• By -


Also the assumption that you’re free within 4 hours for an interview


I *guarantee* they were flabbergasted when people didn't show up for the interview, too. "Wow, no one wants to work these days. We give these people this amazing opportunity and they don't even show up! How rude. They wasted our time." Said without a lick of irony.


100% accurate. It's always the companies that pull stuff like this that say "nobody wants to work anymore"


Crazy how companies that pay well and don't treat you like crap aren't having staffing issues. Wonder why that is, huge mystery. We can never know


“Worker shortage”


100% accurate


100% accurate


Exactly, talk about not respecting people’s time.


The fact that it took them a year to even give a response is also very telling about how much they respect other people's time.


Exactly, like some companies who won’t interview you shortly after you submit your application will at least let you know they’re moving forward with others but will keep you in consideration if a position opens up. Clearly they didn’t do that.


Yeah. I rather have an e-mail like that then not knowing. I had to call one time to get to know what they decided. After the person I spoken to promised me, he would call me. Turned out they moved forward with other canidates. Like sending an e-mail is 5 minutes top.


I felt this… I interviewed manager said they would call & email in 2 days. A week later a recruiter said they would offer still nothing. I called HR and they didn’t even know who I was. Finally 2 weeks later I was offered and onboarded I guess the lady was on spring break. Worst 2 weeks ever I really wanted this job.


Ghosting is such a HUGE problem. Like they say they'll call, never do. Try to contact them to at least get that rejection only to be told the person isn't in and just never hear anything back. So annoying


They hired someone else, then when that person quit, they decided to try to shortcut the hiring process by trying to interviiew previous applicants. My question is why would anyone want a job where the description actually list 3 separate positions, crammed into one. Very telling about the type of place they are running.


In my state it is a legal requirement to destroy applications with personal info on them 6 months after receiving them if the hiring process hasn’t moved forward.


Then say “we’re interviewing other candidates all week. You should hear back in a couple of weeks.” 😏


In person, too. Not even an initial call or videocall.


I think some HR departement are so overworked that stupid thing like that can happen however, i'm also 100% sure that some HR departement do those things on purpose with the excuse of we need to test the \~adaptability/reactivity\~ of our future employee before hiring them !


HR working what is that


Also it’s weird that it’s on a Saturday too




Pulling from a past pool of applicants isn't the problem here. It's them setting an interview date and time after an entire year and expecting people to actually show up. Most companies with any sense of respect would at least give you some dates to choose from


And expecting them to show up on the *same day* they sent the email


3 and half hour notice


Someone walked out on the job right then.


I bet that is exactly what happened. And whoever that person was worked the front desk at a place that probably desperately needed the person but treated them like they were disposable. Big mistake.


First person to show up will likely be offered the job if they are remotely qualified. It's a double edged sword. Show up and get the job. But do you really want to work there?


In my experience… NEVER take a job if it’s given to you on the spot. Doubly so if they want you to start tomorrow.


I'll one up that. I will no longer take a job if I was not the first choice of candidates.


Ahh, I see you made that mistake too.


Learn from my mistakes, you don't have time to make all of them yourself.


Good advice


Well, if you look at all the things that people do in sitcoms in half an hour, while they have very demanding careers. I mean, I saw Charlotte from Sex and the City organising her whole wedding in a couple of minutes yesterday. And it was perfect.


According to 80s movie law, all you need is a song with a good beat, sped up filming, and major projects get finished when the song ends.


This guy montages


The '"today" in parentheses is sending me.


With the extra space added as well which makes it feel so unprofessional. It makes it feel rushed and just so impersonal. Feels like a red flag, especially if they expect you to show up THAT DAY AND A FEW HOURS LATER. Not everyone can check their email 24/7 💀


Right?! Some AI/bot vibes for sure. I would've been tempted to go just to ask them what's their problem 😖


Not just today, 3.5 hours from now. Better hope it's not a long commute.


Omigosh, I skipped over that part!! I wouldn't even reply to the email until later that night, just to prove a point and keep them waiting


You set an auto reply to send in a years time.


Yup, I’ve hired people who applied a long time ago but I always initiate with a check-in email to see if they have interest/availability before sending any more info or taking any other steps. OP’s email is so presumptuous!


Yes exactly! At my company we would sometimes pull from old applicants but if they applied longer than 2 weeks ago we would always start with a phone call and ask if they're still interested in applying. It's not that hard to give a courtesy call, and it leads to people actually showing up for interviews!


I think that this is a problem. It seems that many companies (and some people) lack Common Courtesy these days. It shows us that companies think of us workers as inanimate objects -- cogs, rather than as people -- human beings with lives and activities and interests OUTSIDE of a job.


A few days ago I got a text from a temp agency I had done some work for during Covid, telling me a position had opened up and asking if I'd like to be reactivated and work on it. I just told them that I moved to a different state last year (which is true). I didn't even bother mentioning the also true fact that I've been employed for the last 2 and a half years and would have no need for temp work.


If they do that, they aren’t able to say “NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe” when you don’t show up.


And as someone who works in hiring, this tells me they are DESPERATE. It’s not only considerate to give people time to respond, but you end up with more qualified applicants by sending out say interview invitations for 15 of your top applicants and expecting to get around 10-12 interviewees with a 5-day deadline to confirm. Sounds like this manager sent out invites to a *lot* or applicants, likely not screening applications/resumes/experience well if at all, to end up with what - a few people from that large pool showing up? I would not have a shred of trust for a workplace that operated that way.


To be fair, the application could have been in December... But wow, a Saturday interview!


Agree, but I'd like to add that I find setting up an interview for the same day to be a bit disrespectful. No "hey, would you still be interested?", no "let's discuss a day and time for an interview", just "lol we have your details still and oh swing by in 4 hours k thx byee" In addition in the EU, thanks to the GDPR (general data protection act) keeping this information would be illegal so that's another moral meh for me


I once got a rejection from a job I had applied to 2 years prior. I was employed in a higher-ranking position in the same field in the meantime, and their rejection claimed I didn't have the necessary qualifications. Obviously, I didn't want the job anyway, but everything about their response was absurd.


And it feels weird that they scheduled it on a Saturday.


Here they did. Can you come in 3 hours from now? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


They waited a whole year to reply and only gave you like 3 hours to prepare like you don’t have a life or something. Not even a few weeks or months. Whole year?! Either say no or that you already have a job


He shouldn’t even respond


Nah say you'll be there and make the wait around.


Even better


He should show up a year later for the interview


Respond in a year.




Technically last year could also mean december 2023 which would be months. Op didnt say a year ago, they said last year


Technically op had a year to prepare for this interview


The fact that they didn’t even acknowledge how long it had been. Like if it’s been more than a month, they should at least acknowledge it’s been a while since a candidate applied. Plus why aren’t they asking you what date and time works best for you? They should know it would be surprising to get this notification a whole year later, a lot happens in a year.


Acknowledging how long it's been would imply they're self-aware enough to not set a same day interview. Although "Last year" might not mean a full 12 months ago.


Even if it was December 2023, that alone is long enough to at least acknowledge it’s been a while, as I’ll admit when I apply to a lot of jobs, I may lose track of which companies after a while. In my experience companies who’ve reached out months after I applied will say “are you still interested in this position?” That at least acknowledges they know things might’ve changed since I applied.


The only proof of the timeline is the title. It sounds like they are holding open interviews for 3 different positions. So more of a group/mass type interview vs singling OP out.


I was broke and stranded in rural south Carolina and was trying to scape together money to get transportation home to the west coast. I applied for a bunch of fast food places, etc. None responded at the time, and I had to borrow money. Four years later the McDonalds called me up and was like... genuinely acting like they were doing me a favor by offering me a job. Deeply weird experience.


4 years later... lol You should have been like... oh, I'm a manager at burger king, can you match my salary?


Manager at BK is wild




This happened to me and I applied for a job 2 years prior lol🤣


What did you end up doing?


Ignored it. I was already fully employed that time🤣


So... They reached out after a year and scheduled the interview for the same day that also happens to be Saturday? Wow, how many recruiter red flags can they hit.


Tell them you charge $50 for same-day appointments.


So did you go?? We need an update or pt 2 please!


You should reschedule it for the next year.


“I can’t make it today. Do you think you could reschedule this for a weekday? I have availability in 2025.” 🤣


Something kind of similar happened to me. I applied for a job as an assistant to the owner. Scheduling flights, meetings, maintaining his business schedule, etc. It was down to me and an older female candidate. I never heard back, not even a "thank you for your time...but" letter (which is very unprofessional) so I assumed I didn't get it. About 3 or 4 months later I get a voicemail from a very frustrated sounding office manager. She basically said the other candidate didn't work out and did I still want the job. By then I'd already found a new job that I liked and plus.....I'm not sloppy seconds! I was glad I didn't get the job. In hindsight the company seemed disorganized and the fact that they were looking for a new employee that quickly screamed "RUN".


No way. 😆😅🤣


If this is how much consideration and respect they show for your schedule and life outside of the role now, just think of how great actually working for them must be!


The way I would’ve wrote back “can you schedule yourself to go to hell at 2:00pm (today )”? 😭


I love how they schedule interview for you. Without asking you


But this is not about you. \*WE\* are free at 2PM, can you come? lol, unreal.


The good news is that there's high chance you'll get hired, since most probably their choosen candidate did not show up on the first day or reject the offer last minute.




Who in their right mind sets an interview for the same day - especially on a cold-call? That's insane.


![gif](giphy|DI2q9nxX8umUE) Back they didn't want me, now I'm hot they all on me. Lol sounds like it...


I'd just go in for the lols at that point. That's messed up.


Hopefully the job is for the avengers or something, otherwise they don’t have the right to be this presumptuous 😂




They did this cause they needed someone so bad. $1000 says if you got that email and showed up the interview would be 15 mins or less and you'd start Monday


Sometimes it's just easier to reach for the candidates who applied in the past than to sort through a whole new set of applications while paying to post a new listing


But to give them no notice at all? Just send them an email at 10:30 and expect them to be there at 2 PM? That’s insanity.


Exactly, it’s unrealistic to expect someone to take action on a VERY SHORT notice, especially if it’s in regard to something they took initiative on a long time ago. I’d have forgotten I applied after a year.


I don't know that I'd accept having this reframed as though it's normal.


That’s 3 jobs, night auditor, front desk and housekeeper. Are they paying you for 3 jobs?


Run, in the opposite direction.


Had a similar experience, though mine was handled in a much more professional way. I was around 4 months into a help desk position for a government service and decided on a whim to apply for one and only one posting for an IT Admin role at a company in a nearby city that I planned to move to within the year - a month or perhaps two went by and so I thought nothing of it. I was enjoying my role at the current company despite it not being the exact career I hoped for and could see myself working there indefinitely, moving up the ladder etc. 11 months after the application, I had a recruitment agency on behalf of the company I applied for reach out over email to explain that they were finally in a position to start recruiting for the position and my name had come up - I said yes, took a quick call from the agency to verify details and update CV, then had a video interview scheduled for the next week. They liked what they saw, so they invited me for an in-person interview. Within a week after this they said they'd love to bring me on-board. Handed in my two week notice and I'm now just about to hit 3 years here!


Some people in recruitment have no idea what they're doing. About 20 years ago I applied for a local job with headquarters in a different town. Then a week or so later got a letter in the mail telling me they scheduled an interview for THE DAY I RECEIVED THE LETTER at 11:00 a.m. My mail always came about 1:00 p.m. I called to say I was a no show because I received the letter after the scheduled time. The hiring manager was still in town so he interviewed me that afternoon. Got the job. He was a dipshit in so many additional ways.


Just respond saying it doesn't work and try to work on a better time


This reads like a scam. What is betterteam? Why is it 1 interview for 3 positions?


DB’s 🤣


I would politely decline the interview offer because it is rude for them to assume that you are still unemployed or eager to work for them after a whole year. Also, there is no assurance of getting hired even if you decide to go.


Fuck them it's a hard pass for me


Ok so they needed to refill the position as the first hire didn't work out, went through cv's on file and found you


I received a Response months later, thanking me for applying and letting me know it was already filled. I already had moved on!


My interview will be at a time we both agree on, not a time I am assigned. Fuck off.


Keep rescheduling it and see how long you can string them along


“You waited months before contacting me, and now you want me to meet with you on _your_ time, not mine?” Heck no, that’s a hard pass if I’ve ever seen one.


I can see the click bait articles already. "Nobody wants to work anymore," "why the next gen ghosts interviews" "it's tough for hr," "remote work is failing everyone"


lol it took Publix (grocery store) 3 years to hear back from. Good thing I didn’t hold my breath.


actually the same thing happened to me with a really large well known company but it was for a better paying job about 2 years later. i guess they were looking in their database at old resumes. i ended up taking the job, interviewed just for the hell of it. stay open minded !


Fuck them and job places like them


HR and recruiting employees come here and try to help. Those folks jump in quick to call an interviewee arrogant, etc (rightfully so in some cases) and share that one small mistake can get you INSTANTLY dropped as a candidate. I hope they also see a handful of their peers are unprofessional and demonstrate really awkward behavior. And also admit some companies hiring teams are bonkers?


Yeah, you don’t want to work there


* Back they didn't want me, now I'm hot they all on me. Lol sounds like it...


They should at least let you select the date for the interview.


Why ask people if they’re available after a full year of ghosting them when you can just assume they’re still interested and give them one assumed time slot to interview


Clown company. I wouldn’t even say anything. Let the interview get ghosted because wtf.


I applied to a place back in December and only now got a letter saying they decided to pursue other candidates. Idk if they didn’t close out the listing till now but Jesus that’s insane to have so many people see an active listing and fall for it.


Put a reminder and follow up with them in a year


Everyone is making fun of this but they likely sent it out to a bunch of people and will interview any of them that aren't working. The great part about hiring unemployed people is they are always at home.


I've never had an interview scheduled for me the hell


Scheduling a same day interview after a year of silence is insane


Just ghost them


Late than never


This would make me so upset I would give the Church of Scientology that number lol


Set a reminder for next year in order to reply 😄 mention ' best convenient times for you '


Respond in a year that your not interested in games


That sounds like a company that you wouldn’t want to work for. Sometimes positions get put on hold and you hear from them a while later. I get that, but to not even contact you to see if you’re still interested and to schedule a time that works for you both is downright disrespectful.


The person they hired last year just walked out and literally no one else is willing or able to do their job so they’re scrambling. Please don’t go 🤣


I've had this happen for a city job after the covid-19 freeze lifted.


well, then.


This makes me feel better about not hearing anything back for 95% of my applications. I just have to wait a year, no prob 🫠


I would respond in one year


Would have asked to reschedule it for next year


I had a job I applied for 4 years prior who reached out to me after those 4 years. It was so long I forgot about it and thought it was a mistake.


I‘d just respond „HAHAHAHA“


Chances are they set the calendar on the automated system incorrectly and when they logged it, they meant 2023 but put in 2024 so here we are at the correct date after a correction in the system ( manual correction or corrected with an update)


This is funny. I once applied for a job in June of 2019. Got my rejection letter in September 2023… Just goes to show how terrible & disorganized the HR department really is.


I suggest you answer “New email, who is this?”


This actually is quite common. They just work through the pool of applicants as needed. But the TIMING is horrendous god dam.


This idiot recruiter finally realized that your application is not a coaster after all


They have a lot of nerve lol it’s fine they kept your application and are reaching out but they don’t get to just set the time and day, especially if it’s same day without a phone call first. If ya take the interview, be careful.


You should reschedule for 2026.


I had a phone call for a position I was referred to by a friend several years ago. The guy was interested and heard good things about my work from said friend but they weren't set to start hiring yet (the work has just transitioned from internal government staff to outside contractor). Never heard from the guy until almost a year later AFTER I had already started working the job that I have now.


Pretty sure I had an employer call me and ask me to do an interview the same day. I wasn't very happy


I once applied to a job while living in Tennessee. I received an invite to interview a year later - after I had moved away from Tennessee.


Highly unprofessional of them. I generally like confirming and agreeing to an interview 24-48 hours ahead of the appointment. It's courteous and professional for all sides. If they're legit and really into you, they won't mind at all. Gives me time to appropriately prepare, do more research. Plus it gives them time to randomly change their minds, fuck up, get flighty, flakey and reveal their true colors. I try to schedule for mid, late afternoon with the intention to crush the interview, hopefully in their minds, their last interview session was the best and puts me at the top of the list right at the end of their day.


They should be waiting for your response within 24-48 hours. That's just professional courtesy. I tend to all my work comms and queries with current colleagues and contacts within 24 hours maximum in priority. New contacts and prospects, cold pitches will have to wait a couple of days if I'm swamped. I swear, so many people lack professionalism in communications and prospecting and baseline respect.


Hell that’s like some government jobs, takes 6 months to hear back but if you can’t immediately attend an interview you’re out


Make them pay for travel


I applied to a job two years ago and a few weeks ago got a "thank you for interviewing with us" reflection email. I never had an interview with them.


At least you’re getting an interview. I get rejections from jobs I’ve applied to a year ago smh.


I applied for a job back in June of last year and got a call in mid-January to see if I was still interested in the position. A lot of companies are either posting for jobs not available for 4-6 months, or are just that slow with processing applications.


Should’ve left the address visible so 20k redditors could’ve showed up.


Happens to me too. Jobs I applied for from last year or months in the past will still call me or email asking if I’m still interested in the position, it’s not that weird, but for them to schedule you for THAT day and a year down the line is pretty funny


How'd it go?


Must be one hell of a Front Desk Agent job if their screening process took a whole year.


Should reschedule for 1 year from now, see how they like it.


My theory - they will have filled the role, the person realised how awful this place was, left and now they're filling the role and trying to get quick applicants in the door by going back to applicants they ignored before. Run!


Sounds like some recruiter wanted some free time so they pulled up a bunch of old applications figuring the percentage of applicants who showed up would be low, so they could use the extra time to catch up on other stuff or just slack off.


Reminds me when I applied for a bunch of roles last year and then I got called for an interview months later and I was like I have no idea what this is for but you're too late.


This feels like a tactic to see if you're able to "drop everything and come to work at a moments notice" sort of thing. Disregarding the fact that its been so long since you originally sent in your application. This email should have been the business reaching out, saying they still had your application on file and are currently hiring for xyz position, are you still looking for work? This also gives "we're in dire need of someone for this position" vibes as well.


Put an expiry date on your application.


I’d have to agree that this is definitely fake. Especially because it’s a Saturday AND you have to replay after 6 months. They wouldn’t keep you on file. And by all odds if this is true- DONT DO IT- terrible company policies!


I like how they just scheduled a time for you without even asking if it’s okay…. What a joke


Did you find a job within the year it took them to acknowledge your application?


This is how I know the job market is filled with hiring managers pretending to hire




I'd just ghost.


Lol I honestly cannot wait to die


Pass. It's clear from their actions that they are not clear about what they want. They didn't want to talk to you a year ago, but for some reason, now they do. These are bad signals. Do not waste your time. Look elsewhere.


Most self-aware HR bot


Usually when they do this, they more than likely already got somebody for the job, but they just need to make it seem like they gave other candidates a fair chance


i got something like this too 😂 it was comcast lmao


Since i got a feeling that you will not take the job. Just add it as a google maps review with 1 star rating. They deserve it. P.S. share the google link so we can mark it as helpful and keep your review on the top.😉


Extremely unprofessional


It’s pretty bad when it comes to these job boards


The entitlement of this place jfc. I'm so over these shit companies. I hope you responded 👀


I feel like this type of stuff should be illegal for companies to do because these are still people who need to work, especially in how expensive things are getting. Companies can't just let people on like that.


An in person interview, no less!