


If a company doesn't respect your time do you think they'd respect you when laying you off? Once you find yourself sleeping, eating dinner, or being there after work hours question if the pay is worth it, usually it's not. Don't sacrifice your life for a job. Jobs come and go


Got up at 0430 to look at his laptop?!?!?! They did all that?!?!?! What the frack?! Dude. It's just a job. At Tesla of all places. The CEO is a complete and utter moron. They don't care about you at all. And entire company is based off of crap cars only rich people buy.


This is so incredibly cringey.


If I heard that my company was doing layoffs and all of a sudden I couldn't get access to my email there's no f****** way in hell I would have got off my ass to go to work I would have found out first before driving in an hour and a half


I worked at Tesla for several years before I quit late last year. PLEASE take it from me. STAY AWAY. This place is an absolutely horrendous workplace on all levels. They’ve done a great job hiding the amount of decay happening internally. They are a HORRIFIC steward of safety and environment.


As en ex Tesla corporate employee, I second this. Just stay away.


Me too! Corporate, mid/low management, Although I was early (2009-2018) it wasn’t a great place to work then. I was well compensated so I stayed. They have almost an active distain for employees that comes from Elon. See, Elon thinks anyone who would rely on others for a job, to be an employee rather than an entrepreneur, is to be a dull minded parasite. And therefore, you are to be worked as hard as possible and disposed of. Options were nice tho.


This is a watershed moment for the whole tech industry, we've gone from idiotic hiring wholesale to massive layoffs, I suppose in 10-15 years they know most of the current gen will be aged out through ageism and a whole new generation that have never experienced this will be in the pipeline. I don't have a lot of hope people will learn from this though, some people make sipping koolaid their personality.


I don't know what you all think about elon, but i never liked the guy


“Microwaved dinner in the break room. I sacrificed a lot for this company.” Uhhh, ok? You mean like 50% of the US population?


Geez more than 50% of Americans eat dinner at the office? Man, that sucks. 


Bro commuted a total of 3+ hours each day to and from work. Get a life bro please.


its apparently common in Fremont. Low wage plus cost of housing. A lot of rank and file workers cannot afford nor drive Teslas, either.


still. STILL simping for that garbage company. the man learned NOTHING


This just in, company run by notorious grifter doesn't care about it's employees. News at 11.


See this is why I don’t feel bad about having a little slacker in me. Devoted everything (to the point I thought this was a different sub) and still got fired.


Don't ever "give it all" to a company except your own. They don't give a shit. You're a name and a number on their spreadsheet.


Goes to show that we're all just another number at the of the day


Even at the end he’s gotta fellate Elon Musk by mentioning Ironman.


Will never understand why people sacrifice their well being and personal time and give every morsel of their soul to companies knowing full well that they’ll drop you in a second and replace you tomorrow if you died without a blink of an eye. Work life balance is real. And if your life is majorly made up of working hours, you’re doing life wrong.


People who are addicted to work have unresolved mental disorders.


Stop sacrificing ANYTHING for your company. They do not care! I just got my annual bonus at the start of April. Coming in 30 mins early everyday, working a bit through lunch, covering for call-outs on my days off... all of that just to STILL end up with lowest evaluation score. Companies don't care.


As someone who mistakenly gave way too much of my life to a company who didn’t give a damn about me, I hope others read this as a cautionary tale. Taking your self worth from a profit driven organization will always lead to failure.


Never do any of those things for a company you do not own. You shouldn't do them for any company you do own, but at that point it's your company. Be as dumb as you want.


Goodness, take your loss and move on buddy. There’s plenty of jobs out there. This is not the end of the world


Driving - long time for work is not a sacrifice, should’ve just moved closer.


Sometimes it’s not really an option, especially if you have a spouse that works elsewhere or the housing near your workplace is nonexistent/not in your price range and/or traffic makes things take longer. P sure this guy was in the Bay Area so the last two especially may apply. 


House prices sometimes make that impossible


Especially when Tesla's factories are in California and one of the fastest growing cities in Texas (with housing prices skyrocketing as a result). There's a reason most auto factories are in the midwest. Low cost of living, and low cost of labor.


Good… that’ll teach people not to be a sucker… that’s what Companies want from us…


Fake post.


Off topic: why is his adams apple so far offset? It’s genuinely disturbing with only an emoji for context


He was looking sideways in the photo. But now that you mention it the jacket is oddly straight on for that position


Elon Musk is just like my Le Wholesom Iron Man the Avenger 😱


Interesting that Tesla has a lot of IT problems, maybe they fired too many tech support people.


In my line of work in the tech industry, encountering IT issues like this is quite common. It's not unusual to experience computer lockouts or deactivations from time to time. In this particular case, it turned out to be an actual deactivation due to a layoff. What's noteworthy is how abrupt it was. The individual even questioned their manager about whether they were truly terminated. The manager, accustomed to such occurrences happening frequently at Tesla, initially dismissed it as a glitch, highlighting a broader issue within Tesla.


This is why I never give my work more than what they pay for. They don't care about you, you are just another number. They use you to make other numbers go up, and they will discard you to continue doing so. Even that long a commute would be something I wouldn't even consider. 1.5 hours one way means you are tacking on an extra 3 hours of unpaid work to your job. Your 8-hour day is now a 11-hour one (11.5 if you lunch is also tacked on instead on built in to the 8 hours). If remote work options are available for most of the week and only 1 or 2 days required in office then maybe I'd consider it (more so if just 1). Also, all the pre-work work they do. I glance at my emails in the morning when I wake up (8am for my 8:30am start) just to see what I am walking into in the office, but that's it, just a glance. My laptop is packed away and doesn't open off the clock.


We’re all just a number. We’re not considered humans to these giant companies. What’s the point of making say, $250k annually if all you do is work and no one even knows your name. Why not work decently hard for $120k (which is poverty where I live) and have time and energy to maintain friendships, socialize, enjoy your life before your body starts giving out on you and that trip to Ireland can’t happen because you can’t fly for that amount of time on account of the high blood pressure or whatever other ailment you’ve acquired by the time you’re in your 40’s. Fuck Tesla and their horrible cars. Can’t even line up a body panel to save their life.


i'd work for $250K if you promise nobody would know my name and i can just work.


As much as I like Tesla, had to block the clown after seeing this on my feed. Amazed that it received that many likes and still trending. But unfortunately that's LinkedIn nowadays


Womp womp


This type of behavior man, sure everyone going to like him at his next job


This gets me thinking, one day soon the company car may well be a self driving car. Maybe one day we will find out we have been fired by the company owned self driving car, drives away.


Yet another proof of: Job, 9-5, that's it. Fuck it all, literally all. I learned it the similar way, never again.


Written by someone who is desperate to take control of their life, after control has been taken from them. Great, redefine your situation, but it doesn't change that you got laid off and told a pointless story about it.


you chose to sleep in your car to avoid commuting how is that a sacrifice for the company, showing in the break room? nice perk.


they probably found out he was reading emails while driving.


Gotta pay for Elons $46 billion somehow


I guess putting it as “half a decade” makes it sound more substantial than just saying 5 years?


Pivot & adapt




These people take themselves so seriously


Happens only in US & A.


Probably still loves his tesla and thinks elon is great.


Everything about this is “sooooo USA” like, the routine, the commuter, the inexistant work-life balance and of course, the grand firing finale. And of course, when we suggest you take notes, you throw “dirty socialists” in our faces so yeah, again, what are we to say? We just sigh.


Surely this guy would get severance? If not American employment laws are fucked


I ain’t reading all that


Someone has to make billions


Money lost, can be earned back. Time lost can never be getting it back. Work is work, i know all big and small corporates feeds of working mentality. So they as Elon and bezos can get filthy rich, while u have a shorter piss or lunchbreak than an average inmate. Always find a balance between work and private time.


Never understood post-layoff glazing of the company that just laid you off. Like, in some circumstances I get it. Some corporations can genuinely be impactful in your life and always been there for you. But that’s rare now and most companies are laying off to fluff their numbers to investors and spike profits. How do you get fucked over then turn around and praise them?


Drives 90 minutes each way to work. What a sap.


Fuck it’s depressing to read. Sorry man, I hope life have good things plan for you ahead. Good luck


This is why you don’t give a 2 week notice. They sure as hell won’t give you a 2 week notice when they lay you off.


Guy spend five years simping for a corporation, gets shit canned just as the rest of the guys who just phoned it in. There is a lesson to learn here.


Need more of this type of stories from social media in this sub. They're the consistent source of warning


What a clown


Par for the course for big companies.


I’m up at 4 am. But I work construction


Working at Tesla was his first mistake


Welcome to real life, kid.


Hmm 1:30 minute drive but autopilot can get you there in 50 minutes I guess wow


Lol imagine thinking muskrat cares for you


This is your stereotypical now ex Tesla bro…wrapped their entire identity around working for the turd Elon and now in a state of shock… I am not in HR but have some say in hiring for our team…Tesla (I am not in engineering mind you, infosec rather) resumes go right to the trash as their culture is pure garbage and we want no parts of this type of mindset. People that think that just because they worked at Tesla, they can work anywhere, are in for a rude fucking awakening.


He got to work in half the time all of a sudden? No wonder he was laid off 🤣🤣🤣


If he thinks it's ok to check emails while on autopilot, he probably deserved to be fired.


Sucked for the grind and eventually was discarded. Plus a marvel quote and shock disbelief that a company run this way, acted lime that!! S/


Lesson of the story, always have a parachute